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What Is Noise Pollution? How to Prevent Noise Pollution? What Causes Noise Pollution? How To Measure Noise Pollution? How To Reduce Noise Pollution? How can We Control Noise Pollution? How Noise Pollution Is Caused? What Is Indoor Noise Pollution?

What is Noise Pollution?

Noise pollution refers to a type of energy pollution in which distracting, irritating or damaging sounds are freely audible. With this type of pollution, contaminants are not physical particles, but rather waves that interfere with naturally-occurring waves of a similar type in the same environment. Industries, automobiles and some entertainment joints are some of the sources of noise pollution.

Noise pollution is displeasing or excessive noise that may disrupt the activity or balance of human or animal life. The word noise is cognate with the Latin word nauseas, which means disgust or [1] discomfort. The source of most outdoor noise worldwide is mainly caused [2][3] by machines andtransportation systems, motor vehicles, aircrafts, and trains. Outdoor noise is summarized by the word environmental noise. Poor urban planningmay give rise to noise pollution, since side-by-side industrial and residential buildings can result in noise pollution in the residential areas. Indoor noise is caused by machines, building activities, music performances, and especially in some workplaces. There is no great difference whethernoise-induced hearing loss is brought about by outside (e.g. trains) or inside (e.g. music) noise. High noise levels can contribute to cardiovascular effects in humans, a rise in blood pressure, and an increase in stress and vasoconstriction, and an increased incidence of coronary artery disease. In animals, noise can increase the risk of death by altering predator or prey detection and avoidance, interfere with reproduction and navigation, and contribute to permanent hearing loss.

What is Noise Pollution?

Sound is essential to our daily lives, but noise is not. Noise is generally used as an unwanted sound, or sound which produces unpleasant effects and discomfort on the ears.

Sound becomes unwanted when it either interferes with normal activities such as sleeping, conversation, or disrupts or diminishes ones quality of life. Not all noise can be called noise pollution. If it does not happen reqularly, it may be termed as 'Nuisance' Scientists also believe that its not only humans who are affected. For example, water animals are subjected to noise by submarines and big ships on the ocean, and chainsaw operations by timber companies also create extreme noise to animals in the forests. Generally, noise is produced by household gadgets, big trucks, vehicles and motorbikes on the road, jet planes and helicopters hovering over cites, loud speakers etc. Noise (or sound) is measured in the units of decibels and is denoted by the dB. Noise which is more than 115 dB is tolerant. The industrial limit of sound in the industries must be 75 dB according to the World Health Organization. Noise is considered as environmental pollution, even though it is thought to have less damage on humans than water, air or land pollution. But people who are affected by severe noise pollution know that it is a massive issue that needs attention. Let us learn more.

2 Additional Answers
noise pollution - Definition
(n.) Unwanted or harmful noise, as from automobiles, airplanes, or industrial workplaces



Noise pollution is noise that is loud enough or constant enough to annoy people or cause a disruption in normal daily activities. Noise pollution may not cause the same damage as environmental pollution, but it can cause damage. You can find more information here:

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Q&A Related to "What is Noise Pollution"

What is Noise Pollution?
Noise pollution is created by humans and is extreme loud noises that will affect one's hearing and comfort level. Noise pollution may be created by the playing of loud music in public

How to Prevent Noise Pollution?

You can prevent noise pollution by using your horn only when necessary. If you are not driving your car or any other vehicle, shut it off. Try to walk for a change.

What are ways to prevent noise pollution?

In: Pollution, Noise Pollution [Edit categories]

On their own, each person can reduce their noise pollution amounts by... *Rakeing leaves by hand, don't use a noisy leaf blower. *Triming bushes or shrubs by hand, don't use a noisy bush trimmer. *Sound proof rooms that might have music conducted in them, like a room with a piano or if someone in the hosue plays drums or guitar or whatever. This can be done simply with curtains, window inserts, carpeting, and closing windows and doors.

*Not blasting music on the radio or computer or speakers. Be considerate of your own ears and those of other around you. *Not slamming doors / car doors, close them eaily and with only as much force as needed. (People don't usually think of this, but imagine - how loud is it when you slam your car door? Pretty tolerable. But imagine thousands of people doing so. Now that can start to get loud. *Turninf off the TV or radio when you aren't actually fully listening to it. *Traiing their dogs not to bark so much. *Not yelling. Have civil conversations. Call someone or go find them instead of yelling across the street for them, for example. *Planting trees and bushes around you house. They help keep the air clean, absorb sound, give privacy, and add nice design and looks to a house. *Doing noisy things (dishes, hammering, ect.) over or on a rubber mat to reduce noise. *Puting carpets, rugs, mats, throw rugs, ect. in their houses / mats outside. *Puting fabric window coverings instead of plastic or wooden shades / blinds. *Not revving up a motorcycle or car unless it is actually needed for the drive. *Don't beep your carn horn "just because", make sure it is a legitamate reason.

