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Eid Mubarak ! Happy Eid Celebration to all!

l Vol-22 l Issue-7 l August l l 510-677-4488

hayward fiji soccer teaM played aGainst san Mateo us soccer cluB at the uc hayward Grounds. (see paGe 2 for story)
Late Hajji
abu bakr
The man behind Fiji Maunatul
Islam mosque in BA. (see
People Profile inside)
Dr. H. Koya awarded pro-
fessorship by a reputed uni-
versity for his work as a lec-
turer at the Royal Fiji Police
College, Fiji Institute of
Management and his con-
tinued involvement as the
director of AIM.
(See page 26)
Vinu and alok reception at Meton, SFo
Grand weddinG reception of attorney ashwaniBhakhris dauGhter at the Melton hotel downtown san francisco. (see paGe 39)
he Kiuva sea wall project
is an example of govern-
ments commitment in
addressing sea level rise and
protecting villages along coastal
areas. Those were the senti-
ments of the Minister for Rural
and Maritime Development,
IniaSeruiratu at the commission-
ing of the Kiuva village sea wall
project which was funded
through the Government of the
Peoples Republic of China
Gratuitous Aid Programme. The
rise in sea level is leading to
coastal erosion. With the majori-
ty of villages and settlements in
VitiLevu located along the coast,
there is noticeable infiltration of
the sea into the village com-
pound during high tide, Minister
Seruiratu said. The Kiuva Sea
Wall project is one such example
to address the rise in the sea
level rise and to protect the vil-
lage surroundings. The minister
also added that successive
development plans by govern-
ment have recognised the critical
importance of managing the
environment and natural
resources, to ensure social and
economic prosperity. As a
developing nation with scarce
resources and competing priori-
ties and obligations, the govern-
ment has preferred to seek for-
eign aid and assistance from
development partners to finance
environmental related projects
like this one in Kiuva, Minister
Seruiratu said. Commending the
Government of the Peoples
Republic of China, the minister
said the Fijian government had
submitted its request through the
Chinese Embassy seeking
assistance for the construction of
the 206 meter-long sea wall in
2009. The total cost of the proj-
ect is $2.5 million and is a sym-
bol of the strong cordial and last-
ing technical and bilateral coop-
eration between the Government
of the Peoples Republic of
China and the Government of
Fiji, Minister Seruiratu said.
The Kiuva Sea Wall stands
today not only as a landmark in
itself but manifests engineering
skills in having constructed a
structure that would meet the
challenges we all face in all other
parts of the world and that is the
rise in sea level. Reiterating the
Chinese governments commit-
ment of enhancing bilateral
cooperation and assisting Fijis
economic and social develop-
ment, Ambassador for the
Government of the Peoples
Republic of China to Fiji, Mr
Huang Yong said that he was
pleased that the sea wall was
now protecting villagers of Kiuva
from high tides and heavy down-
falls. The sea wall has withstood
the test of many high tides and
hurricanes and I would like to
thank the local villagers for the
facilitation and support provided
during the implementation of the
project. The Kiuva sea wall proj-
ect was constructed by the
China Railway Fifth Group also
included the construction of
boulder groynes and stone pitch-
ing of village drains.
fiji Soccer team
See page 5 artS & ent
See page 17 for Story
Robbie Michaelson
Contributing writer
Dr. Marion Sanchez
Sports & Psychology Editor
H. Koya (PhD)
PO BOX 54691
Hayward, CA 94544
Write up by Zaid Hussain.
Photos provide by Ms.
Zakia Hussain
was happy that Fiji team
wanted me to play for them.
First game Fiji played was
against USA San Mateo team
that I made the goal and
made Fiji team win. In the
second game we played with
Modesto team we lost by one
goal In the third game we
played in the quarter final with
USA Hayward I scored one
goal and two assist . We beat
them by five goal to nothing.
We went to semi final and
played against Canada team (
Rewa team) First half they
made the goal one nothing.
Second half we came back
and made three goal . we beat
Canadian team with 3-1 Then
we went to final game.We
played with USA Sacramento
team. They made one goal
first half and then we came
back second half and made a
goal. We played extra time 1-
1 tie and then went for penalty
shootout where we won the
shoot out. Koya Bhai been at
age 60 years old and playing
with this younger guys
reminds me when I was
young. This was my first Fiji
Festival veteran's soccer tour-
nament. If you need to talk to
me call me at (510) 776-0507
Zaid Hussain leads Fiji soccer team to victory
Art & EntErtAinmEnt
FIJI sun
Fiji Sun
Celebrating 20
Years in Business
Take advantage of this 100 Pages plus
1. Lots of free advertising for Non-Profit/religious organizations!
2. Discounted color pages.
3. Send your kids and family pictures for free publication
4. $1000 in Essay Competition on Fiji Girmitiyyas.
5. Best price for best color pictures (email them now).
6. Students Oratory Contest. Email your names now for Participation.
Is nOW a tV asIa rePOrter
Watch for Date, time and venue, coming up soon!
Call: (Prof.) Dr. H. Koya at (510) 677- 4488
Or Email:
ParmIndar GurI teams uP WIth
melody makers at american superstar
show O mY LOVe at mehran restaurant
FREMONT Speaking to the
FIJISUN USA, many Indian song
lovers said they were getting tired
of the KARAOKE shows and
wanted to enjoy live band. Fiji
lead guitarist and leader live musi-
cal shows for over 30 years,
Rajeshvar Singh has not deviated
from his course. Moe than 20
years ago Rajeshvar and his
musical team helped FIJI SUN
USA successfully hold the first
Cupertino High School in San
Bruno and entertained a houseful
audience. At the Friday July 26
show, Melody Makers were sim-
ply excellent with its vibrant music
for quite a few singers some of
then we saw for the first time
Parmindar Guri, of course, won
hearts of the audience with his
Rafi numbers that he delivers with
Audience was great a good
mixture if Indian, Fijians and
some Pakistanis. Of course,
Melody Makers were just super
with the added saxophone.
Food was fair. Stage was
pathetic. We were told the man-
agement did not setup the
stage in advance for want of
manpower that Rajeshvar and
his team had to come set up in
the day time. As a showman
and program compere, I would-
nt do a show on such a con-
gested stage which is the cen-
terpiece of a show. Eighty per-
cent d the show is stage setup
the rest is performance. A
stage must be long and wide
enough to accommodate the
entertainment team and their
instruments well arraigned and
line up nicely to allow artists to
position and face the audience.
The sound system was perfect
but for want of space the control
system had to be position
against the wall in front of the
restaurant. They had the option
to size down their system too
for small pace area. Compering
the show This is the heart of the
show and I am surprised
Rajeshvar being a very good
friend did not say a word to me
about it. A compere dos not
have to be too wordy but must
display an ease to swiftly pres-
ent performers knowing them
by name and what exactly they
will sing and which order.
A sense of humor or mimic-
ry is the biggest weapon of the
stage compere which is an art
that one must lean and practice
again and again to stay in busi-
ness. Often it is unscripted and
therefore spontaneous other-
wise you will sound monoto-
nous. Personally, I need o
brush up not it as I left the stage
over 15 years.
Is live musical band back in business?
Are people getting fed-up with Karaoke?
Overall remarks about the show
ts a pleasure to announce Fiji audi-
ence who have enjoyed, learned and
borrowed heavily from the Indian
cinema living thousands of miles across
seven seas do owe their gratitude to the
Indian Cinema.
t is not too often to get to dig a
little in our pockets to give to
p=the millions who are have and
continue to suffer as a result of the
2013 flood disaster in India. Watch
for the date, time and venue.
Fundraise for victims of
Uttarakhand Flood Disaster
Rajeshvar Singh and
Nityanand Maker our new
entertainment experts
Fiji FA could amalgamate Tavua
The Fiji Football Association says they are looking at a number of
ways to try and help improve the mess Tavua soccer is in at the
moment. Tavua was yesterday hammered 15-0 by Suva in the Fiji
Sun/GP Batteries National League. This was one of the biggest
score line ever recorded in the super premier grade, which has sent
shock waves amongst the football fraternity. Fiji FA president Rajesh
Patel says one solution could be amalgamating Tavua with another
district. We will see if Vatukoula and Tavua can be combined into
one and then proper administration is put in place and with a bigger
district like that and with the help of companies like Vatukoula Gold
Mine and Fiji Water might get the sponsorship so that we get a big-
ger formidable district.Meanwhile, in games this weekend, in the
league, Tavua is scheduled to play Navua and Rewa.
he UN has found a
solution to the
departure in June
of 380 Austrian troops
from the UN
Disengagement Observer
Force in the Golan
Heights. Austria has
begun withdrawing
peacekeepers from the
Golan Heights, winding
down a four-decade mis-
sion due to spillover fight-
ing from the Syrian civil
war, the Austrian
Defense Ministry said.
A Reuters journalist
on the Golan said
Austrian troops had
already moved from the
Quneitra crossing point
to a United Nations base
inside the Israeli-held
part of the heights on
Tuesday. "The first 60 to
80 soldiers will land in
Vienna tomorrow after-
noon, so you can already
see the withdrawal on
site," Austrian Defense
Ministry spokesman
Andreas Strobl told
Reuters in Vienna. The
Austrians have patrolled
the buffer zone between
Israel and Syria as part
of the United Nations
Observer Force, known
as UNDOF, since it was
set up in 1974. The
Vienna government said
last week it would pull
out after worsening fight-
ing between Syrian
rebels and government
forces sent its soldiers
running for cover. Two
soldiers were wounded
last week after Syrian
rebels captured a border
post, then were driven
out by government
troops. Foreign Minister
Michael Spindelegger
said Austria would now
negotiate with the United
Nations about an orderly
handover to the next con-
tingent, "if there is one,"
but reserved the right to
stick to its timetable for a
full exit within four weeks.
Ireland, Fiji and Nepal to send
peacekeepers to UN Golan force
ijis reputation as the
hub of the Pacific con-
tinues to grow with
another neighbour looking at
trade opportunities.
Kiribati currently buys
most of its goods from
Australia and New Zealand,
but Fiji could soon become
its main trading partner.
Kiribati High
Commissioner to Fiji, Reteta
Rimon says there is a poten-
tial for Kiribati to buy more
products from Fiji.
Fiji manufactures and
produces much of what we
order from Asia and Australia
and New Zealand. We
believe that there is greater
merit in terms of saving
costs and affordability to
prices for our people.
According to Rimon, trade
between Fiji and Kiribati
could begin much quicker
than anticipated.
Reporter: So have there
been talks on trade with Fiji?
Answer Yes, in fact Fiji had
offered, there is trade
between Fiji and Tuvalu
through Rotuma, Kiribati is
also included in that.
Rimon says Fiji has been
very supportive towards
Kiribati as it struggles with
the adverse effects of global
warming indicating that that
theres potential for more
than just trade.
You know that Natadola
communiqu, weve already
concluded that with Fiji and it
covers a whole range of
areas of cooperation in edu-
cation, in pharmaceuticals, in
trade and so many others.
Kiribati has shown interest
in six thousand acres of land
in Savusavu a back up of
sorts with the impact of cli-
mate change constantly
impeding everyday life.
Kiribati- Fiji trade
Fiji sugar strike still
on despite wage offer
The Fiji Sugar Corporation
has announced it will give
sugar workers a a 5.3% pay
increase, equal access to
health insurance and access
to the special welfare fund.
But the Sugar and General
Workers Union says it's
nowhere near enough, with
the pay rise being equivalent
to only half a chicken a
week. Union general secre-
tary Felix Anthony tells
Bruce Hill that a ballot on
taking industrial action will
still go ahead from Tuesday.
Radio Australia has
approached the Fiji Sugar
Corporation for comment,
but they have not responded.
Fiji rolls out
4G spectrum
THE bidding wars for
frequencies on Fiji's radio
spectrum are in full swing
with Digicel, Telecom Fiji
Limited each placing bids
on separate channels by
the close of the second
round of auctions today.
So far Digicel has
placed bids for 3 channels,
TFL has also bid for 3
channels while Vodafone
has bid for 10 channels.
There are 20 channels
available for auction.
The auctioning of the
frequencies are the first of
many steps the country is
taking toward providing a
4G service for smart phone
users. It is also expected to
expand mobile coverage
and make the internet more
accessible and affordable.
The auction will run in
four daily rounds one this
morning at 9, another at 11
and two more at 1pm and
3pm until Friday July 26 --
but may end after two
rounds if there are no new
bids for any of the 20 lots
of spectrum by that point.
Three registered parties
Telecom Fiji Limited,
Vodafone Fiji Limited and
Digicel Fiji Limited will be
bidding for the right to pro-
vide the most up to date
technology, putting Fiji on
par with other nations that
offer the top level of mobile
voice and online services.
Fiji FA wants Tavua at BOG
he Fiji Football Association is yet to make a
decision on which teams will play in the pre-
mier division competition during the INKK
Mobile Battle of the Giants.
Fiji FA is looking at Nasinu, Dreketi, Tavua and
Savusavu but there are a few issues still to be
ironed out.
Fiji FA president Rajesh Patel says while a lot
has been said about Tavua after its 15-0 drubbing
against Suva on Sunday, he still wants the best for
the minnows.
I would like to see Tavua still come up and they
have enough time to prepare and the team they
have put together with young students and players,
they will only get better as they play together.
The BOG will be played in Labasa on August 10-
11 at Subrail Park before the tournament proper
moves to Ba from August 16-18.
Fiji. Fijis 4G service
for smart phone users
will be one step closer
to reality when the first-
ever auction of frequen-
cies on the radio spec-
trum opens in Suva
today, Monday.
With the new 4G
technology, Universal
Service Access and
Local Internet
Exchange, mobile cov-
erage will be expanded
and the internet will
become more accessi-
ble and affordable. The
progress of the auction
can be followed by
interested members of
the public from start to
finish, said the
Attorney-General and
Minister for
Communications, Aiyaz
After each round of
the auction, details of
the highest bids across
all the lots of spectrum
will be posted on a
notice board in the
Foyer, Level 1, Suvavou
The auction will run
in four daily rounds at
9.00am, 11.00am,
1.00pm and 3.00pm
until Friday July 26 --
but may end after as
soon as two rounds if
there are no new bids
for any of the 20 lots of
spectrum by that point
Three registered par-
ties Telecom Fiji
Limited, Vodafone Fiji
Limited and Digicel Fiji
Limited will be bidding
for the right to provide
the most up to date
technology, putting Fiji
on par with other
nations that offer the top
level of mobile voice
and online services.
Fiji's 4G spectrum
auction begins today
iji Airways has appointed
Stefan Pichler as new
Managing Director and
Chief Executive Officer, effec-
tive 1 September 2013.
Pichler is currently Chief
Executive Officer of Jazeera
Airways and was recently
awarded Business Aviation's
Personal Achievement of the
Year Award 2012 for his turn-
around of Jazeera Airways in
the past four years which saw
the carrier achieve the highest
operating profit margins in the
industry in 2011 and 2012.
Before Jazeera Airways,
Pichler was responsible for
Virgin Blues transformation
from a low cost carrier to a net-
work airline and served as its
Chief Commercial Officer. He
also launched Virgin Blues long
haul carrier V Australia in 2008
as its Chairman.
Pichler has also been
Chairman and CEO of Thomas
Cook AG, and held senior and
executive board roles with
Lufthansa AG.
This is a remarkable conflu-
ence of the right person in the
right place at the right time. Mr.
Pichlers distinctive career
experience and outstanding
accomplishments established
him as the best possible fit for
CEO of Fiji Airways.
We are confident that
under his leadership Fiji
Airways will continue to mod-
ernise, grow and prosper as
we move forward into the future
in this significant new chapter
in the history of Fiji Airways,
said Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum,
Fiji's Attorney-General and
Minister for Civil Aviation.
Fiji Airways Names Stefan Pichler as MD and CEO
fiji NEWS
Fiji.The bidding on fre-
quencies to provide 4G
Long Term Evolution (LTE)
services in Fiji is well
underway with domestic
operators Telecom Fiji
Limited (TFL), Vodafone
Fiji and Digicel Fiji lining
up to place their bids for
20 lots of frequency on
offer. In what is the gov-
ernments first-ever 4G
auction, companies are
looking to secure frequen-
cy blocks that carry mini-
mum valuations of
between FJD131,250 and
FJD504,000 (USD70,049
and USD268,986). Fijis
Attorney-General and
Communications Minister,
Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum says
that after each round of the
auction, details of the high-
est bids across all the lots
of spectrum are being
posted at the Department
of Communications
Suvavou House.
It is understood that
Vodafone Fiji has so far
successfully filled its
30MHz quota for 4G spec-
trum; it offered
FJD144,000 for each of
the six frequency blocks it
has purchased, while
Digicel has secured three
frequency blocks offering
FJD420,500 each for two
blocks and FJD420,300
for the third and TFL
has bid for three blocks
of frequencies, agreeing
to pay FJD504,700 for
each of them.
Fiji kicks off 4G spectrum auc-
tion; Vodafone fills 30MHz quota
he Fiji Football
Association does not
want to comment
about Fiji's lowest FIFA
world ranking of 191 out of
209 affiliates as there is still
no confirmation of any inter-
national matches in the near
future.Fijivillage approached
Fiji FA President Rajesh
Patel and he said they do
not want to talk further about
this issue as they have
already given an explana-
tion about it.
Patel only said they will
not improve their rankings
by playing teams like
Samoa and Tonga but they
are having talks with
Vanuatu, New Caledonia
and New Zealand. Patel
added they are trying to
organize an Asian tour for
the National side next year
but again nothing has been
confirmed. Teams like
Guam, Samoa and Tonga
are ranked higher than Fiji at
176, 187 and 189 respec-
tively. Fiji has not played any
international matches this
year.Last year Fiji only
played in the World Cup
Qualifying rounds in
Solomon Islands in June
where we lost to New
Zealand and drew with
Solomon Islands and Papua
New Guinea. The team also
played the Play Fair Brazil
touring side which was a
friendly affair which had no
effect on the FIFA rankings.
