Natural Disasters Day 3 & 4

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Natural Disaster Unit Day 3 Grade: 4th Overview of Lesson: Today, students will be in the computer lab for

15 minutes continuing their research on the Natural Disaster of their choice. After the 15 minutes, students will put their research into a one page summary. Standards:

W.4.4 - Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization
are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience L.4.1 - Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. Language Objectives: Students will write a one page paper with an introduction, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion on their natural disaster using the information they found from the previous days. Content Objectives: SWBAT organize their findings into a well-constructed one page summary with the use of proper conventions. Materials: Internet Computers Pencils/Pens Paper


1. Lesson will begin in the computer lab. TW give students 15 minutes to continue their research on their Natural Disaster. 2. Teacher will continue to walk around and make sure students are doing okay. 3. After the 15 minutes, we will return to the class. Here, students will begin to put their notes into a one page summary. The summary must consist of an introduction, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion. 4. The teacher will be informally assessing how well their students are doing. If students are having any troubles, the teacher will be there to help them. 5. Students will be putting together their summary for the remainder of the time. 6. Students may hold on to their summaries to help them with their fictional story, or turn them in. Modifications: Teacher will continue to give extra assistance to those who are struggling.

Natural Disaster Unit Day 4

Grade: 4th Overview of Lesson: Today, students will begin writing their fictional story about the Natural Disaster they have chosen. Standards:

W.4.3 - Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using

effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences. L.4.1 - Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. Language Objectives: Students will write a fictional story involving the natural disaster they have researched. They must include jargon related to their topic. Content Objectives: SWBAT use proper conventions to support their narratives.

Materials: One page summary Pencils/Pens Paper 5 large sheets of paper Markers


This lesson will start with a game called Carousel Brainstorming. There will be 5 large sheets of paper spread out across the room. Each paper will have one of the five Natural Disasters titled at the top. The class will be split into 5 total groups. On the teachers go, the class will neatly write as much information as they can about the Natural Disaster that is listed on the sheet. Students will have roughly 2 minutes at the sheet. When the teacher says stop, students will put down their writing utensils, and rotate to another sheet. Once each group has had the chance to write on every sheet, students will go back to their seats.


The teacher will hang all 5 sheets on the board. Students can use these as references as they begin to write their fictional story.


SW begin to write their fictional story. Students are to create a story that involves their Natural Disaster. For example, if my Natural Disaster is a hurricane, I can write a story about a time I was caught in a hurricane. Students are expected to use proper conventions and include jargon in their stories. Students will be encouraged to be as creative as possible.


SW be working on this for the remainder of the day. TW be walking around the class helping students as needed.

Modifications: Teacher will pull aside any lower-level students and give them ideas to write about for their fictional story.

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