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Directions: Choose the word which is the most nearly similar to the word in capital letters.

1. ABOLISH: 2. ACCLAIM: 3. ADEPT: 4. AMBIGUOUS: 5. ARTICULATE: 6. Crestfallen: 7. Conscientious: 8. Clandestine: these 6. AUTHENTIC: 7. ARCHAIC: 8. ALIENATE: 9. AGILE: 10. AMELIORATE: 11. Benevolent: these 12. Candid: 13. Bona fide: 14. Complacent: 15. Copious: a. Support a. Denunciate a. Yielding a. Dubious a. Mumble a. elated a. licentious a. secret b. create c. dislike d. cancel e. None of these b. dishonor c. applaud d. reverence e. None of these b. Flexible c. silly d. stupid e. None of these b. clear c. lucid d. churlish e. None of these b. enunciate c. stummer d. shrewd e. None of these b. delighted c. downcast d. pleased e. None of these b. reprobate c. skimpy d. upright e. None of these b. open c. frank d. cool e. None of

Directions: Choose the word which is the most nearly similar to the word in capital letters.
a. Accurate a. Antiquated a. make hostile a. Nimble a. Deteriorate a. Beneficent a. Nave a. Genuine a. affable a. Meager b. reliable b. obsolete b. estrange b. Clumsy b. improve b. kind b. Frank b. authentic b. churlish b. plentiful c. arid c. ancient c. separate c. active c. get better c. charitable c. artful c. real c. enormous c. abundant d. spurious d. old d. reunite d. lively d. separate d. cruel d. fair d. counterfeit d. pleased d. profuse e. None of these e. None of these e. None of these e. None of these e. None of these e. None of e. None of these e. None of these e. None of these e. None of these

Directions: Choose the word which is the most nearly similar to the word in capital letters.
11. King Midas is a perfect example of ________ for he was so greedy that he wished everything he touched would turn to gold. a. antipathy b. avarice c. augment d. affront e. None of these 12. Foreigners are amazed by the _______ and luxury of the American way of life. a. aversion b. advocacy c. affluence d. acquisition e. None of these 13. This should ________ the pain; if it does not, we shall have to use stronger drugs. a. alleviate b. agitate c. ameliorate d. abominate e. None of these 14. The ________ odor of burnt gunpowder filled the room after the pistol had been fired. a. arid b. acrid c. absurd d. adoration e. none of these 15. His success in this role marked the ______of his career as an actor. a. acclaim b. augment c. acme d. adverse e. None of these 16. His __________ disposition alienated his friends. a. Benevolent b. bellicose c. candid d. choleric e. None of these 17. The appearance of the sun after the many rainy days was like a ________. a. calamity b. compensation c. clemency d. benediction e. None of these 18. Prova was __________ too; she changed boyfriends almost as often as she changed cloths. a. clumsy b. capricious c. competent d. cryptic e. None of these 19. The senator was _________ for behavior inappropriate to a member of Congress. a. censured b. concealed c. corroborated d. cramped e. None of these 20. Despite all the evidence Mumu had assembled, Wares refused to _______ that she was right. a. confess b. comprehend c. concede d. beguile e. None of these 3. While imports are restrained by barriers, exports are encouraged through __________. (a) Bargaining (b) lowering prices (c) subsidies (d) advertising (e) delaing 7. People living in the border areas of Bangladesh are often _________ by the security forces. (a) inspired (b) frightened (c) attracted (d) encouraged (e) attacked