What Causes Noise Pollution?

The boom, boom, boom, of cars driving by your house! Noise polution is open to debate, but some say that noise polution is the waves of sound that interfere with naturally occuring sounds.

What are the sources of noise pollution?

Noise can come from many places. Let us see a few good sources: Household sources: Gadgets like food mixer, grinder, vacuum cleaner, washing machine and dryer, cooler, air conditioners, can be very noisy and injurious to health. Others include loud speakers of sound systems and TVs, ipods and ear phones. Another example may be your neighbors dog barking all night everyday at every shadow it sees, disturbing everyone else in the apartment. Social events: Places of worship, discos and gigs, parties and other social events also create a lot of noise for the people living in that area. In many market areas, people sell with loud speakers, others shout out offers and try to get customers to buy their goods. It is important to note that whey these events are not often, they can be called 'Nuisance' rather than noise pollution. Commercial and industrial activities:

Printing presses, manufacturing industries, construction sites, contribute to noise pollutions in large cities. In many industries, it is a requirement that people always wear earplugs to minimize their exposure to heavy noise. People who work with lawn mowers, tractors and noisy equipment are also required to wear noise-proof gadgets. Transportation: Think of aero planes flying over houses close to busy airports like Heathrow (London) or Ohare (Chicago), over ground and underground trains, vehicles on roadthese are constantly making a lot of noise and people always struggle to cope with them. Can you think of your own examples in your city, town or village?

how to measure noise pollution?

1. Place the sound level meter on the spot where people are supposed to listen to the sound. For example, when measuring traffic sounds, the meter is on the pavement, while measuring

Effects of noise pollution

Generally, problems caused by noise pollution include stress related illnesses, speech interference, hearing loss, sleep disruption, and lost productivity. Most importantly, there are two major effects we can look at: Hearing The immediate and acute effect of noise pollution to a person, over a period of time, is impairment of hearing. Prolonged exposure to impulsive noise to a person will damage their eardrum, which may result in a permanent hearing. Effects on general health Health effects of noise include anxiety and stress reaction and in extreme cases fright. The physiological manifestations are headaches, irritability and nervousness, feeling of fatigue and decreases work efficiency. For example, being pounded by the siren of fire fighters, police or ambulance in your city all night everyday leave people (especially elderly people) stresses and tired in the morning. Its is worth noting that these effects may not sound troubling, but the truth is, with time, the consequences can be very worrying.

Noise pollution prevention and control tips

Below are a few things people and governments can do to make our communities and living laces quieter: Construction of soundproof rooms for noisy machines in industrial and manufacturing installations must be encouraged. This is also important for residential buildingnoisy machines should be installed far from sleeping and living rooms, like in a basement or garage. Use of horns with jarring sounds, motorbikes with damaged exhaust pipes, noisy trucks to be banned. Noise producing industries, airports, bus and transport terminals and railway stations to sighted far from where living places. Community law enforcers should check the misuse of loudspeakers, worshipers, outdoor parties and discos, as well as public announcements systems. Community laws must silence zones near schools / colleges, hospitals etc. Vegetation (trees) along roads and in residential areas is a good way to reduce noise pollution as they absorb sound. Noise is considered a serious threat to the environmental health. Some of the adverse effects of noise pollution are given below: 1. It interferes with speech. In the presence of noise we may not able to follow, what the other person is saying. 2. Noise leads to emotional and behavioral stress. A person may feel disturbed in the presence of loud noise such as produced by heating of drums. 3. Noise may permanently damage hearing. A sudden loud noise can cause severe damage to the eardrum. 4. Noise increases the chances of occurrence of diseases such as headache, blood pressure, heart failure, etc. 5. Noise leads to increased heart beat, constriction of blood vessels and dilation of pupil. 6. Noise is a problem especially for patients who need rest. 7. Noise may cause damage to liver, brain and heart.

Air Conditioning units and refrigeration plant

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Aircraft noise Alarms - don't alarm your neighbours! Barking Dogs Bird Scarers Building and demolition sites Buskers and street entertainers Deliveries DIY Fireworks Loudspeakers Low frequency noise Music Musical instruments and band practice Noise in the street Noise from industry, plant and machinery Noisy parties Poultry noise Pubs, clubs and licensed premises Rail noise Road works

21. Vehicles and vehicle alarms

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