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It is a Foundation on which you Design, Deploy, and Deploy Application. It aims at integrating various Programming Languages and Services. It is designed to make significant improvements in Code Reuse, Code Specialization, Resource Management, Multilanguage Development, Security, Deployment, and Administration. It consists of all the Technologies that help in creating and running Robust, Scalable, and Distributed Application. New programming methodology etc.) Multiple Languages (VB.Net, C#, J#, Cobol.Net,

JIT Compiler Primary Parts: .NET Framework Common Language Runtime (CLR)

ASP.NET is part of the Microsoft .NET Framework a computing environment that simplifies application development in the highly distributed environment of the Internet. ASP.NET is a unified Web application platform that provides the services necessary to build and deploy enterprise-class Wed applications.

Manageability: ASP.NET uses a text-based, hierarchical configuration system that simplifies applying setting to your server environment and Web applications. Because configuration information is stored as plain text, new setting can be applied without the aid of local administration tools. Any changes to the configuration files are automatically detected and applied to the application. Security: ASP.NET provides default authorization and authentication schemes for Web applications. Developers can easily add to, remove, or replace these schemes depending on the needs of the

application. For more information, see Overview of ASP.NET Security. Ease of Deployment: An ASP.NET application is deployed to a server by simply copying the necessary files to the server. No server restart is required-not even to deploy or replace running compiled code. Enhanced Performance: ASP.NET is compiled code running on the server. Unlike traditional Active Server Page (ASP), ASP.NET can take advantage of early binding, just in-time (JIT) compilation, native optimization, and caching services right out of the box for improved performance. Flexible Output Caching: ASP.NET can cache page data, portions of a pages, or whole pages, depending on the needs of the application. Cached item can be dependent on files or other items in the cache, or they can be refreshed based on an expiration policy. Internationalization: ASP.NET uses Unicode internally to represent request and response data. Internationalization settings can be configured for each computer, each directory, and each page. Mobile Device Support: ASP.NET supports any browser on any device. Developers use the same

programming techniques to target new mobile that they use for the Traditional desktop browsers. Scalability and Availability: ASP.NET was designed to be scalable, with features specifically tailored to improve performance in clustered and multiprocessor environments. Moreover, processes are closely monitored and managed by Internet Information Services(IIS) and the ASP.NET CLR so that if one misbehaves, a new process can be created in its place, which helps keep your application available to handle requests.

Tracing and Debugging: ASP.NET provides tracing services that can be enabled during debugging at both the application level and the page level. You can choose to view the information either in a page or using the application-level trace viewing tool. ASP.NET supports local and remote debugging with .NET Framework debugging tools, both during development and when the application is in production. When an application is put into production, tracing statements can be left in the production code with no impact on performance. Integration with the .NET Framework: Because ASP.NET is part of the .NET Framework the power and flexibility of the entire platform is available to Web applications. The .NET class library, as well as solution for messaging and data access, is all

seamlessly accessible from the Web. ASP.NET is language-independent, so developers can choose the language that best applies to the application. In addition, CLR interoperability preserves existing investments in COM-based development. Compatibility with Existing ASP application: ASP and ASP.NET can run side by side on an IIS Web server without interference; there is no chance of corrupting an existing ASP application by installing ASP.NET. Files with an .asp file name extension are processed by ASP.NET. Files with an .asp file name extension will continue to be processed by the ASP engine. You should note, however, that session state and application state are not shared between ASP and ASP.NET pages.

Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET) is an object-oriented computer programming language that can be viewed as an evolution of Microsofts Visual Basic (VB) which is implemented on the Microsoft .NET Framework. Visual Basic .NET is the next generation of the Visual Basic language from Microsoft .With Visual Basic you can build .NET applications, including Web services and ASP.NET web applications, quickly and easily. Applications made with Visual Basic are built on the services of the common language runtime and take advantage of the .NET Framework. Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET) is a version of Microsofts Visual Basic that was designed, as part of the companys .NET product group to make Web services

application easier to develop. According to Microsoft, VB.NET was reengineered, rather than released as VB 6.0 with added features, to making fundamental changes to the language.

DATABASE PROGRAMMING: Visual Basic.NET makes use of powerful tools for database connectivity. Using this, a programmer can access, read and alter database tables, stored procedures and change other aspects of the database a whole by running SQL commands. Any complex programs deals with data and, generally, a database. Because of this, VB.NET is a very important part of the .NET Framework. Even more so, VB.NET has strong connections with XML meaning that the language can transform data into a more neutral form that can be used by a wide variety of sources.

Building Web-based Application: With Visual Basic .NET we can create Web applications using the shared Web forms Designer and the familiar drag and drop feature. You can double-click and write code to respond to events. Visual Basic .NET 2003

comes with an enhanced HTML Editor for working with complex Web pages.

Powerful window based application: Visual basic .NET comes with features such as a powerful new forms designer, an in-place menu editor, and automatic control anchoring and docking. Visual Basic .NET delivers new productivity feature for building more robust applications easily and quickly .With an improved integrated development environment (IDE) and a significantly reduced startup time, Visual Basic .NET offers fast , automatic formatting of code as you type, improved IntelliSense, an enhanced object browser and XML designer, and much more.