Fijis national airline
records 7.5 million
US dollar profit
Fijis national carrier,
Fiji Airways, and the Air
Pacific Group have
reported after tax profits
of 7.5 million and 9.5 mil-
lion US dollars respec-
tively for the fiscal year
that ended on March the
31st. The Air Pacific
Group comprises Fiji
Airways, Pacific Sun, and
a 39 (38.75) percent
stake in the Sofitel Fiji
Resort and Spa. The Fiji
Times reports the results
are an improvement on
the companys perform-
ance in the 2011/2012
fiscal year, where Fiji
Airways and the Air
Pacific Group each post-
ed after tax profits of six
million US dollars and 5.7
million respectively.
No comment on world
ranking : Fiji FA
The 4G auction in Fiji has raised over USD 5 million.
Vodafone Fiji bought 30 MHz of spectrum on the first
day, reaching the quota. Vodafone bought six lots of
spectrum paying USD 864,000 in total. Telecom Fiji
also secured 30 MHz of spectrum at a total cost of USD
2.2 million. Digicel Fiji bought four lots of 5 MHz spec-
trum for over USD 1.9 million, FBC News writes citing
Digicel CEO Maurice McCarthy. The auction began on
22 July offering twenty lots of 5 MHz spectrum with the
reserve prices ranging from USD 131,250 to 504,000.
Fiji 4G spectrum auction
raises USD 5 mln
Fijis central bank
held its Overnight
Policy Rate (OPR)
steady at 0.5 percent,
saying the current
accommodative stance
was appropriate as
inflationary pressures
remained in check, for-
eign reserves were at a
comfortable level and
the economic outlook
was positive.
The Reserve Bank
of Fiji, which has main-
tained its rate since
December 2011, said
investment activity was
extremely buoyant
with cement sales
higher along with
increased lending to
the manufacturing,
building, construction
and real estate sectors,
confirming the banks
estimate that invest-
ment to GDP ratio this
year will exceed the
governments target of
25 percent.
Domestic eco-
nomic conditions were
very positive and there
was a growing sense of
optimism and confidence
about our economy, the
banks governor, Barry
Whiteside said.
Fijis inflation rate
was steady at 1.5 per-
cent in June from May
and the Reserve Bank
has forecast Gross
Domestic Product
growth of 2.7 percent
this year, up from 2012s
2.5 percent. The bank
also said that liquidity in
the banking system was
adequate, putting down-
ward pressure on mar-
ket interest rates and
commercial banks
deposit and lending
rates were at historical
lows. Against this back-
ground, domestic credit
has continued to gain
momentum with robust
commercial bank lending
accounting for much of
the surge in private sec-
tor credit, the bank said.
Fiji holds rate steady on positive economic outlook
A Lautoka sugar mill employee is admitted at the Lautoka
Hospital from burns he suffered at work this morning. Fiji Sugar
Corporation executive chair Abdul Khan has confirmed the incident
to FBC News. Khan says one of the wheels of the machine which
evaporates vapours cracked and fell on the employee. As a result
he suffered burns. Khan says the entire machine is damaged and
crushing at the mill has been stopped. Crushing is expected to
resume in four days time once repairs are completed. Khan says
he is yet to receive an update on the condition of the employee.
Lautoka mill worker injured
The Fiji Football
Association says they are
looking at a number of
ways to try and help
improve the mess Tavua
soccer is in at the
Tavua was yesterday
hammered 15-0 by Suva
in the Fiji Sun/GP
Batteries National
This was one of the
biggest score line ever
recorded in the super pre-
mier grade, which has
sent shock waves
amongst the football fra-
ternity. Fiji FA president
Rajesh Patel says one
solution could be amalga-
mating Tavua with another
district. We will see if
Vatukoula and Tavua can
be combined into one and
then proper administration
is put in place and with a
bigger district like that and
with the help of compa-
nies like Vatukoula Gold
Mine and Fiji Water might
get the sponsorship so
that we get a bigger formi-
dable district. Meanwhile,
in games this weekend, in
the league, Tavua is
scheduled to play Navua
and Rewa.
Fiji FA could
amalgamate Tavua
Fiji Airways has appointed Stefan Pichler
as new Managing Director and Chief
Executive Officer, effective 1 September
2013. Pichler is currently Chief Executive
Officer of Jazeera Airways and was recently
awarded Business Aviation's Personal
Achievement of the Year Award 2012 for
his turnaround of Jazeera Airways in the
past four years which saw the carrier
achieve the highest operating profit margins
in the industry in 2011 and 2012. Before
Jazeera Airways, Pichler was responsible
for Virgin Blues transformation from a low
cost carrier to a network airline and served
as its Chief Commercial Officer. He also
launched Virgin Blues long haul carrier V
Australia in 2008 as its Chairman. Pichler
has also been Chairman and CEO of
Thomas Cook AG, and held senior and
executive board roles with Lufthansa AG.
This is a remarkable confluence of the right
person in the right place at the right time.
Mr. Pichlers distinctive career experience
and outstanding accomplishments estab-
lished him as the best possible fit for CEO
of Fiji Airways. We are confident that under
his leadership Fiji Airways will continue to
modernise, grow and prosper as we move
forward into the future in this significant new
chapter in the history of Fiji Airways, said
Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, Fiji's Attorney-
General and Minister for Civil Aviation.
Fiji Airways Names Stefan Pichler as MD and CEO
Commuters walk on tracks that were flooded between Kurla and Sion stations. Train services in
Mumbai were hit on Tuesday owing to the heavy rain.
Mumbai stranded in rain
Wednesday, Congress
psokesman Raj Babbar said
one can have a full meal for
Rs 12 in Mumbai. On
Thursday, Congress Rajya
Sabha MP Rasheed Masood
went a step further, claiming,
"You can eat well for Rs 5 in
the Jama Masjid area of
Delhi". Since Masood had
specifically mentioned Jama
Masjid, TOI decided to do a
reality check. We visited the
area, and asked residents
and owners of food outlets if
his statement was correct.
"The MP still seems to be
living in a bygone era.
Maybe he should visit the
area again," scoffed a local
tea stall owner who has
been living in the area for
the past four decades. "In
the late 1980s, one could
have still expected to have a
meal for Rs 5 when the roti
used to cost less than a
rupee and gravy dishes
could be had for Rs 2," he
said, requesting anonymity.
The minimum price of a roti
now is Rs 3 even at the
most basic of food outlets. A
gravy dish costs a minimum
of Rs 20. The only afford-
able meal (if it can be
termed as such) was a small
portion of rice and modest
sprinkling of daal (pulses),
but that too costs about Rs
15. A 'decent' meal con-
sisting of a non-vegetarian
gravy and two rotis at the
cheapest eatery will cost not
less than Rs 20-25. If you
want to add a phirni (sweet
dish), it will set you back
another Rs 10. That doesn't
really square with Masood's
numbers. Even a small
pouch of water costs Rs 2. If
you plan to sip tea at a stall,
it will cost at least Rs 7.
Don't have money for food
and want to make do with
juice? A glass of juice will
cost no less than Rs 10.
The only hope for a person
who has to live on Rs 5 per
meal is the alms being dis-
tributed on account of the
holy month of Ramzaan. As
part of charity during this
period, many people have
been buying meals costing
Rs 20-25 to be distributed
free of cost to the poor.
But when we asked
whether we could feed the
poor for Rs 5, the restaurant
attendant mocked us and
said, "Since it's Ramzaan
and people give out their
annual zakaat (charity), one
can also eat for free." And
here's something for
Masood to chew on. We
tried to hand over Rs 5 to a
beggar standing outside the
eatery. But she refused to
accept it, saying it would not
help her get any food.
Rs 5 cant buy a meal,
Jama Masjid beggar says
conviction of Shahzad, a
suspect arrested in con-
nection with the 2008
Batla House encounter,
has brought some relief
to Mohan Chand
Sharmas family which,
over the years, has lived
with questions surround-
ing the operation that the
slain cop led.
I dont know him
(Shahzad) or any other
accused and have no ill
will towards them at a
personal level, but I lived
with my husband for 15
years and have complete
faith on his integrity. All
kind of things about the
encounters authenticity
were said repeatedly but I
chose not to respond as
we knew truth will prevail
in the end, said Sharmas
wife Maya at their resi-
dence in Dwarka here on
The stoicism was also
reflected in the responses
of Sharmas parents,
Narottam and Devendri,
who along with their
daughter-in-law were talk-
ing to journalists in a
room where adorning the
walls were various certifi-
cates of honour their son
received during his serv-
ice. Recounting the series
of events on September
19, 2008, the day the
encounter took place,
Devendri Devi said that
2008 Delhi bomb blasts
investigations kept
Sharma busy and he
rarely visited home. He,
however, made sure to
visit his son Divyanshu
who was being treated in
a nearby hospital for
dengue back then. On
the fateful day, he couldnt
even finish breakfast and
left soon after receiving a
phone call. That was the
last time I saw him alive.
A few hours later, I
received a phone call
from my daughter who
informed me that Mohan
had been shot, she said,
the narration bringing a
lump in her throat. The
family then rushed to the
hospital where Sharma
was taken and later suc-
cumbed to his injuries.
Narottam said his son
always wanted to be a
policeman and resigned
from the post of a clerk in
the Finance Ministry to
join the Delhi Police more
than two decades ago.
Sharmas wife says she knew truth would prevail
11 anti-Telangana
Jagan MLAs resign
HYDERABAD. In a move to
thwart any decision to bifurcate
Andhra Pradesh, a dozen legis-
lators from coastal Andhra and
Rayalaseema on Thursday sub-
mitted their resignations to state
assembly speaker, N Manohar.
They included one MLA from the
ruling Congress and 11 from
YSR Congress.
The resignations came a day
after ministers from
Seemandhra region held a
meeting to chalk out a political
strategy to keep Andhra
Pradesh united. The resignation
of YSR Congress MLAs sur-
prised political observers as the
party leadership had clarified
that the issue of separate
Telangana should be left to the
"wisdom" of the Centre.
zeroed in on the shop in
Guwahati that sold exactly 13
'Lotus' brand clocks to a man
ahead of Bodh Gaya blasts -
same as the number of bombs
planted in the temple complex.
Each of these clocks was used
as a timer in the bombs.
Investigators have also traced
the cylinders to Meerut, and
believe that the "poor quality"
cylinders were manufactured by
an unregistered facility there.
However, they were possibly
bought in Bihar itself, where they
are transported by the Meerut
plant for sale. NIA investigators
have confirmed from the Rajkot-
based manufacturer of 'Lotus'
brand clocks that it had recently
sent a consignment of 300 clocks
to Assam. Interestingly, a shop-
keeper in Guwahati also revealed
that a man had bought 13 of
these clocks in a single transac-
tion. Investigators are now trying
to establish the identity of this
buyer. Two monks were injured
in ten blasts that took place in
the morning of July 7 in Bodh
Gaya. Three unexploded bombs
were found. The temple and the
Bodhi tree, under which Lord
Buddha is believed to have
attained enlightenment, did not
suffer any damage in the blasts
which shook the holy town fre-
quented by pilgrims from Sri
Lanka, Myanmar, China, Japan
and the whole of southeast Asia.
Gaya blasts : Lens on Assam watch shop NEW DELHI. Arun
Nehru, former union minis-
ter and powerful figure dur-
ing the prime ministership of
Rajiv Gandhi, passed away
on Thursday night after pro-
longed illness. Nehru, 69, a
cousin of Rajiv Gandhi and
minister for internal security
in his government, died in a
hospital in Gurgaon, accord-
ing to family sources.
The funeral will take
place at the Lodhi crema-
torium here on Friday?
Nehru had been admitted
to the Fortis hospital in
Gurgaon 18 days ago and
passed away at 10.47pm
on Tuesday. He is survived
by his wife Subhadra and
two daughters. Lucknow-
born Nehru was a three-
time Lok Sabha member.
Nehru had a successful
career in the corporate
world before joining politics
in the early 1980s. When
Rajiv Gandhi became the
Prime Minister in 1984, he
was his close adviser and
minister of state for internal
security. However, he fell
out with Rajiv later.
Arun Nehru, former Union minister, dies
BANGALORE. India on Friday suc-
cessfully launched its advanced meteoro-
logical spacecraft INSAT-3D by a
European rocket from the spaceport of
Kourou in French Guiana, enhancing the
countrys capability in weather forecast-
ing and disaster warning fields. After a
smooth countdown lasting 11 hours and
30 minutes, the Ariane-5 launch vehicle
of the French commercial space trans-
portation company Arianespace lifted off
on schedule at the opening of the launch
window at 1.24 a.m. IST. The rocket,
after a flight of 32 minutes and 48 sec-
onds, placed INSAT-3D in an elliptical
Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO),
very close to the intended one. Soon
after the separation of INSAT-3D from
Ariane-5s upper cryogenic stage, the
satellites solar panel automatically got
deployed and ISROs Master Control
Facility (MCF) at Hassan in Karnataka
took over the control of the spacecraft.
Ariane-5 rocket also launched Alphasat,
a co-passenger of INSAT-3D and
Europes largest telecommunication
satellite-ever manufactured. In the com-
ing days, orbit raising manoeuvres will be
performed on INSAT-3D using the satel-
lites own propulsion system to place it in
the 36,000 km high Geostationary Orbit,
the Bangalore-headquartered ISRO said.
Weather satellite INSAT-3D launched successfully

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Stepping up its attack on
the United Progressive
Alliance government on
latest figures on the
Below Poverty Line
(BPL) population, the
Bharatiya Janata Party
on Thursday charged the
government with making
a mockery of the poor
and misleading people.
The government keeps
on giving a new definition
of poverty according to
its whims and fancy.
Sometimes it raises the
number of poor and
sometimes its decreases
it as and when it suits its
requirements, senior
BJP leader Murli
Manohar Joshi told
journalists here. The
government had given
the latest figures showing
that the BPL population
had decreased so that it
could cover less people
under the Food Security
Bill. The Planning
Commission had stated
that the number of BPL
population now stood at
21.9 per cent.
The government
does not have the funds
needed for providing
grains. So it is
decreasing the number of
poor. With the Centre
maintaining there was
less number of people
under the BPL, the
responsibility would shift
to the State governments
to implement the Food
Security Bill, Dr. Joshi
said. The figures were
released to indicate to
investors that the Indian
economy was improving
and there were more
people with purchasing
power and less number
of poor. They were far
removed from truth and
ground reality. Citing the
Dharavi slum in Mumbai,
Dr. Joshi said that out of
10 lakh dwellers there,
only 141 BPL cards were
issued. If one million-
strong population of slum
dwellers in Dharavi has
only a miniscule of BPL
cards, it only shows that
nobody is poor in the
country. What kind of a
cruel joke, the
government is playing on
the poor, he asked.
A mockery of the poor, says BJP
DEHRADUN. As many as 30 houses
were damaged in Uttarkashi district due to
landslides triggered by heavy rains, which
continued to lash Uttarakhand on
Thursday. Landslides struck Quaritok and
Malla villages of the district, but there were
no immediate reports of any casualty, offi-
cials said. Landslips were also reported
from Ganga Vihar colony in Bhatwadi area
of the district, officials said. The affected
families are sitting in the open but the
administration is making arrangements to
provide them shelter, sources said. Water
levels of Ganga, Yamuna, Sharda, Gori,
Kali and Gola rivers are rising due to
incessant rains, and the administration is
keeping a close watch on the situation. An
alert has been sounded as river Ganga is
flowing just 70 cm below the danger mark
in Haridwar. Administration has issued
alert in low lying areas near Ganga.
People from the villages have not been
evacuated till now, said Naresh
Chowdhary, district disaster management
officer of Haridwar. Bad weather has been
hampering relief and reconstruction work
in the flood-ravaged state. Two persons
were killed on Wednesday in the incidents
of landslide, cloudburst and house col-
lapse following heavy rains.
Incessant rains lash Uttarakhand
Close on the heels of
over a dozen incursions
since the face off in
Ladakh in April from
across the Line of Actual
Control (LAC), Chinese
troops made a fresh
attempt to violate the
International Border at
Chumar area in North
east of Leh on July 20 but
were forced back by
Indian troops. The
assertive posturing by
the Chinese troops, who
had climbed a small
mountain where they
faced Indian troops, has
been flashed to all units
along the Sino-India bor-
der in the area to keep a
strict vigil on their move-
ment, official sources said
on Thursday. Chinese
troops claimed it was their
territory and they were
headed towards to Tible
area, five kilometres deep
into the Indian Territory.
Chumar, which is located
300 kms from Leh, is the
last town after which
Himachal Pradesh starts.
This area also has the
distinction of having a
defined International
Border with China.
Chinese troops, who were
confronted almost bang
on the border by alert
army and ITBP troops,
said they needed to follow
the orders PLA headquar-
ters and conduct some
photography in Tible area.
However, after a usual
face-off drill, the Chinese
troops who had to walk
down a long stretch to
reach Chumar, sought
assistance in getting
some food as they had
run out of their stock, the
sources said. While no
food was provided as the
troops did not carry it with
them, some cans of juices
were given to the PLA
soldiers, the sources said,
adding the Chinese
troops then retreated into
their area. All Indian units
located along the LAC
have been asked to main-
tain a tight vigil in their
Area of Responsibilities
(AOR) and launch
frequent patrols to the
higher reaches, the
sources said. Chumar has
seen a number of
incursion incidents in the
recent past including an
incident on June 17 where
Chinese troops took away
an Army surveillance
camera meant for keeping
an eye on the PLA troops
patrolling there.
Chinese troops make fresh incursion bid
BHOPAL. Madhya
Pradesh Chief Minister
Shivraj Singh Chouhan
like his counterpart in
Gujarat, Narendra Modi
has kept the BJP on the
winning track in his
State.But when it comes to
personal style, no two men
could be more different:
one self-effacing, the other
ensuring that he remains in
the spotlight, 24x7. But Mr.
