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Odu: (1) OKANA Orishas who speak in these odus: (+) Egun, Eleggua, Aganyu, Chango Current environment:

(+) You feel you are losing the position holds, either jobs, love, social position or economic or property damage. Positive aspects of Odu regent: (+) It is a self-starter, as it is the first to do things, not imitate, is intuitive and has the ability to create their own world, not copied from anyone and if you do changes everything. A person who makes great efforts and triumphs in them, too sensitive and calculator. It has great capacity for learning. It's a good worker, a fighter, a good merchant or seller. A person who wins by the word and is characterized by maintaining his position, if he does something good or it does not do anything. A person who strives to make functional things, but yet fits the circumstances. It is an analytical person who likes to walk on secure bases in overcoming inspired and not easily folded leaves or is minimized. Negative aspects of Odu regent: (-) It is the completion of the buildings, not destructive but causes its goals, self-destructs. It makes a person arrogant little analytical, thoughtless and selfish. On leaving, is capable of destroying everything built to not let anyone, not even an inheritance. The same person is provoked an end no matter the effort you make to build, and this applies to everything, leaving friends, not value family or employment, but then repents, which never tell for not giving his arm to twist. Recommendations: (+) (-) Make offal to avert bad luck, stay away from the disappointments and distrust, try not to displease and less with others, beware of accidents, watch animal bites, not violent to not stop at the prison , do not raise your hand to others, do not keep anything from anyone because if it is illegal to charge the guilt you be considerate of your partner to prevent tragedies by infidelity or abuse, you must take care of a tall and strong enemy who wants to destroy it, success in the field are linked to agriculture, do their jobs well to win a position of importance. Odu related diseases: (-) Physical deformity, diseases, addictions, dyspnea, disease in the spine, deafness, stomach ailments, kidney problems, high blood pressure, stroke, impotence, pain in the legs and arms. Prohibitions: (-) Do not eat kidney beans or black beans, not drink alcohol, do not eat raw or semi raw, not have cats at home. Births that occur in the Odu Ruler: (+) (-)

Born rope, born war between religious families born porous stone for water, are born as dogs and coyotes, gallbladder born, born the process of wound healing, the human word is born on earth, born triplets, born Eshu Aluasam. Birth and Sacrifice Intro basis: (-) Birth Sacrifice Intro: ebb was labeled with a guinea pig, a fish, a goat and a dove to Eshu, a addim corn bread and honey bean rapuzo. Base Sacrifice Intro: We must halt the query. Wanted an animal pens to point out the Orisha where the Odu, given Eleggu coconut and asks if you want it, if you say that SI gives Shango says NO and if you give him. This is done to change any negative influence that provides OKANA.

General: (-) (1) OKANA says, is thought to make one trip and should do ebb before so everything will go well. There is an appointment where success awaits ebb but should do as there are obstacles to receiving the title or position of importance. You run the risk of being a victim of a storm or lightning. It tells of a family member is already dead and he has not been given a final burial. There is a female member of the family with problems having children. Do not consume animal sacrifices because it loses its validity. Do not go to places where he was not invited because it will be a shame or physical aggression. You have to feed him cock and okra Shango. Risk of theft of property. Take care in reptiles. Intro This involves death, lack of courage, inheritance dispute, chained or contagious things, setbacks, tragedies, disobedience, tie with witchcraft, addiction to legal and illegal drugs. It speaks of a vengeful person matraquillosa. It must address the dead. There is talk of curses. There is dissatisfaction and ambitions. The dead are the living cheat. There are those who label as crazy person. Do not use it. Do not spend your money for nothing. There are wars between religious families. Beware of an operation by disease in the leg. There's a trip that provides fortune. Any news of the sudden death of three people. When you leave do not say where it goes or never say otherwise. There is a hurt that will become an asset. Pay close attention to what he says this letter, or come in to do ebb go. The talker dies by its own language. The evil shadow of a dead man chases hard feelings. Beware of invitations because it will have a very big shock. You have to clean the house and feed him to the door of it. Let them Mass for the dead. Coming Iku, there is death in the family of an elderly person or a child, and is a dead man it wants to take. Coming Year, no bleeding, death by disease in an elderly person or child in the family, should see a doctor urgently if you know who he is, it can also be something sudden like a heart attack, etc.. Coming Araye, avoid arguments, horseplay, not stubborn, do not use weapons. to be his misfortune. There is talk of witchcraft to cause damage, injury, illness, etc.. to kill the person or immediate family as children or parents.

Odu: (2) ELLIOKO Orishas who speak in these odus: (+) Ochosi Ibejis, Orisha Oko Current environment: (+) Aims to bring early, you are in the presence of the beginning of the end, do not feel peace but if you feel that something is just slowly, there are uncertainties. Positive aspects of Odu regent: (+) Something is ending, that in the end will bring a new day. It is a gradual recovery, an action that dies to make way for a new opportunity to rise, but the recoveries are very slow but sure and the first achievements obtained, train with it a resurgence of new ones. There are many physical life where it achieved a new project and new goals. Do not grieve, as this new goal will make you enjoy the pleasure of all that considered lost. Positive aspects of Odu regent: (-) Announces end of a cycle, the enthusiasm dies, love, health and all such purposes gradually arrive. There is also talk that leave the greatest legacy and family conflicts, there is something in between that fight, position or possession of the inheritance. Recommendations: (+) (-) Do not pay theirs to claim it has no problems, does not deny or curse at home and do not allow others to do so, you must meet the dead with water light and masses, should give more warmth to your home, there are people who want to move out of his house be more reserved with their things, not porfe with anyone, do not pick anyone at home because it takes maid and remains owner, beware of the legs, beware of people who just want to know how you live, if you live outside of the law given to him to justice, there is a possible trip for a sick child, take care of a family member who wishes evil. Odu related diseases: (-) Malaria, blood problems, paralysis waist standing dislocation or column, infertility, digestive ulcers, tuberculosis, bone problems, skin infection, blindness. Prohibitions: (-) Do not eat pork or black hen, is totally prohibited alcoholic beverages. Births that occur in the Odu Ruler: (+) (-) Born ceramics culture among men, here man learned to eat fish, born the sense of modesty and humans private parts to clog, born rift between godchildren and godparents, born the funeral, born the prohibition of what not to eat (Egue), born Egun drum, born boulder, born the kingdom of women and the concept of power and destruction comes the coming of Jesus to earth.

Birth and Sacrifice Intro basis: (-) Birth Sacrifice Intro: ebb was marked with a Boa for Eshu, and mashed yam mixed with salt, oil palm oil and pebbles (small round stones), should also be kept alive in a black hen house. Base Sacrifice Intro: Feed the joro joro (hollow), ie into the bowels of the earth. Remember that before closing the joro joro, ask him to land if you are satisfied or not, and not have to ask what it takes to accomplish this. It is dangerous for closing the joro joro without this full and satisfied, as it could be burying himself.

General: (-) (2) ELLIOKO says, must start a new life and remove all plaster images you have at home, you also need to feed Iku who is lurking. Parents of young children should make ebo for the child to live a long time and is important. You may have trouble having children. You must ebb with Oggn urgent to avoid any incident that may result in bloodshed. There is an old woman or old woman who is close to you and that makes witchcraft. You will lose some money but do not bother because it will offset greater calamities. You are a child of an atheist and a believer and it you escaped death. You can get to being unfaithful to your partner with a relative. Do not ask the gods to do impossible things. The person must be humble and take care of your reputation so that their voice is heard and respected. You must get to the warriors and Olokun. There is a risk of a major embarrassment on the street. There rift between godchildren and godparents. For alcoholic beverages and the imagination runs the risk of going to jail for a long time. The man or woman who loses his partner lying. Any news of the death of two people.

