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INT. BEACH HOUSE- MORNING A YOUNG MAN 1(20s), walks rapidly through the quickly decaying wet room covered in loud THUNDER, RAIN and WAVES CRASHING against the exterior of the house. He walks to the open front door which reveals long rows of beach houses all being destroyed by big waves and water that is at the bottom of the door, by his feet. He moves quickly back inside and runs up stairs. UPSTAIRS BEACH HOUSE Upstairs two OLDER MEN 1&2(40s) and another YOUNGER MAN 2(20s) sit around a fire in a metal disc. They are all shaking and covered in blankets. OLDER MAN 1 Where did you go? YOUNG MAN 1 Just to check. OLDER MAN 1 Please son its over. Young Man 1 puts his hands on his head. OLDER MAN 1 (contd) We can only hope the others make it to safe grounds and survive. EXT. HIGHWAY- MORNING The highway is packed tight with cars no one moving an inch. Rain pours very hard. INT. GREEN VAN- MORNING SARAH(40s) drives the van while REBECCA(40s) sits in the passenger seat. A Yield traffic sign sits right outside the driver window. The kids are frantic, JOSH(5), RACHEL(4), MIKE(6), BELL(5) in the back are all CRYING. WATER IS RISING on the highway it is about a foot off the ground. Rebecca notices this. SARAH OK, OK, Ok, SHHH, SHHH, quiet, everything is gonna be fine. Please, please be quiet.




REBECCA SHUT UP, ENOUGH, BE QUIET, SILENCE. SARAH Rebecca keep it together. REBECCA Shut up Sarah. BELL Is daddy ok? SARAH I hope so. BELL I wanna go to daddy. MIKE Me too. All the kids start crying. SARAH OK, lets all say a prayer, SHHH lets all say a silent prayer, everyone close your eyes, and say a silent prayer. Sarah closes her eyes and prays. Rebecca looks at the traffic and the rising water. INT. FUNERAL HOME SMALL ROOM- MORNING Cheap chairs set up in twelve rows face a stage with a podium, in front of the stage is a closed casket. The front three rows are all filled with PEOPLE and random PEOPLE fill other chairs. Everyone appears sad and crying, some more than others. A RELIGIOUS OFFICIAL 1 stands at the podium. RELIGIOUS OFFICIAL 1 Given the events of the morning, Im sorry we have to hold the service at this location. Im very sorry. This is real life, it is happening and we must all now deal with it. A FAT WOMAN in the center section bursts out with tears, her HUSBAND calms her. In the front row APRIL turns around and scolds her.




RELIGIOUS OFFICIAL 1 (contd) The churches are filled past capacity, the synagogues and mosque have no more space to walk or stand. LEAH(12), sits next to April and cries on her shoulder. RELIGIOUS OFFICIAL We must not forget we are here to remember the life of Michael Harmon, who is survived by his wife April and daughter Leah. April and Leah cry. RELIGIOUS OFFICIAL April and Leah have made me realize the amazing life Michael led, and now he lives in the next life. The Official begins rubbing his neck and sweating, he coughs. RELIGIOUS OFFICIAL (contd) Which isnt too far away for any of us. The Religious Official falls over. People in the audience really begin crying. The Fat Woman passes out. People stand up and leave. Two of the MEN walk on stage and check the past out Official. They leave him and walk over to the casket, two other MEN join them, the four lift and carry it towards the door at the end of the stage. The family stands up and follows the procession outside. EXT. GRAVE YARD- MORNING The weather is warm. The four men carry the casket out into the grave yard, the procession follows behind, whimpering and wailing. They get to a deep hole next to a mound of dirt. There is a lowering contraption over it, they set the casket on it. One of the men examines it. MAN 1 Dave. DAVE looks up at the contraption, shakes his head, and walks over to it.




