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Tenant Guideline
Vieng Vang Sole Co., Ltd.

V i e n g V a n g S o l e C o . , L t d . B o u l i c h a n R d . D o n g p a l a n T h o n g V i l l a g e , S i s a t t a n a k D i s t r i c t , V i e n t i a n e C a p i t a l , L a o P . D . R

Tenant guideline (Vieng Vang Tower)

Lease area 1F 2F 3F 4F 5F 6F RT 167.1 m2 494.8 m2 491.5 m2 493.5 m2 495.3 m2 491.6 m2 30 m2

2,663.8 m2 Note: Available space 1F (167 m2), 3F (42 m2), 4F (243.6 m2), 5F (253 m2) (updated in May. 2013)

Office space per month 12 USD/m2/month (Excluded VAT) Contract Term At least 3 years Deposit 3 months rent fee Term of payment At least 1 year base MGNT fee per month 0.8 USD/m2/month MGNT fee contents Parking 24 hours Security Guard Cleaning fee (1F Lobby, Pantry, Corridor, Toilet, Roof Top Garden, Ground Garden) Electrical Fee and A/C (Common space only) Water Fee WIFI fee (Common space only) Maintenance fee of A/C (*liquid refill should be extra fee) Maintenance fee of ventilation system Maintenance fee of elevator Garbage fee Stationary in the toilet (tissue, hand soap, etc.) Facility Higher Ceiling (2.8 3.5 m) Pantry, Roof top garden Sensor system in toilet 24 hours access (24 hours security guard) Password elevator CCTV, smoke and heat detector, fire tank are installed Curtain Parking lot Preparation Time 1 month Parking lot 55 m2/1 car/ 2 motorbikes Modification of lease area any modifications: construction, moving electrical or install new fixtures to the building is possible but must be approved. Partition making in lease area can be provide design by Vieng Vang Tower but at tenants expense. 2

Boundary Partition Wall Telephone line

Internet Electrical Fee (in lease area) Tenants company sign

*** For more information about facility and location please visit our website

will be provided already installed (1 line/tenant) in case of tenant would like to add additional line that would be an extra cost (150 USD/line). Telephone fee is at the tenants expense optic fiber is installed (to get service from service provider is at tenants responsibility) each lease area has its own meter, will be recorded at the first and last day of each month (1,017 LAK/unit) 3 types of signs will be provide (outside, inside sign and company parking sign)

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