Odu: (3) Oggunda Orishas who speak in these odus: (+) Eleggua, Ogun, Ochosi Yemaya. Current environment: (+) You need an orientation, since the purpose is at this time a presence in his life, confronting a problem that has not yet been overcome. Positive aspects of Odu regent: (+) It is an energetic, possessed of strength and skill, equipped with exceptional physical and mental strength regardless of their anatomical configuration. Fight the obstacles that stand in the way, without giving up fight to achieve or seek new forms of struggle, new alternatives and overcome. Do not wait for anyone to figure out what to be solved and do whatever. It is an inventive and enterprising person, nor are people of a single type of activity laborious and easily adapt to new circumstances. These are people who do not bend easily and at home will never miss the good that produces the work. In the person dominates the thinking that if it does not follow him, he hinders the ability to overcome obstacles. Positive aspects of Odu regent: (-) Your enemy is the liquor, when the person who gives Oggunda for drinking alcohol, is because it has a big problem that could not be overcome, and so never will. This Odu implies fear or terror. He speaks of three people arguing for something that turns into physical aggression, and everything can be caused by adultery. It is a very aggressive sign, where there are opportunities that the person feels like hitting someone when they argue, why should not walk with weapons of any kind, because it can injure or kill another person and go to the prison. It is likely to have an accident or a bad beat. Be careful with dog bites that may transmit disease. Recommendations: (+) (-) Do not store anything from anyone at home will not be stolen and you take the blame, which begins end it, check your genius not uncomfortable, has people loose tongue around, do not trust your secrets to anyone because it will be sold, not drink alcohol, do not fall in love with someone outside, watch what you eat because you want to do witchcraft, not prompted anyone to have an abortion, watch theft of property, not a slave of others, look well with who makes deals, eat healthy to prevent heart problems. Odu related diseases: (-) Sexual impotence, memory problems, infertility, insanity, diseases, paralysis, problems in the stomach and intestines, prostate problems, loss of a limb violent accident.

Prohibitions: (-) Do not eat or kill rabbits or boas, do not eat lobster, not removed from well water or pond, do not

eat anywhere because witchcraft enters the mouth, do not eat crow, do not carry weapons of any kind, not drink alcoholic. Births that occur in the Odu Ruler: (+) (-) Born Ornmila that is the one that determines who goes to Ifa, is born under spying on women through sexual pleasures, white orisha born Obalifn precious metals, born the crown put Eshu and a beaded necklace red white and black with sharp objects Oya and pointing upwards, was born okpele, born Oddudua spirit called AKONO (the murderer), born the 7 pieces of Oggn, born jicotea the secret of Shango, born the science of wars and weapons, are born aggressive actions like hitting cut and trades that have to do with them, born castration, peritonitis, wolves, wild dogs, canaries, cesarean deliveries, navel, penis, and his erection, testicles, sperm, venereal diseases. Birth and Sacrifice Intro basis: (-) Birth Sacrifice Intro: ebb was labeled with goat, sheep, pig, male and female turtle, duck and leg, for Eshu. Base Sacrifice Intro: You should clean the person immediately after finishing the record with whatever you have on hand the Orisha Ogun permission. If you have at hand feathered animals, ie, chicken, rooster, guinea, pigeon, it should be preferred, but if not, you can spread a piece of meat slathered with Corojo much oil, cleaned the person and all present and placed above Oggn, coconut given to whether the Ebb gives is accepted and OLOFI reaches for his blessing. General: (-) (3) Oggunda said, The woman has two husbands before knows that for you. The woman may be sterile and do ebb Obbatal daughter with him to have children. The person is in dispute with someone over a business and could be imprisoned for any hurtful attitude. Man should make ebo to get an important position among the other men. You will pass three tests in her life and in the end receive ebboses great rewards but do not to suffer setbacks. When eating chew food. May be a little loose sexually. There is death for the elderly or the elderly. There is a war coming. You will see things in a dream. Help women. Watch for holes or gaps. Copper any work to do. If he is sent to one side until it will not ebb. There are two people fighting for the same thing. Do not say or do things that are knife to his neck.

Odu: (4) IROSO Sayings: The son who gave birth right, you take care not to hump. One Man saves a people. Orishas who speak in these odus: (+) Olokun, Yemanya, Agayu, Chango, Ibejis Current environment: (+) You are tired, feel that their efforts have been in vain. Want insist on fixing something, in further efforts to open your eyes. Positive aspects of Odu regent: (+) It is the only three-dimensional sign: past, present and future. Talk about a problem that existed in the past and which is at the foot of Osha. You should look at where I was and where that will look like. The person is waking up and who has lived with her eyes closed and so there is a new beginning, but with his eyes open, always accompanied by the reason and not the heart. Odu is a very firm on where one must learn from past mistakes. He has been the victim of cheating, forgery, deception, that lead to failure. If you follow your path as it should be, will have many benefits of wealth and love that life has in store, do not let it rob. Positive aspects of Odu regent: (-) They talk about the decline in the perception of things, things happen but the person does not see or know it is. This leads to the total loss of position, there is a hole where it has been everything I had and everything because he has allowed. 3-4 loss of money, health lost 5-4, 6-4 loss of business or employment, love relationships lost 7-4, 8-4 emotional loss that can lead to insanity. The person was taken away, stolen, damaged and it does not know yet. Open your eyes and see that good walks. Recommendations: (+) (-) There is talk of heritage or who receives or should some money, beware of traps on paper, in his world there is disappointment unrest gossip hypocrisy falsehood deceit envy those who check to be apart from them, there is a sickness in the family, do not trust their secrets, think clearly so that you do not feel like a prison or hopeless, is quarrelsome neighbors, be careful with the flow and the fire, do not dress like one. Odu related diseases: (-) Epidemics, menstrual problems, delivery problems, eye redness, blindness, memory loss, spine or limbs disabled by falls or burns, intestinal parasites, skin rashes. Prohibitions: (-) Do not cross holes, worms do not kill, do not light fires, do not look at the sun directly, do not

accept gift cigars because it comes with witchcraft, not carry knives, not Indians eat bananas, apples, cashews, red plums, mamey, ram, cock, does not drink red wine, do not wear clothes ovals, do not sit in chairs staved, Births that occur in the Odu Ruler: (+) (-) Born cleft spine, coves born, born Ituto rite, contempt born of the gods to Eshu, born firefly, burial pits were created, born cactus bush, Osun Ashe Mabur born, born Iyawo blindfold to the room to take holy, born sawdust, Osun tree, the red wine, pedorre and Cardinal Bird. Birth and Sacrifice Intro basis: (-) Birth Sacrifice Intro: ebb was marked with a rooster, one tortoise and one goat for Eshu. Base Sacrifice Intro: You have to give food to Eleggua and Ogun. You have to give food to Eshu abroad, the ebb is a ruin, in the trash or in a esquita, wonders where he wants and what he wants. General: (-) (4) IROSO says, should be careful of burns or falls. There is theft of property or properties. There are eye problems from burns. Clean your business to walk well. If you have children, the first will be a boy who must take care not to grip poor roads. You must make sacrifices because their enemies will become stronger and you will be weaker economically. If you do not have a partner, you must be careful not to choose the wrong person for you. There is a catch on an object be given to keep. There is a difficult economic situation can help overcome Olokun. First Never enter a house or a room. On a trip discover something important. There parasites or intestinal worms. You will know the suffering but not die for it. There are victories of war, small walking paths, tranquility, peace, prosperity and many trips. The key is multiple and systematic sacrifices Eshu as deities despised here. Do not accept to give away snuff because there comes a sorcery. His parents think that their partner is not indicated, and they are right. Make sacrifices before crossing the sea. Do not let outsiders living at home. Do not work with someone else because illegal bear the blame. The person is kindhearted but a little crazy. In Osogbo no loss of everything for trap, Eshu to feed outside. There leaving home for multiple disappointments. There must be overcome despair because it can lead to suicide.