DAVE I have no idea. RICH lifts a strap and the casket CRASHES down into the hole. The Family lets out a loud wail. RICH Sorry. DAVE Well lets bury him and complete the process. The four men grab the shovels off the dirt pile and begin scooping dirt on. One of the men passes off the shovel to April who begins shoveling dirt onto the casket. The Religious Official walks over to the group. RELIGIOUS OFFICIAL Sorry everyone, Ive failed to help, Ill be at the church waiting with everyone else. The Religious Official begins to cry. April passes the shovel and goes to cry on the Religious Officials shoulder, Leah walks over there too. INT. APARTMENT BEDROOM- MORNING A variety of SIRENS can be heard. ALEX(20s) wakes up in bed. He stands up and looks out the blinds. He immediately turns and exits his room. FAMILY ROOM He walks through the family room to the back door, leaves it open and walks out. EXT. BACK PATIO- MORNING Alex stands on his back patio which looks out at an intersection. The intersection and surrounding streets are chaos, FIRETRUCKS blast one direction, AMBULANCES in the other, POLICE CARS travel in both, all with lights and sirens, echoed by the EMERGENCY ALERT SIREN. A STRANGE MECHANICAL SHAPE flies across the sky. Three people walk by KYRA(20), a GIRL(20), and a GUY(20).




ALEX Kyra, whats going on? KYRA Havent you been watching TV. ALEX I just woke up. KYRA Earth is falling off its axis, cable just went out, electricity goes next, satellites... ALEX Wait, wait, come in. KYRA Yeah its over man. ALEX Wait come in here for a second, dont leave. KYRA Come with us, were going to the apartment club house, mass suicide. Alex walks back inside and turns on the TV it is playing the Emergency Alert Message. Kyra has walked inside. KYRA (contd) You want to come with us. ALEX Wait, where are you guys going? GIRL To the Club House, its over, everyone is committing suicide, no one is traveling on the roads, the phones are about to go out, no reason to wait. GUY Lets go Kyra. ALEX Are you guys serious? GIRL 2 Yeah, good luck brother.




KYRA Good luck Alex. ALEX WAIT, What were those things in the sky? GUY Who knows man. They exit out the back door, Alex closes it. He walks back to his room, picks up his cell phone and dials a number. ALEX MOM? MOM(O.S.) Aww, dear Alex. ALEX What the hell is going on? MOM(O.S.) This is life doll, this is what Ive always taught you, you wake up and the world is ending. ALEX Did you go to the funeral this morning? DAD(O.S.) No, such a mistake we couldve been together. ALEX Im getting in my car and driving to you. DAD(O.S.) Dont son they might be destroyed, plus you wont make it in time, go to your Aunts. ALEX What? MOM(O.S.) Its horrible timing, but this is beyond anything, shell help you.




ALEX Wait. MOM(O.S.) We love you baby boy, see you in the next life. DAD(O.S.) Bye Alex so LONG! ALEX MOM, DAD? The phone fuzzes, he holds it from his ear and looks at it, he hangs up and stares toward the window. INT. SMALL ROOM- MORNING A VERY OLD MAN smiles as he walks through a room full of old belongings. He walks up to a row of pictures, beneath them are several baby toys, he laughs. He walks across the room, there are paintings and statues a real historically warm atmosphere. The Very Old Man walks to the door, looks back, turns the lights off and closes the door. INT. BEACH HOUSE- AFTERNOON The four men sit around the fire shaking. Younger Man 2 eats chips under his blanket. YOUNG MAN 2 What a joke this is. Older Man 2 chuckles, they all do. Suddenly a KNOCK comes from downstairs, they all look up. RANDOM MAN (downstairs) FUUUCCCCCKKKKKKK. They all stand up defensively and move downstairs. A MAN is down there drenched on his hands and knees. RANDOM MAN (contd) FUCKING GOD. OLDER MAN 1 Are you ok?




RANDOM MAN AHHHHHHHHH. OLDER MAN 1 How did you get here? RANDOM MAN I jumped from next door. OLDER MAN 1 Relax, relax what happened. The Random Man stands up he looses composure, the four get defensive. RANDOM MAN My family drowned. Waves crash hard. RANDOM MAN (contd) The boat can only come here, FFFFAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH. OLDER MAN 2 What boat? The Random Mans eyes widen as he stares at the ground. OLDER MAN 2 (contd) Hey, hey, what boat? RANDOM MAN Everything is destroyed, the only empty route is in front of this house, its coming any time, they have a loud horn. The Random Man drops to his knees, staring at the ground, he breathes very hard. He looks up. RANDOM MAN (contd) OH GOD. OH GOD. The Random Man stands up, walks to the door, and jumps into the ocean. The four men stand and look at the door. OLDER MAN 2 A boat is coming.


