1design Parameters For High Speed Coridor

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SHRI AJAY GOYAL Sr. Professor (B) COURSE NO. 725 SHRI R.K. YADAV, Sr. Professor (Track) OCTOBER -2007

Design Parameters of High Speed Corridor

Sr No 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Track Formation 3.0 Design of Bed Ballast/ Ballast less track Slabs 4.0 Parameters for high-speed Route Geometrical parameters of the line 4.1 Distance or Spacing of tracks 4.2 Ruling gradient 4.3 Curves 4.4 Transitions 4.5 Vertical Curves 5.0 Turnout For High Speed 6.0 Track structure used on High speed routes 7.0 Tunnel and bridges 7.1 Tunnel 7.2 Bridges 7.3 Level crossing / grade separation 7.4 Fencing 8.0 Environmental issues 9.0 Conclusion and Recommendations 10.0 Bibliography / References or Index Page No. 1 3 8 13 13 14 15 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 26 27 31



1.1 As per UIC: A line is described as a high speed line when it is a new one designed to enable train operation at speeds above 250 kmph throughout the whole journey, or at least over a significant part of the journey. In case of upgraded conventional lines, speeds of 200-220 kmph can be considered high speed if it results in substantial reduction in journey time. 1.2 In India, a thought for high speed operation was given in the first Governing Council Meeting (GCM) of RDSO in 1988 when it was decided to develop technology for operation of passenger services at 160 kmph on specified mixed routes and at 200 kmph on dedicated routes. It was decided to take up Mission no.16 on high speed technology for running passenger trains at 250-300 kmph on dedicated tracks. A Task force was set up in RDSO to study all the aspects of introduction of high speed technology. In this connection, a feasibility study was conducted with the help of a Japanese Company (JICA) for Delhi-Kanpur section via Agra (448 kms) to run the trains at 250 kmph. Report was submitted in 1987. JICA recommended setting up a new corridor with terminal stations at Delhi, Agra and Kanpur with an anticipated cost of Rs.2200 crores at 1987 price indices. Two types of services as given under were suggested in the study report: Super express train at maximum speed to 250 kmph on new corridor of Delhi-Agra-Kanpur and Long distances express trains operating at 160 kmph to utilize dedicated track with facility of getting in and out of new corridor at Agra and Kanpur.

A detailed questionnaire requiring answers from manufacturers, maintenance teams and operators of high speed railway system was prepared by RDSO. Following three alternative corridors were considered for the high speed services: i. ii. iii. Mumbai-Vadodara-Ahmedabad (492 kms) New Delhi-Kanpur-Lucknow (507 kms) New Delhi-Agra (199 kms)

Detailed studies for anticipated traffic on these routes were also done and based on these detailed studies, Mumbai-Ahmedabad section

was found having the best potential. However, cost being very high (Rs.4.9 crores per km in 1987); if upgraded to the present day cost assuming 10% simple rate of inflation, it would come out to be Rs. 24.77 crore per km, Board closed the mission vide their letter No.98/ER/3400/21/1 dated 28.3.01 addressed to RDSO. 1.3 Indian Railway is now again considering going for high speed. The integrated Railway modernization plan Nov. 2004 for the period 2005-2010 envisages high speed trains running at 250-300 kmph. Ahmedabad-Mumbai corridor was specifically identified for the feasibility study. In this regard, RITES ltd has carried out a feasibility study and financial appraisal for Mumbai-Ahmedabad corridor. 1.4 Honble MR also envisaged development of high speed passenger corridor in his Budget speech in February 2007. Present CRB in his message to railway men after taking over has stated in the future strategy and plans for Indian Railways as Pre-feasibility studies for construction of high speed Dedicated Passenger Corridors (one each in Northern, Western, Southern & Eastern regions of the country) to run high-speed (300-350 Km/h) passenger trains. 1.5 Need for High Speed Rail Corridors:1. It is seen that high-speed rail corridors are competitive to air traffic up to a distance of 600 km. 2. It is a safer mode of transport in comparison to road and air transport. 3. It is environment friendly. 4. Comfort level is much higher. 5. It has been accepted as an intercity mode of transport in highly industrialized regions in Europe and Japan. Many other countries have also taken lead in this field. These are Taiwan, Korea and China. 6. Being the fastest growing economy after China and being projected as a financially very strong economy by 2020, India

