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Aproveite, faa seu cadastro na Holland Alumni Network

Pre-departure briefing

Nuffic Neso Brazil 01/07/2013


Impression of the Netherlands

Before departure
Arrival in the Netherlands Life and study in the Netherlands After graduation Holland Alumni Network HAN Brazil

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

An impression of the Netherlands

The country
Gateway to Europe
Weather People Religion Tourism

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Travelling through Europe

Schengen possibilities Transportation options

Cities to visit: London Brussels Berlin Rome Paris Barcelona And many more..

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

The weather

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

The Dutch
Forthright way of communication Values (truth, time orientation, yes-no, independent, friendship) Calvinism (hard work, sober, no-nonsense) Mindset You can do it yourself Punctual Privacy is important Announce your visit Male/female equality There are many churches, temples, mosques, synagogues, prayers rooms and ethnics markets available to respect your religion.
Impression Before departure Arrival Life and study in the Netherlands After graduation HAN Brazil

Top 10 tourist destinations

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Van Gogh Museum House of Anne Frank Rijksmuseum Amsterdam Keukenhof Delft (historic city centre) Krller-Mller Museum Delfshaven Madurodam (Holland in miniature) Kinderdijk (famous windmills) Archeon (technology museum)

Impression of the Netherlands

Before departure
Arrival in the Netherlands Life and study in the Netherlands After graduation Holland Alumni Network HAN Brazil

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Before your departure

Arrange your documents! Collect your passport and visa from the Dutch embassy Check validity of date of entry on your visa

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Valid passport, entry visa, and birth certificate Marriage certificate (if applicable) Medical insurance

Diplomas or certificates you already possess

Admission letter + tuition fee receipts Scholarship letter (if applicable) Evidence you have enough money to stay Housing contract (if applicable)

Address of university, telephone number of your contact person at the university

Tools like cell phone, laptop, camera (and dont forget the chargers) Summer and winter clothes Medicine (check with the airport the medicine you are allowed to take)
Take both original and duplicated copies of these documents!
Impression Before departure Arrival Life and study in the Netherlands After graduation HAN Brazil

Booking a flight
Book your ticket (return) Dutch Company KLM Luggage: Check the air company luggage allowance (baggage and hand bag) Observe rules for liquids, creams, gels, aerosol cans and certain sharp or explosive objects in hand bag

For on the plane, in your hand luggage Some cash (there are cash machines in the arrivals hall at Schiphol airport) Medical records, prescriptions for any medication Important documents

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Impression of the Netherlands

Before departure
Arrival in the Netherlands Life and study in the Netherlands After graduation Holland Alumni Network HAN Brazil

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Arrival at Schiphol Airport

Passport control: show them your passport & visa, admission letter, return ticket and evidence of finance Pick up your luggage Are you being picked up at the airport? If not, head for the airport train station and buy a ticket for your destination train information can be checked on

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Important things to do upon your arrival

Register at the Dutch institution / international office The institution will assist you to register at the town hall/immigration service register with IND for the temporary residence permit make an appointment with GGD for the TBC health check

open a Dutch bank account

Dont forget to register with your own embassy!

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

More things to do
Open a bank account (ABN-AMRO, Rabobank, ING, and more) Dont forget to bring passport & visa, residence permit, address in the Netherlands Arrange your housing Buy a mobile phone (T-Mobile, Vodafone, KPN, Orange, Tele2 and more)

Get a (second hand) bicycle!

Impression Before departure Arrival Life and study in the Netherlands After graduation HAN Brazil

Student housing
In a student room: a shared house, with other students On-campus (but not common) Ask the help of your institution!

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Impression of the Netherlands

Before departure
Arrival in the Netherlands Life and study in the Netherlands After graduation Holland Alumni Network HAN Brazil

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Study in the Netherlands

Different education system

Different teaching style

Education shock?!

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Code of Conduct (CoC)

Guarantee of the education quality in the Netherlands

Condition to recruit international students

Responsible organization: DUO List of Dutch institutions that signed the CoC Complaint: ask the CoC contact person at your host institution

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Academic year
From September til June (42 weeks) Semesters (4 months), trimesters (3 months) and blocks (6 weeks) At the research universities, there is usually a formal ceremony to mark the start of the academic year

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Different types of lectures Independent, problem-based learning Practical assignments Group assignments and self-study Work experience (internship) Research Essays, exams Interactive Students are expected to be assertive, be able to work independently and develop a critical opinion.