INT. VAN ON HIGHWAY- AFTERNOON The Yield sign sits outside the window. The van is silent now. It still rains, the water is about a half foot beneath the window. Everyone is calm. MIKE I have a question? Bell laughs. MIKE (contd) What does GURUNTA mean? All the kids are laughing now. SARAH What does what mean? BELL GURUNTA. All the kids laugh even harder. SARAH Where did you learn that word? MIKE At school, its a bad word. SARAH Ive never heard it, have you? REBECCA No. JOSH One kid got locked in a cage for saying it. REBECCA/ SARAH What? JOSH Its a very bad word. SARAH Ok. RACHEL Can I say it?




REBECCA Sure. RACHEL Gurunta. MIKE When are we going home? INT. HOUSE KITCHEN-AFTERNOON April and Leah sit at the kitchen table, zombies. LEAH We should go to church. April looks at her. LEAH Lets go Mom, we should be there. APRIL Ok. EXT. STREET- AFTERNOON April and Leah walk up the street holding hands, April wipes her eyes with a Kleenex, they both wear short sleeve shirts. They approach a church, people are outside praying. They get to the end of the MOB OF PEOPLE. APRIL Can we go in? LADY Everyone is in there waiting to be raptured. APRIL What? LADY Yeah, God is coming. At least he has to be very soon. Everything is happening now, so whatever is gonna happen, is gonna happen soon. APRIL Ok.




LADY My God, youre the widow. APRIL Yes. LADY Oh you dont have to wait, Ive already been in and out twice, Ill take you up there. APRIL Ok, Leah. The Lady leads April and Leah to the front of the mob, not a line but some already established system. People move as she whispers things to him. INT. CHURCH- AFTERNOON The Lady guides both of them into the Church, there are people covering everything, packed in. Everyone in the crowd preaches to each other. Three RELIGIOUS OFFICIALS are up on the stage, including the one from the beginning, he sits in a chair. The other two stand in front of a table, on it lay a pillow and a giant gold bowl filled with water. People come up, lay down on the pillow and a Religious Leader drips water on their forehead. They dont speak, people continuously go up. Leah lets go of her moms hand. A PERSON looks up and screams. PERSON Its time God present yourself. LEAH Excuse me? PERSON Yes, Child. LEAH God is coming here? PERSON If this truly is the end, that means it is time, and the great lord will now show himself. LEAH God is a boy?




PERSON Umm, yeah, I think so. LEAH Is God only coming to this church? PERSON Another good question. The Person looks back and continues praying, everyone in the crowd PRAYS LOUDLY. PERSON (contd) GOD, RAPTURE ME. ANOTHER PERSON RAPTURE ME. Leah looks up at her mom. LEAH What is happening? Religious Official 1 stands from his chair and takes the microphone. RELIGIOUS OFFICIAL 1 Enough, enough, stop this. People quiet down. RELIGIOUS OFFICIAL 1 (contd) Is anyone in this room Jesus Christ? People think. JIM I might be. RANDOM PERSON 2 Yeah, Jim thinks he is. RELIGIOUS OFFICIAL 1 NOO. Jim is not Jesus Christ. RANDOM PERSON Where is God then, this is it. RELIGIOUS OFFICIAL 1 Everyone, please listen, a certain time has come and past. This church has now become something it (MORE) (CONTINUED)



RELIGIOUS OFFICIAL 1 (contd) shouldnt be. Everyone begin leaving. Everyone silently stares forward. RELIGIOUS OFFICIAL 1 (contd) Step up here. An OLD MAN steps up on the stage with a lit torch. RELIGIOUS OFFICIAL 1 (contd) Everyone leave immediately, this is over. The Old Man steps to the back of the stage and lights the drapes on fire, setting the place ablaze. People frantically run out. EXT. CHURCH- AFTERNOON Everyone stands outside. Leah and April stand in the back pf the crowd. The Church slowly becomes engulfed in flames. The Old Man exits the church. INT. BURNING CHURCH-AFTERNOON Inside the church several people have planted themselves in seats and pray. The three Religious Officials sit in their chairs. The Church burns around them. Religious Official 1 slowly closes his eyes, he passes out. INT. BEACH HOUSE- AFTERNOON The water is very high, pouring in the door downstairs and crashing hard against the house. The four sit around their dying fire. Food wrappers are burning in the metal lid. YOUNG MAN 1 Is this the end of the world? OLD MAN 1 For us it is. YOUNG MAN 1 I have no idea what is happening outside this room.