can not afford to fall back in developing HIGH SPEED DEDICATED CORRIDOR. 7. Union cabinet has approved development of DELHIMUMBAI INDUSTRIAL CORRIDOR along Dedicated Freight Corridor in the next 7 to 8 years where in investment of about 100 billion $ is expected. 1.6 Technical Requirements of High Speed Rail Corridors:1. Superior and well compacted formation including a provision of sub ballast 2. Well designed ballasted track or ballast less bed 3. Alignment Parameters: Curves 4. High speed turnouts 5. Strong and resilient track components 6. Special design for Bridges and Tunnels including approaches. 7. Grade Separation Fencing 8. Environmental Protection 9. Dedicated Coaching Stock 10. Appropriate Signaling Technology 11. High Power Traction

In this project, design parameters for HSR corridor for IR scenario concerning civil/track engineering have been discussed. Costing and Financial appraisal of proposed HSR corridor between MumbaiAhmedabad as per RITES report have also been discussed. 2.0 The Track Formation

At high speeds, requirement of track quality during service is very high. The track right from the subsoil, formation protection layer, sub-ballast, ballast bed, sleepers and track components is to be considered as one system. The main task of these components is to transmit load and divert forces caused by the trains to the sub soil with least possible disturbance to the track geometry.

A schematic diagram showing the transfer of load and resultant stresses is shown as under

2.1 Formation can be divided in two distinct entities i.e. sub grade and sub ballast: Basic aim of formation design is to minimize formation settlement. 2.2 Sub grade settlement can result from various reasons such as a. b. c. d. e. f. Excessive plastic deformation. Consolidation and massive shear failure. Progressive shear failure. Excessive swelling and shrinking. Frost heaves and thaw softening. Sub grade attrition.

For the high-speed tracks, quality of sub grade plays very important role. Any weakness or deficiency in the sub grade may likely to disturb track geometry. Therefore, good quality of sub grade is of prime importance. There are four alternatives for the improvement of the subgrade:-

a) b) c) d)

Altering sub grade properties by grouting; lime slurry pressure injection or by electrical treatment. By compaction and admixture stabilization with cement, lime, bitumen and fly ash. By asphalt-concrete applications Slip stabilization, by improving drainage, b providing retaining structures and by giving suitable and stable slopes including benching


Laying of protective layer

After laying of sub grade, it is recommended that a layer of geosynthetics be laid as a protective layer between sub ballast and subgrade. The main functions and characteristics of geosynthetic are as under:Types of Primary Function Geosynthetic material Separati Reinforceme Filtratio Draina Containme on nt n ge nt Geotextiles Yes Yes Yes Yes No Geogrids No Yes No No No Geonets No No No Yes No Geomembera Yes No No No Yes nes Geocomposits Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Tentative specification of Geotextile are given below (formulation by RDSO by trials)Composition Mode of Manufacture Thickness Weight Tensile strength Elongation at Break Pore size Roll width Roll Length Polypropylene/Polyester Non woven, needle punched 3 mm and above 400 gm/sq. & above Min 60 kg 40-100% Max 120 micron Single roll width preferred As per sit requirement

Designed Properties of Geosynthetics: It must be tough enough to withstand rigorous placement during Installation process tensile strength, shear strength, resistance to ultraviolet light It must be strong and tough enough to withstand static & dynamic loads burst strength, puncture strength, abrasion resistance, elongation at failures It must be resistant to excessive clogging or blending permeability. IT must be resistant to rot. Insects and rodents and to chemicals & diesel fuel.


Sub Ballast:The functions of sub ballast can be summarized as underi) Reduce stress to sub grade. ii) Keep sub grade and ballast separate. iii) Prevent upward sub grade fines migration. iv) Prevent sub grade attrition by ballast.

v) vi)

Shed water from above. Drain water from below.