Chouhans modesty has
only enhanced his public
image, the results of the
CNN-IBN-The Hindu
Election Tracker poll sug-
gest. Unlike Gujarat, where
Mr. Modis personal popu-
larity has dipped even as
the vote share of his party
has increased, in Madhya
Pradesh, the esteem in
which Mr. Chouhan is held
by the people has grown
along with admiration for
his government.
Indeed, in his home
State, 49 per cent of the
respondents in Madhya
Pradesh said they would
prefer to see Mr. Chouhan
emerging as the BJPs prime
ministerial candidate, com-
pared with just 28 per cent
for Mr. Modi. Among the BJP
faithful, the figure for Mr.
Chouhan is higher, 51 per
cent; for his counterpart from
Gujarat, 36 per cent.
Will it continue to be advantage Chouhan?
Activists of Anjuman Faizan-ul-Islam hold a demonstration against the attacks on the
shrines of Hazrat Bibi Zainab and Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed, outside Karachi Press Club.
Demonstration against the attacks
ISLAMABAD. Prime Minister
Nawaz Sharif stepped up the
campaign for Mamnoon Hussain,
the PML-N nominee for the
presidential election, on
Thursday. He received a dele-
gation of Fata senators at his
office and sought their sup-
port for Mr Hussain. An official
handout stated that they had
discussed the overall political
situation in the country, but a
PML-N source said the prime
minister urged the lawmakers
to vote for Mr Hussain.
The delegation of senators
consisted of Abbas Khan Afridi,
Engineer Malik Rashid Ahmed,
Haji Khan Afridi, Hidayatullah,
Hilal-ur-Rehman, Malik Najamul
Hassan, Mohammad Idrees
Khan and Mohammad Saleh
Shah. The prime minister also
held a meting with JUI-F chief
Maulana Fazlur Rehman and
sought his support for the
PML-Ns presidential candi-
date. Mr Sharif said the office
of the president represented
the federation and that was
why his party had chosen a
non-controversial figure from
a smaller province with an
objective to strengthen the
federation. He said the PML-
N was trying to win the sup-
port of all political parties for
Mamnoon Hussain. Maulana
Ghafoor Haidri and Akram
Khan Durrani, leaders of the
JUI-F, attended the meeting.
Finance Minister Ishaq Dar
was also present. The JUI-F
said in a statement that the
party would discuss Mr
Sharifs request with its lead-
ers before taking a decision.
But it said the JUI-F chief had
conveyed his displeasure to
the PML-N for not consulting
him before finalising the name
of Mr Hussain.
Had the JUI-F been con-
sulted, it would have suggest-
ed a suitable name, Maulana
Fazl was quoted as saying in
the statement. On
Wednesday, Prime Minister
Sharif had held a meeting
with PML-Ns Balochistan
president Sardar Sanaullah
Khan Zehri and the Minister
for States and Frontier
Regions, retired Lt Gen Abdul
Qadir Baloch, and discussed
the election strategy.
According to a PML-N
leader, the prime minister
directed them to keep an eye
on provincial lawmakers in the
treasury and make sure that
they voted for the party candi-
date. The PML-N, National
Party and Pakhtunkhwa Milli
Awami Party are coalition
partners in Balochistan,
whose assembly carries spe-
cial importance in the presi-
dential election. The electoral
college comprises 342 mem-
bers of the National
Assembly, 104 of the Senate,
371 of Punjab Assembly, 168
of Sindh Assembly, 124 of
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Assembly and 65 of
Balochistan Assembly.
PM seeks support of JUI-F,
Fata senators for Mamnoon
ISLAMABAD. Clouds of con-
troversy have started hovering
over the coming presidential
election as, after the main oppo-
sition Pakistan Peoples Party
(PPP), the Pakistan Tehreek-i-
Insaf (PTI) also has begun think-
ing of boycotting it. Talking to
Dawn on Thursday, PTIs vice-
chairman Makhdoom Shah
Mehmood Qureshi said that after
receiving a formal request from
the PPP, his party had started in-
house consultations on the
option to boycott the presidential
polls in protest against the
Supreme Courts decision to
advance the polling date to July
30 from Aug 6 on the ruling
PML-Ns request without hearing
the other stakeholders. Two
other opposition parties
Pakistan Muslim League-Q
(PML-Q) and the Awami National
Party (ANP) also declared
that they would support a boy-
cott if the decision was taken
jointly by the PPP and PTI. The
chief of the Qaumi Watan Party
(QWP), Aftab Sherpao, told a
PPP team which called on him at
his residence that the final deci-
sion regarding participation or
boycott of the polls would be
made by his party in a meeting
on Saturday.The PPP team com-
prised Leader of Opposition in
National Assembly Syed
Khurshid Ahmed Shah, Leader
of Opposition in Senate
Chaudhry Aitzaz Ahsan, the
partys presidential candidate
Raza Rabbani, information sec-
retary Qamar Zaman Kaira and
former interior minister Rehman
Malik. It met the chiefs of the
ANP, PML-Q, QWP and the PTI
in order to persuade them to
boycott the elections. ANP chief
Asfandyar Wali told reporters
after his meeting with the PPP
delegation that his party would
stand by the PPP in whatever
decision it would take.
PML-Q president Chaudhry
Shujaat Hussain told the PPP
leaders that his party was
ready to announce the boycott
on the condition that PTI chief
Imran Khan should also do the
same. According to sources,
Chaudhry Shujaat himself tried
to contact Mr Khan after he
returned from London in the
morning, but could not talk to
him. Later the PML-Q chief
talked to Mr Qureshi and
informed him about the objec-
tions raised by the PPP.
PPP lobbies parties for presidential election boycott
Fazalur Rahman Thursday
expressed his serious reservations
to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif over
PML-Ns presidential nominee
Mamnoon Hussain, in a meeting at
PM House. The head of the Jamiat
Ulema-e-Islam (JUI-F), which is a
partner in ruling coalition, com-
plained that they had not been taken
on board on this matter. Had they
been consulted on the candidates
name earlier, they would have pre-
sented more worthy options, JUI-F
spokesperson Jan Achakzai quoted
Fazl as telling Nawaz. However,
Fazl said that he would put the pro-
posal of supporting PML-N candi-
date to his party and they would
soon announce their decision in this
regard. Sources said that Nawaz
assured Fazal that JUI-Fs griev-
ances would be redressed. The two
leaders also discussed countrys
security situation and the proposed
anti-terrorism policy. Fazl urged
Nawaz to take bold decisions while
formulating the policy. He said JUI-
Fs stand was clear on talks with the
Taliban. He reminded the PM that
his party was also a signatory to the
last APC held in February 28 under
the auspices of JUI-F. PML-N had
then agreed in writing that it will
back Jirga effort, he further remind-
ed the PM. When Nawaz asked Fazl
about submission of names for cabi-
net, the JUI-F leader said that cabi-
net slots were a secondary issue for
his party. He said political and
Ideological priorities that have been
agreed upon by PML-N will have
precedent over cabinet joining.
Ignored Fazl complains to Nawaz
PESHAWAR. At least one
child was killed and five oth-
ers injured Thursday night
when a mortar shell appear-
ing to be a toy exploded in
Peshawar's Bajaur Agency
when the children were play-
ing with it, official sources
said. A political administration
official said the explosion
occurred in the Nisarabad
Kausar area of Khar in Bajaur
Agency when a child took a
toy-like mortar shell home
and it went off. The children
were playing with the mortar
shell when it exploded with a
big bang, killing one child on
the spot and injuring five oth-
ers, he added. Meanwhile,
the injured were shifted to the
Agency Headquarters Hospital
Khar, for treatment where the
doctors pronounced one of
the child dead whereas the
others are being treated for
multiple injuries.
One child killed ; five injured as
mortal shell explodes in Peshawar
PESHAWAR. Relatives of the Gomal
Zam Dam kidnapped relatives on
Thursday took out a protest rally and
staged a set-in in front of the Wapda
House against the government for failing
to recover their near and dear ones.
The demonstrators were holding plac-
ards and banners inscribed with the lone
appeal from government to ensure safe
and early recovery of the relatives. They
also chanted slogans in favour of the
demand and appealed to the abductors
to release their relatives on humanitarian
grounds. Talking to the media on the
occasion, the women participated in the
protest regretted that both the incumbent
government and Wapda high-ups were
failed to recover their relatives.
Relatives hoping against hope
PML (N) Presidential Candidate Mamnoon Hussain arrives at Islamabad High Court
to submit nomination papers.
Presidential Candidates
Gujranwala : Four
bogies of a train traveling
from Lahore to Rawalpindi
overshot and ran aground
on a closed track at
Gujranwala City Railway
Station on Thursday
evening, killing at least
four people including a
woman and a child. The
wheels of two carriages of
the train were buried in the
ground, and the floor of the
train carriage levelled with
the ground. Authorities has
requested for heavy
machinery required to pull
the train back onto the
track at the Gujranwala
railway station. Both driver
and assistant driver of the
train reportedly fled the
scene. Dildar Hussain
Shah, a Pakistan Railways
official, said the driver of
the railcar failed to control
the train and it rolled over
a safety hump which was
made for avoiding such
accidents. Hussain said no
train passenger was hurt
while two local people sit-
ting on the hump reported-
ly died. Railways minister
Khawaja Saad Rafique has
ordered an inquiry into the
incident. He added that he
is personally supervising
the rescue effort. The train
was traveling from Lahore
to Rawalpindi and did not
stop at its designated
point, and overshot over a
closed section of the track
until it hit an electric poll.
Area people and rescue
teams thronged to the spot
and started rescue opera-
tions. They said the train
crashed many push-carts
and cycles on the track
boundary where many
people were also sitting.
Rescue teams said a
woman was buried under
the train which smashed
with 11000-KV transmis-
sion line, killing two people
and injuring many others.
It is said the incident took
place due to drivers negli-
gence who diverted the
train on the loop line
despite he was not receiv-
ing the green signal and
even did not apply breaks
timely. An initial report of
the incident was presented
to GM Railways who sus-
pended the driver and
assistant driver. Minister
for Railways Khawaja
Saad Rafique has ordered
an inquiry into the incident
of derailment and over-
shooting of the Rawalpindi
bound Railcar at
Gujranwala Railway
Station. Talking to media in
Lahore he said rescue
work has been started and
he is personally supervis-
ing the operation.
Four killed as train runs
aground in Gujranwala
hen it comes to what children
can dream to achieve, the sky
(Aakash) should be the limit.
But this may not be possible with dis-
ease, hunger, and poverty robbing chil-
dren in the developing world of hope
and potential. A $50 tablet computer
though can improve their odds. Suneet
Singh Tuli believes his invention can
level the playing field for children in
developing countries. Mr. Tulis $50
tablet computer, which runs on the
Andriod operating system and is
charged by a built-in solar charger, in
four hours, can expose children in
developing countries to the same
resources enjoyed by others in the
developed world. More importantly, he
is willing to build and distribute his
tablet computers in Pakistan. A laptop
in the hands of every school going child
seems like an impossible goal, espe-
cially when its price exceeds the month-
ly, and in some cases, the annual
household income. This has contributed
to the great digital divide between the
rich and the poor. Mr. Tulis tablet com-
puters (named Aakash by the Indian
government, and commercially sold as
UbiSlate by Datawind) can help bridge
the divide. Governments in developing
countries (in Pakistan, read Shahbaz
Sharif) should take note. Millions of chil-
dren in Pakistan who should be in
school are not. Those who are fortunate
to attend schools are receiving inade-
quate education with teachers imparting
a curriculum laced with errors. The
Internet, the worlds largest library,
allows learners to research and have a
second opinion on curriculum. A $50
tablet computer can put a library in
reach of hundreds of millions in the
developing world.
Mr. Tulis company, DataWind, aims
to disrupt the education landscape for
the three billion at the bottom of the
pyramid. I met him earlier in the week
when he visited Ryerson University. I
am willing to build the laptop in
Pakistan to provide local economic ben-
efits, in addition to making an affordable
technology available to the next genera-
tion of learners, he told me. DataWind
supports domestic manufacturing in
countries that adopt its products.
Putting Aakash within the reach of Pakistani children
Mr. Suneet Singh Tuli with Ban Ki Moon holding Aakash.
Pakhtunkhwa Assembly Speaker Asad
Qaisar has apparently assumed the
role of de facto chief executive of the
province as he often summons admin-
istrative secretaries and heads of the
directorates to his chamber for briefin-
gs on development schemes. Well-
placed sources in the assembly secre-
tariat said that Speaker Asad Qaisar
invited secretary of works and servic-
es, secretary of housing and secretary
of industries departments to his cham-
ber on July 29 to brief him about the
mega projects in Swabi district.
According to the schedule, the three
administrative secretaries would brief
Mr Qaisar on the proposed construc-
tion of Swat expressway, establish-
ment of an industrial estate near
Colonel Sher Khan Interchange and a
mega city project near Colonel Sher
Khan Interchange close to Peshawar-
Islamabad Motorway. These sources
said that Mr Qaisar wanted to connect
the under construction Colonel Sher
Khan Interchange with Chakdara
Bridge through Swat expressway.
Regrettably, Mr Speaker is more inter-
ested in attending meetings and brief-
ings about development schemes in
his hometown rather than focusing on
issues related to his office, said senior
official. He said that by book it was not
speakers job to call secretaries and
heads of different directorates for brief-
ings. He said that there was no provi-
sion in the Provincial Assembly of
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Procedure and
Conduct of Business Rules that he
(speaker) should preside over meet-
ings related to development schemes
in his constituency or any other area.
PA speaker is de facto KP chief executive
QUETTA. Displaced Bugti
tribesmen returned to their
hometown of Dera Bugti on
Thursday after about eight
years. Fifty vehicles carrying
the tribesmen led by
Nawabzada Gohram Bugti, a
grandson of Akbar Bugti, left
Dera Allahyar in Jaffarabad dis-
trict for Dera Bugti after having
been cleared by federal and
provincial governments. After a
brief stay in Jacobabad,
Kashmore and Sui, the convoy
reached Dera Bugti. The tribes-
men left Dera Bugti in 2005
after a military operation had
been launched against Nawab
Akbar Bugti by Gen Pervez
Musharraf. Nawab Bugti was
killed in a cave in Kohlu district.
Hundreds of thousands of Bugti
tribesmen left their homes and
moved to Jaffarabad, Nasirabad,
Sibi, Jacobabad, Sadiqabad,
Dera Ghazi Khan, Sukkur,
Hyderabad, Sanghar, Osta
Mohammad and Karachi.
Displaced tribesmen return to
Dera Bugti after eight years
leader Rehmat Ullah and
Dr Naveed Iqbal, who are
part of the Pak-China
Friendship Expedition 2013
Climbs, became the first
Pakistanis to summit the
Muztagh Ata peak in
Xinjiang Autonomous
Region, China. Text mes-
sages of congratulations
were sent soon after the
two climbers reached the
top of the 7,546-metre peak
at 7am on Wednesday
morning. Rehmat Ullah
and Dr Naveed Iqbal, along
with five Chinese members,
left Camp-III at midnight for
a final push for the top,
said member of executive
council of Alpine Club
Pakistan (ACP) Karrar
Haidri. The third member of
the Pakistani team, Ahmad
Mujtaba, was forced to stop
short of the summit
because of strong winds.
According to Mr Haidri, the
Muztagh Ata climb was not
technically challenging or
steep but reaching the top
became difficult because of
the high altitude and strong
winds. He said both
Rehmat Ullah and Dr
Naveed Iqbal were profes-
sional climbers and had
both reached the Spantik
Peak which stood at 7,027
metres high. Rehmat Ullah
had conquered the 8,051-
metre-high Broad Peak (the
12th highest mountain in
the world) and had also
attempted to reach the
Nanga Parbat summit but
could not succeed.
Pakistanis summit Chinese peak for the first time
fIJIsUn 12
Dhaka proposes basin
regime approach for
sharing river water
Dhaka. Foreign
Minister Dipu Moni on
Thursday proposed a
Meghna Basin regime
that will go beyond the
boundaries of Bangladesh
and India to harness the
common rivers water,
hydro power and marine
resources of the region.
She said the new regime
would include India,
China, Bhutan, Nepal and
Myanmar besides the Bay
of Bengal itself, and the
benefits of such a basin
regime would be mani-
fold, reports the Economic
Times, reports UNB.
DHAKA. President Abdul
Hamid on Monday hosted an iftar
party in honour of the Prime
Minister, the Speaker, cabinet
members, foreign diplomats and
eminent citizens at Bangabhaban,
reports UNB. On her arrival at
Bangabhaban, the Prime Minister
was received by the President and
his wife Rashida Khanom. The
Prime Minister was accompanied
by her family members, including
her son Sajeeb Wajed Joy and
daughter Saima Wajed Putul.
Speaker Dr. Shirin Sharmin
Chaudhury, cabinet members,
advisors to the Prime Minister, the
Chief Justice, MPs, Justices of the
Supreme Court, the cabinet secre-
tary, the chiefs of the three servic-
es, foreign diplomats, vice chancel-
lors of public universities, editors
and senior journalists and a good
number of eminent citizens and
military and civil high officials
attended the iftar party. The
President went round different
tables set for the guests, exchanged
pleasantries with them and
enquired about their well-being.
President hosts iftar
DHAKA. Prime Minister
Sheikh Hasina on Thursday
called upon the members of
Bangladesh Administrative
Services Association (BASA) to
work with the attitude of sacri-
fice to build a hunger and
poverty-free prosperous and
peaceful Bangladesh by 2021,
reports BSS. Your main task is
to bring smiles on the faces of
the common people and reach
the government services to the
doorsteps of the people speedi-
ly and with highest efficiency,
she said. While addressing an
iftar party and annual dinner of
the BASA at Bangabandhu
International Conference
Centre, she also sought cooper-
ation of the BASA members to
implement the economic uplift
programmes taken by the pres-
ent government. She said the
officials of the new generation
of the administration will have to
be more attentive in serving the
people by upholding the glori-
ous history and tradition of the
countrys Liberation War.
