Mark of Faith

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Mark of Faith Written By Marshall Layne Dungan

@doctahmushi on twitter

INT. BEATEN TOYOTA - DAWN As day breaks, BIHAR (9) lies in the backseat of the car, clutching a stomach pouring with BLOOD. Her father, MEZDAR (33) looks back at her. She does not tremble. She does not cry. The light of dawn blinds Mezdar, until he sees an even brighter GLINT. The approaching BORDER CROSSING. He looks back at his daughter, who strains at every bump. MEZDAR Do not think about it, Bihar. You will be safe soon. BIHAR How will we survive? MEZDAR With the wizdom of Allah. He refocuses on the crossing. EXT. DESERT BORDER CROSSING - DAWN Five TOYOTA HILUX pickups are amassed in a row in between two BERMS, with the trucks serving as the gate between the bottleneck. A small squad of KURDISH SOLDIERS (none over 17) armed with AK-47s smoke and laugh in between sips of TEA. Soon, the dusty car grabs the attention of the soldier in the center, KAWAR (19). He shuts up his compatriots. Quickly their faces turn serious. As the car nears, Kawar motions to another soldier. The soldier sprays warning shot into the air. INTERCUT WITH INT. CAR - DAWN Mezdar flinches at the stinging report, and slams on his brakes. Their guns trained on the car, Kawar motions it to approach slowly. When it draws to within 30 feet, he motions to stop. KAWAR OUT! HANDS UP! Mezdar places a hand on his mouth, and passes his kiss to Bihars forehead. She nods. As he exits the car, the four soldiers knock him to the ground and pin him. Kawar approaches, gun slung over his shoulder. (CONTINUED)



KAWAR (Kurdish) Why have you come here?! MEZDAR My daughter! Our camp--attacked. There is no one in Syria who can save us. Kawar motions to his men. They lift Mezdar back to his feet. He bleeds from the mouth. KAWAR Tell me what happened. MEZDAR Fighting drove us out of our homes. We come from Aleppo. KAWAR This is far from Aleppo. MEZDAR We came all the way to the refugee camp 60 kilometers from here. They dropped firebombs on us. Kawar looks in the backseat. The pool of blood surrounding Bihar breaks his fake toughness for just a moment, before it returns. KAWAR There is nowhere in Kurdistan for you to go. A cry bellows from the backseat. The other soldiers holding Mezdar shift uneasily. BIHAR It hurts! Father it hurts so bad! MEZDAR Pray Bihar! Pray for carriage! Kawar and the other soldiers struggle with the sight. MEZDAR Please. Do you have a child? KAWAR Yes.




MEZDAR And you would condemn her to die this way? Kawar strikes him with the butt of his rifle before turning away, cursing. The other soldiers are thoroughly conflicted. KAWAR Rojen. One of the soldiers looks back at Kawar, panicked. KAWAR Get in the car. You will take her to the hospital in Sinjar. Quickly. He turns to Mezdar. KAWAR You will stay here. Rojen gets in the car and steps on the gas. MEZDAR (to Bihar) The Wisdom of Allah shall protect you my child. Kawar and the others watch the car drive away, kicking up a plume of dust as it goes. Suddenly, the car VEERS HARD to the right, running up a dune. Before Kawar can react, Mezdar has GRABBED HIS RIFLE and sprays all of them with bullets. Before they can engage their rifles from the ground, Mezdar methodically puts a round in each of their skulls. He stands over the confused Kawar. INT. BEATEN TOYOTA - NIGHT Mezdar readies Bihars wound, pouring a gallon jug of BLOOD all over her abdomen. MEZDAR Tell yourself how much it hurts. Make believe its really there. He sweeps back her hair and kisses her on the forehead.




MEZDAR And they will believe you. He smears her face with blood as well. EXT. DESERT BORDER CROSSING - DAWN Mezdar trains the rifle on Kawar. KAWAR Why? MEZDAR We come in peace, and meet only guns. We offer kindness, and are given only death. You should have let us pass. KAWAR NO! The familiar sound of a single shot. INT. BEATEN TOYOTA - DAY Mezdar is back in the drivers seat, with Bihar up front. Their faces have seen so much, now they can only stare. MEZDAR What does Muhammad tell us? BIHAR "Kindness is a mark of faith. And whoever has no kindness has no faith." MEZDAR And the faithless shall never stop us from salvation. EXT. DESERT - DAY The beaten toyota continues on.

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