OLD MAN 2 Probably just bad weather and we got lucky. YOUNG MAN 2 This must be because of global warming. OLD MAN 2 No the ocean rose in a matter of minutes, only the moon could cause that. YOUNG MAN 1 So this is the end of the world then? OLD MAN 2 I guess so. YOUNG MAN 1 Then who cares if a boat comes or not its over for everyone. OLD MAN 2 I certainly do, it may not be, this could be some weather thing. YOUNG MAN 1 Nobodys coming here. OLD MAN 2 Well good, Ill remember this when the boat arrives, you can stay here. OLD MAN 1 Dont talk to him like that. OLD MAN 2 Hes a fucking pessimist. Waves crash intensely against the house. YOUNG MAN 1 What, no, Im full of hope. OLD MAN 2 Youre staying here, you dont deserve to live when the boat comes.


CONTINUED: (3) OLD MAN 1 Who the fuck do you think you are? OLD MAN 2 Im trying to survive, all I ask for is a little hope. OLD MAN 1 My son and I will be getting on that boat. OLD MAN 2 Well see about that. EXT. HIGHWAY- AFTERNOON


Sarah sits in the passenger seat now, Rebecca sits behind the wheel. The Yield sign is still outside the driver window. It rains lightly, the water is just under the window, Sarah cries. Rebecca has her hands on the wheel. All the kids are asleep. SARAH What are we going to do? Should we get out, look everyone is getting out looking at something. REBECCA Get out? SARAH Yea try and walk somewhere. REBECCA Look out the window, you cant walk on water, we have the kids. Outside people can be seen standing on their hoods and roof tops. SARAH The water is rising. REBECCA Listen to your logic, the water is rising, and you want to take these four kids out of the car and swim with them. SARAH Well than what are we suppose to do?


CONTINUED: (2) REBECCA Just wait. SARAH You think they are dead? REBECCA Yes. (Pause) Look all those people are looking at something.


They lean forward under the dashboard to look out the window. Another different STRANGE MECHANICAL CRAFT floats lower and lower over the highway. Everyone outside watches intently. REBECCA (contd) So what the hell is that? SARAH Must be a helicopter or something? REBECCA It doesnt even have spinning blades its just floating down. SARAH Theyre here to save us thank.... Several hundred yards in front of them the LARGE STRANGE MECHANICAL SHAPE falls into traffic and explodes. INT. APARTMENT BEDROOM- AFTERNOON Alex throws clothes and random stuff into his back pack, he throws on a light jacket, pulls on his back pack, and heads out his back door. EXT. BACK PATIO AREA- LATER AFTERNOON There are trails of bundled up PEOPLE going across all the back patios, walking towards the club house. Alex follows the flow of people. INT. CLUB HOUSE- LATER AFTERNOON There are about ONE HUNDRED PEOPLE, varying ages and types, all gathered in front of a stage. A man, the LEADER(30), stands in front of them in a bright red robe. HEZIAH(22) and LEODA(22) stand on either side of him. There is a table to the left of them, with a large bowl, stacks of cups, and several jugs of fruit punch. (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: (2) LEADER Now, Heziah and Leoda, two messiahs, will begin the journey.


