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Generic Name: Hydroxyzine Brand Name: Vistaril Classification: Anxiolytic, Antihistamine, Antiemetic Dosage: 100g Route: Oral Frequency:

TID Indication: Symptomatic relief of anxiety Mechanism of action: It possesses skeletal muscle relaxing Contraindication: Porphyria Adverse Effects of the Drug: CNS depression, paradoxical CNS stimulation, dry mouth, thickened respiratory secretions, constipation, blurring of vision, tachycardia, GI disturbances, headache, hypotension, tinnitus Nursing Responsibilities/ Precautions: Do not administer parenteral solution subcutaneously, IV, or intra-arterially; tissue necrosis has occurred with subcutaneous and intra-arterial injection, and hemolysis with IV injection Give IM injections deep into a large muscle: In adults, use upper outer quadrant of buttocks or midlateral thigh

Generic Name: Butamirate Citrate Classification: Antitussive Dosage: 50mg, Tab Frequency: TID Indication: Acute cough of any etiology Mechanism of action: Act centrally (on brain, and specifically the vagus nerve) or locally (on the respiratory tract) to suppress the cough reflex Contraindication: Hypersensitivity Adverse Effects of the Drug: CNS: dizziness. GI: Nausea and vomiting, diarrhea. Skin: rash Nursing Responsibilities/ Precautions:

Monitor patients V/S Monitor adverse reaction

Generic Name: Hexetidine Brand Name: Bactidol Classification: Oral antiseptic Route: Oral Solution Frequency: TID Indication: general oral hygiene Mechanism of action: Protection against oral bacterial and fungal infection to give fast relief from sore throat and mouth ulcers Contraindication: Lesions and ulcerations of oral/buccal mucosa. Adverse Effects of the Drug: No known adverse effects Nursing Responsibilities/ Precautions:

Caution the patient that the solution may be too harsh to taste

Generic Name: Calmoseptine Classification: analgesic, antiseptic, antipruritic Dosage: 200mg Route: Topical Frequency: BID Indication: Preventing and treating minor skin irritations Mechanism of action: Calmoseptine Ointment is an analgesic, antiseptic, antipruritic, and skin protectant combination. It works by temporarily relieving itching and pain. It also decreases moisture in the affected area Contraindication: allergic to any ingredient in Calmoseptine Ointment Adverse Effects of the Drug: severe allergic reactions (rash; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue) Nursing Responsibilities/ Precautions: For external use only. Do not get it in your eyes, nose, or mouth. If you get it in any of these areas, rinse at once with cool water. Do not use Calmoseptine Ointment to treat deep wounds or puncture wounds

Discovery May Help Nerve Regeneration in Spinal Injury Nov. 6, 2012 Scientists at the Universities of Liverpool and Glasgow have uncovered a possible new method of enhancing nerve repair in the treatment of spinal cord injuries. It is known that scar tissue, which forms following spinal cord injury, creates an impenetrable barrier to nerve regeneration, leading to the irreversible paralysis associated with spinal injuries. Scientists at Liverpool and Glasgow have discovered that long-chain sugars, called heparan sulfates, play a significant role in the process of scar formation in cell models in the laboratory. Research findings have the potential to contribute to new strategies for manipulating the scarring process induced in spinal cord injury and improving the effectiveness of cell transplantation therapies in patients with this type of injury. Scarring occurs due to the activation, change in shape, and stiffness of cells, called astrocytes, which are the major nerve support cells in the spinal cord. One possible way to repair nerve damage is transplantation of support cells from peripheral nerves, called Schwann cells. The team, however, found that these cells secrete heparan sulfate sugars, which promote scarring reactions and could reduce the effectiveness of nerve repair. Scientists showed that these sugars can over-activate protein growth factors that promote astrocyte scarring. Significantly, however, they found this over-activation could be inhibited by chemically modified heparins made in the laboratory. These compounds could prevent the scarring reaction of astrocyte cells, opening up new opportunities for treatment of damaged nerve cells. Professor Jerry Turnbull, from the University of Liverpool's Institute of Integrative Biology, said: "Spinal injury is a devastating condition and can result in paralysis for life. The sugars we are investigating are produced by nearly every cell in the body, and are similar to the blood thinning drug heparin. "We found that some sugar types promote scarring reaction, but remarkably other types, which can be chemically produced in the laboratory by modifying heparin, can prevent this in our cell models. "Studies in animal cells are now needed, but the exciting thing about this work is that it could, in the future, provide a way of developing treatments for improving nerve repair in patients, using the body's own Schwann cells, supplemented with specific sugars." Professor Sue Barnett, from the University of Glasgow's Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation, said: "We had already shown that Schwann cells, identified as having the potential to promote nerve regrowth, induced scarring in spinal cord injury. Now that we know that they secrete these complex sugars, which lead to scarring, we have the opportunity to intervene in this process, and promote central nervous system repair."

Generic name: Co-amoxiclav Brand name: Amoclav Classification: Bactericidal Dosage: 1gm Route: Oral Frequency: BID MECHANISM OF ACTION: Major component is amoxicillin, which is the 4-hydroxy analog of ampicillin. It acts on the bacterial cell walls by making them more porous. Despite its wide range of germicidal action, organisms that produces the enzyme beta-lactamase. Betalactamase protects the bacteria from being attacked by amoxicillin. Clavulanic acid, a mild antibacterial agent, helps amoxicillin by competing and irreversibly binding to the bacterial cell wall. When this happens, the targeted bacteria cannot produce betalactamase and will become susceptible to amoxicillin.

INDICATION: is indicated for short-term treatment of bacterial infections at the following sites: 1. Upper respiratory tract infections (including ENT) e.g. tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis media. 2. Lower respiratory tract infections e.g. acute and chronic bronchitis, lobar and bronchopneumonia. 3. Genito-urinary tract infections e.g. cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis. 4. Skin and soft tissue infections. 5. Bone and joint infections e.g. osteomyelitis. 6. Other infections e.g. septic abortion, puerperal sepsis, intra-abdominal sepsis, etc. CONTRAINDICATION: Hypersensitivity to drug or any penicillin Phenylketonuria (some products) History of cholestatic jaundice or hepatic dysfunction associated with this drug.

ADVERSE EFFECTS OF THE DRUG: CNS: lethargy, hallucinations, anxiety, confusion, agitation, depression, dizziness, fatigue, hyperactivity, insomnia, behavioral changes,seizures (with high doses) GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, stomatitis, glossitis, gastritis, black "hairy" tongue, furry tongue, enterocolitis,pseudomembranous colitis GU: vaginitis, nephropathy, interstitial nephritis Hematologic: anemia, thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopenic purpura, leukopenia, hemolytic anemia, agranulocytosis, bone narrow depression, eosinophilia Hepatic: cholestatic hepatitis Respiratory: wheezing Skin: rash Other: superinfections (oral and rectal candidiasis), fever, anaphylaxis


Monitor patient carefully for signs and symptoms of hypersensitivity reaction. Monitor for seizures when giving high doses. Check patient's temperature and watch for other signs and symptoms of superinfection, especially oral or rectal candidiasis.

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