Work with attitude of sacrifice : PM
DHAKA. Hours after a
court issued a warrant for
his arrest, ruling party MP
Golam Maula Rony was
arrested on Wednesday,
reports UNB.
A team of DB police
arrested the embattled
MP, who came to the
spotlight after assaulting
two journalists of a TV
channel, from his vehicle
in the citys Badda area
around 3:40pm. He was
then taken to DB office at
Minto Road. A few min-
utes before his arrest,
Rony in a status on his
Facebook said, A war-
rant has been issued for
my arrest cancelling my
I had a belief that the
government has no
involvement in corruption
at state level and the
misdeeds and unjustified
activities of some specific
persons about which I
was vocal.
Like nonsense, I was
marching forward holding
that belief. But today my
such belief has got shat-
tered. The way my bail
has been cancelled, it
never happened in inde-
pendent Bangladesh, not
even during the Pakistan
rule, he added.
He thanked the Prime
Minister for setting a
milestone in the way of
establishing the rule of
law in society by sending
him jail.
Let the share market
be vibrant, the killers of
Sagar-Runi be arrested
and my beloved party be
back to power and the
countrys people live in
peace even at the cost of
my punishment.
On Tuesday, Rony on
his Facebook hinted
about his resignation say-
ing, Probably, Im going
to resign. I feel, I should
face the conspiracy as
general public. But after
meeting Speaker Shirin
Sharmin Chaudhury, he
retreated from his plan to
quit saying he now
leaves it to the party.
Rony finally arrested
124 kg gold
seized at Shah-
jalal Intl Airport
DHAKA. In a huge
haul, a customs vigilance
team seized 124 kgs of
gold bars worth about Tk
54 crore from an aircraft
of Biman Bangladesh
Airlines on Wednesday,
reports UNB. Contacted,
Senior ASP of Airport
Armed Police Md Alamgir
Hossain told UNB that a
team of customs officials,
acting on a tip-off, con-
ducted a search in the
Cargo Chamber of an air-
craft of Biman (Flight no.
BG-702), which landed at
the airport around 1:50
pm from Kathmandu.
No scope of judicial power
for magistrates : Shafique
DHAKA. aw Minister Shafique
Ahmed on Thursday said there is no
scope for the magistrates to exercise
judicial power even under summary
trial. Article 22 of the constitution clear-
ly says the state will ensure complete
separation of judicial and
executive department, he
told journalists after
addressing the divisional
and deputy commissioners
at the last day of three-day
DC conference at the
Cabinet Division here. The
DCs urged for getting powers to take
cognizance of crimes and exercise judi-
cial power with summary trial under
mobile court act on Thursday on the
first day of the three-day DC conference
in Dhaka. The law minister said the
executive magistrates were not going to
be given the summary trial powers
under the Mobile Court Act. The exist-
ing act does not give the magistrates
the judicial power to sentence someone
unless he confesses his crime.
Eighteen days into their
abduction in Rangamti,
five employees of a con-
struction firm, which pro-
vides service to state-run
telecom company
Teletalk, were freed
Khagrachhari district
Friday. The abductors
took the Bi Technology
staff members to a hill in
Dighinala upazila around
1:45am and asked them
to walk to the plain land,
Amena Begum, superin-
tendent of police (SP) in
Rangamati, told The
Daily Star. Assistant engi-
neer Akhter Hossain,
technicians Hemayet
Uddin and Imrul, and
workers Suja Miah and
Mojibor were kept at the
office of Rangamati SP at
12:15pm when this report
was filed, reports our cor-
respondent in
Rangamati. None of the
abductors could be
arrested as they van-
ished into the wild. After
they were freed in the
Merung mountainous
area of Dighinala, the five
Bi Technology staff
walked through the jun-
gle, they met members of
Directorate General of
Forces Intelligence
(DGFI), who took them to
the SP office, said
Amena. On July 8, kid-
nappers abducted six
including the Teletalk-
contractor firm employ-
ees from Baribindughat
in Baghaichhari upazila
of Rangamati. The other,
Montu Chakma, a local,
was released a few hours
later. On July 21, police
arrested two including
Montu in connection with
the kidnapping. The other
is Kironmoy Chakma of
Tulaban village.
5 TeleTalk-conTracTor sTaff freed
AL MP Golam Sabur killed
in Faridpur road crash
FARIDPUR. Golam Sabur Tulu, an
Awami League MP from Barguna-2
(Patharghata), was killed in a road acci-
dent on Dhaka-Barisal Highway at
Chumurdia in Bhanga upazila on Friday,
reports UNB. Sources said the accident
took place around 4:15pm when Tulu
along with four others was heading
towards Dhaka. They said Tulus vehicle
veered off the road and rolled into a
roadside ditch, leaving the MP dead on
the spot and four others injured. After the
accident, locals rushed to the spot and
took the injured to different hospitals of
the district. Meanwhile, Prime Minister
Sheikh Hasina expressed profound shock
at the death of Golam Sabur, MP.
India's current tour of
Zimbabwe has parallels with
the visit to the southern
African country for a tri-
series in 2010 - a squad filled
with newcomers led by a
stand-in captain. Three
years ago, that young India
team had found the tri-series
to be a taxing trek, losing
three of four matches to
crash out before the finals.
This time around, though, it
has been a casual stroll to a
series victory, confirmed by
an utterly one-sided third
ODI which Zimbabwe lost by
seven wickets.
Teams winning the toss
have enjoyed a huge advan-
tage in this series, and today
was no different as Virat
Kohli called correctly and
watched his bowlers wipe
out Zimbabwe for 183. Even
reaching that meagre score
reflected a recovery for
Zimbabwe, who had been at
89 for 6 in the 23rd over, and
had three tail-enders, who
had shown little aptitude for
batting, to come. Amit
Mishra's variations fetched
him four wickets, and the
chase was orchestrated by
Kohli, who continues to find
ODI cricket exceedingly
The winter pitch at the
Harare Sports Club has fol-
lowed the same pattern in
every match this series:
assisting the seamers appre-
ciably in the first hour before
gradually easing up. Vusi
Sibanda clearly hadn't learnt
that, though, charging out
and attempting a wild heave
in the first over itself, pre-
dictably edging a catch
towards extra cover. After
that Vinay Kumar strike, it
was Mohammed Shami's
turn to break through, on his
first ball, when he got
Sikandar Raza to nick to the
With the ball hooping
around, Brendan Taylor and
Hamilton Masakadza sur-
vived a bunch of lbw calls
and were routinely beaten
but hung on. Taylor could
have been run-out a couple
of times but he didn't attempt
any risky shots, the first sign
of enterprise being a con-
trolled pull for four off Vinay
in the ninth over. Masakadza
was content driving through
the off side, didn't play
across the line much, and
the pair shepherded
Zimbabwe to the relative
security of 67 for 2 in the
16th over.
The first hour had been
seen off, and Zimbabwe
were looking forward to more
comfortable batting condi-
tions. However, Jaydev
Unadkat, India's best seam-
er in the previous game,
ended the stand, getting
Taylor to chip a catch to mid-
Then, the India spinners
took over. Zimbabwe have
poked and prodded against
them, regularly beset by
doubts over how much the
ball will spin and in which
direction. Mishra's mix of
legspinners, googlies, sliders
and seam-up deliveries have
proved too much for
Zimbabwe and he has pros-
pered in his first stint in the
ODI team in two years. He
continued to enjoy himself
today as in his first over, he
had Masakadza caught-
behind and trapped Malcolm
Waller lbw to be on a hat-
trick. He didn't get one but
the double-blow wrecked
Zimbabwe's chances of
making a big score.
Sean Williams and
Prosper Utseya arrested the
slide with a 36-run stand but
Williams seemed to lose his
composure once Utseya fell
in the 33rd over. He looked
to take as much of the strike
as he could, given that
Tendai Chatara, Brian Vitori
and Michael Chinouya are
not known for their batting
skills. In a gamble to retain
the strike, he took on a throw
from Ravindra Jadeja at mid-
wicket, but the powerful and
accurate return caught him
A quick end to the
Zimbabwe innings seemed
imminent but the bottom
three weren't about to throw
their wickets away. Chatara's
hook for six off Vinay was the
highlight as the tail extended
Zimbabwe's innings by more
than 11 overs before Mishra
returned to polish them off.
Faced with a small target
and a placid pitch, India
weren't too troubled during
the chase, and there were
never any doubts over which
side was heading for victory.
Rohit Sharma played a few
eye-catching strokes before
falling cheaply for the third
time in the series. His open-
ing partner Shikhar Dhawan
looked set to extend his
recent golden run as he
feasted on the loose deliver-
ies on offer, but after racing
to 35 off 31, he crashed a
length ball straight to cover.
Ambati Rayudu was slow to
start but just as he got going,
he chipped a return catch on
Unlike the others, Kohli
didn't throw it away. He was
edgy to begin with, but calm-
ly worked the singles early
on and with the asking-rate
never too far from three an
over, he was content to coast
along. It was only towards
the end, with the result
almost guaranteed, that he
opened out and hurried India
past the finish line, complet-
ing their sixth successive
ODI victory.
KOLKATA. Former India cap-
tain Bishen Singh Bedi on
Friday took an indirect dig at
Sachin Tendulkar's prolonged
lean patch, saying it was high
time for him to start scoring runs
again. "It's high time that he (
Tendulkar) should get back to
runs to get people's respect,"
said the legendary left-arm spin-
ner. Here in the city for a promo-
tional programme, Bedi said get-
ting 10 wickets in a Test match
is like scoring hundreds in each
innings. "Even a player of
Tendulkar's calibre has not done
it, so it's an enormous achieve-
ment," Bedi said recalling his
only 10-wicket haul in Perth.
The 66-year-old hailed former
India captain Sourav Ganguly
and said the Bengal cricketer
contributed enormously to the
rise of the Indian cricket. "Like in
present day, we are reading so
much about Mahendra Singh
Dhoni but the present day crick-
et was set up by Sourav
Ganguly. He has enormous con-
tribution to the Indian cricket. It
has just been taken forward by
Dhoni in a calm manner.
Calmness is Dhoni's greatest
quality. Indian cricket always
had ups and downs but now it
seems reasonably stable," he
said. Comparing Ganguly with
late Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi,
Bedi said, "I honestly feel that
Tiger Pataudi was the greatest
thing to have happened to the
Indian cricket. He brought the
sense of Indianness to the
dressing room. Winning as a
habit was cultivated by Tiger
Pataudi." "We have seen the
result in Ajit Wadekar team win-
ning three match series in 1971.
With due respect to Wadekar, I
am saying that the seeds were
sown by Pataudi," he added.
Bedi rated Sir Garfield Sobers
as the greatest cricketer along
with Sir Donald Bradman. "I am
fortunate to have bowled to Sir
Sobers. He was the ultimate
cricketer. Two people -- Sobers
and Bradman -- would not
emerge in world cricket again."
Talking on a panel alongside
India off-spinner Ravichandran
Ashwin, Bedi was all praise for
the side especially after their
Champions Trophy triumph.
Sachin Tendulkar should start scoring runs again : Bedi
Ranji career
in doubt
CHENNAI. Young left-
arm spinner Harmeet
Singh's career has suf-
fered a huge jolt after he
was linked with spot-fix-
ing scandal in the IPL.
Harmeet was questioned
by the BCCI's anti-cor-
ruption and security unit
(ACSU) chief Ravi
Sawani on Saturday for
more an hour in the
ongoing spot-fixing
probe, which may put a
pause on his move to
Vidarbha from Mumbai.
Harmeet had told the
Delhi Police earlier that
his Rajasthan Royals
teammate Ajit Chandila
had approached him
with bookies to indulge
in spot-fixing but had
reportedly refused the
offer. Harmeet, who
burst onto the domestic
circuit as a 16-year-old,
was going in the right
direction and his career
looked promising until he
was dropped from the
Mumbai Ranji squad last
scrambled a four-wicket
victory off the penultimate
ball in the fifth and final
one-day international
against the West Indies at
the Beausejour Stadium on
Wednesday. Replying to
the hosts' total of 242 for
seven, skipper Misbah-ul-
Haq's innings of 63 again
piloted the visitors to their
target although they made
heavy weather of it at the
end, Kieron Pollard missing
the stumps at the non-strik-
er's end and Saeed Ajmal
dashing home for the win-
ning run to the relief of his
teammates. Pakistan take
the five-match series 3-1
with one tied and now both
teams shift focus to the two
Twenty20 internationals to
be played on Saturday and
Sunday in St Vincent
Misbah, who was dis-
missed at the start of the
final over with the scores
level, took both the man of
the match and the man of
the series awards. Not for
the first time over the five
matches, the fate of the
match hinged on his contri-
bution with the bat. But
from the West Indies stand-
point, they were left to
lament a controversial
moment when they were
convinced that the
Pakistani captain was
caught off the glove by
stand-in wicketkeeper
Lendl Simmons off a fiery
Tino Best. On 49 at the
time, and with the score
standing at 190 for four in
the 43rd over, his dismissal
then with 53 runs still need-
ed could have been pivotal.
Misbah leads Pakistan to series win
Police said they arrested
about 25 University of
California health care
workers who staged a
sit-in that has closed an
intersection, causing traf-
fic backups during rush
hour at the Los Angeles
campus. Aerial footage
of the protest, which
began at 3 p.m. Friday,
showed several people
sitting in a circle at the
intersection of Westwood
and Wilshire boulevards.
This is causing pretty
much a traffic nightmare
out here for anybody
driving through the
Westwood area. Wilshire
Boulevard [is] usually
very busy especially
towards this time when
people start getting off
work. You can see its
completely shut down
right now because of the
protest, said Sky9s Stu
Mundel. Mundel said that
as of 4:10 p.m., the
LAPD declared an
unlawful gathering and
arrests ensued. The
union said the workers
protested stalled contract
talks for 12,000 of the
university systems
patient care technical
workers. UC spokesman
Steve Montiel told KNX
1070 that the system
welcomes getting back to
bargaining and is waiting
for written contract offers
that include pension
reform. We would wel-
come getting back to the
bargaining table, thats
still an option, were wait-
ing for some written con-
tract offers, Montiel said.
The main issue here is
pension reform.
25 Arrested At UCLA Protest At Busy Intersection
Robbers Used
Backhoe to Grab
an ATM From a
Bank : NYPD
MASPETH. It was the
Queens version of the Italian
job. A crew of bank robbers
used a stolen Caterpillar back-
hoe to try to lift an ATM from a
Chase bank in Maspeth Friday
morning, police sources said.
They carried the ATM to the
parking lot but it fell from the
machines powerful arm, cops
said. The thieves fled on a
black SUV, leaving the
$200,000 machine and the
ATM in the parking lot on 54th
Avenue and 48th Street,
police said. No money was
removed from the ATM. This
is the 11th event in a pattern.
Most of them are in Queens or
Brooklyn North. We have seen
two in Manhattan, where
they'll use brute force,'' Police
Commissioner Ray Kelly said
in a press conference Friday.
Mitchell leveraged a pen-
chant for hard work, an
appetite for risk and
dogged persistence in the
face of futility into a tech-
nological breakthrough
that reshaped the global
energy industry and made
the wildcat oilman a bil-
lionaire. Mitchell, the
developer and philanthro-
pist who also is consid-
ered the father of frack-
ing, doggedly pursued
natural gas he and others
knew were trapped in
wide, thin layers of rock
deep underground.
Fracking brought an
entirely new - and enor-
mous - trove of oil and
gas within reach. Mitchell
died on Friday at age 94
his home in Galveston,
his family said. The son of
a Greek immigrant who
ran a cleaning and
shoeshine business in
Galveston, Mitchell
became one of the
wealthiest men in the US
While his technological
breakthrough transformed
economies in states like
North Dakota, Texas and
Pennsylvania and is
expected to migrate
around the world, many
environmentalists have
attacked the practice over
concerns about air and
water pollution.
For the entire oil and
gas age, drillers had
searched for hydrocar-
bons that had seeped out
of layers of sedimentary
rock over millions of years
and collected into large
pools. Once found, they
were easy to produce.
George P Mitchell, fracking
pioneer, dies at 94
swarm of about 30,000
bees attacked a North
Texas couple as they exer-
cised their miniature hors-
es, stinging the animals so
many times they died.
Kristen Beauregard, 44,
was stung about 200
times, and her boyfriend
about 50 times, the Fort
Worth Star-Telegram
reported Saturday. But the
horses, Chip and Trump,
were so covered in bees
they shimmered. Neither
could be saved. "They
were chasing us down,
they were following us,"
Beauregard said of the
incident Wednesday
evening. "We swept up
piles and piles of them ... it
was like a bad movie."
The bees are being tested
to see whether they are
Africanized or "killer" bees.
It is unclear what prompt-
ed them to leave the hive.
Beauregard was exercis-
ing Trump, a Shetland
pony, when he started to
jump and kick, she said.
That is when a cloud of
bees started stinging them
all over. Trying to escape,
she jumped in the pool
and the horse followed. "It
got all dark, like it was
nighttime there were so
many bees," she told the
newspaper. "We were try-
ing stand up in the water
but every time we stuck
our heads out for air, they
would cover us and start
stinging us. We were try-
ing to breathe and they
were stinging us in the
face and in the nose." She
escaped to the house, and
her boyfriend called 911.
Bees chased her, crashing
into the windows of the
house. Trump ran through
the yard, rubbing against
bushes in an attempt to
wipe off the bees.
Beauregard's boyfriend
called 911 and firefighters
arrived with special gear
and a foam substance
used to clear the bees.