9. The manager tried to retain control of the situation in the enterprise, but his attempt was ________ by the trade union leaders. (a) frustrated (b) justified (c) witnessed (d) disclosed (e) endorsed. 10. The store owner said that he would not be ________ for damages if the appliance was improperly installed. (a) depressed (b) delivered (c) responsible (d) attenuated (e) repaired 12. Each political party has traditionally viewed the constitution in light of its own________. (a) decision (b) mission (c) vision (d) philosophy (e) concept 16. The result of the test was ____________. (a) clear (b) surprising (c) doubtful (d) illegal (e) vague 19. A good entrepreneur starts a business with ___________ and _____________. (a) quality, product (b) commitment, responsibility (c) courage, energy 21. Money __________ to a potential campaign should be used for political purposes and nothing else. (a) attracted (b) forwarded (c) contributed (d) donated (e) channeled 23. The politicians speech was ___________, overflowing with praise for the work he has done for his constituency. (a) credible (b) sensitive (c) legitimate (d) effusive (e) obligatory 24. Learners of language often fail to __________ between unfamiliar sounds in that language. (a) understand (b) differ (c) separate (d) distinguish (e) solve 25. The intrusion of culture is seen by many as a ________ to our national cultural identity. (a) threat (b) progress (c) prestige (d) decorum (e) blemish 26. Online banking enables the banks to _________ customer cheques at the counter of any of the banks branches regardless of the branch with which he or she maintains the account. (a) credit (b) debit (c) honor (d) endorse (e) pay 27. Micro credit ahs been serving the purpose of the poor borrowers who cannot provide __________ (a) collateral (b) money (c) repayment (d) loan (e) interest 32. The research is so _____________ that it leaves no part of the issue unexplained. (a) comprehensive (b) regarding (c) sporadic (d) economical (e) problematic 44. There is a close _________ among many European languages. (a) vicinity (b) sagacity (c) affinity (d) rotundity (e) None of these 45. A debater must present__________ arguments to win his/her point. (a) providential (b) rampant (c) convincing (d) concurrent (e) None of these 4. ____ by nature, Jones spoke very little even to his own family members. A. garrulous (evPvj, AwZfvlx) B. equivocal (_evaK) C. taciturn (^fvlx; gbx) D. arrogant (DZ, AnsKvix) E. gregarious (wgK, mvgvwRK, mwcq) 6. The peasants (KlKMY) were the least ____ of all people, bound by tradition (HwZn) and ____ by superstitions (Kzmsvi). A. free (gy) fettered (cvqi ewohy) B. enfranchised (fvUvwaKvi w`qQ) rejected (Dcv KiQ, ev` w`qQ) C. enthralled (`vmZ cwiYZ KiQ) tied (evuav) D. pinioned (`uvZIqvjv QvU PvKv wekl) limited (mxwgZ, mxgve) E. conventional (c_vMZ, mvgvwRK, MZvbyMwZK) encumbered (evauvM KiQ) 11. The conclusion of his argument, while ____ , is far from ____ . A. stimulating (DRbvKi) interesting (gRv`vi, wPvKlK) B. worthwhile (hvM) valueless (e`vgx, g~jnxb) C. esoteric (M~p, ) obscure (AKvigq, A, ALvZ) D. germane (h_vh_, cvmwK) relevant (cvmwK) E. abstruse (`yeva, RwUj) incomprehensible (aviYvZxZ)

14. Archaeology is a poor profession; only ____ sums are available for excavating (Lbb Kiv)sites and even more ____ amounts for preserving the excavations. A. paltry (ZzQ, bMb) meager (Kk, ivMv) B. miniscule substantial (cPzi cwigvb, gReyZfve MwVZ, cKZ, evweK) C. average (Mo) augmented (ewaZ KiQ, evwoqQ) D. judicious (mywePvic~Y, wePvieywmb wePY) penurious (KcY, bxPz) E. modest (f`, bg) generous (D`vi, `vbkxj) 15. The student was extremely foolhardy Mvqvi-Mvwe`, nVKvix); he had the ____ to question the senior professor's judgment. A. wisdom (vb, cvwZ, wePYZv, cv) B. temerity (nVKvwiZv) C. interest (AvMn) D. trepidation (Kvucywb) E. condescension (Aab ewi cwZ mRb cKvk) 16. The formerly ____ waters of the lake have been polluted so that the fish are no longer visible from the surface. A. muddy (K`gv) B. tranquil (kv, mywi) C. stagnant mvZnxb, e) D. pellucid (^Q, wbgj) E. rancid 21. Corruption is ____ in our society; the integrity (mvayZv, c~YZv) of even senior officials is ____ . A. growing (geagvb) unquestioned (ckvZxZ) B. endangered (wecb, wec`M) disputed (weZwKZ) C. pervasive (AbycekceY, evwkxj)- intact (A, Am~Y) D. rare (weij) corrupted (`ybxwZM) E. rife (cPwjZ, cwiev) suspect (Awekvm Kiv, m`n Kiv, Acivax gb Kiv) 24. Our grandfather was an entertaining (Avgv`RbK, wPwebv`bKvix) ____; he used to ____ us with marvelous (PgrKvi, weqKi) anecdotes (QvU Kvwnbx) that we, in our childlike simplicity (mijZv, AKcUZv), accepted unquestioningly. A. rascal (cvRx ev e`gvk jvK) bore (wQ` Kiv) B. orator (evMx) intimidate (fxZ Kiv, fq `Lvbv) C. raconteur (M K_K) regale (Zwi mwnZ cvbfvRb Kiv ev Kivbv) D. curmudgeon surprise (weq, PgK) E. tyrant (AZvPvix kvmK, cRvcxoK, ) - stupefy (nZeyw Kiv) 25. He was treated like a ____ and cast out from his community. A. ascetic (KVvi AvZ mshgx, Zc^x, mbvmx) B. prodigy (weqRbK e ev evcvi, AmvaviY kwmb ew) C. prodigal (Aceqx, AwgZeqx) D. pariah (mvgvwRKfve eiLv, GKNiv, Ack, Pvj) E. tyro (wkvbwek) Hugo Bart Hughes, ___________, is considered the father of the modern trepanation movement. a. who became a medical student in Amsterdam in the 1960s b. which became a medical student in Amsterdam in the 1960s c. who were a medical student in Amsterdam in the 1960s d. that is a medical student in Amsterdam in the 1960s e. None of these.

