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Natural Disaster Unit Day 5

Grade: 4th Overview of Lesson: Today, students will continue to put together their fictional story. Standards:

W.4.3 - Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using

effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences. L.4.1 - Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. Language Objectives: Students will write a fictional story involving the natural disaster they have researched. They must include jargon related to their topic. Content Objectives: SWBAT use proper conventions to support their narratives.

Materials: Paper Pencils 5 large sheets of paper for reference One page summary for reference


SW begin lesson by doing a talking chips. SW discuss how their fictional story is coming along. SW be encouraged to share ideas. This will last for roughly 5 minutes.


After talking chips, SW continue to work on their fictional story. Students need to spend the remainder of this time working on their story and finishing it. If students do not finish their story, they may take it home over the weekend to finish it.

Modifications: Teacher will continue to monitor any students who might be struggling. There will be a lot of walking around on the teachers part to monitor student progress.

Natural Disaster Unit Day 6

Grade: 4th Overview of Lesson: Students will be sharing with their groups either their one page summary or fictional story. Standards: SL.4.4 - Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience in an organized manner, using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes; speak clearly at an understandable pace. Language Objectives: Students will share with their group either their one page summary or narrative.

Content Objectives: Students will select which of their papers they would like to share and present to their group. Materials: One page summary Pencils/Pens Paper 5 large sheets of paper Fictional Story

Procedure: 3. Students will have 5 minutes to make any last final touches on their story.

4. After the 5 minutes, with their groups, students will share either their 1 page summary or fictional story. Students are expected to be great listeners and give positive feedback after the presenter is finished. 5. After all group members have shared, the teacher will ask one person from each group to share with the entire class. 6. Once the volunteers have shared, SW do a hand up, stand up, pair up. They will share with their partner what they have learned this past week and what their favorite parts have been. After 2 minutes of discussion with their partner, TW call on volunteers. 7. SW turn in both the one page summary and fictional story. 8. After turning in the stories, students will complete the rubric to assess themselves and their group members. Modifications: Teacher will help ELLs share their story with the group. Either the teacher can help, or the ELL can have someone in their group help them.

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