Odu: (5) OSHE Orishas who speak in these odus: (+) Eleggua, Orula, Chango, Oshun Current environment: (+) You feel in darkness, his life remains the same even when it is difficult to recognize. Replacements have been the victim of social, sexual, familial, economic, and health. Positive aspects of Odu regent: (+) Is wealth, life, the productiveness, continuity. This Odu gives joy and economic stability, therefore no bitterness or sadness, is continuity without constant movement standstill, productive action only freezes when you die. The Odu produces children, strength, blood, vitality, controls internal organs in good condition also is the wealth of the land, the river, the gold that was donated to the land. People with this Odu like eating, dressing, and living well, have the most to do, are famous and productive, however you should always take care of your health so you do not lose everything. Positive aspects of Odu regent: (-) Speak ill health, the prelude to a standstill. They swarm in diseases such as venereal blood, hepatitis, parasites, cancer, diabetes, etc.. Are the disorders of the blood system, the high and low pressure, sugar, cholesterol, and allergies. The blood components are not at this time the most optimal, at 5-5 the person already has the blood problem safely. These things are enslaved within the body and its life. He also talks about failed relationships, economic and blood relatives. Recommendations: (+) (-) Your enemy instead of making a bad is going to do good, has over many languages and bad eyes, watch the belly disease, if you can Move in your home, you must pay all the promises we make, take care of the nerves, you are living or insists on a person that is not that God has destined him, take care of the internal organs and balances legs blood, you must perform their dead mass, no chance of getting pregnant in a careless love, not envy the alien . Odu related diseases: (-) Obstruction of the veins, stroke, gangrene, throat problems, blindness, uncontrolled blood, anemia, skin rashes, abortions, sexual impotence, pain in the legs, heart, born termites. Prohibitions: (-) Do not breed dogs, do not eat processed foods from one day to another, not seen in three color combination. Births that occur in the Odu Ruler: (+) (-) Born the collect money for consultations, skin cancer born, born perfumes and fragrant

ointments, born on schedule, the shackle, the exhumations, born banning launch the snail, are born joint joints of living human born silver and blue appearance. Birth and Sacrifice Intro basis: (-) Birth Sacrifice Intro: ebb was labeled with a goat that would be given directly to your head to fall after about Eshu. Base Sacrifice Intro: The ebb do you drink in the river, he asks what you wear, whether they are animals, fruits, Oshinshin, bath with honey and funche, etc.. General: (-) (5) OSHE says Despair by money and greed serve to his own funeral. Make ebb and seek prosperity and that she will not come to you. If you leave your things kept traveling because when he comes he will have nothing. Feed your money using two doves, four U-bolts, two staircases and pounded yam. Make ebb to not be charged and prosecuted. Should be systematically checked blood levels. There are enemies along life even eat with you. There is a protective ancestor tells you to make sacrifices to ggungun. Here people are repudiated, demeritados in the family and tend to be betrayal. There are marital disorders, sibling estrangements, sorcery, ties, betrayal, cockiness. Man suffers hot flashes for women to walk behind. There are long life if you make the prescribed sacrifices. Be careful not to accuse him burglar. It portends trouble at work. Crying and sadness always accompany it. People under this Odu are very misunderstood, are impulsive and sometimes spiteful, are boastful and think they do not have to thank paying anything, like gossip and inquiries, are cheerful and like parties and gambling, are soothsayers of birth, are blessed and can not be easily fooled, are insightful and persevering. You must always sacrifice to Oshun and Orunmila. There are sexual impotence sex abuse. Woman suffers sinus complex. The person is very vain and believes that no one is better than her. There are temporary insanity. A woman should not provoked abortions. There is a risk of committing incest. The man should consider his wife more. It speaks of a person orphaned or raised by others. Oshun said that if left behind never get ahead. Do not fall for any family member or religious blood because it will bring a great disservice by family incest. The disagreement loving woman has spoken of outside or former husbands. You run the risk of getting pregnant in the first sexual encounter or neglect loving. The person already has an evil within the body. Must do their thing quietly like a cat with gloves. If you talk too much tongue get tired and you have at your side. Do not make promises you can not keep. Remember, losing also earns. Do not resent anyone. Give three chickens to Eleggu to avoid a tragedy that will looms.

Odu: (6) Obbara Orishas who speak in these odus: (+) Orula, Mare, Ochosi, Chango, Oshun. Current environment: (+) You are not sure whether to finish, terminate or destroy something. It has a lot of control. Positive aspects of Odu regent: (+) This Odu speaks of a person designated to something that has to do with the production or trade. It is very positive that result in much gain, may be trading if Santeria religion. These people even before dying orishas will work, this is an Odu of eternity, where the stones are born are almost endless, and the way of life of religion and the orishas. It's where the stones were sought to represent the orishas. It also represents the language, so that people are good sellers and traders. It's the conversation that produces profit and be heard. It must be very thrifty for when evil days come to have that living. If the person uses all these gifts as it should be, will have much wealth and prestige. Positive aspects of Odu regent: (-) Language is the punishment of the body, do not lie because it creates an unreal world that leads to failure. Avoid commitment we have through conversation and always handle what he says. I brag because all you have today tomorrow you will need it. Here you go from wealth to poverty and vice versa. All you have on your positive Odu, you risk losing it. The person is misinterpreted what he says is confused, so you should make sure that what you say is what others understand. The person lives and dies illusions always have disappointments and unborn chicks. They say things that hurt others which free brings up enemies. It speaks of dreams that never materialize and people praise you today and tomorrow I will destroy. It is proud and brash and calls him crazy people. Recommendations: (+) (-) Avoid speaking lies unless a white lie, there are people who do not deal with law, does not deny nor curse, not even if the reason porfe, play lottery tickets, there are people who believe if I say a thousand truths liar, do not cry misery, watch the fire, not put on stripes, not mistreat animals, be wise and prudent to avoid accidents, hear tips to get away, do not argue with people in uniform, not bail anyone, when you work cbrelos immediately or have trouble doing it, do not deny anyone food, you do not believe in anything or believe in their own way. Odu related diseases: (-) Sterility, difficult labor, alcoholism. Prohibitions: (-) Do not eat kidney beans, venison, wild boar, not make commitments to anyone, do not kill frogs, do not eat coconut or sheep, do not jump gaps, do not eat melon, goat, dove, do not kill

vultures. Births that occur in the Odu Ruler: (+) (-) Birth of the fallopian tubes, herpes, dry, ureters, born in sex suck, Nace Capaya Oddudua spirit, born in the quake, the whirlwind of sand, pyramids, walls, wisdom, language , quail, and Obbatal paoy of Oddudua are born teachers, teaching, counterfeiting of currency, was born gourd lamp used to do miracles Oshun the river bank, were created umbrellas and flags, are born revelations through dreams, born of wealth, jewelry, children born Adifa kingdom (diviners), air, genealogy, rustlers, forks and pitchforks. Birth and Sacrifice Intro basis: (-) Birth Sacrifice Intro: ebb was labeled with a goat and a goat Orula to Eshu. Base Sacrifice Intro: ebb is made with pumpkin at the foot of the orisha that has the Odu or he decides. You can also pick up roadblocks, questions whether the person walk if Osha, they feed you to the person cleaning, then washed and boiled once cold water, bathe the person So, these stones can then be used to make elegguaces, etc.. If you are in poor health, is given Obbatala goatee. If there are many contradictions, goat given to Eshu, who is controlling everything negative. Another ebb is wiping with beef tongue very spicy for the enemy. If coal smoke 6-6 and singing Eleggu where the person goes around the smoke to counter negative energies. The person must wear old clothes for at least six hours, then take it off the pose on coal and palm oil check, turning in the direction of clockwise, Obbara sings Eleggu and then it turns off with water, Suyere of Obbara says Obbara ju ju ... mmm ... mmm Obbara Kua Ku, Obbara gadi gadi ma ... mmm. General: (-) (6) Obbara says, death is lurking and will you have seen either awake or in dreams. It is possible that women have a birth morocho. Watch what you eat so you do not die poisoned or witchcraft as there is a plot against you. Be good to your mother because she will save him. Whenever you get home visit treat it well, it will bring prosperity. Do not do favors but if you show yourself grateful encouraged to not throw curses. You will have a good job offer. Here his truth becomes a lie and vice versa. You reach midlife wealth. A women fall in love three men. Some people perceive their uncomfortable conversation with deceptions or lies, conceited and boastful. You should receive Orunmila and his collar should have a crystal ball. The day you make sacrifices off the streets. The priest should be consulted on the floor on a mat. Sex is addicted and fantasizes about sexuality, and what is not in the house is on the street. She is very spirited and when her husband has sex with another man imagines. If you do business with three people, one of them gets the majority. You will leave in search of witchcraft or dead pledge. The soldier sleeps in wartime. An old friend is not abandoned for a new one. The language saves or sinks to humanity.

