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THE MILLION MILE BORDER Written by Irascible Idiot

EXT. FURROW - NIGHT In an irrigation ditch somewhere along the Syrian and Lebanon border... The night is strong and the sky is dark. War rumbles the darkness with automatic fire and cannon fire. The droning of jets can be heard far above. Anti-aircraft tracers lurch into the sky trying to meet these invisible Jets. The war is not too far from ASHUR(20s) and his Sisters family, and this furrow is dark and hidden from the main streets, which compared to this is resplendent. Ashurs sister, LILITH(late 20s) and daughters SABEEN and ISHTAR huddle together. Liliths daughters sit on each of her thighs giggling on the back of a beat-up pickup truck. The women are dressed in casual clothing. Ashur is young and scrawny. He wears a cotton shirt and jeans, but wears combat boots for long traveling. Ashur stands contentedly and within ear shot of his Sister and nieces, but trying to eavesdrop on NAZIM(30s) and YUSUF(50s), who are at this point arguing. Nazim wearing a uniform looks at the ground ashamed, while Yusuf cackles in anger at him. We cannot hear a word of the argument. BASHAR (O.S.) Brother, I do not think they will let you and your family through. Ashur turns around to BASHAR(late 20s) leaning against the truck. He wears a combat vest and a dark desert scarf on his head. His beard is sage and well maintained ESPECIALLY for combat. Hanging off Bashars shoulder is an AK-47 rifle. Ashur lightly pushes Bashar and himself away from the truck. He glances back at his distracted sister to see. Ashur exhales deeply. ASHUR Bashar, you are being pessimistic. We will get across the border one way or another.


Bashar nods towards the border patrolman. BASHAR Nazim will make sure that wont happen. Ashur rubs his bare cheek. BASHAR (CONTD) He cant lose his job. Otherwise, how will the FSA resupply? Automatic fire continues to burst only a couple miles from this furrow. Ashur looks back to his family. Lileth paying no mind to her tiddly acting daughters, watches as Yusuf slouches, now taking Nazims loud argument. ASHUR Shit. BASHAR Maybe if he doesnt let you through you can go ontop of that tower, (Points to a tall apartment building) Snipe him before prayer. I know you could do it, Ashur. Ashur shakes his head. ASHUR I seek peace, Brother. Bashar now nods his head to his two FSA accomplices that patiently wait, sitting on top of the Furrows ledge. BASHAR We seek peace as well. The girls become silent. Off of Lileths silence, Ashur looks at Yusof, the sage old Syrian, approach the girls. Yusof puts a hand on Lileths shoulder. rejection with the palm of her hand. She harnesses the

Nazim wathces with his hands on his hips as Yusof goes to Ashur. Bashar goes to accompany his FSA brothers.


YUSOF Ashur... Brother. Yusof weezes deeply. Exhausted from the argument. hand on Ashurs shoulder. ASHUR Yes, Yusof. Yusof pushes Ashur lightly. Fleeing from the girls earshot. He puts a

YUSOF (whispering) Theyre being very harsh on refugees. You cant all make it into Lebanon. ASHUR Then what should we do? Yusof looks back to the girls. He returns his eyes to Ashur with guilt. His head drops to the ground. YUSOF Wait a couple weeks or more. ASHUR Couple weeks! Lilith squeezes her daughters heads into her chest. ASHUR (CONTD) We didnt travel all this way to wait another week. YUSOF There is an exception. Ashur looks back to the FSA rebels. ASHUR There must be another way. YUSOF You must, Ashur. Ashur looks up to the dark sky. The moon sits high above the war. Tracer rounds fall short of touching the moons bottom. Moments later... The truck starts.


Lilith and her daughters are being lead out of the Furrow by the patrolman Nazim. The main streets light douses them. Lilith looks back into the darkness. The dormant truck drives through the furrow. Sitting in the truck bed with Bashar, Ashar watches as his family crosses the border. EXT. STREETS - CONTINUOUS BASHAR Thank Allah. Lilith and her daughters are out of sight. ASHUR God is great. THE END

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