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Scavenger hunt

1. Egg another team's car. -- 15 pts

2. Egg another team's members -- 5 pts each member

3. Get alcohol -- 15 pts

4. Lightsaber battle in WalMart -- 15 pts

5. Nerd technology lecture -- 10 pts

¤Get a Nerdy looking person to lecture you on some sort of


6. Disco party in Abercrombie -- 5 pts


7. Get your picture taken with 5 different emo kids -- 15 pts

total (3 per kid)

8. Run a mile in your underwear -- 10 pts

9. Chicken Nugget Challenge -- 20 pts

¤2 members from the team must eat 50 chicken nuggets in

under 3 minutes

10. Piggy Back Ride -- 10 pts

¤Find a stranger to give you a piggy back ride. Double points if

it's a Cop.

11. Trade Pants With A Stranger -- 15 pts, Full clothes trade --

25 pts

12. Tag an overpass/underpass -- 10 pts

¤Spraypaint/Marker/etc your teams name onto an overpass or


13. Eat an entire can of Cheeze Whiz -- 10 pts

15. Photo with a door man -- 10 pts

16. Take a lawn gnome captive -- 10 pts

¤Then return it, if you choose to do so.

17. Condom fairy -- 5 pts

¤Give 10 random people condoms

18. Collect 5 parking cones -- 5 pts

19. Jump off a roof -- 5 pts

21. Fire in the hole -- 15 pts

¤Go to a drive thru, order a drink, yell "FIRE IN THE HOLE" and

chuck it back in the window. I suggest getting the fuck out of

there ASAP.

22. Kiss a stranger – 10pts, with tongue -- 20 pts

25. Drag queen donation -- 10 pts

¤Dress in drag, get a stranger to put a dollar in your shirt.

27. Nintendo battle -- 10 pts

¤2 members dress as nintendo characters, battle it out in an open


28. 4 members, 40 shots -- 15 pts

¤4 members of each team must consume 10 shots of at least 80 proof

(40%) liquor. (may be done over time.)

29. In honor of Bam -- 10 pts

¤Do a shopping cart.

30. Ollie a gap -- 5 pts

¤Or find someone to do it for you.

31. Get a stranger to let u sit in their car -- 10 pts

32. Find someone with a mullet -- 10 pts

33. Find someone with a nose piercing -- 5 pts

34. Sack Smack -- 15 pts

¤Have a child kick a member of your team in the balls

36. Tour de Supermarket -- 10 pts

¤Find some wheels (skateboard, rollerblades, etc.) do a lap around

the inside of a supermarket.

37. Scale a School -- 15 pts

¤Climb to the roof of a school

38. Get kicked out of a store -- 10 pts

39. "Obtain" a street sign -- 10 pts

40. "Antique" a member of an opposing team -- 10 pts

¤Throw flour at a member of an opposing team, thus making them

look like a crappy old dusty Antique.

41. Play in a McDonalds Play Place -- 5 pts

42. Cool vanity plate -- 10 pts

¤Find a Vanity License Plate

44. Teammate Tags you -- 5 pts

¤Shave a teammates name somewhere onto your body (head, legs, ass,


46. Crash a hotel pool -- 10 pts

47. Find someone named Kevin -- 10 pts

¤Photo ID required

48. Eat six eggs – 10 pts

49. Slam dunk -- 5 pts

¤Take a picture of a teammate in a basketball hoop.

50. No smoking -- 10 pts

¤Don't worry, smokers. All you gotta do is "obtain" a No Smoking


51. Thirsty much? -- 5 pts

¤Collect 50 straws from any restaurant

52. Saran wrap it -- 10 pts

¤Wrap a teammate in saran wrap up to their necks, double points if

theyre naked.

53. At your own risk -- 10 pts

¤"Obtain" a sign that includes the phrase "At your own risk"

55. Dressed to kill -- 10 pts

¤Find a stranger in a suit, get them to hold a gun of sorts and

let you take a picture.

56. Fluff Stuff -- 5 pts

¤Consume an entire jar of Marshmallow Fluff

58. Piggygraph -- 10-15pts

¤Get a police man's autograph. Extra 5 points awarded if you didnt

find him by doing something illegal.

59. Richard Simmons vs The Mall -- 10 pts

¤Team must do aerobics in the mall for at least 3 mins.

60. CTF -- 5 pts per flag.

¤It's a classic. Capture the Flag! Each team will have a bandana

with their teams name on it tied to their car antenna. If you

manage to get another team's flag, you gain 5 points, and they

lose 5 points on their final score. Once a flag is captured, you

must in turn tie it to your own antenna, then having 2 flags, and

so on... If you then lose all of the flags attached to your

antenna, you will not lose 5points for every flag lost, just your


62. Jemima's Revenge - 10 pts.

¤ Chug a bottle of syrup or hot sauce.

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