They were able to drag
the horses to a pasture
where police and para-
medics tried to treat them.
Chip, a 6-year-old show
horse, died before a vet-
erinarian arrived. Trump
was sedated and taken to
equine veterinarian
Patricia Tersteeg's clinic.
"He was so overwhelmed
by bites that his body
could not handle it,"
Tersteeg said. "That's way
too much for any 250-
pound mammal to sur-
vive." The bees also killed
five hens, and stung the
couple's dog.
Thousands Of Bees Attack Texas Couple, Kill Horses
States top lawyer has assured
the Russian government that
the U.S. has no plans to seek
the death penalty for former
National Security Agency sys-
tems analyst Edward
Snowden, who has been
charged with espionage and is
seeking asylum. In a letter
dated Tuesday, Attorney-
General Eric Holder said the
criminal charges Mr. Snowden
now faces do not carry the
death penalty, and the U.S. will
not seek his execution even if
he is charged with additional
serious crimes. Mr. Snowden
has been charged with three
offences, including espionage,
and could face up to
30 years in prison if
convicted. He is
believed to have
been staying at the
Moscow airport tran-
sit zone since June
23, 2013. Mr.
Holders letter was
sent to Alexander
Vladimirovich Konovalov, the
Russian Minister of Justice.
The Attorney-Generals letter
may allay reported Russian
concerns about how Mr.
Snowden might be treated if he
is deported to the U.S. Some
Russian politicians,
including parliament
speaker Sergei
Naryshkin, have said
Mr. Snowden should
be granted asylum to
protect him from the
death penalty. I can
report that the United
States is prepared to provide
to the Russian government the
following assurances regarding
the treatment Mr. Snowden
would face upon return to the
United States, Mr. Holder
wrote. First, the United States
would not seek the death
penalty for Mr. Snowden
should he return to the United
In addition, Mr. Snowden
will not be tortured. Torture is
unlawful in the United States,
Mr. Holders letter said. The
Attorney-General said that if
Mr. Snowden returned to the
U.S., he would promptly be
brought before a civilian court
and would receive all the
protections that United States
law provides.
Wont seek death for Snowden, US assures Russia
Indian-American appoint-
ed judge in California
WASHINGTON. President Barack
Obama has nominated yet another
Indian American , Vince Girdhari
Chhabria, to a key judicial post in
California. Nominated to be U.S.
District Judge for the Northern District
of California, Mr. Chhabria is currently
deputy city attorney for government lit-
igation at the San Francisco city attor-
neys office, where he has worked
since 2005. Announcing Mr.
Chhabrias nomination along with five
other judicial posts, the President said:
These men and women have had dis-
tinguished legal careers and I am hon-
oured to ask them to continue their
work as judges on the federal bench.
PIERMONT, N.Y. The driver of a speedboat carry-
ing a bride-to-be and five others that crashed on New
York's Hudson River late Friday night has been charged
with vehicular manslaughter. Rockland County Sheriff's
Department Chief William Barbera said Saturday 35-
year-old Jojo John of Nyack was also charged with
vehicular assault. Barbera says John may have operat-
ing the boat while intoxicated. Earlier Saturday, a body
matching the description of 30-year-old Lindsey Stewart,
of Piermont, was found in the water. Stewart was set to
be married Aug. 10. Rescuers are still trying to locate
her fiance's best man, 30-year-old Mark Lennon. The
search for him was suspended Saturday evening.
Officials say the groom-to-be and three others were hos-
pitalized after the boat carrying six friends crashed into
a construction barge near the Tappan Zee Bridge.
Driver Arrested In Hudson River
Wedding Party Boat Crash
Silicon Valley Interreligious Council
Special Opportunity
Occasional notices of events from or related to
SiViC affiliates but not officially sponsored by SiViC
Gandhi Camp
Gandhi Youth Camp has been held annually for 27 years in the
rolling foothills surrounded by majestic beauty in Olema, in Marin
County. The camp has been led by Dr. S. N. Subba Rao, who has
dedicated his life to youth development, and he visits us every
year from India. The camp is aimed at 10-18 year olds and can
take only about 45 boys and girls. The camp has been run by a
dedicated group of adult volunteers and youth counselors. This
one week camp is offered at a much lower rate than many other
camps of similar nature. This has been made possible by the
generous use of the camping facility by the Vedanta Society, in
addition to the efforts and energy put in by the parents and youth.
Indeed, the Gandhi Youth camp provides such an excellent environment for one week that chil-
dren who attend this camp simply love it very much and look forward to revisiting every year.
THIs cAmp sTrEssEs THE FoLLowIng vALuEs:
self-help and self-discipline
Friendship and mutual respect
service to others
Truth and honesty
non-violence and love
respect for the environment
Integrated physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual development
This year, the Gandhi Youth camp will be held from
at the Vedanta Society Retreat, Olema,
California led by Subba Raoji.
There are still some open slots, and scholarships are available,
especially for participants of other faiths.
Contact Jyothi Lulla at, or
CaLL 408 530 2733.
Opinions expressed in Special Opportunity notices are not necessarily those of SiVIC or its affiliate organizations.
WASHINGTON. Four out of 5 U.S. adults
struggle with joblessness, near-poverty or
reliance on welfare for at least parts of their
lives, a sign of deteriorating economic securi-
ty and an elusive American dream. Survey
data exclusive to The Associated Press
points to an increasingly globalized U.S.
economy, the widening gap between rich and
poor, and the loss of good-paying manufac-
turing jobs as reasons for the trend. The find-
ings come as President Barack Obama tries
to renew his administration's emphasis on the
economy, saying in recent speeches that his
highest priority is to "rebuild ladders of oppor-
tunity" and reverse income inequality. As non-
whites approach a numerical majority in the
U.S., one question is how public programs to
lift the disadvantaged should be best focused
on the affirmative action that historically has
tried to eliminate the racial barriers seen as
the major impediment to economic equality,
or simply on improving socioeconomic status
for all, regardless of race.
Hardship is particularly growing
among whites, based on several
measures. Pessimism among that
racial group about their families' eco-
nomic futures has climbed to the high-
est point since at least 1987. In the
most recent AP-GfK poll, 63 percent of
whites called the economy "poor." "I
think it's going to get worse," said Irene
Salyers, 52, of Buchanan County, Va.,
a declining coal region in Appalachia.
Married and divorced three times,
Salyers now helps run a fruit and veg-
etable stand with her boyfriend but it
doesn't generate much income.
80 Percent Of U.S. Adults Face
Near-Poverty, Unemployment : Survey
CHICAGO. More than
200 people joined a South
Side pastor Saturday
afternoon to march up
North Michigan Avenue
and stage a "silent sit-in"
to help spotlight young
people who are dispropor-
tionatley affected by vio-
lence in Chicago. The "Let
Us Live" march, organized
by Project HOOD, culmi-
nated in a "State of the
Hood Address" given by
Rev. Corey Brooks of
Woodlawn's New
Beginnings Church out-
side the Wrigley Building.
Brooks said when a child
goes missing in America,
the government issues an
Amber alert. The pastor
said it is time to issue an
Amber alert for a genera-
tion of black youth.
"Today, we are issuing an
Amber alert from the hood
because our black chil-
dren are missing," Brooks
said. "Missing education,
missing employment,
missing parents..."
'Let Us Live,' Chicago Youth Plead,
In March To Spotlight Violence
Florida Shooting: 7
Dead In Hialeah
Apartment Shootout
HIALEAH, Fla. A man
living with his mother in a
South Florida apartment
complex set their unit on fire
and went on a shooting ram-
page throughout the build-
ing, killing six people before
being shot to death by
police. As the eight-hour
standoff unfolded, horrified
residents hunkered down in
their homes, at times so
close to the action they
could feel the gunfire or hear
negotiations between the
gunman and police, authori-
ties and witnesses said
Saturday. In the final hours,
Pedro Vargas, 42, held two
people hostage at gunpoint
for up to three hours in their
apartment until a SWAT
team entered and killed him,
police said. The hostages
were not hurt. "The crime
scene is the whole building,"
said Lt. Carl Zogby, a
spokesman with the Hialeah
Police Department.
Police were called to the
aging, five-story apartment
building in Hialeah, a work-
ing class suburb a few miles
northwest of downtown
Miami, on Friday at 6:30
p.m. The first calls reported
a fire, but when firefighters
arrived, they heard shots
and immediately notified
police, Zogby said.
and entertainer Harry
Belafonte on Friday called
on Florida Gov. Rick Scott to
listen to protesters who are
asking for a special legisla-
tive session to examine the
state's self-defense laws
after the acquittal of George
Zimmerman. Protesters
have occupied the Capitol
since July 15 or three
days after a jury cleared
Zimmerman of charges in
the killing of 17-year-old
Trayvon Martin. The group
wants Scott to call a special
session so legislators can
change the state's con-
tentious "stand your ground"
law but Scott has steadfastly
refused. Belafonte who
had never been to
Tallahassee previously
joined the protest on Friday
afternoon. The 86-year-old
celebrity said the sight of the
protesters "makes my
autumn heart dance like it
was spring." Belafonte said
Scott still has a chance to
act before the protests
intensify and the situation
becomes "ungovernable."
"At the moment all of this is
governable, all of this is in a
place where it can be debat-
ed and analyzed and dis-
cussed in a very peaceful,
calm, productive way," said
Belafonte, who first rose to
fame during the 1950s.
Harry Belafonte Joins 'Stand Your Ground' Protest In Florida Capitol
JJ Cale Dead: US Singer-Song-
writer Dies Aged 74
LOS ANGELES. US singer-songwriter
JJ Cale has died aged 74. An announce-
ment posted on his official website revealed
that he had suffered a heart attack and
passed away at Scripps
Hospital in La Jolla, California,
on Friday. Oklahoma-born
John Weldon Cale first
became famous in 1970,
when Eric Clapton covered
his song 'After Midnight'. He is
credited for helping create the
Tulsa Sound and went on to
record 14 studio albums and
won a Grammy Award in 2008 for an album
he recorded with Clapton. Cale's songs
were also covered by the likes of Lynyrd
Skynyrd, Tom Petty and Randy Crawford.
Container Of Depleted Uranium
Found At Opa-Locka Airport
MIAMI. An open 55-gallon drum con-
taining depleted uranium was found at a
Miami-area airport on Thursday, but pre-
liminary reports indicated there was no
environmental impact, a fire
department spokesman said.
Hazardous materials crews
were on the scene at the
Opa-Locka Airport, which is
primarily used for aircraft
maintenance and repair
services, said Lieutenant
Arnold Piedrahita, a
spokesman for Miami-Dade
Fire Rescue. There were no immediate
reports of any injuries, he said, adding
that the origin of the drum and its con-
tents were still under investigations.
KABUL. A joint dele-
gation of both houses of
parliament on Monday
approved the election
law with some amend-
ments after a prolonged
debate. The delegation
approved all the remain-
ing controversial articles
after a majority voted in
their favor, said Nazir
Ahmad Hanafi, who
headed the 14-member
delegation. The joint del-
egation was established
to resolve differences
between the two houses
on some clauses and
send the law for approval
to the president. The
joint delegation agreed
to allocating 20 percent
seats for women in
provincial, district and
village councils, accord-
ing to Hanafi. He said
previously 25 percent
seats had been reserved
for women in the law.
The delegation also
rejected the reservation
of a seat for the Hindu
minority and approved
seven constituencies for
the Kuchi tribe instead of
10. Hanafi said the law
would be sent to the
Presidential Palace for
the signature of the pres-
ident on Tuesday.
Election Law Approved
with Amendments
KABUL. On the basis
of the decision of the
Council of Minister, the
Afghan Ministry of
Finance (MoF) has
decided to impose fines
on NATO supply trucks
that enter Afghanistan
without a proper registra-
tion process. This comes
as at least 70,000 NATO
supplying trucks have
been identified to have
entered Afghanistan
without valid registration.
The government has
taken this step in an
attempt to boost its rev-
enue that has declined
by 30% this year as com-
pared to the previous
year. We have not
slapped taxes on the for-
eign forces containers;
they should fill (T1) form
for entering Afghanistan.
Foreigners are obliged to
respect the laws of
Afghanistan, Gul
Maqsood Sabet, Deputy
Minister of Finance for
Revenue and Customs.
The US Senators in
reaction to this have said
that Washington will
impose a five dollar cut
on the US aid to
Afghanistan against
each dollar of fine
imposed by the MoF.
Govt. to Fine Unregistered
NATO Supply Trucks
28 IEC Picks
Suggested to
KABUL. Twenty-eight
people have been sug-
gested to President
Hamid Karzai, who will
pick nine of them as
Independent Election
Commission members,
Senate Chairman Fazal
Hadi Muslimyar said on
Sunday. A joint commis-
sion of both houses of
parliament approved on
July 15 a new election
law, envisaging the cre-
ation of a committee to
introduce Electoral
Complaints Commission
and IEC members to the
president. Under Article
8 of the relevant law, the
committee will include
parliamentary speakers,
the chief justice, civil
society representatives,
human rights campaign-
ers and other officials.
First Afghan Woman
Governor Wins
Asian Nobel Prize
MANILA, Philippines.
Afghanistans first and
only female governor and
a humanitarian worker
from Myanmars Kachin
minority are among this
years recipients of the
Ramon Magsaysay
Awards, often regarded as
Asias version of the
Nobel Prize.
The Manila-based
Ramon Magsaysay
Awards Foundation
announced Wednesday
that it had selected three
individuals and two organ-
izations as this years
awardees, including a
Filipino doctor, an inde-
pendent commission erad-
icating corruption in
Indonesia and a civil soci-
ety organization in Nepal
created and run by human
trafficking victims.
KABUL. The Wolesi Jirga --
lower house of parliament --
sacked Interior Minister Lt.
Gen. Mujtaba Patang on
Monday when he failed to sur-
vive a no-confidence vote.
While bringing the motion, law-
makers accused the minister of
committing massive corruption
and showing incompetence in
dealing with security threats.
The house began voting on
whether or not to bring a no-
confidence motion against
Patang after declaring his
explanations as unacceptable.
The decision came two days
ago when he did not appear
and sent his deputy to brief the
assembly on the security situa-
tion in the country. Patang
appeared before the house on
Monday, but MPs rejected his
explanations and voted on
deciding his fate. Patang
explained he had sent his
deputy because he was busy
dealing with more important
official work. He argued the
assembly asked mostly techni-
cal questions which his deputy
could answer.
The Cabinet member said
he had attended 63 meetings
of parliament and its panels
since takeover as interior min-
ister. Regarding his struggle
against corruption, the minister
said up to 54 policemen had
been referred to the prosecu-
tion office over the past six
months. I acknowledge poor
security along highways, but it
is not the responsibility of the
Ministry of Interior alone. The
Ministry of Defence and the
National Directorate of Security
are also responsible. While
answering a query, Patang said
the authorities delayed issuing
weapons to the MPs because
some of them demanded more
weapons than permissible
under the ministry policy.
Under the policy, he said: An
MP is allowed to carry four
weapons but some of them
have demanded up to 12
weapons. I cant do this.
Owners of private security com-
panies paid the Taliban to dis-
rupt security along highways,
he said, adding the firms want-
ed to defame the Department
of Public Protection. But 136
of the 205 MPs present
during the session voted
against Patang and sacked
him less than a year after
takeover as interior minister.
Speaker Abdul Rauf Ibrahimi
urged President Hamid Karzai
to introduce a competent can-
didate for the job to lawmakers.
Wolesi Jirga Sacks interior minister
Thousands of Students Boycott Classes in Ghor
CHAGHCHARAN. Thousands of university and
high school students on Wednesday observed a one-
day boycott of classes in the provincial capital of
western Ghor province to protest the new entry test
system. More than 10,000 students including those
from a teacher training college boycotted their class-
es for a day, the provincial education director, Akbari,
said. He told Pajhwok Afghan News 80 percent stu-
dents in Ghor made their way to universities through
the 2012 entry test, but they were concerned about
the new quota system. Prepared by ministries of high-
er education, education and labor and social affairs,
the draft strategy for university entrance test is all set
to be placed before the Cabinet for approval.
KABUL. US Central
Command (CENTCOM)
chief Gen. Lloyd James
Austin III, currently on a
visit to Afghanistan, called
on President Hamid
Karzai in Kabul, the
Presidential Palace said
on Sunday. Afghan securi-
ty forces improvement,
the Kabul-Washington
Bilateral Security
Agreement and the overall
situation in the region
came up discussion at the
overnight meeting, a
statement from Karzais
office said. Gen. Austin
expressed his pleasure
with the progress made by
the Afghan National Army
(ANA), saying that it was
capable of planning and
executing counterinsur-
gency operations. The
CENTCOM head particu-
larly lauded ANAs recent
offensives in the Azra dis-
trict of central Logar
province and other parts
of the country. He prom-
ised the US would contin-
ue to cooperate with
Afghan ground troops and
air force. President Karzai
stressed the need for con-
tinued US cooperation in
equipping and training
Afghan forces. He
thanked America for
assisting Afghanistan in
different sector over the
past decade.
US vows to support Afghan army, air forces
Economic Council Oks Investment Policy
KABUL. A policy of encouraging entrepreneurs was
approved by the High Economic Council (HEC) on
Thursday, the Presidential Palace said on Thursday.
Covering construction, agriculture, development, export
and mining sectors, the policy was prepared by the
Ministries of Finance and Commerce and Industries.
Valid until the end of 2014, the investor-luring strategy
was discussed at an HEC meeting, chaired by
President Hamid Karzai, a statement from his office
said. Providing more facilities for investors, the policy
was approved and extended by another year till the end
of 2015, the statement said. The main objective is to
encourage private sector investment in Afghanistan,
prevention capital flight, creating work opportunities and
addressing public concerns about the future.
(Friday Jul 12, 2013). It
was a great pleasure and
honor that Mr. Maurice
Kanbar invited me over
for a lunch at the Union
Street Perrys.
