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Question 1 20 years ago when we were growing up, that is a memory trip well worth taking when trying

to understand the issues facing the children of today. Children used to play outside all day, riding bikes, playing sports and building forts. They were the masters of imaginary games, masters who created their own form of play that didn't require costly tablet or a nervous parental supervision.Today's families and their children are different. Every step of their lives are based on technology especially for chiledrens entertainment technology like TV, Internet, video games, iPads, cell phoneshas advanced so rapidly, that families have scarcely noticed the significant impact and changes to their family structure and lifestyles. A 2010 Kaiser Foundation study showed that elementary aged children use on average 7.5 hours per day of entertainment technology, 75 percent of these children have TV's in their bedrooms, and 50 percent of North American homes have the TV on all day. Has all this technological advances made our childrens better or worse ? (Rowan, 2012) Excessive computer exposure is its negative effects on the cognitive development of children. This development can be defined as the construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem solving, and decision-making. Computer usage strips children of activities once connected to a childhood experience. Outdoor activities and play are important for a childs cognitive and emotional development. Computers threaten to displace normal learning experiences, as children are more involved with computer activities that suggest ways of thinking that are age appropriate. (, 2013)

More screen time has been associated with reduced physical activity and higher risk of obesity in kids. Children who spend more than eight hours a week and, the increased time spent on the computer correlates with an increase in body mass for young children. Childrens nowadays spent more time of the day inactive - this includes time spent watching television, sitting at the computer and doing homework rather than doing rigorous activites like playing sports and running around which leads to obeisity.(, 2013 ) Also Getting enough sleep can be challenging enough for busy kids today who often have homework and after-school activities and to add to that numerous hours of TV watching playing games which averages up to as much as 3 to 4 hours a day, according to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and all of this make a recipe for

sleep deprivation in kids. Moreover, electronic stimulation, such as from watching TV or using the computer, has been shown to interfere with sleep. (Lee, 2013) However there is no argument for the fact that technology is a reality of life, that the sooner children get used to it the better, that there are apps and gadgets specifically designed to improve early learning abilities and that if exposure to high-tech gadgets is supervised closely, it may actually benefit the child. (Dr Nieman, 2012) Eventhough technology can be a double-edged sword. There are countless of from using technology. Computers can be used to do research, play online math games, and improve language skills. Television and DVDs can offer educational programming such as

documentaries and other educational materials. And even videogames can encourage developmental skills such as hand-eye coordination and motion-controlled active games on the Wii or Xbox with Kinect can promote physical activity such as dancing. (Lee, 2013 ) There are countless benefits and side effects of technology on children. At the end of the day it all depends on how much the technology is used. Execessive use should be avoided to get the best out of technology on this highly technologically evolved machine we live in.

Question 2 Biometrics is the science and technology of measuring and analyzing biological data. In information technology, biometrics refers to technologies that measure and analyze human body characteristics, such as DNA, fingerprints, eye retinas and irises, voice patterns, facial patterns and hand measurements, for authentication purposes. Today these technologies are used to prevent all types of crime around the world. (Rouse, 2008) One of the most long-lived and effective biometric methods, fingerprint identification has been employed for over 100 years. In all of that time, nobody has found two sets that are identical, not even with identical twins. Now a robber would be careful not to leave his finger prevent in the crime scene. With the advanced systems now you can match and analyse finger prints in a few minutes. (Byrne, 1999) As with fingerprints, every person's face is also unique. This is because a usable image of somebody's face can be taken in an instant with a camera that is very far away, this method of biometrics could become quite effective in fighting crime. There are two different methods of facial recognition currently employed. The first, known as facial metrics, analyzes and records the numerical difference between different points common to every person's face, such as the distance between the insides of a person's eyes or the distance of the nose to the mouth. Combining all of these measurements together, facial metrics can create a unique numerical code representative of a person's face that is unique to that individual. The second method is called eigenfaces and uses pieces of 150 set face shapes to reconstruct an individual's face with 99 percent accuracy. (Byrne, 1999) Two major biometric methods have evolved is based on an individual's eyes. Both the iris (the colored part of the eye) and the retina (the back part of the eye) are unique for every individual, and scanning equipment and programs have developed that identify people using each part of the eye. This type of biometry is typically only used for identification at secure facilities, such as government or military buildings, because it is quite invasive to the subject. It is nearly impossible to acquire without the subjects consent. It is also less certain than something like a fingerprint, particularly because eye conditions such as cataracts can change the characteristics of the subject's eye, rendering the scan useless and ineffective.(Byrne, 1999)

With biometric technology advances there might be a future with lesser crime and a safer world to live.

1) Rowan.C, 2012, The Impact of Technology on the Developing Child, [Online], Available from: <> , [Accessed on : 2nd June 2013]

2), 2013, Weighing the Disadvantages of Technology usage by Children, [Online], Available from: <
mid=87> , [Accessed on : 2nd June 2013]

3) Lee.K, 2013, Kids and Technology: When to Limit It and How, [Online], Available from: <> , [Accessed on : 4th June 2013]

4) Dr Nieman.P, 2012, Should I give my five-year-old an iPad?, [Online], Available from: <> , [Accessed on : 7


2013] 5) Rouse.M, 2008, biometrics, [Online], Available from: <> , [Accessed on : 9th June 2013] 6) Byrne.B, 1999, Methods of Biometrics, [Online], Available from: <> , [Accessed on : 10

June 2013]

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