Alex stands in the back watching this take place. Heziah and Leoda walk over to the table. LEADER (contd) They take two pills from the bowl. Heziah and Leoda take two pills. LEADER (contd) They fill up a cup of that amazing fruit punch. They each grab a cup and fill it with fruit punch. LEADER (contd) Now, the important part. This is their last few moments on this earth. This is OKAY. In the next, two seconds, these two will see each other again on the other side. The leader looks over at them, they each swallow the pills, drink the punch, stand still for a second, then collapse to the floor. LEADER Just like that their bodies on the floor, while part of them exists in whatever you imagine the after life to be. Eight MESSIAHS run up on stage, four lift the two bodies up and take them away and the other four grab the bowl, cups and jugs of punch. A MAN in the audience raises his hand, the Leader points at him. LEADER Yes? MAN Excuse me, why the fruit punch, is there something in it? LEADER No. Its the pills that kill you. Fruit punch is just very delicious. Ok. (breath) Now the Messiahs will come around with pills and punch. Good luck. (MORE) (CONTINUED)



LEADER (contd) And Ill see all of you in a few short moments in paradise. More Messiahs come out of nowhere, with bowls of pills, cups, and jugs of punch. People start taking it by the masses and dropping in waves. Alex watches Kyra, the Guy and other Girl, drop to the ground. Few remain, Alex can barely breathe, he slips out the back. EXT. APARTMENT COMPLEX- LATER AFTERNOON Alex backs out the door staring in, its freezing he rubs his arms, turns and runs off. INT. BEDROOM- LATER AFTERNOON The Very Old Man prepares for bed. A VERY OLD WOMAN helps him undress, get into the right clothes, and into bed. VERY OLD WOMAN Would you like something to eat? VERY OLD MAN No Im done, its already here. VERY OLD WOMAN Youre very fortunate to have this. VERY OLD MAN Its always been a dream. VERY OLD WOMAN Well what would you like to do in the mean time? INT. APARTMENT BEDROOM- LATER AFTERNOON Alex walks in through the back door very shaken up, he closes the door and locks it. He walks back into his bedroom, starts putting on a heavy coat, hat and gloves, grabs his back pack, car keys and leaves.


EXT. MAJOR STREET- LATER AFTERNOON Alex drives down the completely barren street, he pulls into a gas station. INT. GAS STATION- LATER AFTERNOON Alex walks around the empty gas station, he begins grabbing food and supplies and putting them into his backpack. An EMPLOYEE comes out of the back room and sees this. EMPLOYEE What the fuck, can I help you with something? ALEX AHHH, What? EMPLOYEE What the fuck are you doing? ALEX Im getting some supplies, its the end of the world. EMPLOYEE Not in here it isnt, get the fuck out of here before I call the cops. ALEX Sorry. Alex empties his back pack out and walks out of the store. EXT. GAS STATION PARKING LOT- LATE AFTERNOON Alex gets into his car and drives off. INT. HOUSE KITCHEN- LATE AFTERNOON April and Leah sit at the kitchen table, a knock comes from the door. April answers it. FRONT DOOR It is Alex.




APRIL ALEX. She hugs him. APRIL (contd) The phones are out, I havent been able to talk to anyone. ALEX I know. Im so sorry for your loss. APRIL At this point it doesnt even matter. ALEX Ok. APRIL Please come in, come in. KITCHEN April sets down a glass of coffee in front of Alex. ALEX So youre not sure what is going on. LEAH No, we dont know. ALEX I woke up to this. APRIL Us too, everyone is just..... ALEX You wouldnt even believe the afternoon Ive had. April waits. ALEX In the club house at my apartment, everyone met there and committed suicide, lots of people I knew and went out with the night before.


CONTINUED: (2) APRIL We went to a church that was burned down because God hadnt returned yet. INT. VAN ON HIGHWAY- LATE AFTERNOON


The Yield sign sits out the window. Rebecca sits up straight at the wheel, Sarah passes in and out of consciousness, the water is right at the bottom of the windows. The kids are asleep. REBECCA This is it, the last chance, the rain has stopped. SARAH What? REBECCA We have to get on the roof, everyone else is. Out the windows PEOPLE stand on their hoods and roof tops. SARAH And then what? REBECCA We wait for help. SARAH Were safe in here. The kids wake up. REBECCA For another 30 minutes, if there is a rush of any kind we drown. SARAH Or up there. REBECCA Im taking my kids up there, come if youd like. Rebecca rolls down the window, a little water pours in. REBECCA (contd) Ok Joshy, climb up here. Josh climbs up onto her lap. (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: (2) REBECCA (contd) Ok, youre going to hold on to this. She puts his hand on the window frame. REBECCA (contd) Step on here, wrap youre leg around and sit down on the hood outside. JOSH NOOOO. REBECCA Joshy, Im coming right out there so is Rachel. RACHEL What? REBECCA Come up here babe, youre next, step here Joshy, come on.


