Project Coordination: B+H Architects

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Preston Square, Block D Ottawa, Ontario Project File 05113


Coordination on Site .1 Coordinate the Work, so that the Project proceeds smoothly, without interruption, and in strict accordance with the approved progress schedules. Ensure that the Work is executed in proper sequence, items to be built in are delivered and built in on time, installed work is protected against damage and defective work is removed and made good to the satisfaction of the Construction Manager and the Consultant. Before commencement of each operation, review all documents which describe or relate to that operation and report to the Construction Manager any discrepancies in the documents and obtain a ruling on such discrepancies before commencing work. Cooperate fully with the Construction Manager and other Trade Contractors to and perform necessary coordination to expedite the work of the entire Project and ensure the efficient and orderly installation of interdependent construction elements. Coordinate space requirements, supports and the installation of mechanical and electrical work which is indicated schematically on the drawings. Follow the routing shown for pipes, ducts and conduits as closely as possible; place runs parallel with lines of the building. Utilize spaces efficiently to maximize accessibility for other installations, for maintenance and for repairs. Except where indicated otherwise, in finished areas, conceal pipes, ducts and wiring in floors, walls and ceilings. Coordinate locations of fixtures and outlets with finished elements. Before installation, inform the Consultant if there is a contradictory situation. Install as directed by the Consultant.






Superintendent .1 The Construction Manager will provide an on-site General Superintendent to coordinate the overall construction of the Project. The Trade Contractor shall provide a fully competent Superintendent, acceptable to the Construction Manager and the Consultant, who shall be in charge of the Work at all times throughout the Contract and who is completely familiar with the Contract documents and all aspects of the Project. The Trade Contractor's Superintendent shall report to the Construction Manager, errors, discrepancies, ambiguities or conflicts in the Contract Documents, or their relationship to existing conditions and proceed with the Work in accordance with the Construction Manager's instructions. The Trade Contractor's Superintendent shall have complete authority to receive and execute on-site instructions issued by the Construction Manager. The Construction Manager's site personnel have no authority to accept or validate claims for extras. Extras must be authorized by the Construction Manager before the applicable work is executed. Refer to GC 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 of CCA 17.





Project Meetings

B+H Architects

Preston Square, Block D Ottawa, Ontario Project File 05113



The Construction Manager will schedule and administer weekly construction meetings throughout the progress of the Project. Each Trade Contractor is required to attend. The Trade Contractor will be required to attend a procedures meeting in order to familiarize his team with the contents and requirements of the "front end" documents. The consultants' meetings will generally be held on the same day as the construction meetings. A Trade Contractor may request attendance. The Construction Manager will schedule and administer a weekly meeting of superintendents and foremen. Each week, submit a written summary of the previous week's operations, in a form acceptable to the Construction Manager and including information with respect to manpower, major equipment deliveries, and the amount of work performed during the week in question.



.4 .5

Construction Fire, Safety and Health Requirements .1 The Trade Contractor shall observe and enforce construction safety measures required by law or by the Owner or agents of the Owner to protect persons and property. In event of conflict between any of these safety measures, the most stringent provision will apply. Construction safety measures the Trade Contractor shall observe and enforce include, but are not limited to, the following: .1 Ontario Building Code, 1997, and amendments thereto. .2 Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations for Construction Projects, latest edition. .3 Standard for Building Construction Operations, issued by Ontario Fire Marshal's Office. .4 Municipal statutes and authorities. .5 General Contractors' Association Safety Policy and Reference Manual. .6 Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) regarding the use, handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous materials; and regarding labelling and the provision of material safety data sheets acceptable to Labour Canada. Ensure no part of Work is subjected to a load which will endanger its safety or will cause permanent deformation. In particular, do not store materials on the structure in a manner which will cause overloading. Do demolition work in accordance with CSA-S350-M1980(R1998) "Code of Practice of Safety in Demolition of Structures". Design and construct falsework in accordance with CSA S269.1-1975(R1998) "Falsework for Construction Purposes". Employ a professional structural engineer licensed to practice in the Province of Ontario to design and supervise the erection and removal of shoring. Review the procedure with the Construction Manager prior to commencement. Do not use powder actuated tools using explosives, unless permitted expressly by the Construction Manager. Comply with requirements of CAN3-Z166.2-M85 "Use and Handling of Powder Actuated Tools". Properly size holes in concrete and drill cleanly to avoid oversizing for expansion anchors. Immediately comply with safety inspector's orders. Remove from the site personnel who do not to comply. Enforce the use by all personnel of with proper safety equipment, including, but not limited to, CSA certified hardhats, safety boots, and safety eyewear. Remove from site personnel who do not to comply. Have on site copies of the WHMIS material safety data sheets (MSDS) applicable to the Work and enforce