2.4.1 Placement of Sub ballast:After designing proper sub ballast material, the same would be spread and roller compacted in layers at suitable moisture content after compacting sub grade surface. Each layer of sub ballast material should not be more than 150 mm thick prior to compaction. The main factor in deciding the quality of formation is the bearing capacity of the track. Poor bearing capacity of formation is caused by 3.0 Design of Bed Ballast/ Ballast less track Slabs In general, the majority of the tracks of high-speed lines world over are laid in ballast up to a speed of 300 Kmph. 3.1 BALLAST Ballast plays an important role in the overall track structure. Following are the main functions of ballast: Transfer load from super structure to sub grade. Drainage. Stability. Flexibility & absorption of vibrations. Uniform support to superstructure.

Ballast bed should be so designed that the rate of settlement of substructure i.e. formation is minimal. Increase in axle load, traffic density & speed increase the rate of settlement of the track & to keep this within permissible limits, stresses in sub grade should be reduced suitably to ensure stability of the track parameters. There are two modes to achieve this1) Either by strengthening the track superstructure or 2) By strengthening the track sub structure. Studies world wide have shown that strengthening of track super structure does not help much in reducing sub grade stresses & therefore, its rate of settlement. 3.1.1 The maximum stress between the sleeper & the ballast bed under the wheel load P is expressed based on Zimmermanns theory & by applying a Dynamic Amplification factor due the speed of the Rolling stock as per Eisenmanns model.

Sb = [ DA * Pa/2 ( U/4EI ) ] /Asb = Fmax / Asb Where, p = Effective wheel load (T) a = Sleeper spacing (cm) U = Modulus of elasticity of rail support or track modulus (Kg/cm/cm) E = Modulus of elasticity of rail steel (Kg / sq.cm.) I = Moment of Inertia of rail section (cm4) Asb = Contact area between sleeper & ballast bed for half sleeper (sq.mm) DA = Dynamic augment factor. 3.1.2 Almost all leading world railway provide a layer of sub ballast along with ballast. However, there is wide variation in the practices followed in different countries. The depths of ballast & sub ballast, which are in use on the various railways, are as under:Sr No. Railway System 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Australia England France UIC Japan Swedish Railways USA Depth of Ballast (mm) 200-300 225-375 150-350 250-550 300 240 300 Sub ballast (mm) 150 Variable Variable Variable up to 450 200 90 300

3.1.3 Studies conducted at FAST ( Facility for accelerated surface trials, Pueblo USA ) have demonstrated that track geometry correction requirement both for alignment & profile variations were least for test sections having ballast depth of 300mm & these increased for test sections having ballast depth both lower ( 150mm ) & higher ( 450mm ) than 300mm.

3.1.4 Based on the above discussion, it can be concluded that for high speed corridor at a speed of 250 to 300 kmph, the following specification shall have to be considered apart from properties of ballast metal: Ballasted track on PSC sleepers can be adopted. Depth of ballast of the order of 300mm is adequate. Higher size of the ballast is preferred. Ballast material should be Granite / Basalt only. About 150mm thick Sub- ballast layer preferably of bituminous ballast is necessary. The shoulder ballast may be increased to 500-700mm. The various design parameters should not be decided on the basis of initial cost of laying but on the basis of principles of life cycle costing. BALLASTLESS TRACK / SLAB TRACK


Ballast less Track is also used in France in the underground sections where trains run through at a speed of 220 km/h Certain railway (DB AG, FS, SNCF, JR) have developed high-speed ballast less track. In particular, in Germany the decision has been taken recently to build sections of high speed lines (or lines with speeds above 200 km/h) by using ballast less track, except for the zones where the train sets must travel at speeds of less than 200 km/h, such as stations, etc.) At first sight the cost of building these tracks greatly exceeds the cost of building tracks on ballast, but experience shows that, especially in tunnels, the maintenance costs are less than the costs of ballasted track (of the order of 1/5th), due to the slower degradation of the geometrical parameters of these tracks. The German experience shows that the cost of building slab track is between 50% and 75% higher than that for ballasted track. 3.2.1 Advantages of ballast less track: Easy to maintain with low cost particularly where ballast less track is difficult to maintain such as in tunnels. Smaller construction depth. Drainage:- Where sub soil water level is high Increase service life