Odu: (7) ODDI Orishas who speak in these odus: (+) Ogun, Yemanya, Oya, Babaluaye Current environment: (+) You have conflicts, has a war of ideas by position, love, family, work or religion. Positive aspects of Odu regent: (+) Odu is the reincarnation, rebirth, the emergence, reproduction. It is where the children bring a legacy to the world. The person goes through the world and leaves children, godchildren, and many good things of benefit to the heirs, is wisdom for the world. Odu is a maternal, family, sociable clans tend to figure, surrounded by people who visit. A person many people know it but he did not know them, they become famous. They are people who excel in the political community, artistic, hard working, people ask advice. It's very dreamy and imaginative person in all aspects. Positive aspects of Odu regent: (-) Being a dreamer, creates an unreal world and fantastic, is sleepwalking and injustice misinterpreted conversation, are the excesses that become vices. As it is a very maternal Odu not see the shortcomings of their own children, the things they do wrong and do not want to see or not see. It is also the love triangle, infidelity, bad thanks, where dreams become nightmares. There are family-related fantasies and sexual, there are dangers of rape, manipulation of others. Born the sacrifice of innocence, the loss of virginity or the start of substance abuse, not only of the individual but also of the sons or daughters. There is talk of cheating, lies, justice issues, illegality in business. Recommendations: (+) (-) Always good and never gets tired, all the evil that you do leave it to Yemaya, you have little faith, you are a lover hides him from society, there is someone who engages in chime, you will be slandered by a family member, do not hit kids over the head, no heavy lifting, be careful not to slip, pay all their debts to have no losses, no gossip to find out they do not end in fatal outcomes, attend their dead, watch internal diseases, you run an adventure. Odu related diseases: (-) Otitis, leukemia, diabetes, insanity, diseases of the throat, menstrual problems, hormonal disorders, headaches, digestive disorders, blindness, paralysis, lameness, hemiplegia in the left cerebral hemisphere, infertility, digestive disorders, shellfish poisonings in disrepair. Prohibitions: (-) No look or skip holes, is not going to funerals or to the beach, do not walk barefoot, do not visit marshy places, do not eat watercress, not drink alcohol.

Births that occur in the Odu Ruler: (+) (-) Born Oshun's children always wear handcuffs, Ibu Iyum born living in the depths of rivers, born scare, born the color black, red, yellow, and colors abarrajados, born female reproductive organs, whales, chickens, rats, goats, sea fish, alligators, snails, the almiqu, corn, squash, cells, malice, the law of karma, grains. Birth and Sacrifice Intro basis: (-) Birth Sacrifice Intro: ebb was labeled with a goat to Esu and a guinea to guardian angel. Base Sacrifice Intro: You can make the three cardboard dolls, Ashama, and Adima Arumah triangle symbolizing the Oddi. You can use the three machetes, are presented to the person and ask if they stay and which orisha. It is one and throw away both he who is left is the machete with which you fight, you should sing my gold Lowo Adah, Adah the Orisha. Also wonder ebb or addim to Eshu, Yemaya Olokun or primarily. General: (-) (7) ODDI says, His fortune has declined. There's a fight inevitable. Beware of a woman who wants to hurt. Has a pending trip to avoid for now. If you close a business first feed him Oggn. Pregnant women should be rogaciones belly so you can deliver without problems. The woman leaves her man for another that convinces me to. It herniar with weight lifting. Make ebb to not suffer for their children. No play the interest. A woman should not walk with witchcraft or stick foundation or kimbisia. If you are the younger brother should not go with them, but if you have younger siblings, let them accompany you and help. Kindness will bring prosperity. Watch what you do or say in front of children, because they may be causing or carrying comments towards him. Oshun's children should always wear their bracelets. There is much sexual temptation. There infidelity of women to men. Women with this sign are very sexual in nature, there are even some morbidity and evil. In Osogbo, the woman is a lesbian and practiced sodomy, is strong-willed and brand embarrassment by gossip and reviews for his sexual pleasure, man is effeminate, both become despised. There are revelations in dreams to be applied in life. It appears lost. She should wash her private parts well. It should be chicken Paraldo or to avert evil shadow. You run the risk of dying from fright. They talk about past abortions, genital diseases, love triangles, slander holy brother or blood, produced with her hairs witchcraft. A woman should not walk with another man until it is completely separated from her husband. The person comes easily to be addicted. There are mental disorders and nerve problems choking hazard especially at sea. The good son works for his parents. You are wrong in love, another will be your love.

Odu: (8) ELLEUNLE Orishas who speak in these odus: (+) Obatala and all Orishas Current environment: (+) You want a help because something in their world is ending. Positive aspects of Odu regent: (+) It is the power of mind over matter, head, positive integration, ability of accomplishment, primary position, leadership ability, emotion, power of concentration. It is mental and intellectual agility. The person has all the ability in the world to achieve everything you want, provided you do good thinking with your head and not your heart. It is the most emotional Odu there where the concrete human being himself. The person must be integrated. This Odu speaks of obtaining welfare by separating the tastes of the body to obtain and retain employment. The person has to join the family to social, give more heat to the home and not the street. The person will get everything you want using only your intellect, you will not have to use physical force, unless come 8-3, where the person thinks and analyzes something and then executes it. Positive aspects of Odu regent: (-) The heads are going. The beginning of the end, where it dominates the decay of emotion over reason. You lose the ability to discern, to think, to reason, can not run, you lose control, has no peace. Emotion is the worst enemy. Eshu has a significant position where it makes a balance between positivity and negativity, and in this Odu in any position (+ or -) is always harassing people who have it. I mean it is forbidden, because it will be rough for ever. The person does not know to adjust their intellectual capacity in line with other people, is not understand, feel superior to others and therefore will be alone, others to stay away. There are people who are repulsed, despise or hate because he lives bragging about their abilities. The person is a victim of setbacks and economic problems do not count the cost. Also ceases to be humble and patient with others. Recommendations: (+) (-) You are delicate stomach visit the doctor, not the person mocks defects, you are an adventurous person, beware of what you eat, dress in white as you can, do not cry or let anyone come to mourn misery do not drink alcohol, the more needs be please to laugh so that your guardian angel accompany you, have patience and resignation, does not have the alien, no passion out of trouble, no hard feelings, take care of your throat, have careful to submit papers, take care of head injuries.

Odu related diseases: (-) Blindness, memory loss, tuberculosis, kidney infections, paralysis, uncontrolled menstrual, poor digestion, heartburn, stomach ulcers, mitral valve problems, scoliosis, asthma, vertigo or

dizziness, impotence, infertility in women. Prohibitions: (-) No wet with rain water should not be visiting wakes or funerals sick, do not cross the sea without making offerings, do not eat octopus, crabs, birds, do not eat fruit sandy gofio, yams colorado, do not eat snapper. Births that occur in the Odu Ruler: (+) (-) Rivers were born, are born dumb, stuttering, nervous imbalances, born sea offerings, Ita was born in the consecrations of oshas and why obi is placed in the left big toe, different languages are born, born the coup, born blood vessels, lymphatic system, sternum. Birth and Sacrifice Intro basis: (-) Birth Sacrifice Intro: ebb was marked with double offerings, ie two goats or two chickens or two fish, etc.. Base Sacrifice Intro: Give her a cock to Eshu Belek in the trash outside the house, if it is white better, Eshu Gold Belek, Iban Laye, Iban Laroye Lashe. Praying guabina head catfish or alive, do not beg for anything dead. It is also placed Obbatal four grenades inside the soup that are presented to the person, once dried, pulverized and powdered carbon added to this mixture is given a dark pigeon blood and makes a painting with spirits surging, take the last left wing feather of the pigeon and used as a brush, scratch on the front of the present from the highest to lowest with the sign of 8-8 while singing the following Suyere : Ashirim, Iku ashirim furibuyema, Ashimar, Ashimar, furibuyema Osogbo, Osogbo on with all the changing where it says Iku per ring, anus, Ofun, etc.. Can also dove head of the person, if you can pray with that animal, remember that Eleggu children are not pigeon or guinea pass over his head. Rogaciones also do traditional coconut milk, fruits, fish, corn bread, etc.. General: (-) (8) ELLEUNLE said, The woman thinks to leave her husband. Women do not ebb not succeed in life and if you do succeed will be recognized and will have good title. For being so benevolent others abuse you but you should never change. Food never denied who goes home. Beware of a fire that destroyed the house. You were born to rule and do things you should do to achieve it. There are two women gossip spread by dark. Be careful with your belongings stolen on a trip you make. Make ebb to be selected for a position that you should accept. There is someone who pays the military who have personal problems. Women can suffer from menstrual disorders, if Miss, loss of virginity may be accompanied by a pregnancy that will bring shame to the family. There is unhappiness in the family setting and friendly, achieving that happiness and prosperity will reach in other lands. Moderate your temper and treat people kindly. The person borrows money and then not want or can not afford it, so it should not acquire debts should not lend money because they do not recover. Do not imitate other people because they fail in life. Try to keep elderly or women curse him for acts done or said by you. As an adult, you must take great care of smallpox. His first marriage fail for lack of respect or understanding on the part of both. The woman leaves her husband and then want to return, but there are other. Do not visit