.7 .8 .9


B+H Architects

Preston Square, Block D Ottawa, Ontario Project File 05113


compliance. Remove from site personnel who do not to comply with MSDS recommendations. .11 Safety Orientation: On the initial visit of construction personnel, conduct a safety orientation. Ensure that all personnel attend and become fully conversant with safety requirements and policy before commencing work. Attend weekly safety meetings with union representative (if any) and Trade Superintendent.


Documents Required .1 The Construction Manager will maintain at the Project Site and make available for reference by Trade Contractors, at least one copy each of the following: .1 Complete set of Contract drawings .2 Complete Specifications .3 Addenda .4 Reviewed shop drawings .5 Change orders. .6 Other modifications to the Contract. .7 Field test reports. .8 The latest approved version of the construction schedule. .9 The latest edition of the Ontario Building Code and other applicable codes and regulations, c/w all revisions. .10 Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations for Construction Projects, latest edition. .11 Standard for Building Construction Operations, issued by Ontario Fire Marshal's Office. .12 General Contractors' Association Safety Policy and Reference Manual. .13 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) acceptable to Labour Canada with respect to applicable products and materials. The Trade Contractor shall maintain at the project site the following documentation as applicable to the Work of the Contract: .1 Specific Contract drawings which are directly applicable to the Work. .2 Specific specification sections which are directly applicable to the Work. .3 Applicable addendum items. .4 Reviewed shop drawings. .5 Applicable change orders and other modifications to the Work. .6 Manufacturers' installation and application instructions. .7 The latest edition of all applicable codes, regulations and standards, including standards referenced in the respective specification sections. .8 Applicable Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) acceptable to Labour Canada for products used in the Trade Contractor' portion of the Work.


Lines and Levels .1 The Construction Manager will be responsible for survey and field engineering work to provide reference points as required to establish lines and levels. The Trade Contractor is responsible for the layout and locations of his own Work from the reference points provided by the Construction manager. Locate, confirm and protect control points prior to starting site work. Preserve permanent reference points during construction. .1 Make no changes or relocations without prior written notice to the Construction Manager. .2 Report to the Construction Manager when a reference point is lost or destroyed or requires relocation because of necessary changes in grades or locations. On completion of foundations and major site improvements, the Construction Manager will have a licensed




18 May 2005

Preston Square, Block D Ottawa, Ontario Project File 05113


surveyor prepare for the Owner a certified survey showing dimensions, locations, angles and elevations of Work and a certificate, signed by the Surveyor, certifying that elevations and locations of completed Work are in conformance, or non-conformance with Contract Documents. .4 Take field dimensions prior to fabrication and fabricate and erect the work to suit field dimensions and conditions. Provide forms, templates, anchors, sleeves, inserts and accessories required to be sized or inserted in the Work and either set in place or instruct and supervise other Trade Contractors as to their location. Pay the cost of extra work and make up time lost as a result of failure to provide necessary coordination, cooperation, information or items to be installed in adequate time. Arrange and install ducting, piping, tubing, conduit (hereinafter referred to as "services"), and equipment and fixtures in such a way as to conserve headroom and space, to provide minimum interference and to be neat, orderly and tidy. .1 Take particular care to arrange services, equipment and fixtures in a neat, orderly and tidy manner in finished spaces where such items are to be exposed to sight. .2 Where not otherwise indicated, conceal services above ceilings, behind furrings, in walls. Services in mechanical rooms, equipment rooms, unfinished spaces and where indicated shall be exposed to sight. .3 Except where indicated otherwise, run services vertically and horizontally, square with the building grid. .4 Obtain approval, prior to installation, of the layout of all services exposed to sight. Where job conditions require reasonable changes in indicated locations and arrangements, make such changes at no extra cost to the Owner.