Running a few min-
utes late due to parking
problems, when I finally
met Mr. Kanbar he told
me that he wanted to
meet after reading my let-
ter published in the San
Francisco Chronicle. He
dug into his breast pocket
and pulled a copy to
show me.
The 80 year old San
Franciscan and the
founder/maker of Vodka
explained that he felt
what I wrote was different
from what he usually
heard and knew of peace
in Islam.
He noted that I was
speaking of peace from
the Ahmadiyya perspec-
tive and felt that it was
unique in contrast to the
mainstream Muslim
belief. He lamented that
he found the Sunni/Shia
killing was disturbing. Mr.
Kanbar said he found it
disturbing that Muslims
were required to kill the
infidels. Being of Jewish
faith, I explained, he was
a believer in God and
cannot be considered infi-
del and the law pertaining
to killing of infidels relat-
ed to situation of war.
As we sat and
munched on fish and
chips lunch, Mr. Kanbar
handed me a brief outline
of his peace plan and
requested me sign and
endorsed which I did with
While I have sent an
email to Dr. Kanbar
requesting him to estab-
FOUNDATION and await
his response, I have
thought of promoting
Kanbar (born 1930)[2][3]
is an American An entre-
preneur and inventor who
lives in San Francisco,
California. He is particu-
larly well known for his
creation of SKYY vodka,
and is also noted for his
extensive real estate
Kanbar is stated to
own 36 patents on vari-
ous consumer and med-
ical products, invented
the D-Fuzz-It comb for
sweaters, Tangoes
Puzzle Game, the
needle protector, a cryo-
geniccataract remover, a
new LED traffic light, and
Zip Notes, rolled sticky
notes with a centerline
adhesive strip.[4] He cre-
ated New York's first mul-
tiplex cinema, the Quad
Cinema, which was the
first movie theater in
Manhattan to have four
small auditoriums in one
In the beverage indus-
try, Kanbar had a suc-
cess with SKYY vodka,[6]
also introduced Vermeer
Dutch Chocolate Cream
Liqueur[7] and more
recently launched Blue
Angel Premium Vodka.[6]
PO BOX 56491, HAYWARD, CA 94544. PHOne : 510-677-4488
SubScribe to Fiji MuSliM NewS$20 a year!
Po boX 56491, Hayward, ca 94544
Dr. Maurice Kanbar: our Jewish man for peace
Eid Mubarak
Buffet Dinner $35 per person
1. Tilawat e Quran 7 Humd Girls
2. Intro Moderator 8. Speech Sister
3. Welcome Hajji Moidin 9. Speech Mr. Kadir Al Medina
4. Naat Youth group 10. Family Feud Moderator
5. Speech Hajji Mohammed Aiyub 11. Thanks Hajji Mohammed Kadir
6. Guest of Honor Dr. Hatem Bazian 12. Awards President/chair/moderator
CALL: HAJJI MOIDIN (209) 462-2591 & DR. H. KOYA (510) 677-4488
At First unity national
Conventionof Maunatul
islam usA
exhibit tables will be
available for those wishing to
display their business ADs.
eid Celebration
Will be available soon!!
Get your degree in
islamic studies through:
Life Experience,
plus presentations and
written submissions
accepted! Independently
by Dr.. H. KoyA
he Arab world
Mecca in particular
had fallen to the low-
est ebb of moral and spiri-
tual decay. Like a land that
had been affected by a
serious long season of
drought that thirsted and
cried for rain water for its
revival and a lasting fresh
vegetation, the Arab world
too stood in need of spiritu-
al rain for its moral and
spiritual revival.
The tribal living and
rivalries among them
reduced the human dignity
and value so low that
killing, dispossessing,
forceful ownership, slavery,
dishonesty and sexual
exploitation of women were
common everywhere.
Women in particular had
no respect and were fre-
quently taken as slaves
and sold. Most families
dreaded the birth of a girl.
They could not bear to
imagine one day she will
be sold for sexual pleasure.
In some cases the dis-
turbed parents buried their
daughters alive to avoid the
shame in the future. The
region was backward in
terms of learning and there
did not exist any books of
repute or any institution of
learning for human
The region of Arabia pre-
sented an ideal platform
for a fresh divine law for
the guidance and moral
and spiritual rejuvenation.
God chosen to reveal
Quran as the refreshing
new divine laws to
Prophet Muhammad in
Arabic not only for the
immediate application of
the then Arabs but for the
entire world that was to
blossom and flourish
through the centuries
ahead into a new world of
science, technologies and
Book of
knowledge for
people of deserts
It didnt seem right that
such an enlightening book
speaking of advance scien-
tific facts knowledge of
traveling around the world
and sailing on the seas fit-
ted the needs of the people
of the deserts, the camel
riders, Bedouins who had
no fixed abode or any code
of conduct for living.
WoMen in islaM
he light of the book was too powerful As the
Quran was revealed piecemeal here a little,
there a little in the words of Bible the light of
the book began attracting readers by large numbers.
They found a basis to reshape their thinking, free
access to knowledge of the past and hidden knowl-
edge of the future and a profound source of guidance
on how to live a decent and meaningful life. It literally
opened a university at their doorsteps to acquire
knowledge and be ahead of others without having to
attend a university. The Quranic expressions empow-
ered them with a new language skill that set them
apart from the rest as they came to be regarded as
learned ones.
Women in Islam
given a legal status
new era
with the revelations of the Quran a new
era of knowledge, understanding and in a
soaring inspiration for advancement
began for the desert Arabs.
MeMbersHip ForM oF
MAunAtul islAM usA
NAME: ______________________________________
Address: ______________________________________
Email : _____________________________________
Phone : _____________________________________
i wisH to serve
On the national board
On a committee
As a volunteer
Others (specify)
MeMbership Fee $35 a year
Please enclose a check of $35 payable
to Maunatul Islam USA and mail
it to addressed below:
Attention Dr. H. KoyA
MAunAtul islAM usA
P O BOX 56491, HAYWARD, CA 94544
nd remember
when the
angels said,
O Mary, Allah has
chosen thee and puri-
fied thee and chosen
thee above the
women of all peoples.
Devoting an entire
chapter on the exem-
plary life of Mary,
Quran presented her
as role model. The
Arab Muslims came
to know more about
Christians and along
with it an increased
respect for their faith.
And mention, [O
Muhammad], in the
Book [the story of]
Mary, when she with-
drew from her family
to a place toward the
east. And she took, in
seclusion from them,
a screen. Then We
sent to her Our
Angel, and he repre-
sented himself to her
as a well-propor-
tioned man.
She said, "Indeed, I
seek refuge in the
Most Merciful from
you, [so leave me], if
you should be fearing
of Allah.
He said, "I am only
the messenger of
your Lord to give you
[news of] a pure boy."
She said, "How can I
have a boy while no
man has touched me
and I have not been
Mary as role model
Store for
all your Daily
A store
of quality
Groceries &
FiJisuN 23
the muslim news
PuTTing a House TogeTHer
As I critically observed and
examined, I noticed that there
was a fallen house that stood in
need of reconstruction and to
be put in order with a team of
honest and efficient people
willing and able to perform the
upkeep of the house.
Noticeably, there were a lot of
members of the family but
without any organization and
leadership. As a foremost
authority on organization
development, the onus is on
me to provide this service in
keeping with the ethics of pro-
fessional managemen.
House in order
By the Grace of Allah, I have
been able to put a team in
place first to put in place a
national house, a national body
of people and a national
organization unheard of among
the Fiji Maunatul members liv-
ing in USA.
This is the first time, a national
council has been created not
for personal or individual gain
or popularity but purely for the
sake of our deen our faith.
Admittedly, I owe a lot to the
society because in my young
days I obtained my basic
knowledge from there.
By Grace of Allah, there has
been a very encouraging
response specially at a time
when the members of the
Malayalam society in various
quarters have been looking for
an answer. I am indebted to
Allah Subhan Autala for giving
the opportunity and moral
courage to put in place a
national council of Maunatul
Islam of USA. All praise to
Allah for those who are part of
the team. Many are on the wait-
list to join at the national level
to provide a meaningful serv-
ice and create and maintain
brother and unity among all
members. I am sure my late
parents will be pleased to see
that I have done something in
their memory.
my obligation
towards maunatul
islam usA
he one best way I can pay tribute to my
parents and my ancestors of the great
Koya family of Fiji is by providing some
sort of service to their very own society
the Maunatul Islam.
Badar Moulood held in Ramadan at a Maunatul Islam Sacramento Iftari
Ahmadiyya belief on
Khatammun Nabiyeen-
the best of mankind
requent question, do Ahmadis
EEN? This is an oft-repeated
question to pin the Ahmadis down to
show that they do not believe in such
an important concept of Islam.
Twenty or thirty years ago, it was
easier for Mullahs to make any alle-
gation and publish anything against
Ahmadi and get away.
With the MTA the 24/7 Free
Satellite the Muslim TV Ahmadiyya
featuring a solid Arabic program Liqa
Mal Arab by Middle Eastern Arabic
speaking Ahmadis, the Mullahs are
now dumb-founded. They take live
calls from Arabs in this program on
MTA. You can also see it on You Tube
on a regular basis and watch MTA
live on internet.
Khatammun Nabiyeen an
important concept but most
This is a title and concept that
Allah has given the Holy Prophet
Muhammad (peace and the bless-
ings of Allah be on him) that no one
can deny.
Mainstream Muslim belief
Last prophet and thats it. There
will be no prophet after him whatso-
Ahmadiyya belief
Last law bearing prophet, it is the
highest honor Allah has given to the
Holy Prophet (pbuh). No prophet will
ever bring another divine law.
The best
If you browse through the Holy
Quran the word best is not used for
the Holy Prophet. But the term
Khatammun Nabiyeen embraces the
meaning best of the best the status
that no man has reached and will
never be able reach. It is beyond
human reach.
in the next issue, we will
discuss what can ordinary
Muslims/believers of the
Holy Prophet can achieve
in his itayat and the obe-
dience of allah.
Please send
matter for this
he Fiji Sun US/The Muslim
News decided to close the
alleged dispute due to
several loose ends in the matter.
We will not revisit this issue
unless there is pressing need for
it. The issue is left to local Fiji
Maunatul Islam. Our focus will
continue to be on strengthening
Maunatul Islam USA on positive
Word of advice
We wish to all our readers
including Mr. Mohammad. Faizi ,
the Alim Sahib, to address any
concerns directly to us rather
from a third source.
BA mosque issue closed
National Council of Maunatul Islam US
Ramadan Kareem
May the blessings Allah be with you!
At first Maunatul Islam US Unity Convention
Grand Eid Dinner
President : Hajji Moidin (209)462-2591
Chair : Hajji Mohammed Aiyub 408-480-8180
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Buffet dinner: $35 per person.
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Critique our new feature
We thought this new feature will provide a better focus as we can zero in on some of the issues
we think need our readers attention at the outset. Subjects are selected at random.
BARFI the most ridiculous film
and actor the most absurd
ndian movie-making has
become real easy with
an ever influx of new
breed of actors and waves
of writers, lyricist, singers,
musicians and technicians.
The result is that many
senior and capable people
in the industry are forced in
the background.
It is justified if new tal-
ents make their mark on
their own achievement. But
if new people are posi-
tioned or manipulated as
top-rated superstars just
for a few new movies then
it is unfair and unjust.
It took Rajesh Khanna,
Amitabh, Dilip Kumar,
Shah Rukh Khan, Amir
Khan and Salman Khan
and others dozens of
movies and decades of
hard work to make their
impressions and rise as
superstars. But in the case
of Ranbir Kapoor, it took
him only a few films one
of which was a super hit- to
land him a superstar posi-
The actor does not have
a niche of his own that one
can look forward to seeing
as a hallmark of his per-
formance. At best he is a
mimicry artist just mimic
like school kids as we see
in BARFI which was loaded
with almost every top
BARFI was made in imi-
tation of Amir Khans
focusing on some mental-
physical disabilities of chil-
dren. It was perhaps a
quickie made in haste to
cash on the human fragili-
ties. In BARFI actors per-
form some hotchpotch
disjointed acts here and
there lacking in coherence
and sequential arrange-
ment that are most ridicu-
lous to watch. Its a film you
cannot long to see again
and again. It does not have
the elements of high-pow-
ered movies like SHOLAY
ANTHONY etc. One of the
scenes Ranbir flips his legs
up showing his bottom
(moons) everyone. Is that
talent? It is nothing but a
ridiculous act.
Looks like film producer
won sympathies from all for
making a comeback after
winning a battle against
With a conventional hair
style Ranbir does not fall
into the popular Kapoor
looks. The only great asset
Ranbir has at present is his
lanky figure which is does
not take care of will slip into
the overweight family
frames and put him out of
Other a youngish look,
neither Ranbirs voice,
delivery style nor his
deportment is eye-catching
to make me want to go and
see his movies. Given his
short history, the some
makers and shakers in the
Indian movie industry
seem to be in great haste
to place Ranbir the only
make hope in the Kapoor
family- ahead of all the
Khans put together who
have held the fought for
over two decades now.
Looks like it is not the
Khans age and ever grow-
ing box office hits will
determine their future but
handpick nomination
against the usual norm -
will do the magic.
The actor does not have a niche of his
own that one can look forward to seeing as
a hallmark of his performance. At best he is
a mimicry artist just mimic like school kids
as we see in BARFI which was loaded with
almost every top award.
espite the fact
India is a pre-
dominantly Hindu
country; it has for the
most part tried to stay
secular which means no
huge influence of Hindu
ideologies embedded in
its political system.
However, with the rise
of BJP we saw their pas-
sion for Hinduvta philos-
ophy. The Babari Masjid
incident and Gujarat
massacre of Muslims
were prompted by the
Hinduvta instigation.
With Modi now poised
as a BJP candidate for
2014 Prime Minister, a
BJP comeback seems
likely. Modi has already
called for a revisit tothe
Ajodhya mosque issue
and reiterated the
Hinduvta, nationalist
stand. Instead of provid-
ing alternatives to cur-
rent crisis in India includ-
ing the flood disaster,
rapid devalue of its cur-
rency and rise in crime
against women, BJPs
approach has been to hit
back at the government
and play a blame game.
A K Advanis dis-
agreement to appoint
Modi as campaign chair-
man for BJP sparked a
lot of political fire within
the party and fallout to
its alliance with Nitish
Kumar separating from
India vs. Hinduvta
odis high profile is already
tarnished by an ongoing
CBI investigation into the
Fake Encounter case in which
seven top cops have already been
charged and the dissension of
Nitish Kumar. He has also warned
that Nitish will not be forgiven giv-
ing to his anger and vengeance.
Although popular with BJP, it is
not sure whether Modi commands
a nationwide approval as Indias
PM in 2014.
A not-forgiving
attitude by Modi
light of what hap-
pened to his buddy
Indian film actor Sunjay
Dutt, Salma Khan should
be careful for he might
also end up in jail for a
pretty long time. As the
election campaign in India
is heating up, the law
agencies have suddenly
started digging into old
cases that appeared to
have been dealt with. Dutt
who had served an earlier
sentence and then
released was rearrested
and sent to prison for three
and half years. This sig-
naled a warning for Indian
superstar Salman Khan.
Just last month Salman
Khan was summoned to
appear in court for causing
death by auto accident
that is said to be now
turned into a vehicular
manslaughter which car-
ries longer prison term.
Many think the long delay
in prosecuting cases is
delayed is justice denied
situation and the accused
must be let free.
Salman Khans over 10 years auto accident
case may put him behind bars for long
Mumbai: A Mumbai sessions
court on Wednesday charged
Bollywood superstar Salman
Khan with culpable homicide not
amounting to murder in connec-
tion with the 2002 hit-and-run
case. 47-year-old Salman was
booked under sections 304 Part
(2), 279,337,338,427 IPC section
134(a) (b) Motor Vehicles Act
section 66(B). If convicted under
Section 304 Part (2), Salman can
be sent to 10 years in jail. The
judge read out the charges to
Khan in a jam packed court and
asked him whether he would
plead guilty, to which Salman
said that he will not plead guilty.
Though the court exempted
Salman from personal appear-
ance during the trial, the court
made it clear that he would have
to present himself whenever the
court would deem his presence
necessary. The case has been
transferred to another court
which will take it up for hearing on
August 19. Salman, driving a
Land Cruiser, had allegedly
crushed a group of people sleep-
ing on the pavement outside a
bakery in suburban Bandra in the
wee hours of September 28,
2002. He was reportedly in a
drunken state at the time of the
accident. Earlier, the court had
rejected Khans appeal against
the magistrate`s order directing a
retrial of the case under the strin-
gent charge of culpable homicide
not amounting to murder. The
arguments in the case concluded
in early May and Khan`s lawyer
Ashok Mundargi had contended
that the lower court`s order was
"erroneous, bad in law and con-
trary to evidence on record".
Earlier, Khan had been tried
under the less severe Section
304A of IPC, relating to causing
death by negligence, which stipu-
lates a maximum two years in jail.
However, the metropolitan mag-
istrate, after examining 17 wit-
nesses in the case, had invoked
the more serious charge against
Salman Khan charged with
homicide in hit-and-run case
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How to pick
the right peplum for
Your Body Type
The peplum trend started last year and has only gotten
bigger this year. Peplum is everywhere! From peplum
dresses to tops, skirts, shorts and even pants...
fter doing her Masters in
Fashion Communication &
Marketing from Instituto
Europe Designo, Italy, Vidhi Shah put
her knowledge to good use with the
launch of her own line of clothing
called b:kind. b:kind has been con-
ceived with a vision to provide practi-
cal everyday clothing with a keen eye
on fashion trends.
The peplum trend started last year
and has only gotten bigger this year.