the sick, funerals and burials. The person should not be envious or cheat to prove he is better than others. It should not take possession of what is not yours, or material things or couples. Do not comment or clarify unnecessary gossip. It has a powerful enemy and know of his devices via a drunk, pay attention to find out. There witchcraft by a woman for the man cause impotence. If you take care of that child should not kidnap or go with the boyfriend. The unmarried man find a woman he will marry and through it you will get a blessing. There is poor digestion. Do not laugh while eating because they drown. There divorce. The person is caught in the saint. The woman will then want to return.

Odu: (9) OSA Orishas who speak in these odus: (+) Oya, Yemanya, Chango, Babaluaye, Aganyu Current environment: (+) You want to end a war, and that he passed bitterness because they know how to finish it. Positive aspects of Odu regent: (+) A person is evolving as the air we breathe, is life, is capacity. You do not get stability in one place, you must go from one side to another to achieve success, if it stagnates lost. The person always wants changes, transfers, removals and has many skills. It is perfect until you get your goal, so you should always have something to overcome. A person who always necessary for something, so that other people always expect it. A person who constantly resets as routine as crazy. The problems they face become a challenge and an action to the maturity of the obstacles. Positive aspects of Odu regent: (-) The worst enemy is yourself, are the negatives of the same person. There are multiple problems divorce. This Odu is the carnival, where more enemies friends, people put a face and back you'll get another. The person when facing a problem goes to sleep that is synonymous with death. The person allows interested comes to harm another. Osa is the cyclone that comes and destroys everything, be left with nothing if it does not come out of that. The person has to control his temper, because when you lose control just yet. Death will always be a presence in his life. Here ends the friendship, relationships, business, praise you today morning destroyed, if you help someone, that person gains and your losses. People call it hypocritical, so you should get out of the circle of friends that you know are not sincere. You should not use masks to disguise or people do not look anything it is not. The person lives with illusions and therefore does not advance, it stays there, not only in thoughts and acts. You must take care of respiratory problems, do not lock or suffocate. Recommendations: (+) (-) Do not be so risky with things not to fail, not so proud, many people speak ill of you behind her, care for a seriously ill in the family, do not fall in love with people who are committed, not so stubborn and hardheaded, not sing the truths to people in your face so you do not gain enemies, do not use or carry weapons of any kind above, take care when walking in the corners and dark places, try to avoid those thoughts so contradictory he carries, his friendships you criticize him and yet give you friendship, burns beware, beware of the agitations and suffocation. Odu related diseases: (-) Weakness in the body's defenses, vaginal parasites, tuberculosis, blindness, bleeding from conditions in the throat, bowel problems, skin rashes, blood problems such as leukemia low hemoglobin diabetes, bone problems such as arthritis, rheumatism, paralysis, arthritis, polyps in

the uterus, cerebral weakness as neurasthenia, heart disease, adenoids, sinusitis, menstrual decontrol, hemorrhoid problems and ulcers. Prohibitions: (-) They do not eat pigeons, not conspires with anyone because you always lose. Births that occur in the Odu Ruler: (+) (-) Born sinusitis, adenoids, the thighs, the openings of the eyes, the intestines, tonsils, uterine polyps, arthritis, born the sun and stars, the venom of tarantulas, trade in goods, are born mayors, born the greeting and the horns of ruminants, was born the possession of the orishas on people, born the secret of fire, born the red blood cell in the blood, was born the smell of a woman's vulva and temptation in the man who delights in the smell and goes down to lick. Birth and Sacrifice Intro basis: (-) Birth Sacrifice Intro: ebb was labeled a live goat to your head to fall then Eshu, and sacrifice to Iyami Oshoronga with white rabbit, beans, oil, palm oil, eggs, etc.. Base Sacrifice Intro: Exit dress head to toe in red street, where many people pass by and where I can, black color change clothes, do the same, and finally change your white, the other clothes are thrown, this is done when it is pursuing Iku. You may also be Eggun feed. Chicken is also made in the shade, or giogio to the cardinal points, forum or chocolate buns Oya, etc.. General: (-) (9) OSA says, There's a woman after having several children will have one albino to be respected by all. He had, has and will have many problems with witches. Even your partner will work with witchcraft. Someone lie against him and accuse him of false testimony. Make sacrifice to the elders of the night away to the wizards. Speak the world of spirits and black magic. Beware of bowing and foreign objects in the eye. You must organize your life to thrive. There domain of women over men. Poverty haunts the person. There is a woman suffering from vaginal infection or parasites.

Odu: (10) Ofun Orishas who speak in these odus: (+) Obatala, Oshun, Olokun Current environment: (+) You feel that your things are crippling him and has been losing position, money and health. Positive aspects of Odu regent: (+) This is a major sign, but to lose his position became tail and became the youngest major Odus. The person has position and should be clear in all things to stand firm. You must create their own kingdoms and care, because if the leaves lose any position. Do not drink alcoholic beverages which are your worst enemy. The person must receive Orunmila. Not have to give or give away your things because you will be required later. Take care of your own things and not the other and does not interfere in affairs of others. Positive aspects of Odu regent: (-) Position is lost due to drinking, mocks imperfect people. There is talk of lost virginity and operations in the womb. Has a bad temper and very uncomfortable which will lead to death. There are problems of theft and gossip, family resentments, legal and illegal vices. The person likes to curse and that is reversed. We live in darkness and death haunts him. Try not to selfmedicate and less with others men6s that is optional. Recommendations: (+) (-) Avoid persist with older people, not outsiders pry things, give more heat to your home, do not perform vicious acts, take care of the losses in general, you would have cast curses to make it look bad and tangled, watch your woman partner so that you will not, if you have children try to make them trust you not to leave home, try not to talk or do things that intrusive to those who are around you, take care in their work so that do not lose it, try to be patient, clean the house and despjela to remove bad influences, get medical checkups. Odu related diseases: (-) Memory loss, vision problems, heart problems, liver problems such as cirrhosis, skin problems. Prohibitions: (-) Do not drink alcohol, do not rub alcohol on the body, not jump pits, do not wear black or painted, not wet with rain water, do not eat sweet potatoes or guinea pig, not stoke the fire, candles off blows. Births that occur in the Odu Ruler: (+) (-) Born ether and galas, Abaku sect born, born Oshagrian and human death, financial seriousness born, born Ikines manage Ifa, was born on the fruits and seeds fall at the foot of trees born, born oaths mortuary, born the voice, some animals reproduce through eggs.