She steps him up and guides him out onto the hood. Josh leans against the windshield and smiles at Sarah. Rachel climbs over her Mom, and does the same thing. Rebecca climbs out there. Sarah watches as Rebecca moves the kids to the top of the van. SARAH Okay come on Bell. INT. HOUSE KITCHEN-EVENING Alex, April and Leah sit at the kitchen table. ALEX So what can we do? Loud RABBLING can be heard outside, all three hear it, they stand up and walk to the front door. EXT. FRONT YARD- EVENING The sun is about to set. There are people at the sky, they have very long view of a pink and blue auras cover a small portion different STRANGELY SHAPED MACHINE floats sky. outside looking up big field. Light of the sky. A through out the




ALEX I saw one of those earlier. APRIL What is it? ALEX I have no idea. LEAH Its Aliens. APRIL They must be causing it. ALEX I dont know, I dont think so. The mechanical shape drifts slowly to the ground and crashes in the field. GROUPS OF PEOPLE run over to it, WHOOPING AND HOLLERING, some have torches. It snows lightly. ALEX (contd) It isnt safe anywhere, we have to leave. APRIL Where? ALEX I know of some caves, we have to get supplies, winter clothes and hide out till all this blows over. APRIL Wait, what are those things? ALEX Well never know, lets go back inside and gather what we can. INT. HOUSE BASEMENT- EVENING Alex goes through canned food and water bottles throwing them into his back pack. APRIL Look what I have here. April pulls a large crate out of the corner and opens it, it is full of matches and hundreds of candles.




ALEX Great do you have anymore food? APRIL This is it, and the blankets are upstairs. ALEX We need more food, Ill drive, well make a stop on the way to the caves. INT. BEACH HOUSE- EVENING The two families have divided off. Young Man 1 and Old Man 1 sit in one corner, bundled up, trying to sleep, while Young Man 2 and Old Man 2 sit opposite and do the same. All the sudden A HUGE WAVE comes crashing through the windows into the room. Right then, a LOUD AIR HORN is heard. They all stand up and run directly into the closet. CLOSET There are stairs in there, they go up, Old Man 2 opens the latch. They all four go out onto the roof. EXT. ROOF TOP- EVENING The water is ten feet below the roof. There is a small alley between the destructed houses the small speed boat is driving in, the boat completely packed, it sinks low. They all four stand on the roof top looking down. The DRIVER of the boat looks at them and holds up TWO fingers. Waves are crashing into the boat. OLD MAN 1 Lets send the boys. OLD MAN 2 Okay, go son. Immediately Young Man 2 jumps down into the boat. The DRIVER of the boat motions to jump now. YOUNG MAN 1 I cant leave you here to die all by yourself.




OLD MAN 2 Well so be it then. He turns back before he jumps down. OLD MAN 2 (contd) I told you it would be like this. Old Man 2 smiles at them right before he jumps into the boat. Young Man 1 and Old Man 1 watch the speed boat navigate through the narrow alley of destruction, right after the boat slips through, a wave comes and knocks more destructed house down, completely closing off the path. INT. BEACH HOUSE ROOM- EVENING The two come out through the closet, the fire is out, they go back to the corner, wrap up in blankets, and stare forward. YOUNG MAN 1 So what happens now? OLD MAN 1 It appears that this is it. YOUNG MAN 1 Will we ever see mom and the kids again? OLD MAN 1 Ya know, you will have that answer here in no time. YOUNG MAN 1 Is that a joke? OLD MAN 1 Sure in a way. The Young Man takes a second and thinks. YOUNG MAN 1 Will the world still end after we die in here? OLD MAN 1 If it is actually ending. YOUNG MAN 1 If it isnt ending?