The movie The Wizardof Oz, _______ is taken from the book of the same name, has been a childrens favorite for years. a. the title of which b. which title c. thats title d. the title of that e. None of these Musical concerts, _________ popular music of various kinds , have become one of the most common forms of entertainment in the United States. a. to feature b. feature c. which featuring d. which feature e. None of these Some literary critics felt Pearl Buck, _______ the daughter of missionaries, allowed her upbringing to interfere with her objectivity as a writer. a. who b. had been c. who was d. being one e. None of these The primary symptoms of tinnitus are intermittent headaches and _________. a. to ring in the ears b. a ringing in the ears c. in the ears ring d. the ringings in ear e. None of these Every few years, changes in the legal profession force the American Bar Association ________ its curriculum guidelines. a. rewriting b. to rewrite c. rewrite of d. for to rewrite e. None of these In 1892, Dr. James Naismith invented the game of basketball ________ college students with exercise during the winter months. a. provide b. for providing c. to have provided d. to provide e. None of these _______ steel, iron must be alloyed with a small amount of carbon. a. Forming b. to form c. it forms d. to be formed e. None of these During a fire, _________ may help prevent injury due to smoke inhalation. a. to keep low ground b. keeping low to the ground c. low to the ground keeping d. keeping low to the ground, that e. None of these. ___________ in many colleges and universities, Latin is no longer spoken as an everyday tongue. a. Although they are still studied b. Although he is still studied c. Although this still studies d. Although it is still studied e. None of these Most labor unions provide insurance benefits _________. a. at your members b. in they members c. for their members d. for its members Many people hate to eat in restaurants by ________. a. themselves b. theirselves c. himself d. ourselves e. None of these e. None of these

Scientists have discovered a similarity between ______ chocolate and love affect ones body chemistry. a. the way b. a way which c. which way d. the ways that e. None of these Real estate prices in New York, like those of many other major cities have declined _________. a. over the few years b. over the past few years c. over less years d. over the past few year e. None of these _______ have amphibious attributes, although not all are amphibians. a. Much quadrupeds b. More quadrupeds c. Many quadrupeds d. A quadruped 18. We resented him coming to our meeting and criticizing our efforts because he had e. None of these