Mobile Application: Visual Basic .NET 2003 and the .NET Framework 1.1 offer integrated support for developing mobile Web applications for more than 200 Internet-enabled mobile devices. These new features give developers a single, mobile Web interface and programming model to support a broad

range of Web device, including WML 1.1 for WAP--enabled cellular phones, compact HTML (chum) for IMode phones, and HTML for pocket PC, handheld devices, and pagers. Full Object-Oriented Constructs: You can reusable, enterprise-class code using full object-oriented constructs. Language features include full implementation inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism. Structured exception handling provides a global error handler and eliminates spaghetti code. Interoperability: One of the best new features of VB.NET is the ability to work together, even within the same project with the other languages that use the .NET Framework. This might be languages like Visual C#.NET and other languages in Microsoft Visual Studio. Improved Coding: You can code faster and more effectively. A multitude of enhancements to the code editor, including enhanced IntelliSense, smart listing of code for greater readability and a background compiler for real-time notification of syntax errors transforms into a rapid application development (RAD) coding machine. XML Web Services: XML Web services enable you to call components running on any platform using

open Internet protocols. Working with XML Web services is easier where enhancements simplify the discovery and consumption of XML Wed services that are located within any firewall. XML Web services can be built as easily as you would build any class in Visual Basic 6.0. The XML Web services project template builds all underlying Web services infrastructure.

Direct Access to the Platform: Visual Basic developers can have full access to the capabilities available in .NET Framework 1.1. Developers can easily program system services including the event log, performance counters and file system. The new Window Service project template enables to build real Microsoft Windows NT Services and creating new Window Services is not available in Visual Basic .NET Standard, it requires Visual Studio 2003 Professional, or higher.

Simplified Deployment: With Visual Basic .NET we can build application more rapidly and deploy and maintain them with efficiency. Visual Basic .NET 2003 and .NET Framework 1.1. Makes DLL Hell a thing of the past. Side-by-side versioning enables

multiple version of the same component to live safely on the same machine so that applications can use a specific version of a component. XCOPYdeployment and Web auto-download of Windowsbased applications combine the simplicity of Web page deployment and maintenance with the power of rich, responsive Windows-based applications.

C# is a simple, elegant, type-safe, object-oriented language it is also known as case-sensitive language

recently developed by Microsoft for building a wide range of applications. It is specially designed to work with .NET platform The .net platform is aimed at providing Internet users with Web-enabled interface for applications and computing devices such as mobile phones. It also provides developers to create reusable modules. It is designed to be a fast and easy way to create .NET applications, including Web services and ASP.NET Web applications. Applications written in Visual C# are built on the services of the CLR (common language runtime) and it takes full advantage of the .NET Framework. For C# programs we use cask compiler.

Strong C++ heritage: Immediately familiar to C++ and java developers Allows C-style memory management and pointers First component-oriented language in C family: Properties, methods, indexers, delegates, events Design-time and runtime attributes Enable one-stop programming: No header fires, side Embeddable in ASP.NET


Visual C# enables the creation of Window applications, Web services, database tools, components, controls, and many more.

First class support in C#: Not naming patterns, adapters, etc. Not external files Easy to build and consume

Microsoft Visual FoxPro (VFP.NET) database development system is a powerful tool for quickly creating high performance desktop, rich client, distributions client, client / server, and Web database applications. It Employ its powerful data engine to manage large volumes of data, its object-oriented programming to reuse components across applications, its XML Web services features for distributed applications, its built-in XML support to quickly manipulate data.

Data handling: FoxPro has a built-in data manipulation language thats fast and powerful in manipulation of Data. Enhanced report system functionality: Enhancements for using report listeners Builders for report listeners Other report enhancements via Xbase My Support: Easy and quick access to common functionality Discoverability Extensibility

Structured TRY/CATCH error handling Window XP Theme Support Extended SQL Server connectivity Expanded Visual Studio .NET compatibility Hierarchical XML integration with VFP data Enhanced XML Web services Native VFP object event binding Auto-increment support View designer enhancements New imaging support using GDI+ New features in form controls More development productivity

Managed C++ code could interoperate with any other language also targeted for the CLR such as C# and visual Basic .NET as well as make use of features provided by the CLR such as garbage collection. This means Managed C+ + occupies a unique position in the gallery of .NET languages. It is the only language that can communicate directly with .NET language (such as C#, VB.NET) and native C++. The other .NET languages can only communicate with C++ code via Invoke or COM. But since Managed and standard C++ contexts, it is often used as a bridge.

Managed and unmanaged code can be mixed together in the same .NET assembly seamlessly. This allows the programmer to keep unmanaged code that cannot be ported over to the .NET Framework without re-writing it completely

Managed C++ is the only language able to natively communicate with all other .NET languages and native unmanaged C++ code. Managed C++ is thus very convenient for interoperability between programmers who use different languages.

The Microsoft Visual C++ .NET compiler, which compiles Managed C++ to target the .NET Framework produces a much more matured set of instructions in its resultant assembly, thus improving performance.

Managed and unmanaged code can be mixed together in the same .NET assembly seamlessly. It allows the programmer to keep unmanaged code that cannot be ported over to the .NET Framework without re-writing it completely Managed C++ is the only language able to natively communicate with all other .NET languages and native unmanaged C++ code. Managed C++ is thus very convenient for interoperb-ility between programmers who use different languages. The Microsoft Visual C++ .NET compiler, which compiles Managed C++ to target the .NET Framework. It produces a much more matured set of instructions in its resultant assembly, thus improving performance.

MS.Net Development Tools such as ASP.NET, VB.NET, VC#.NET, VFP.NET, MANAGED EXTENSION IN C++.NET we can conclude that the .NET Application Tool helps the programmers to create an Application Such as Windows Application, Web Application, Console Application and Also Mobile Application and to improve performance of Application. re

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