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(WITH REFERENCE TO BIGBAZAR) Sales promotion Sales promotion is any initiative undertaken by an organization to promote an increase in sales, usage or trial of a product or service (i.e. initiatives that are not Covered by the other elements of the marketing communications or promotions mix). Sales promotions are varied. Often they are original and creative, and hence a comprehensive list of all available techniques is virtually impossible (since original sales promotions are launched daily!). Here are some examples of popular sales promotions activities: Sales promotion is any initiative undertaken by an organization to promote an increase in sales, usage or trial of a product or service (i.e. initiatives that are not Covered by the other elements of the marketing communications or promotions mix). Sales promotions are varied. Often they are original and creative, and hence a comprehensive list of all available techniques is virtually impossible (since original sales promotions are launched daily!). Here are some examples of popular sales promotions activities:

1. (a)

Buy-One-Get-One-Free (BOGOF) - which is an example of a self-

liquidating promotion. For example if a loaf of bread is priced at $1.00 IN Rs.61.11 and cost 10 cents to manufacture, if you sell two for $1.00 IN Rs.61.11 you are still in profit - especially if there is a corresponding increase in sales. This is known as a PREMIUM sales promotion tactic. (b) Customer Relationship Management (CRM) incentives such as bonus points or money off coupons. There are many examples of CRM, from banks to supermarkets. (c) New media - Websites and mobile phones that support a sales promotion. For example, in the United Kingdom, Nestle printed individual codes on KIT-KAT packaging, whereby a consumer would enter the code into a dynamic website to see if they had won a prize. Consumers could also text codes via their mobile phones to the same effect. (d) Merchandising additions such as dump bins, point-of-sale materials and product demonstrations. (e) Free gifts e.g. Subway gave away a card with six spaces for stickers with each sandwich purchase. Once the card was full the consumer was given a free.

(f) Discounted prices e.g. Budget airline such as Easy Jet and Ryan air, e-mail their customers with the latest low-price deals once new flights are released, or additional destinations are announced. (g) Joint promotions between brands owned by a company, or with another company's brands. For example fast food restaurants often run sales promotions where toys, relating to a specific movie release, are given away with promoted meals. h) Free samples (aka. sampling) e.g. tasting of food and drink at sampling points in supermarkets. For example Red Bull (a caffeinated fizzy drink) was given away to potential consumers at supermarkets, in high streets and at petrol stations (by a promotions team). (i) Vouchers and coupons, often seen in newspapers and magazines, on packs. (j) Competitions and prize draws, in newspapers, magazines, on the TV and radio, on The Internet, and on packs. (k) Cause-related and fair-trade products that raise money for charities, and the less well off farmers and producers, are becoming more popular. (l) Finance deals - for example, 0% finance over 3 years on selected vehicles. Many of the examples above are focused upon consumers. Don't forget that

promotions can be aimed at wholesalers and distributors as well. These are known as Trade Sales Promotions. . Examples here might include joint promotions between a manufacturer and a distributor, sales promotion leaflets and other materials (such as T-shirts), and incentives for distributor sales people and their retail clients.

NEED OF THE STUDY In this competitive world, there exists huge competition between organizations of retail sector. The company which adopts best sales promotion activities, will have better profits. So, it is necessary to know companys sales promotion activities which results in sales growth and turn profits to the organization. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 1. 1. To Evaluate the Different Sales Promotion Activities of Bigbazar on

festival Season.

1. 2.

To Analyze the factors impacting in Designing the sales promotion

Activities on festival Season at Bigbazar. 1. 3. To study the impact of Sales promotions on Consumer Buying

Decision on festival Season at Bigbazar. 1. 4. To suggest the appropriate sales promotion strategies to the Bigbazar

to attract new customers & retaining the old customers.

1.3 SCOPE OF THE STUDY Big bazaar is having its sales promotional activities in such a manner. It plays a great role in growth as well as incomes of the company. Study is limited to only one branch located at DELHI OR AS YOU LIKE


Sources of data:Primary data: It is the information collected directly without any references. In the study it was mainly interviews with concerned officers and staffs either individual or collectively. Some of the information had verified or supplemented with personal observation, the data collected through conducting the personal interview with the customers. This is through a well designed questionnaire. Secondary data: The secondary data was collected from already published sources such as pamphlets, annual reports, reports and internal records the data includes. Reference from text books and relating to articles published in business details like economic times, business time e.t.c Sample design: sample selection is of random type.

Sample size: sample size is 100 customers of Big Bazaar LIMITATIONS

1. 1.

Accuracy of the study is based on the information given by the

respondents. 1. 2. Data collection cannot be asserted to be free from errors, as the

sample size is small 1. 3. 1. 4. . 1. 5. The knowledge of the employee regarding the Quality of Work The project duration was only for 45 days. The project is done for the partial fulfilment of the MBA program

Life is taken for granted which may not be true because the understanding and knowledge of various person in the organisation vary from employee to employee.


Chapter1 - Introduction Chapter2 - Research Methodology Chapter3 - Review of Literature Chpater4 - Company/Organisation/Industry Profile Chapter5 - Data Analysis and Interpretation Chapter6 - Findings, suggestions and Conclusion FULL HELP ON PROJECT JUST ORDER NOW TIME REQUIRED TO COMPLETE PROJECT IS 7 DAYS KEYWORDS : BIG BAZAAR , ONLINE SHOP , BIG BAZAAR Research methodology

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