A B C ignored our requests for assistance up to that time. No error. D E 31. Last night we highly enjoyed the drama; it was so beautifully performed that the imaginary, fantastic A B C plot with all their actors and actresses seemed to be a reality. No error. D E 33. Everybody but him has paid their dues; now we have to think about whether to penalize them. No error. A B C D E 34. Every father in our countries hopes that their children will become good people in the future but very A B C D few become good actually. No error. E 35. If you work sincerely and hard one will soon find that success in not actually unattainable. No error. A B C D E 37. When we arrived at the work place in order to observe how things were going, some of them sitting idle A B C D and gossiping together soon got up and began to work. No error. E 40. A barometer is a device it is used to measure atmospheric pressure. No error. A B C D E 41. Less tornadoes have occurred in Alaska and Rhode Island than in any other state. No error. A B C D E 42. The Swahili language is only one of about two thousands that are spoken on the African continent. No error. A B C D E 43. Niels, Bohr, Ernest Rutherford, and another experimental physicists were responsible for the development A B of quantum physics in the early twentieth century. No error. C D E 44. The most renowned of the extinct carnivorous dinosaurs the Tyrannosaurs rex walked on two foot and had A B C two small, stunted arms. No error. D E 45. Underneath thousands of years of earth and dirt, undiscovered treasure of the past are hidden. No error. A B C D E 46. Much American Indians in California lived in small villages and ate primarily wild plants, seeds, and nurs. A B C D No error. E 47. Many liberal politicians are dissatisfied with economic programs that control inflation by increasing A B C unemployment in order causing recession. No error. D E 1. Blake is among the very few individuals who critics regard as genuinely significant in the history of both art and literature. a. who critics regard as genuinely significant in the history of both b. whom critics regard as genuinely significant in the history of both c. whom critics regard as genuinely significant both in the history of d. who critics regard as genuinely significant both in the history of e. who is regarded by critics as genuinely significant in the history of both

2. He interviewed several candidates who he thought had the experience and qualifications the position required. a. who he thought b. whom he thought c. of whom he thought d. he thought who e. which he thought 3. If anyone calls while we are in conference, tell them that I will return their call after the meeting. a. them that I will return their call after the meeting b. him or her that I will return their call after the meeting c. them that I would return their call after the meeting d. the persons that I will return the call after the meeting e. him or her that I would return the call after the meeting is over 4. If some Americans look at where they are going, it can be seen that our goal is money. a. look at where they are going, it can be seen that our goal b. look back at where they are going, they see that their goal c. look ahead to where they are going, it can be seen that their goal d. look at where they are going, they can see our goal e. look ahead to where they are going, they can see their goal 5. The Presidents talk was directed toward whomever was present. a. was directed toward whomever was present b. was directed toward whoever was present c. was directed at who was present d. was directed at whomever was present e. was directed towards whomever was present 6. The governments failing to keep its pledges will earn the distrust of all the other nations in the alliance. a. governments failing to keep its pledges b. government failing to keep its pledges c. governments failing to keep its pledges d. government failing to keep its pledges e. governments failing to keep their pledges 7. When one eats in Sea Shell, you often find that the prices are high and that the food is poorly prepared. a. When one eats in Sea Shell, you often find b. When you eats in Sea Shell, one often find c. As you eat in Sea Shell, you often find d. If you eat in Sea Shell, you often find e. When one ate in Sea Shell, he often found 8. Ever since the bombing of Cambodia there has been much opposition from they who maintain that it was an unauthorized war. a. from they who maintain that it was an unauthorized war b. from they who maintain that it had been an unauthorized war c. from those who maintain that it was an unauthorized war d. from they maintaining that it was unauthorized e. from they maintaining that it had been unauthorized 9. Except for you and I, everyone brought a present to the party. a. Except for you and I, everyone brought b. With exception of you and I, everyone brought c. Except for you and I, everyone had brought

d. Except for you and me, everyone brought e. Except for you and me, everyone had brought 10. The football teams winning its first game of the season excited the student body. a. The football teams winning its first game of the season b. The football team having won its first game of the season c. The football teams having won its first game of the season d. The football teams winning its first game of the season e. The football team winning its first game of the season 67. Choose the correct sentence: a. You, me and Mumu will be punished. b. You, Mumu and I will be punished c. Mumu, you and I will be punished d. I, You and Mumu will be punished e. None of these 68. Choose the correct sentence: a. It is I who is responsible for this. b. It is me whom is responsible for this c. It is me whom am responsible for this d. It is I who am responsible for this e. None of these 69. Choose the correct sentence: a. Neither of them are experts on the subject. b. Neither of they are experts on the subject c. Neither of them is an expert on the subject d. Neither of them is experts on the subject e. None of these 70. Choose the correct sentence: a. I am not one of those who believes everything I hear. b. I am not one of those who believe everything they hear. c. I am not one of those who believes everything he hears. d. I am not one of those who believe everything one hear. e. None of these 71. Choose the correct sentence: a. None of us were comfortable with what was happening. b. None of us was comfortable with what was happening. c. None among us were comfortable with what was happening. d. None amongst us were comfortable with what was happening. e. None of these

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