OLD MAN 1 Then people will continue surviving I guess. YOUNG MAN 1 Then what happens to us? OLD MAN 1 We are dead. YOUNG MAN 1 My God, is this it? Is there anything after this? OLD MAN 1 Im the wrong person to ask right now. The Young Mans face turns scared and somber. OLD MAN 1 (contd) If the world is ending then it doesnt matter right, its over for everyone isnt that what you said? YOUNG MAN 1 That was when a boat was coming. OLD MAN 1 You should have left then. They share a pause as waves crash hard against the wall. The Young Man laughs a little. YOUNG MAN 1 In the end, truly, what difference does it make. INT. BEDROOM- EVENING The Very Old Woman tucks the Very Old Man into bed. VERY OLD WOMAN Was it wonderful? VERY OLD MAN Ohhh it was all wonderful. VERY OLD WOMAN I really hope we see each other again.




VERY OLD MAN Me too, me too. VERY OLD WOMAN May I ask one question? The Very Old Man with sleepy eyes manages to shake his head yes. VERY OLD WOMAN (contd) What is the dream? The Very Old Man opens his eyes and smiles. VERY OLD MAN It is my childhood home. INT. CHILDHOOD HOME KITCHEN- EVENING A FAMILY sits around a table covered in food, laughing, smiling and eating. VERY OLD MAN (V.O.) With all my family. INT. BEDROOM- EVENING The Very Old Woman smiles. The Very Old Man closes his eyes, smiles, and falls asleep. The Very Old Woman pulls the sheets over him, turns off the lights and leaves the the room. EXT. THE OCEAN/BEACH HOUSE- EVENING All we can see is the small point of the roof top. EXT. TOP OF VAN- EVENING All six people, Sarah, Rebecca and the four kids sit on top of the van. The sky is clear. Sarah whispers. SARAH Please something save us.


EXT. MAIN STREET- EVENING It is snowing. Alex drives down the street and pulls into the same gas station parking lot as before. INT. GAS STATION- EVENING Alex, April and Leah walk around the store. Alex holds his empty back pack. The employee behind the counter looks up from reading a magazine, he laughs. EMPLOYEE You again? ALEX Look Im sorry, we need survival food, Ill pay for it. EMPLOYEE Deal. The three go around grabbing snack foods, candy and drinks and put them on the counter, the employee rings it all up while Alex fills the bags and the girls walk them out to the car. EMPLOYEE (contd) Fifty three forty six. Alex pulls out money and pays him, he turns and walks away. EMPLOYEE (contd) Have a good night man. Alex turns around at the door as he walks out. ALEX Yeah, you too. EXT. TOP OF VAN- EVENING Everyone on the stretch of highway sits on top of their cars crying, the water is at the roof top. Rebecca looks up from her trance and notices something, she taps Sarah. REBECCA Somethings going on. SARAH What?




REBECCA Everyone is looking up. Sarah, Rebecca, all the kids, everyone stands up and stares silently up at the sky. Two BLACK ANGELS with short wings flutter slowly across the sky. Sarah sits back down with her two kids, they get in a huddle. EXT. THE HIGH WAY- NIGHT Its snowing heavily, the dark night sky is filled with BRIGHT PINK AND BLUE AURAS, the car jets down the empty highway surrounded by forests, it slows down and takes a right. EXT. FOREST ROAD- NIGHT The car drives slowly up the dirt road, until it ends. INT. CAR- NIGHT Alex shuts off the car. ALEX We walk from here, gather everything. EXT. FOREST PATH- NIGHT All three walk very bundled up, covered in snow, bags, backpacks, and blankets. They approach a large cave. Alex pulls out a torch and lights it, they all three walk in. INT. CAVE- NIGHT The three set up camp. Many candles burn illuminating everything. Alex prepares a fire beneath a hole in the rock ceiling, April makes beds with the blankets, Leah stares at the fire. LEAH Why are we here?




APRIL Trying to survive Leah. LEAH How long till we go home? APRIL Leah its important you learn this now, we dont know anything, a lot is happening and we are just trying to make it. April sits down and puts her arm over Leah, Alex has the fire started and sits down. ALEX Dont worry Leah were going to be just fine. CUT TO BLACK THE END

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