Peplum is everywhere! From peplum
dresses to tops, skirts, shorts and
even pants. However, not all peplums
are made the same; hence you need
to know which style of peplum will
best flatter your figure. Peplums add
fullness to the hip area and cinch the
waist. There is a variety of different
peplums. Read on to find out which
one works for you.
GatHered peplum
This works well when you want to
create a curve at the hip while
appearing smaller at the waist. If your
body shape is straight with a barely
defined waist, make sure the peplum
detail on your top sits right where
your waist is as it will create that
much wanted contrast between your
hips and waistline.
Flared peplum
This style of peplum flares like an A-
line skirt. The waist of the flared peplum
typically is not as cinched as it is in
other styles. If you are heavier at the
bottom this kind of peplum will flatter
your figure by drawing in the waist and
building an hourglass
pleated peplum
Pleated peplums are
the most flattering on any
body type. It can minimise
the appearance of a belly.
It accentuates and camou-
flages at the same time.
This versatile peplum works
for all body types.
asymmetrical peplum
You can play with this peplum
style and it can be used for any
body type depending on where
the hem falls. The ones that
are shorter at the side but
longer in the front and back
work for curvier body types.
Styles that are longer at the
sides but shorter in the front
and back are ideal for those
with narrow hips.
How to wear peplum
Peplums work best for women
with hourglass figures. So go on
and experiment with all types of
peplums and enjoy the trend!
The most elegant way to wear a
peplum top is to pair it up with a
pencil skirt. Midi length will create the
classiest ensemble. Another elegant
option is to pair your top with a pair
of narrow tailored pants. Make sure
the top has some texture to it.
ooperation is
essential in
any suc-
cessful romantic relationship,
but how men and women
experience cooperation emo-
tionally may be quite different,
according to new research
conducted at the University of
Arizona. Ashley Randall, a
post-doctoral research associ-
ate in the UAs John and Doris
Norton School of Family and
Consumer Sciences and the
UAs department of psychiatry,
has been interested for some
time in how romantic partners
emotions become coordinated
with one another. For example,
if someone comes home from
work in a bad mood we know
their partners mood might
plummet as well, but what are
the long-term implications of
this on their relationship?
Randall wondered how the act
of cooperating, a beneficial
relationship process, might
impact emotional coordination
between partners.
Cooperation having the
ability to work things out
with your partner, while
achieving mutually
beneficial outcomes
is so important in
relationships, and I
wondered what kind of emo-
tional connectivity comes from
cooperating with your part-
ner? she said.What she found
in her recent study were sur-
prising gender differences.She
and her colleagues found that
during high mutual levels of
cooperation with a romantic
partner, men typically experi-
ence an inphase response to
their significant others emo-
tions.That is, if the woman in
the relationship is feeling more
positive, the man will feel more
positive. If she feels less posi-
tive, he will feel less positive.
On the contrary, it seems
women experience more of an
antiphase pattern during high
mutual cooperation. If her part-
ner is feeling more positive,
she will tend to feel less posi-
tive, and vice versa.Social psy-
chology literature on coopera-
tion tells us that women gener-
ally tend to cooperate more,
while men often try to avoid
conflict.Thus, men might be
subconsciously syncing their
emotions with their partners
during cooperation in an effort
to avoid conflict or reach a
speedy resolution, Randall
said.The study is published in
SAGEs Journal of Social and
Personal Relationships.
men and women
emotionally cooperate
with each other
For example, if someone comes
home from work in a bad mood
we know their partners
mood might plummet as
well, but what are the
long-term implications of
this on their relationship?
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Now that your sign ruler is in Cancer
there is a focus on home, family and
roots for the next couple of months,
and this is a period when there are
extraordinary positive trends which
you can build on. It is excellent for
home investment on the one hand,
and nurturing deep family bonds on
the other. If you are more business
minded, there could hardly be a bet-
ter time for growth.
If you are on holiday, this is an
excellent period for indulging in the
luxury of being at home and enjoy-
ing all the benefits of your local
environment. At the same time
there is a strong urge to travel, at
least locally, and get to know more
about the people around you. This
is a fantastic period for acquiring
knowledge and even studying long
By the end of this week, your ruling
planet Mercury will move direct,
and the week is best used by mak-
ing sure you have dug up all you
need to know connected with your
resources and security. The focus
is on family finances, and there are
dynamic new trends which can
lead to prosperity or at least long
term economic growth through
With Mars, Jupiter, Mercury and the
Sun in your sign this week, this is an
emotional period for you, when you are
very much in contact with your drives
and instincts, full of mixed feelings.
These are partly positive because an
exciting adventure has started, and
partly negative because you feel you
have to get to the bottom of some
communication situation which you
fear could come out of control.
By the end of this week your sign ruler
the sun will enter Leo and an exciting
and outgoing period will begin. But until
then this is a time when you keep away
from the limelight and use the relative
obscurity to do some soul-searching
about you inner values, on which your
future will be built. This is not so much a
time for achievement in the outer world,
but it certainly is in the inner world.
By the end of this week your sign
ruler Mercury will turn direct, and this
may be a time when you feel things
are going much slower than you
would like. However you need the
time to clear up a lot of loose ends in
your social life and amongst groups,
not least because of radical new
influences which are galvanizing
friends and acquaintances.
Favorable social trends continue this
week, and it is an outgoing period for you
when your presence is appreciated by
the people you care for. If you are work-
ing in this holiday period and it would
be nice not to be then there are a lot of
things happening in your professional life.
Feelings run high both amongst bosses
and partners, and there is an urge to take
a calculated risk to create an expansion.
You are in the middle of a 2 year peri-
od with Saturn in your sign, and in this
phase things really start moving for-
ward. Long-term trends this week bring
dynamic expansion through travel or
study, and you will be merging your
forces with someone bigger and wiser
than you, who will inspire you to take
pioneering risks which brings deeper
insight and wisdom into your life.
During the course of this week your
sign ruler Jupiter is conjoined by
Mars, which is an incredibly dynamic
influence in connection with your
emotional life and matters connected
with sharing or borrowing. On a more
personal level, this is a powerful peri-
od for sexual conquest or intimacy,
and also for tuning in to the hidden
and deep feelings of partners.
As the week starts mighty Jupiter aligns
harmoniously with your sign ruler Saturn,
and this heralds a period of about 8 months
which is excellent for partnership, especially
professionally, and for social relationships
generally. The influence of Jupiter is
extremely beneficial for you, so you will
undoubtedly be involved with a kind, emo-
tional and generous person who will give
you the support you need to realize.
As the week starts you find yourself
closely interacting with powerful and
charismatic people who you intuitively
feel in harmony with, and this starts off a
process within you which will affect your
future goals in a positive manner.
Generally you will get tremendous help in
your working life and projects in the com-
ing period, and this week gets things off
to a dynamic start.
This is a huge week for you, as the two
planets associated with your sign, Jupiter
and Neptune, harmonize their energies,
and in fact are also joined by Mars and
Saturn, which is a totally unique astrolog-
ical trend that will boost your productivity
and creativity and charisma. If you are
looking for a romantic date you will be
irresistible, if you perform in some way
you will be amazing.
n one of my first yoga
classes, my teacher
pointed to my elbows.
A quick glance in the mir-
ror revealed that my
arms were bent at a
most unnatural angle
almost backwardin
many poses. I discov-
ered that I habitually
hyperextended my
elbows, forcing the joints
to take the strain, rather
than the muscles.
I dont know when I
developed this habit, but
I certainly intensified it
while waitressing after
college. I was deter-
mined to be every inch
as tough as the male
waiters who hoisted
huge trays loaded with
dishes onto their shoul-
ders. Problem was, I did-
nt have the upper-body
strength to back up my
bravado. The only way I
could carry the trays was
to lock my elbow joint,
wedging bone against
bone, so my arm
wouldnt collapse. I didnt
realize thats what I was
doing. And its likely the
many yoga students I
see today dont know
theyre doing it, either.
Hyperextension of
joints is chronic in the
yoga world. It is common
to see models and even
teachers demonstrate a
beautiful ustrasana
(camel pose)with back-
ward elbows.
When I began practic-
ing yoga, I was already
experiencing chronic
pain in my wrists
because of the pressure
inflicted by my distorted
elbows. Stressing a joint
in this way, taking it to
the extreme edge of its
range of motion, is a
recipe for injury. The car-
tilage wears down.
Our bodies have an
innate symmetry. When
the bones are properly
aligned, energy flows like
water or electricity.
Hyperextending a joint
pinches off this current.
Like a kink in a hose, it
causes pressure to con-
gregate. The solution is
to ease off the joint, align
the bones, and activate
the muscles. If the mus-
cles are weak, we must
be willing to accept the
starting point and grow
from there. A person who
relies on locked joints to
get into certain poses will
never be able to
advance to more difficult
poses. Arm balances
such as bakasana (crane
pose) require real mus-
cular strength. Even
more than strength, they
require surrender.
Bravado is useless here;
we cant force or fake
our way into balance. I
was so used to locking
my elbows that keeping
them straight felt strange
at first. I had to relearn
how to carry things and
how to support my own
weight. Unfamiliar with
the effort, my muscles
burned. Over time, that
changed. Today, I can
still force my elbows into
the danger zone, but it
no longer feels natural to
me. My elbow flexors
and triceps have grown.
More importantly, my
awareness has expand-
ed. I discovered one of
yogas powerful lessons:
less is more. Pushing
myself to the limit isnt
ahimsa (the yogic princi-
ple of nonviolence), and
it has consequences. I
no longer have to prove
my worth, on the mat or
in life. Being willing to do
less allows me to be
Try IT
In weight-bearing poses
such as downward-facing
dog (adho mukha
svanasana), tabletop, or
camel (ustra-sana)pay
attention to your elbows.
Your inner elbow should
have a soft valley in it, not
a peak. Bend it slightly to
correct. Whenever your
hands are on the ground,
press into the floor with
your entire palm, espe-
cially the base of your
index finger. Feel the
rebound action as your
muscles engage.
Dos and
Hyperextended joints can be
a sign of false strength says
writer and yoga teacher
Shannon Wianecki.
When I began
practicing yoga, I was
already experiencing
chronic pain in my
wrists because of the
pressure inflicted by
my distorted elbows.
Stressing a joint in this
way, taking it to the
extreme edge of its
range of motion, is a
recipe for injury. The
cartilage wears down.
Weekes Library, Patrick Ave. Hayward, cA 94544
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FiJiSun 33
aulvi Hajji Abu
Bakr- famous for
melodious recital
of Arabic milad and
Ratib - was a sought
after cleric among the
Fiji Malayalam commu-
nity. As kids we looked
forward to hearing him
but rarely got the oppor-
tunity. Hajji Abu Bakr
was also famous for
bulldozing work and for
being charitable among
his relatives and friends.
In 1974 he worked
closely with Hajji Moidin
Koya and sponsored the
first cleric (Alim Sahib) P
T Hassan Kutty for the
Jamaat. In 1980 Hajji
Abu Bakr turned what
was just a shed into a
full size mosque for the
BA chapter of which he
was the president. The
Hajji Sahib immigrated
to USA in the early 80s
and continued providing
religious services. He
passed 1988 was buried
at Half Moon Bay ceme-
tery. Hajji Abu Bakr is
survived by three sons
Mohammed Rafiq (US),
Maulvi Hajji Mohammed
Shafiq of ASAM Mosque
(NZ) and daughter
Sharifa Nazmeen
Late Hajji Abu Bakr the
man behind Maunatul
Islam BA Mosque
ditors first cousin born to
his dads elder brother
Mullah Moidin, Rifle Range,
Lautoka, Hajji Mohammed Aiyub
was a Natabua High School top
notch student.
Hajji Aiyubs own siblings and a
dozen of cousins who lived close
by learned Arabic reading from his
dad the late Mullah Moidin as he
was fondly called by all.
Speaking about his uncle
Mullah Moidin in his Book Fiji
Diaspora, the editor writes: God
bless his soul. The Maulvi was
skilled in beautiful Arabic calligra-
phy. His hand written Arabic
alphabets fascinated me. He
wrote dozens of lessons in small
note books individually for each of
fifteen or so students.
I was baffled with the precision
with which he wrote them in clear
large print with pens cuts from the
stem of rose plants which he
would dip in the Indian ink to write
the Arabic lessons. (Page 77).
We were also part of the milad
recital team led by Maulvi Moidin
and we recited for the many of
our Malayalam family
members.On coming to US, Hajji
Aiyub associated with many
Arabic speaking Muslim brothers
and picked a very sound under-
standing of the language. His
grasp of the language quite
apparent as he poses during
milad recital to give a gist of the
translation in English with empha-
sis on select Arabic words used in
Quranic verses. None one else
has that amazing ability in the Fiji
Malayalam Muslim community. It
makes a lot of difference for those
not familiar with the Arabic lan-
guage. With someone so well-
versed should be appointed an
Imam of a mosque instead of hir-
ing highly paid sheikhs and mul-
lahs. A keen soccer player, Hajji
Sahib was a splendid member of
the Lautoka soccer rep.
Hajji Mohammed Aiyub : man who gives
meaning to Arabic Milad and Ratib
I was baffled with the precision with
which he wrote them in clear large print
with pens cuts from the stem of rose plants
which he would dip in the Indian ink to
write the Arabic lessons.
ldest son of Hajji
Aiyub and a
United Airline
mechanic had the
honor of working
recently on Air Pacific
carriers that stopped
by SFO airport for
extra services. It was a
pleasant surprise to
hear Janif recite most of
the Milad and Ratib at
his younger brother
Shameems home last
month led by his dad
Hajji Mohammed
Aiyub.It is hope the two
brothers would take
over the torch of
knowledge from their
father to take it into
future generation.
Janif aiyub United
airline mechanic
worked on air
Pacific carriers
he last when Fijis first FIFA
refereeuncle S A Hussain
and I met we were talking
about publishing a book on his life
achievements. Uncle Hussains life
was rich with a wide experiences
ranging from his business ventures
to social and religious services
worth learning a lot from. It is a
project that should be undertaken
without further delay and it is my
hope that one of his descendants
will do the honors and accomplish
this noble task. I would be happy
to help. (Editor).
A book on lAte S A HuSSAin
Indian Muslims
perform ablution
before joining
prayers on the
second Friday of
the Muslim holy
fasting month of
Ramadan at Jama
Masjid or, the
Grand Mosque, in
New Delhi, India,
Friday, July 19,
2013. Muslims
throughout the
world are cele-
brating the holy
month of
Ramadan, the
holiest month in
Islamic calendar,
during which
devotees refrain
from eating,
drinking and
smoking from
dawn to dusk.
he is arguably the
busiest actress in
Bollywood right
now. Even as Lootera gets
ready for release next
month, Sonakshi Sinha has
many more big projects lined
up. The latest addition to the
list is Prabhudhevas next
with Ajay Devgn.
The actor has worked
with Prabhudheva before in
Rowdy Rathore (2012) and
is also starring in his upcom-
ing film, Rambo Rajkumar.
This will be the second time
she is working with Ajay after
Son Of Sardaar (2012).
Recently, she even did an
item number in his film,
Himmatwala. Sonakshi con-
firms that she will star in the
yet-untitled film. Yes, Im
doing Prabhu sirs next with
Ajay. He (Pradhudheva) is
simply fantastic, she says.
My staff members have
become my family now says
Sonakshi Sinha on her full
calendar and juggling her
many upcoming projects.
Since you have been a
part of several big films, are
you less nervous about
My one hit film has nothing
to do with my next release.
The best aspect about my job
is to have fun, learn what to
do and not to do, and thats
where my job ends. The fate
of a film lies in the audiences
hands. No amount of promo-
tions can change their minds.
The film has been
delayed a lot.
It has been a difficult film
to make. Its set in the 50s,
an era that we havent seen
first-hand. So everything had
to be perfect and Vikram has
an eye for details. But things
like the weather and
Ranveers back injury was
out of our control. Such
things keep happening and
you cant let them dampen
your spirit.
What was it like working
with a young director like
I dont think I have met
anyone as intelligent as
Vikram. His set was the most
complex one I have been on.
From the reporting time, shot
timings, lunch break to pack-
up, everything used to be on
time, without any delays. So,
it was like being part of a
How are you managing
your dates with so many
films in hand?
I am managing because I
really enjoy what I do. My staff
has become my family
because they are the first
ones I see in the morning and
also spend the entire day with.
They create a nice working
atmosphere, and that really
helps when youre working
double shifts every other day,
including photo shoots, pro-
motions and other activities.
You are working with
Prabhudheva again.
Once you have a nice work-
ing equation with someone, its
great to work with them again.
So much so that I have picked
up a few Tamil words because
the entire unit speaks it (on the
sets of Rambo Rajkumar). Our
tuning has gone to the next
level now. He makes the kind
of films that I love to see as a
You are also doing
Welcome 2 with John
Not yet. I dont talk about
films unless I have signed on
the dotted line.
Shooting Lootera was
like going back to school
Sonakshi confirms that she will star in the yet-untitled film. Yes, Im do-
ing Prabhu sirs next with Ajay. He (Pradhudheva) is simply fantastic, she
says. My staff members have become my family now says Sonakshi Sin-
ha on her full calendar and juggling her many upcoming projects.
nlike many actresses, who
get into films "by chance",
Ru s s i a n - A u s t r a l i a n
Kristina Akheeva is an exception.
It's been her "childhood dream to
be an actress" and she's always
wanted to sing and dance and
perform in front of the camera. As
TOI caught up with her during her
recent visit to Ahmedabad,
Kristina, dressed in a Lucknowi
chikankari sunshine yellow sal-
war-kameez, says, "I always
wanted to be an actress. When I
was a child, I would enact in front
of the mirror and dance and sing
thinking it would come true some
day." And now since her dream
has become a reality with Yamla
Pagla Deewana 2 where she's
romantically paired opposite
Sunny Deol, how does she feel?