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Assessment, grading and credits

Exams will consist of questions that ask to reproduce knowledge but also questions that ask for application, combining, criticizing and concluding. Exams can be closed book or open book. Most students get a mark between 6/60 and 8/80. Grading is absolute with a fixed minimum score for passing. Rules are rules. Norms for grading and assessment regulations are hardly ever deviated from. European Credit Transfer System 1 ECTS = 28 hours of work Grading scale 1 (very poor) 10 (outstanding) Lowest passing grade is 6 Difficult to score a 10!

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Relation teacher-student
formal --------------------------------------------x------- informal equal ----x----------------------------------------------- hierarchical

There is limited distance between teachers and students. Dutch teachers are informal. They allow students to call them by their first name. A teacher is very accessible and tends to be a true interlocutor for his/her students.

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Relation between students

individualists -------------x------------------------------------- group

Dutch students socialize with each other in study/student associations, sports clubs etc. It may seem that friendships with Dutch students are less easy to establish compared to other countries. It is less common to eat together, or visit each others houses. However, being part of an international classroom and/or living in students houses offers students the chance to meet students from all over the world

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Interaction in classroom
one way -------------------------------------------x--------- two way communication communication

In an international classroom it can be difficult to understand each others English. For example, a student from Ghana can speak English in an entirely different way compared to a student from Mexico. Lecturers raise questions to students and the other way round, discussion is stimulated. Team work as a method to learn from each other.

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Direction of the learning process

lecturer ---------------------------------------x----------- student

There is less focus on the reproduction of knowledge. Students need to develop and express their own opinions and creativity in applying their newly acquired knowledge. Students are expected to study actively and independently. Lectures are often not compulsory. Mix between detailed instructions and open assignments.

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Aim of the learning process

understanding ----------------------------------------x------------ professional of theory and/or academic skills

Memorizing and understanding are seen as valuable but only as the first step of learning. More emphasis is put on development of academic and/or professional skills. Students are expected to use the knowledge (applying, combining, selecting, and concluding) and develop an own opinion and critical attitude towards knowledge. For most Dutch students getting a passing grade is sufficient (6). Dutch students are more process-oriented (knowing how to apply their newly acquired knowledge) instead of result driven (getting the highest grade for an exam).

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Use of resources
many ------x------------------------------------------------ few

International students will have to get used of the specific resources that they have at their disposal in the Netherlands like for instance Blackboard i.e. the online learning community/environment used by many Dutch higher education institutions. Students are expected to have basic practical skills already (computer skills, lab skills, field skills) Lectures are used to introduce the topic; not to present all content. More compulsory and recommended literature available than students can study in the time available. Students are expected to have skills in selecting literature and selecting the relevant sections for detailed study.

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Education shock
Dutch education style can differ from the style at home You bring a set of values and expectations from your own country, culture and education The difference can result in frustration, feeling offended and fear at first Start with an open mind and postpone judgement!

(Source: Ieneke ten Dam)

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Student life in the Netherlands

Welcome reception for international students Where to buy food? Shopping Transportation Networking Visiting people Not feeling well? Public holidays

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Welcome reception
Dutch institutions organize welcome receptions for international students.

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Culture shock
1. Tourist phase / honeymoon

2. I-hate-this country phase

3. Adjustment phase 4. Mastery phase

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Culture shock symptoms

Angry about minor inconveniences Irritability Withdrawal from people who are different from you Extreme homesickness Sudden intense feeling of loyalty to own culture or groups Overeating or loss of appetite Boredom A need for excessive sleep Feeling sick often (headaches, stomach aches) Depression Loss of ability to work or study effectively Unexplained crying Marital or relationship stress Exaggerated cleanliness
Impression Before departure Arrival Life and study in the Netherlands After graduation HAN Brazil

How to overcome a culture shock

Hang out with people/friends Join the sports club at your institution or in town Join a student club In case of difficulty: contact student counselor Stay in touch with your family and friends

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Not feeling well?

Health insurance: valid from date of departure Dont forget to extend the policy beyond the end date of your enrolment Basic medicines (paracetamol) available at supermarkets and drug stores Otherwise go to a GP or family doctor (huisarts) Diagnosis

Go to a pharmacy (apotheek) for medicines

In case of an emergency: Call 112 (police, fire, ambulance)


Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Visiting people
Dutch tend not like spontaneous or unannounced visits Coffee is always ready to be served! Gift for your host: flowers, cookies or chocolates

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

City centre Shopping etiquette Take a shopping bag with you Paying in cash/by chipknip/pin

Bargaining is not customary Eye contact and greetings In general: Monday to Friday 9:00 - 18:00 hrs, Saturday 9:00-17.00 hrs Koopavond - late night shopping: one evening each week shops close at 21:00 hrs (Thursday or Friday)

Koopzondag Sunday trading: shops sometimes open on Sundays.