Interference Drawings .1 When directed by the Construction Manager, prepare interference and equipment placing drawings to ensure that all components will be properly accommodated within the spaces provided. Where the relationship of a system with other systems is critical, prepare drawings to indicate coordination and methods of installation. Ensure that all details of equipment apparatus and connections are coordinated. Ensure that clearances required by authorities having jurisdiction and clearances for proper maintenance are indicated on the drawings. Provide all line and layout from the information provided on the Contract Drawings.




Site Access .1 Confine construction activities, storage of materials and equipment and related activities to areas designated by the Construction Manager. On-site parking by construction personnel shall be restricted to an area designated by the Construction Manager. Such parking will be at the individual's risk and responsibility. Unauthorized vehicles will be removed at the individuals expense.


Unloading and Hoisting .1 Each Trade Contractor is responsible for unloading, hoisting and handling of materials and supplies to the floor area and the location of the Work in accordance with the Construction Manager's Superintendent's


18 May 2005

Preston Square, Block D Ottawa, Ontario Project File 05113




Overloading .1 The Trade Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent overloading of any part of the structure, or falsework, formwork or scaffolding during the progress of the Work, and shall make good, at no expense to the Owner, damages resulting from such overloading.


Protection .1 .2 .3 Protect adjacent property and services against damage which might occur from the Work; Do not interfere with the use of the adjacent areas. Take all necessary precautions to guard against movement or settlement of adjacent buildings, structures, pavement, or services, and be responsible for safety and support of same and be liable for any damage or injury caused by the Work. If at any time the safety of an adjacent building, pavement, or services appears to be endangered, stop operations, notify the Construction Manager and the authorities having jurisdiction, and implement measures to support the affected elements. Do not resume operations until written permission has been granted. Support existing walks and roads to prevent cave-ins of excavated slopes and brace walls to prevent from collapsing due to wind.




Pre-Ordered or Pre-Purchased Equipment or Materials .1 Should the Owner decide to pre-order or pre-purchase equipment or materials which are customarily included in the Work of the Trade Contractor, it is the Owner's intention that the pre-ordered or pre-purchased item be included in the Contract. Accordingly, the Trade Contractor will be responsible for the delivery, receipt, storage, installation and warranty of the pre-ordered or pre-purchased equipment or material.



Deliveries .1 The Owner reserves the right to request copies of purchase orders which indicate delivery dates of products to be incorporated into the Work. The dollar value of these purchase orders may be obliterated but the purchase and delivery dates must be evident.



Applications for Progress Payment .1 .2 Refer to GC 5.2 of CCA 17. The Trade Contractor shall submit with each application for payment a Statutory Declaration on the applicable form CCDC 9A or 9B, a copy of which is appended to Document 00500 and states that all due payments have been made to Trade Subcontractors for wages and salaries for work done and materials furnished in connection with the Work to the end of the month preceding that covered by the current application.


18 May 2005

Preston Square, Block D Ottawa, Ontario Project File 05113



The Trade Contractor shall submit with the first application for payment and the application for release of holdback a WCB Certificate of Clearance. All invoices shall be addressed to the Owner c/o the Construction Manager. Any invoice not bearing the Owner's name will be returned for correction.



Waste Management .1 The Construction Manager will Conduct a "waste audit" to determine waste generated during construction operations, and prepare a written "waste reduction work plan" and implement procedures to reduce, reuse and recycle materials to the extent possible. The Trade Contractor will develop a "source separation program" to disassemble and collect, in an orderly fashion, the following "materials designated for alternative disposal" from the "general waste" stream. .1 brick and Portland cement concrete. .2 cardboard (corrugated). .3 gypsum board (unfinished). .4 steel. .5 wood (not including treated or laminated wood). The Trade Contractor shall provide the relevant information with respect to the Trade Contractor's work and shall cooperate with the Construction Manager in the development and implementation of the waste reduction workplan and the source separation program; and





18 May 2005

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