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They Say/I Say Journal Directions Most weeks, one of your homework assignments will be to complete a They/Say I Say

Journal based on a reading assignment. Pay close attention to what youre supposed to be reading. In the beginning of the semester, you will read essays from Everyones an Author. Later in the semester, you will be reading assignments from Hearts and Hands are divided based on your position in your group (Person 1, 2, etc.). In your They Say/I Say Journals you will be doing two things: a summary of what you read (in at least 100 words). reaction to what you have read in your I Say section (in at least 150 words). They Say: Summarize What the Author Says in Your Reading Assignment To summarize what they say or what you read:

summarizing to highlight a particular point the author is making. passage in a brief way. words provide the best way of conveying the message. I Say: Respond to What You Have Read Ways of Responding to a Reading: be specific about what you disagree with and explain why with specific details and examples. be specific about what you agree with and explain why with specific details and examples. disagree with and why. be specific about what parts you agree with and what you tences, when you feel the author's

explain how you feel about what you read and include any experiences you have had that are relevant to the topic. Make sure that you: ements: o At least 100 words for the They Say summary o At least 150 words for the I Say response follow the syllabus o 1 inch margins o Times New Roman Font o Correct MLA format heading

Joe Smith Ms. Drawbond English 101 15 February 2013 They Say/I Say Journal 1 Subject: The Movie Titanic (you will write the reading assignment you are writing aboutthe title and page numbers) They Say: This movie is about two main characters: Rose and Jack. Rose is a woman who is engaged to a very wealthy man, Cal, who doesnt treat her well. She is traveling on the boat Titanic with her fianc and her mom. Jack is a poor artist who won his ticket on the Titanic in a card game. At one point Rose decides she cant endure her moms expectations and marrying Cal, so she stands on the front of Titanic, ready to jump and end her life. Jack saves her, and they develop a friendship and fall in love. They have to run from Cal, who doesnt want them to be together. Soon, the Titanic hits an iceberg and they are both left floating in the water. Jack dies, but Rose survives. We see her as an old woman who throws the necklace Cal gave her on the Titanic in the water. I Say: I was really moved by parts of this movie. I cant imagine what it was like to be a woman in the early 1900s. I take for granted that I dont have to marry anyone I dont want to and that I have the freedom to make my own decisions. Rose didnt feel like she had many choices in her life, which is why she almost committed suicide. I did think it was a little unrealistic that Rose and Jack would fall in love so fast, though. It seems like they really didnt even know each other. And it really bothered me when Rose said she would never let go, but then actually lets go of Jacks hand when he is in the water. My least favorite parts of the movie were the scenes set in present day. I just wanted them to get back to Rose and Jack and didnt really care that much about the crew looking for the Titanic.

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