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Where to buy food?

Buy food at the supermarket (Aldi, Lidl and Bas = relatively cheap) (Albert Heijn, C1000, Super de Boer = relatively expensive) Some supermarkets are open from 8:00 hrs till 22:00 hrs Avondwinkel: shops that are open till late at night from 22.00-6.00 hrs (expensive!) Ethnic shops such as Asian (Indonesian, Vietnamese, Chinese, Thai) Moroccan, Japanese, Indian etc. Open air market: 1 or 2 times a week University canteens Restaurants (some expensive), some cafes offer cheap dagmenus Dutch food

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Dutch food
Dutch way of eating: one hot meal a day (lunch or dinner) Typical Dutch food

Bicycle Train Tram/bus Metro (Amsterdam & Rotterdam) Taxi very expensive OV-card

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Buy a second hand bicycle (25 - 100)

Always lock your bike and switch your lights on at night. Preferably attach your bike to a bike stand, railing, lamppost, etc.
Observe the traffic rules. Ride carefully!

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Public holidays and traditions

1 29 31 1

January March March April

New Years Day Good Friday Easter Easter

4 5 9 19-20 17 5 25-26

May May May May September December December

Queens Day*
Remembrance Day Liberation Day Ascension Day Whitsun (Pentecost) Prinsjesdag Sinterklaas Christmas
Life and study in the Netherlands After graduation HAN Brazil

Impression Before departure Arrival

Student life
Member of a club or association Member of sports club Hang out Terrace culture

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Costs of living & part-time job

Life and study in Holland 800 - 1,100 a month (total expenses) Two job options: 1. 10 hours a week, all year round 2. Full-time during June, July and August only If you dont work officially (zwart werk), you are not covered by insurance Employers are not always willing to apply for the work permit for international students, which makes it difficult to find a legal part-time job in the Netherlands We dont recommend working while studying

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Get together with other students to cook an international dinner Make a schedule for household chores, like cleaning and doing the dishes Respect each others culture and customs Try to get engaged in activities with other students at your institution or in your city. Useful websites and Dos

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Brazilian Embassy in The Hague Brazilian Consulate in Rotterdam Dutch Ministry of foreign affairs Dutch government immigration website International Students Aduana Holandesa Insurance Nuffic (Study in Holland, Nuffic Neso Brazil and HAN Brazil) Cincia sem Fronteiras MRE Brasileiros no Mundo http://www.brasileirosnomundo.itamara MTE Brasileiras e Brasileiros no exterior informaes teis asil

Impression of the Netherlands

Before departure
Arrival in the Netherlands Life and study in the Netherlands After graduation Holland Alumni Network HAN Brazil

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

After graduation

Dont forget to have your degree certificate authenticated!

Legalizing your degree

DUO IB-groep Diploma Recognition & Legalization Dept. DUO IB-groep has been appointed by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science to keep track of who can issue what degrees, and who can sign them. Check the information on their abroad/Legalizing/s10_Legalizing.asp.

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

You will need three stamps for legalization: One from DUO IB-Groep Legalize signature One from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Provide official translation One from the Embassy (or Consulate) of your country in the Netherlands Legalize signature and Dutch procedure

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Job opportunities

The 12-month search year Work as a highly skilled migrant Job agency for international students and graudates in the Netherlands

Dont forget to join in the Holland Alumni Network after your study!

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Impression of the Netherlands

Before departure
Arrival in the Netherlands Life and study in the Netherlands After graduation Holland Alumni Network HAN Brazil

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

HAN Brazil

Part of the global platform Started its activities in november 2010 Site: FB Page:

Statistics: 1000 + registered alumni 2000 Facebook fans

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

HAN Brazil

Main activities: - Promote the interaction among alumni as well as between future students; - Hold events focused on networking and professional qualification;

- Centralize communication between Nuffic, DHEI, alumni and Dutch companies;

Impression Before departure Arrival

Life and study in the Netherlands

After graduation

HAN Brazil

Good luck and the best of success with your study programme in Holland!

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