"It feels amazing. And the most
exciting part is that I am a part of
Bollywood, a film industry which I
never thought I'd ever be a part of
Hindi films are not what I grew up
This world is so different that it
feels surreal." Then how did
Bollywood happen, even though it
was such a 'different world'?
Kristina shares, "It was my grand-
mom's prophecy. She told me that
some day I will become a heroine
in Bollywood, and though I didn't
believe her initially, things started
to become clearer when I got
assignments from India. The
dream looked nearer, and the
prophecy fulfilled when I got
YPD2." Kristina, who is currently
working on her Hindi diction,
says, "I am preparing for the
future. Right now I don't have any
plans of moving out of India as
things are beginning to happen
here. Though I haven't signed
any other film, I am looking to do
roles that are unlike me in real
life. I don't want to be just another
glamour girl in the Hindi film
industry. In fact, I'd want to play a
de-glam village girl, for which I
know I would need to learn very
good Hindi, but I am working on
that." Being a new face in an
industry that is harsh on newcom-
ers, does she feel the heat of
intense competition that she
might face? Kristina feels she is
not yet in the big league. She
says, "I am too new to this indus-
try to compete with anyone.
Besides, I don't think it would real-
ly matter. I only need to do my
work and not worry about external
factors, that are beyond control."
I dont want to be just another glam girl in B-Town : Kristina
August-2013 BOLLYWOOD
Ghosh is likely
to direct a film for
Lara Dutta, which will
be a sequel to her
home production
Chalo Dilli. Lara, 35,
is set to start work on
the sequel helmed by
Ghosh, who also
directed films like
Waise Bhi Hota Hai 2
and Quick Gun
Murugan. "We have
been talking about it
(sequel) since a year.
We are on developing
stage, we are done
with one draft,"
Ghosh told PTI with-
out revealing anything
further. Reportedly,
the journey of the film
has been taken for-
ward to China. When
asked about the
same, Ghosh said that
the producers will
talk about it. Chalo
Dilli, which released
in 2011, marked the
former beauty
queen's foray into
movie production
under her banner
Bheegi Basanti
Productions. The film
was directed by
Shashant Shah of
Dasvidaniya fame and
had Vinay Pathak and
Lara in lead roles. It
won critical acclaim.
Lara begins work on
Chalo Dilli sequel
Stage set for the
IIFA awards
he 14th International Indian Film
Academy (IIFA) awards kickstart-
ed in Macau on Thursday with a
lot of Bollywood presence. Taking a cue
from Hollywoods walk of fame, the Day
One had actors Abhishek Bachchan and
Shahid Kapoor putting their hand impres-
sions on a star-shaped cement slab. Both
the actors, who arrived together, went
unrecognised at the Macau airport.
Although there were a lot of people at the
airport, no one could recognise Shahid and
Abhishek. We just saw one girl who recog-
nised Shahid and screamed out his name.
Actor Parineeti Chopra, who seemed excit-
ed about performing with Ayushmann
Khurrana at the awards, replied with a
Katrina Kaif, Hrithik Roshan
romance in Bang Bang
sizzling first look of Hrithik
Roshan and Katrina Kaif's
upcoming film Bang Bang
has been released. The two look so
much in love in a still from the romantic
movie. After Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara,
the duo's pairing was in much demand
because of their awesome chemistry.
And here they are again, looking super
hot in the image. Also, they were
recently spotted hanging out with the
crew after wrapping up shoot in
Thailand. Bang Bang is a romantic-
action film directed by Siddharth Anand.
he superstar
made the confes-
sion on Zee TV's
"DID Super Moms" while
promoting his film "Chennai
Express". On the show, he
was blown away by flexibili-
ty and talent of contestants
Cecille and Shivangi, who
performed a Mallakhamb
act which had them execut-
ing backward flips on a five-
foot wide wooden block.
On hearing Shah Rukh's
comments for the contest-
ants, the show's judge
Farah, who had choreo-
graphed "Jiya jale" for the
movie "Dil Se..." reminisced
how she had tried to get
Shah Rukh to do a few
Mallakhamb steps for the
song. "On the shoot day,
Shah Rukh vanished from
the sets and was nowhere
to be seen. I had specially
ordered a white lungi and
wanted him to be bare
chested while shooting the
song," she recalled. To that
Shah Rukh came up with a
quick rejoinder.
ShahRukh is ready
to do the infamous
Mandakini act!
he Pakistan Film
Censor Board has
banned the exhibi-
tion of Dhanush and Sonam
Kapoor starrer Raanjhanaa
because of its alleged "contro-
versial theme". The Central
Board of Film Censors in
Pakistan banned the film
shortly before its scheduled
release, Chief Executive
Officer of IMGC Global
Entertainment Amjad
Rasheed, the importer of the
film said. Earlier the Censor
Board had also banned films
like Ek Tha Tiger, GI Joe,
Agent Vinod for their contro-
versial themes and "anti-
Pakistan" sentiments. Chief
Executive Officer of IMGC
Global Entertainment Amjad
Rasheed, the importer of
Raanjhanaa, told The Express
Tribune that he received a let-
ter from CBFC with directives
to shelve the film's release.
"The letter from CBFC states
that the film portrays an inapt
image of a Muslim girl (played
by Sonam Kapoor) falling in
love with a Hindu man and
having an affair with him."
Anand L Rai's Raanjhanaa's
release in Pakistan was sched-
uled during the last week of
June. Pakistani singer Shiraz
Uppal has also lent his voice
for the title track of the film,
composed by AR Rehman. The
Bollywood film's plot portrays
Muslim girl Zoya (Sonam)
falling in love with Kundan
(Dhanush) and later Jasjeet
Singh (Abhey Deol). The film
starts with pundit's Hindu
Brahmin son Kundan falling for
Zoya at first sight. He follows
her to school, after school, in
the market almost every-
where. After getting slapped
16 times by Zoya, Kundan
finally gets to know her name,
but his hesitation that she will
reject him because of his reli-
gion leads him to introduce
himself as Rizwan. She agrees
to meet him behind a temple,
but the meeting does not turn
out well as Zoya finds out that
he's Hindu. As the story
unfolds, Zoya also develops
feelings for Kundan, however,
her parents find out about it
and send her off to Delhi in
order to protect the family's
honour. Later in Delhi, Zoya
falls in love with Jasjeet Singh,
a student leader who also
leads a political party.
Raanjhanaa has grossed Rs.
1.31 billion in its second week
of release.
Pak film censor
Board bans
"I would like to play Meena Kumari...she had such a tragic life,"
said Sonam known for playing different roles in films like Delhi 6,
Mausam, Aisha and I hate Luv Storys among others...
ctress Sonam Kapoor would love to play leg-
endary actress Meena Kumari in case her biopic
is made because she is fascinated by real char-
acters with some flaws. "I would like to play Meena
Kumari...she had such a tragic life," said Sonam known for
playing different roles in films like Delhi 6, Mausam, Aisha
and I hate Luv Storys among others. Meena Kumari, one of
the most talented and successful actresses of her time, was
tagged as, Tragedy Queen, for playing such roles in films
like Sahib Biwi Aur Ghulam. Her personal life was not a
bed of roses either - she had to deal with a troubled mar-
riage and alcohol addiction and died of liver cirrohsis at
the age of 39. "I want to play any one who has a nice
character arch and is flawed, I would love to play such
roles. It is because they are human. I am very flawed
myself...I want to play a real person," said Sonam. In
last six years, Sonam has worked in about a dozen of
films, but it is her recent release, Raanjhanaa, in
which she plays a simple girl from Benaras, that
helped her get her due at the box office. Of course,
she is enjoying the unexpected positive response.
"The response has been good. I am very happy.
When I was working, I didn't think I will get as
much appreciation.
Sonam Kapoor
wants to play Meena Kumari
FiJiSUN 36
BOLLYWOOD August-2013
Chennai Express
Shah Rukh Khan shows
the ways of a superstar
hah Rukh Khan is known to churn out
fresh ideas in terms of promotional
strategies to keep his films top-of-the-
mind till their release. This time, as a memoir to
mark the completion of his project, he got the
makers to capture behind-the-scenes footage of
the final days shoot of Chennai Express. The
video featuring Shah Rukh will be available on
social media from today (July 11). Co-star
Deepika Padukone and director Rohit Shetty
have already released their videos about 15-20
days ago.
Im not interested in size zero
Huma Qureshi
Huma was loved for her voluptuous figure and earthy
style in her first movie, Gangs of Wasseypur. But
she was criticised by some quarters for her weight...
Madhuri, whose item song Ghagra with Ranbir Kapoor topped the charts recently, is one of the judges in the
dance reality show Jhalak Dikhla Jaa and has two films, in her kitty. Even though actors Shah Rukh Khan,
Salman Khan, Aamir Khan, Akshay Kumar and Ajay Devgn, all in their 40s, are active in Bollywood even today,
ak actress
Humaima Malick,
who has been
linked with Wasim
Akram in the past, says
she is happy to hear of
the cricketer marrying
his Aussie girlfriend
Sheniera Thompson.
The actress said, "I'm
so happy for Wasim. He
has finally got someone
in his life and is plan-
ning to settle down. I
haven't met the girl, but
have heard from com-
mon friends that she is
pretty. I have no idea
about the wedding
dates till now. I wish
both of them good luck
and happiness."
Humaima, who is all is
set to make her B-wood
debut with Shera, along
with Sanjay Dutt, told
us, "The movie is
almost complete. It was
a 70-day shoot in
Rajasthan and I had a
wonderful experience
working with Sanjay."
Since Humaima has
been the showstopper
at many fashion shows
in Pakistan, we asked
her if she would walk
the ramp during any of
the upcoming fashion
weeks in Delhi. "Haan
baatein toh ho rahi thi,
lekin abhi kuch finalise
nahi hua hai," she said.
ctor Madhuri Dixit, who ruled
the 80s and 90s, feels that
contrary to the perception that
her contemporary heroines are
faded in oblivion, they are in
fact going strong even today.
Madhuri, whose item song
Ghagra with Ranbir
Kapoor topped the charts
recently, is one of the
judges in the dance real-
ity show Jhalak Dikhla
Jaa and has two films, in
her kitty. Even though
actors Shah Rukh Khan,
Salman Khan, Aamir
Khan, Akshay Kumar and Ajay Devgn, all
in their 40s, are active in Bollywood
even today, heroines who starred oppo-
site them in their heydays either faded
away from arc lights or are content play-
ing character roles. But Mads believes it
is not the case.
It is great to see all actors up there.
They all have worked hard. Juhi Chawla,
Kajol, Sridevi all are doing wonderful
work today. One should not generalise
that actresses of our times are not
around, it is not right. She adds, All
these ladies are doing good work. They
are going strong. They are making their
own space.
Even after her marriage with US-
based Dr Shriram Nene in 1999,
Madhuri continued to act in films. I have
always worked. Even after getting mar-
ried and going away, I did Devdas, Lajja,
Pukar, Hum Tumhare Hai Sanam, Aaja
Nach Le and Jhalak Dikhla Jaa. I did a
lot of work after marriage. So it was not
that I left and went away. I have always
been here, she said.
I never went away
All these
ladies are
They are
strong. N
ewbie actor Huma
Qureshi, who has
managed to gar-
ner equal adulation and flak for
her curves in the size-zero-
obsessed film industry, prefers
to be her pretty self rather than
falling for the fad. Huma was
loved for her voluptuous figure
and earthy style in her first
movie, Gangs of Wasseypur.
But she was criticised by some
quarters for her weight. In Gangs
of Wasseypur, I was the pretty girl, it
was a glamorous role. In Ek Thi
Daayan, I was the heroine. I have
always been the pretty girl. I think
there are people who have a craze
about size zero, but today we do
have heroines who are curvier, says
Huma. Either you think of it (weight)
as a problem or as an added advan-
tage. I would like to be known for my
personality rather than size zero, I
am an actress. I dont want to be a
hanger, says Huma, who feels there
are so many actors today who are
not size zero but have a huge fan fol-
lowing. However, she says that if in
the near future a role demands for
her to transform herself, she is game
for it. The 27-year-old currently for-
ward to the release of Nikhil Advanis
D-Day. In the film, Huma performed
heavy-duty stunts. Talking about it,
she says, More than shooting diffi-
cult action sequences, trying to look
like a RAW agent, keeping the char-
acter in mind, not forgetting the lines
etc... There is so much synchronisa-
tion that happens when you do action
scenes. Huma adds, Besides
action, there are cars blowing up,
gunshots, blasts happening in the
background and you dont want to
mess it up with (bad) performance...
So all that is scary. The actor says
she has decided that until and unless
a very good action film comes her
way, she will not do one.
Humaima malick is
happy for akram
ctor Yami Gautam, who
made her debut in
Bollywood with Vicky
Donor last year, and won instant
recognition, reveals that she never
thought of pursuing acting in her
life. I wanted to be an IAS officer,
when a few of
family friends came to meet us in
Chandigarh and told my parents
that I should try to enter
Bollywood. After that my father
sent some photos of mine to
directors in Mumbai, I got a call
and there was no looking back,
Yami says, adding that she took
some time to get used to being
famous. Vicky Donor was a
pleasant surprise. The recognition
I got was amazing, but I have to
say I was a bit shy when people
used to come to me for photos or
autographs. It took me some time
to get used to it and all the fame,
But now I like it, says the 24-
year-old, wholl be seen in an
upcoming film opposite Pakistani
singer-actor, Ali Zafar. She clari-
fies that her film with Zafar is
very different from Vicky Donor.
Whats the point of doing the
same roles again and again? Yes
the two films have romance as a
very important aspect, but the
messages are different, she says.
I wanted
to be an IAS
August-2013 BOLLYWOOD
lia is a true Bhatt
girl candid and
forthcoming. Her
attitude and looks have got
her heaps of admirers and
her Follo numbers just keep
going up. To know more log
onto popu-
larcelebs on your mobile
What is Arjun Kapoor, your
co-star in 2 States, like?
He comes across as bor-
ing, arrogant and cold
because of his face. I feel
bad for him because that's
how his face is. His eyes are
droopy and he has a droopy
mouth. I call him the grumpy
cat. But, he is an amazing
person. He's funny, intelli-
gent and warm. He's one of
the nicest guys I've met. I
love his sense of humour,
which I never knew existed. I
believe in the phrase 'do not
judge a book by its cover'
because Arjun is nothing like
what he comes across as.
What saves him though is
his killer smile.
During Student Of The
Year, you were linked to
both your co-stars. How
do you deal with linkups?
I don't think you can really
deal with linkups. I expected
to be linked with both Varun
Dhawan and Sidharth
Malhotra because I was
seen at different places with
both. But that's something
that I'm not going to stop
doing even if it create
linkups. They're very special
to me.
Your biggest com-
Chopra. When I
watched her in
Ladies Vs Ricky
Bahl, I remember
telling myself 'I
am in for a roller-
coaster ride'. The
kind of command
she has over her
language, I wish I
had. I spoke to her
after Ishaqzaade and
told her, 'You have to teach
me how to cry'. But there's
nothing negative about the
competition. I'll always be
happy for her as I'm very
fond of her. She's sweet to
me whenever we meet.
What qualities does a
guy need to have to
ask you out on a
He has to be
tall. I like guys with
a stubble and a big
Adam's apple. He has
to have a personality
and be funny. If he's not
funny then it's going be
really sad. And he must
smell nice. Smell is
something that attracts
me instantly. So if the
guy smells nice, there is
an instant attraction. I
use only men's perfumes.
I change my perfumes
every month.
Alia is a true Bhatt girl candid and forthcoming. Her attitude and
looks have got her heaps of admirers and her Follo numbers just keep go-
ing up. To know more log onto popularcelebs on your mobile...
I use only men's
Alia Bhatt
My Family
Proud of me after
ctor Farhan
akhtar is
happy with the
positive response that
his recently released
film 'bhaag Milkha
bhaag' is garnering
from all quarters.
Directed by Rakeysh
Omprakash Mehra,
'bhaag Milkha bhaag'
is a biopic on the
Flying Sikh- Milkha
Singh. the protago-
nist's role was essayed
by Farhan on the big
screen. "we are happy
that people love this
film. the biggest com-
pliment is the accept-
ance of audience and
Milkha Singh and his
family," Farhan told
reporters at the suc-
cess party of the film.
he is also ecstatic
being praised by his
family for his perform-
ance. "My mother
(honey irani) and wife
(adhuna) are feeling
proud of me. it is nice
to see this reaction as
i was away from them
and gave most of the
time to this film," he
said. Mehra and
Farhan yesterday met
Maharashtra revenue
minister balasaheb
thorat and sought tax
concession for the
film. "we got a posi-
tive response from the
minister. they also felt
there is a positive
message in the film.
we hope they will
make our film tax
free," Farhan said.
Even the director is
happy with the
response of the sports
personalities towards
the film. "the real
award is the love of
the audience. Even the
acceptance of sports-
men is a big compli-
ment for us. they
understand and relate
to the film more, be it
P t usha, carl Lewis,
kapil Dev, all are lov-
ing the film... it is a
compliment for all of
us," Mehra said.
we are
happy that
people love
this film. the
compliment is
the acceptance
of audience
and Milkha
Singh and his
fter a whopping
16 years, director
JP Dutta and actor
Sunny Deol are back with
the second installment of
the border franchise,
based on the real occur-
rences of the indo-
Pakistan 1971 war. while
there was a lot of specu-
lation over the sequel of
the 1997 blockbuster,
putting all conjectures to
rest, the makers have
finally roped in Sunny,
56, as one of the films
leads. Sunny, who
essayed the role of a Sikh
commanding officer in
the original border, wont
play a Sikh but will be
seen in a commanding
officers avatar in border
2, an adaptation from real
life events. we are
happy to announce that
Sunny Deol will be part
of the films starcast and
is an integral part of the
film. Other names are in
deliberating stages,
says the films official
spokesperson. the
sequel will go on floors
by the end of October.
Sunny back with
Border 2
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