Birth and Sacrifice Intro basis: (-) Birth Sacrifice Intro: ebb was labeled with a goat to Esu and sixteen snails. Base Sacrifice Intro: You can give bathrooms with cotton, bell, white amaranth, cocoa butter and skins. Also sarayeyeo with eggs and viscera. Ashirim but also sings instead of using coal husk is used. Must receive Orula. General: (-) (10) Ofun says, Make ebb with red fabric red rooster chicken dove black cloth moror mangle and stick to it to become a noble and rich. It will be good and able to provide assistance to people wishing to benefits. Make your sacrifices for their peace, wealth and long life. The person always leave it in the background. Beware the theft of their religious attributes. Should soften his temper. Listen to advice as it is very arbitrary. Beware of plot against you. There will be children or carried like dogs and cats. Do not break their oaths or businesses. There is a patient who will not die, but if you did not expect. When I get old will be respected and powerful. There witchcraft made in the same family, phenomena. There whims and despair. The person has the ability to speak with death, death does not take it because it has an affinity with him, which is good spiritualist and may have covenant with death. The person is very suspicious. If you have pan de muerto not divorce her. Take care of children who are sick at home. Do not let your children encaramen to browse, as they may have a shock and a fall of gravity well look who leaves them watching. Make praying with her guardian angel to free him from enemies, you get some money and that he did not bring misfortune. Eshu is given a goat to avoid anything bad happen to you, rise slowly and will make you rich, because their guardian angel will grant it, but do not become greedy because you will want more and commit a bad thing, in which their guardian angel will forgive, but the second time will kill him. Be very careful when I walk down the street. There are a son or daughter leaves the house with your girlfriend or boyfriend.

Odu: (11) Ojuani Orishas who speak in these odus: (+) Eleggua, Ochosi, Oshun, Babaluaye. Current environment: (+) You want to find a vision of why you feel in complete loss. Positive aspects of Odu regent: (+) It is a very good sign of change and transformation. I get so many good things that will not know what to do with them. Is achieving everything he wants. A person does not appreciate the things she does, but she does very grateful. You should always maintain a cheerful attitude to adversity and stay out of illegal things. Speak the spiritual, which should serve to maintain clarity in your things. You are advised not to have children scattered to achieve a well-established family. There is talk of rank and wealth transient, use either head to endure. Should reflect things and live in the city and not in the field that is where your fortune. There is or will be a child that has to route well and become great with name and position. Must Eggun to feed and care for his wife who is his'll go. Positive aspects of Odu regent: (-) Care should be taken up with the family, there is always a complaint and always comes guilty of something. Be careful what you do because you end up being the world's carpet. Do not leave your health, you suffer from blindness. It tells of a friend or family member who prepares a conspiracy against him. There are problems with the genitals. There is someone who steals the fruits of their labor and spends it on personal things. There is tragedy and justice visit home. What can hurt by mistake. They speak of intestinal tumors and kidney problems. He is very jealous, insanely jealous you are blind. Recommendations: (+) (-) Try not to be an ungrateful person, avoid doing things badly, does not get into trouble outside, your life will make a mess if it serves their stuff properly, check your character is very strong and determined, someone always wants to put it gossip to you, take care of justice, do not push anyone because it can result in death, must really love your partner, despjese of anything that might harm, by the way be your guardian angel will have back tack You disregards lot of things from home, attend their dead as much phenomena predominate here. Odu related diseases: (-) Disease in the body produced by discussions, hypertension, stomach ailments, humps, poisoning, diseases of the throat, tumors in the intestine, stomach cramps and nephritic by problems in them. Prohibitions: (-) Do not jump gaps, do not visit friends dead in the cemetery, avoid excess alcohol and rich

flavor, not eat bananas, millet and sesame grains, not kill chameleons. Births that occur in the Odu Ruler: (+) (-) Born in the shadow chicken and Paraldo, born rectal ulcers and duodenum, this is where life began in the sea and vertebrates were large lizards, arayeses were born, born founding peoples born talent of healing, revelation, born kestrel, here came off the crust and formed the rocks and mountains, born pointy snails, celebrity, conquests, beliefs, spiritual possession, deformed beings in the field astral created the hands and feet. Birth and Sacrifice Intro basis: (-) Birth Sacrifice Intro: ebb was marked with three jutas three fish, a goat, three cocks, two goats, two dogs, divided between Obadara Eshu, Eshu JELU, Obbatal Orula, Oggn, Sarah, Obalifn, Uja Atikirij, Ozain and Gold Base Sacrifice Intro: ebb are made with leftover food to Eshu. Bathrooms are also boiled water with ham bone without meat, the person bathe with that water, soap and a loofah land, prepare a Eleggu omiero and the person that takes a bath with omiero that should have many wonder herb. Eleggu cap also with a gourd out of the house and given a pigeon to be struck around. Also cleaned millet grains or sesame. You are also given a cock to Eleggu in the door of the house with a steaming coal, then open the cock, smeared with lots of palm oil and allowed three days on Eleggu continuously lit candle, then wonders if it is Mount or household waste. General: (-) (11) Ojuani says, Try receiving Ornmila. Make ebboses children to have long life. There is a woman who wants to have children. Do not count the fights you have at home. There is a sick child caused by some discussion. You run the risk of being a victim of a conspiracy. Do not undertake business for now because fail. His wife will be a great trader. No loitering in the field because they expect something bad. His curses will come true. There will be priests who make war. A dispute arises between two inseparable friends. Do not be discouraged at the difficulties. Speak many lies and slander. Ingratitude works more than the fruit of labor. The person can live like a nomad, side to side. The individual genius and character is dominant, but basically good. Beware of a scandal in a group of three. There is an accompanying Egun and helps the person, and only let it live quiet with a partner who has an affinity with him. He has talent for healing and revelations. The woman is man's slave, gives everything for nothing, is faithful and zealous. Beware of blows to the head with a ball. There is stomach pains and the food is something. You get money twice in gambling. Is anyone fat at your expense. The children leave their parents. The power comes when youth passes.

Odu: (12) Eyila Orishas who speak in these odus: (+) Chango, Oshun, Eleggua Current environment: (+) You are arrested in an action or thought, what moves does not work anymore, and has a war with their health or they lose their health. Positive aspects of Odu regent: (+) This on the verge of achieving positions, should move and take action in order to evolve. It has to be clearly defined and maintained to achieve your successes and be sustained. You create your world avoiding family conflicts. In the field is his fate. Never boast of your knowledge. It's a frank person. Speaking of legacies not only material but also spiritual and genetic. You must always keep your thoughts clear so you know you do. No more talk of that warns its enemies. Positive aspects of Odu regent: (-) From failure to failure by unruly. Is bad person sangrosa and aggressive so it is rejected. He wants to be so alive that loses opportunities because it is so talkative that alerts your enemies what you are doing and they will jump on. It is always in attack attitude and believes that he knows everything and knows nothing. Witchcraft is earned by envy or revenge and has enemies living with him. Has many traps arrears and mounted. A person who gets hot very fast and can do crazy. Is a person who likes to go after women but in the end it always ends in the arms of his wife. Do not lift weights and watch your health because this disease come on suddenly and are almost always fatal. Recommendations: (+) (-) You have at your enemy into your home and it can be shared with your partner or family, you would want to spend many things persist, speaking good comes the end of all their ills, falls beware, do not split to the first, there are people who say that everything you do is wrong, do not try others badly because one of them will be their salvation, infidelity watch yours and your partner have many enemies back but will overcome all, be patient discover their enemy alone, take no stick to fight and do not argue with the authorities. Odu related diseases: (-) Problems excess dietary fat, tumors, boils, elephantiasis, diarrhea, white discharge, fibroids, hydrolysis, scrotal hernia, desinorrea, memory loss, menstrual problems in the stomach and abdomen, pain in the genitals, uterus cancer , breast problems, stroke, heart attack, stroke, leg problems. Prohibitions: (-) Do not pick herbs in the mountains, do not drink too much alcohol, do not eat okra, squash, guinea, eel, do not enter the empty house.

Births that occur in the Odu Ruler: (+) (-) Here primitive man began to evolve biologically enhanced so that the spirit could express themselves better, pygmies or dwarfs were born, born scientific nomenclature, the lie, the children come to head at birth, are born fat, diarrhea, the uterine cancer, flow, fibroids, damage to sorcery. Birth and Sacrifice Intro basis: (-) Birth Sacrifice Intro: ebb was marked with a duck Orula, a turtle on his head and a goat to Esu. Base Sacrifice Intro: You have to give the Orisha drum that has the Odu. Bring an offering and give the cemetery a grave or even go to the cemetery and clean the tomb that is most neglected and put a white candle, flowers and offerings. Also make offerings of fruit to the Orishas. For serious problems give a goat to Shango. Also give Eleggu cock with Shango and then wash with omiero Ceiba leaves. Rogation head. General: (-) (12) Eyila says, Beware of the events that surround him and even a brother who wishes you ill. There is a woman who is stronger than you and you want to damage your business. 'll Struggle to seduce another man's wife. There is a trip where you will cross the sea. The man has many women in his life, always go to stop the arms of his legitimate wife or wife. In man there is pain in the genitals by hydrolysis or scrotal hernia. You will be attending a spirit of great light. The man must be careful in the sexual act that the woman did not bite his penis, and that will leave you helpless. No interne in forests as it runs the risk of being bitten by a snake. No visit spiritism meetings, and he likes to work on spiritualism. The woman thinks to leave her husband who is older than her, do not do it because will walk from one side to another without stability. If she is sick of the breast or belly surgery there, clean with two pumpkins. In Osogbo is marked constant wars, the person is crouching, wary, and at the end of their lives living alone. The person is strong, dominant, intelligent, commands respect. There is a risk of diseases that lead to the grave.

Odu: (13) Metanla Orishas who speak in these odus: (+) Orunla, Babaluaye Current environment: (+) You at this time is in an aggressive, attack. We are making war and feels he must awaken. Positive aspects of Odu regent: (+) After the end, comes the first, reach other positions. Recovery slow but steady, gradual revival. Avoid arguments and exit the fog that surrounds him. It is an active and ongoing, can not let unfinished things begin. A person insistent and persistent struggle to get the goals proposed. Find solutions that lead to obtaining your goals. He likes to donate his property, but know to whom and in what quantity donates to lack it tomorrow. Positive aspects of Odu regent: (-) There is talk of illness acquired either by sexual transmission, transmission or genetically. Talk of abnormal pregnancies and phenomena genitals (penises huge), fetuses born evil. They talk about the seduction of minors who produce personal disorders. Things were going well have taken a tremendous slowdown. There are discussions loss position. You run the risk of receiving a blow to produce paralysis. You lose the ability to analyze. The pregnant woman is at risk of abortions. Character is proud, boastful, miss you, jealous, violent. Check curses inside and believes the orishas do not know. Is a person who even cries of rage when it fails what you want. Recommendations: (+) (-) You must be very careful with a disease that can pass into the blood or skin, promises to pay him dead saints or souls who asked not to mistreat dogs preferably not have them, try not to leave your thing, give more importance to things to not be criticized for the world, be careful not to be a depraved person, check his nature so you will not pass something that will serve as a warning, if you change your course of action will have a great future, While your partner try to not start misunderstanding, stay away from alcoholic drinks, try not to travel for the time, never have bad thoughts against you or someone else, here speaks spiritual everything stick to it. Odu related diseases: (-) Abortions, cramps, unknown and contagious diseases, defects in the leg by accident by ingestion of alcohol, abortions, malignant tumors in the womb. Prohibitions: (-) Do not eat corn, do not skip holes or open pits, do not enter caves, was banned by sucking woman's vulva, do not eat peanuts. Births that occur in the Odu Ruler: (+) (-)

Cat claws were born, the uproar, hatred to children, born fresh water that offering to the orishas, born canoes, docks, anchors, evil in human beings, belly praying with pumpkin, sandbar, wood pigeon, the turtle, the ribs, the clavicles. Birth and Sacrifice Intro basis: (-) Birth Sacrifice Intro: ebb was labeled with a goat and a ram Eshu Orula. Base Sacrifice Intro: Give Eleggu chicken and rooster to Yemaya, if it is white better. Gallo and two doves to Eleggua Obbatala. Putting the Jimaguas fruits. Praying snapper head. Send a goatee to Eggun. Two doves to Osun. Feed him to the ground. General: (-) (13) Metanla says, If a man marry a woman comes to him willingly and it will serve you with obedience and loyalty to the end of his days. If women find a new husband to help around. Experience great problems in your life will be hard and live amid powerful enemies who always seek to destroy and salvation is in the hands of a skilled Babalawo that makes a great sacrifice. Be careful that the bad character can run from home or work, take it off to put another in form despot treat people. It will help a person who is present and this suddenly take an important position. Feel more penchant for sorcery by the orishas, and that will cause misfortunes. You run the risk of physical defects in the legs because of an accident caused by alcohol. There is a business that brings fortune. There are people who brand as gross (a), and sometimes has trouble understanding things. The pregnant woman is at risk of abortion. Not listening council of elders. They refuse to pay a debt. In Osogbo no blackmail, loss and deception. The man can come to suicide by abandoning a woman. The person can be very hurtful when speaking. Man is radically prohibits suck woman's vulva, and there is a risk three highly contagious disease that annihilated.

Odu: (14) Merinla Orishas who speak in these odus: (+) Orunla. Current environment: (+) You feel betrayed, feels that the world is unfair to her. It is not clear injustice and chases him out and displaced feeling. Positive aspects of Odu regent: (+) Great thing is known through small details, do not neglect the details so you can control your world. Put logic in all things and you will slowly but do battle maturities achieve what you want, remember that in the final stage processes are slow but with a good rebirth. They talk about being profitable trader. In many of its activities OLOFI hand directs. It's a fighter, net merchant in the strict sense of the word, talkative, highly creative. Positive aspects of Odu regent: (-) Parent and tax. The uncertainty, anxiety, fear, anxiety, depression that sometimes accompany it, it just lead to psychotic states in schizophrenia. There is talk of blackmail and theft, problems in the blood and skin. Care must be taken blows to the head by memory loss. There are marital instability and are prone to suffer from venereal diseases. You should be careful when bathing in the sea as it can drown. You must respect all religions and never do anything against the orishas. Recommendations: (+) (-) When you are angry blood up to the head and can cause a stroke, meets the offerings to the saints, there are people who feel antipathy, there is much gossip and envy, there are enemies gather to hurt, take care of a place to visit because it will bring scorn and faults, I want to throw in the house or where he works, has many obstacles on the road, there is a big job but there are many opponents who fight for it, man must take care having sex with a young lady who will bring many problems, be careful consideration theft, watch a trap in an inheritance or money. Odu related diseases: (-) Ordered memory, psychosis, schizophrenia, gangrene, dumbness, blindness or lack of vision, infertility in women, high and low blood pressure, uncontrolled menstrual skin rash, low hemoglobin, gonorrhea, cancer, digestive diseases. Prohibitions: (-) No eating soursop or coconuts, do not eat gallo, flour or okra. Births that occur in the Odu Ruler: (+) (-) Born gonorrhea, eyebrows, eyelashes, eyelids, the oxidation of iron, ringing, hissing, born prohibition in divination break after six p.m., born that man uses the woman to satisfy sexually

and then repudiates, was born thanks, born decapitation, born the analysis of facts and things, logic, the spirit of Ozain Odesegue (sacred fire), born brown swirls, zeal in animals, antigens in the blood, leukocytes, ferocious and carnivorous animals. Birth and Sacrifice Intro basis: (-) Birth Sacrifice Intro: ebb was labeled with a goat to Esu, a dove at his head and ram Orula. Base Sacrifice Intro: Putting a two-horned bull Oggn loaded. Send a goat to Eleggu in the estuary, sea and river crossing, and cleaned the viscera. Cut an ear of corn in half, wrap it in leaves maloja each entizan together and with white ribbon and is put to Orisha Orisha asking Owo I'll Umbo, bring me a saint welfare money. Also grab a piece of meat, it opens like a book and smeared with palm oil, cleaned before asking armpits Oggn what you want to beat, spit three times with brandy and leave on Oggn at least three hours, then fill to the railway line with a right. Oshun Feed him with five different things. General: (-) (14) Merinla says, Make ebboses for people of this world do not look down and respect. You are psychic or fortune teller. There is a dispute over a property that was stripped. You must make sacrifices systematically Eshu. He lifted a false witness that justice will cause you problems. There will be very spoiled child. Do not discuss your secrets and intimacies. Receive an imminent attack of witches that affect you and your children, feed him to them in the trash a rabbit, a chicken, eight eggs, grains of different oil, palm oil and white fabric (the sacrifice of Iyami Oshoronga). There are those who want to usurp his position. Make sacrifice to Eshu to retrieve something lost. Here men are womanizers. If you have employees assistants, beware because one of them can cause a loss of consideration. If religion does not see after six o'clock. Women tend to have multiple lovers. Do not be a slave to the whims of another person. It tends to fall in games and services. There deceptions by signing documents. There is a child's brain is wrong and dumb. You may want to move away to improve your life. There are trips that cross the sea and repeatedly. There woman trying to get a man no matter what he does. There are marital instability.

Odu: (15) MARUNLA Orishas who speak in these odus: (+) Orunla Current environment: (+) You come to for advice, because emotion and emotion have destroyed their ability to reason. Positive aspects of Odu regent: (+) With the capacity can void the negativity that produces emotion. The excitement brings destruction and failure. We talk about the rebirth of being where there are captive on earth and happiness in heaven. The person talks too much and live life blind, and can become a beggar for his poor head. The person may get to enjoy his great genius. There is talk of equality and fraternity. Here comes the man as king of creation. Odu is a very short life and health must take care not to die prematurely. You should always follow the right path as hard as it may be, the evil will be their Osogbo. It will be protected by his friends and sometimes wrongly accused. Positive aspects of Odu regent: (-) Women should take care of your breasts because here comes the mastoiditis. Stress affects you and somatization parasympathetic diseases. It suffers from nerves and brain. Do not use drugs, drug addiction is born here, and do not drink alcohol. The person is abandoned, neglected. Here the body without a soul walks by the many disappointments of life. The person has a lot to live among wild beasts, but capricious and proud, loses his head. A person who becomes violent, evil geniazo, with delusions of wisdom, and to pretend that everything he says is the absolute truth, so likes to lead and to do everything it says. By not holding whimsical marriage, becoming fickle and arrogant. Be careful with theft and fire. Recommendations: (+) (-) You must set a course and who goes without it, watch a fortune you will find yet have many problems therefore careful with theft and fire, do not store things that provide trouble with the law, watch who walks because they can be accused of thief, consult and do what they tell you to receive happiness that is coming, look closely at what is going to sign. Odu related diseases: (-) Sexual deviations, blindness, leprosy, chickenpox, impotence because of alcoholism, syphilis, narcotic addiction, headaches, mastoiditis, parasympathetic problems, artery problems. Prohibitions: (-) You do not kill crabs to eat, do not smoke, do not eat crow, rabbit, octopus, squid, roasted corn, guinea pig, yams, pork, not drinking alcohol, not striped dress and gaudy, not breeding monkeys, not to bear arms, do not dye your hair, do not have dogs at home. Births that occur in the Odu Ruler: (+) (-)

Born the ceremonial angareo Shango drawn to land, horseshoes born, born to grant charges or major titles, comes the secret medicinal roots and branches of trees.

Birth and Sacrifice Intro basis: (-) Birth Sacrifice Intro: It marked a goat, a machete and Eshu porridge, and ram his guardian angel. Base Sacrifice Intro: Cleaned with three bottle of brandy and put in Eleggua, Ogun and Orula one each. For treason is placed in a gourd with a chicken egg and honey brandy behind the door of the house. Also put seven balls with ground beef juta, smoked fish and roasted corn to orisha where has the Odu for seven days, then brought to the river with 7 coins. Feed him and make the Ibeyis party. Rogation head. Bathrooms with ewes of Obbatal. If it is in IT, a crown with 16 orisha parrot feathers which have the Odu. General: (-) (15) MARUNLA says, must be very patient to get all their stuff. Your family will cheat. Tell the truth to find riches. On a trip to do lose your money. For his selflessness have financial problems. The religious abandons or neglects his religious attributes. They talk about effeminate men and lesbians. The seriously ill are not saved if you do not ebb with Shango. Here we suffer many disappointments if he strays from the path of good. It predicts highs and lows in the life of man.

Odu: (16) MERINDILOGGUN Orishas who speak in these odus: (+) Olofi (God) & all the Orishas Current environment: (+) His whims, pride and disappointments have made northern lose his life. Looking for guidance on what to do because he feels betrayed and bullied. Positive aspects of Odu regent: (+) The person knows in advance what will happen, whether good or bad. Odu is a long life. Here comes the astral and psychic studies. A person who requires a lot of affection, which was denied at one time of his childhood. The person idealizes love and love living it. Try to look better than anyone. The person achieves a great knowledge and has a very clear understanding. Is a person who will get great riches in your life. Has great vocation for music and excel in intelligence through humility. Positive aspects of Odu regent: (-) Here you get everything which is discarded in life. The person is moving, so it is blind to the reasoning. It becomes ironic, hypocritical and disbelief. It goes from joy to tears and back again. His pride and vanity are those who think that everything he deserves and that is irreplaceable. It is a person who believes auto praised and superior to others, causing around hypocritical treatment and rejection. There trap the world to him and vice versa. The legs are your weak point, can suffer from varicose veins, varicose ulcers and even paralysis of the lower limbs. Care must be taken to have sex with minors, where even a child could have them unknown. Born noises in the ears and strength in the hands and teeth. Here even the dead rob luck. Recommendations: (+) (-) Beware of falling or slipping because it can injure the hands or legs, you have many setbacks in his life by his nature, try to have only one partner at a time, do not walk with knives above, be careful go to a place where you will create a tragedy, beware of trouble with fat people, do not mourn for all that to happen. Odu related diseases: (-) Madness, tired from lack of vitamins, memory loss, problems such as deafness or hearing strange noises, lung problems such as pleurisy and scurvy, stomach problems, broken arms, smallpox, impotence, paralysis waist down, leg ulcers. Prohibitions: (-) Do not jump or step holes, no play of hands, can not eat cornmeal, guineas, beans, bananas, chickens, deer, do not kill ants.

Births that occur in the Odu Ruler: (+) (-) Born eliminating human sacrifices by the animal, born strength of the hands and teeth, are born leg ulcers, Oya scythe born, born pleurisy and scurvy, born the consecration of Oya and Ogun, here comes the covenant made with Ornmila Iku, one who sacrifices, death never surprised. Birth and Sacrifice Intro basis: (-) Birth Sacrifice Intro: ebb was labeled with a goat and a ram Eshu Orula. Base Sacrifice Intro: Receive Oshosi and Asojuano. Also put a basket of fruit on the bed, Eleggu marks time, then brought to the mountain along with Eleggua and cuj under a bush, put the fruit and is given a cock to Eleggu to thrive. Give a chicken to Eshu in the pipe. Make Osha. General: (-) (16) MERINDILOGGUN says, If you are building a house it will freeze for a while. Women have lost children or lose any of them. Do not miss ebb for their health and prosperity. The man on his journey through life you may have a child with another woman. Your child will go through three tests which will be in danger, will be victorious if sacrifices for Eshu, Shango and Ogun. Pregnant woman has to do Paraldo. There is a person who thinks he knows a lot and I really do not know anything. There are tears for suffering. Beware of slipping because injured a leg or an arm. In this odu the Santero or Babalawo is eying 16 days before going to die, a time to be made all the preparations for the trip. Intro This is a love and joy, grace and sweetness, like crying and sadness. The person tends to be proud, vain and consider themselves superior to others. Do not wear torn or black. There is separation of the couple due to lack of care and concern. There is a child which all doubt their paternity. Feed your money. Listen to soothing music to calm your nerves. Not jump gaps. The man likes women and looking younger than him and people are laughing or talking about it. There is a person who is crazy. Should be more mature (a). You believe your way and always looking for some kind of divination, which brings adversity. The man should not abuse women. There is talk of temporary madness that can take you to commit dangerous acts. There are times when the person speaks deeply hurt and cries of helplessness. There are travel bode well. There is risk in men sexual impotence or prostration from the waist down. Not performed sexual acts unemployed because their life will be shortened. There are struggles for obtaining material goods. A women fall in love three.

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