Improved track geometry Better lateral stability:- reduced risk of buckling No churning of ballast at high speed. 3.2.2 Disadvantages of ballast less track: High initial cost Transmission and propagation of vibrations and noise is more Rigid structure: very little adjustment after laying of track i.e. no improvement to track geometry is possible In case of accidents, damage is considerable 3.2.3 Factors covering design of ballast less track: Resiliency in three axis either by track assembly only or by combination of track and foundation structures It should be able to absorb track vibrations and noise Supporting layer should have a substantial bearing stiffness represented by the modulus of elasticity, E> 120 N/ mm2 On soils where some settlement is expected, reinforcement to be provided at the top and bottom of the slab the slab to take bending stresses and axial forces 3.2.4 Types of Ballast less tracks: - Slab tracks can be provided by Direct fixation Indirect fixation Floating slab technology Embedded rail system








Parameters for high-speed Route or Geometrical parameters of the line Parameters for high-speed Route or Geometrical parameters of the line


The main factors governing the standards required for the geometry of a high-speed railway is to ensure safety and comfort of passengers duly keeping unbalanced lateral and vertical acceleration with in limits. The various parameters, which affect passenger comfort and safety, are as under: (i) Centre to centre Distance or Spacing of tracks (ii) Longitudinal grade or Ruling gradient (iii) Radius of curvature along with max. cant, cant deficiency and cant (iv) Rate of change of cant and cant gradient. (v) Type of Transition curve 4.1 Distance or Spacing of tracks

Wide spacing between the lines is important for high-speed track because when two trains pass each other, the speed difference can be as much as 600 Km/h. If two trains are too close together, there is burst of air pressure when they first pass and then a drop of pressure between the carriages. Although this is not enough to push the trains off the track, repeated stress on the windows may cause fatigue, which result in breakage of window glasses. Wider spacing between tracks has

economic implications. Studies show that an increase of 30 cm in the width of the sub-grade would involve an increase in cost of the civil engineering works by 1%. Minimum distance between track centre adopted by some of the high-speed networks using standard gauge is given as under:Minimum distance between tracks Country France Germany Italy Spain Belgium Minimum distance between tracks (m) 250 Km/h 4.2 4.5 4.5 4.3 4.2 300 Km/h 4.2 4.5 5.0 4.3 4.5 350 Km/h 4.5 4.5 5.0 4.7 4.7

Indian Railways have recommended to adopt spacing of 5.30 m between tracks of broad gauge for new construction projects, which is sufficient for High speed routes up to 300 km/h 4.2 Ruling gradient

Generally steeper gradients can be allowed on high-speed lines in comparison to conventional lines as Very high momentum of HS trains makes it feasible to negotiate steeper gradients. French Railways The maximum gradient allowed on high-speed lines (TGV) is up to 350/00. 250/00 grade has also been used over this railway. However transition between two different gradients is always provided by a circular transition curve whose radius is more than 12,000 m. Japanese Railways The maximum gradient may attain 150/00 as long as the average over a distance of 12 km does not exceed 120/00. Between two successive gradients, a circular transition curve is always provided.

12.50/00 Longitudinal grade has been used over German railway and 3% over Spain Railway .Hence over IR for HS Routes, Longitudinal grade of 150/00 to 200/00 can be adopted depending upon topography. 4.3 Curves

Gentle curves are generally adopted on high-speed track. Gentle curves become necessary in view of restriction on maximum values of cant deficiency and cant excess along with maximum speed of operation. The minimum radius of curvature for the high-speed lines on developed HSR networks generally varies from 4000 m to 7000 m for standard gauge. Track also needs machine maintenance with in tight limits Geometric parameters of the track for various HSR on world railway are as under. Geometric parameters of the track for various HSR on world railway Design SPEED Max. Axle 17 17 17 16 17 18 load(t) Min R of 4000 6250 3350 5120 4000 6500 curvature(m) Max. 180 180 170 170 150 150 Cant(mm) Cant 85 85 130 112 100 65 Deficiency(mm) Max. Cant. 35 35 40 40 12.5 25 Gradient Min Vertical 16000 21000 14000 20000 24000 25000 Radius(m) Transition 300 350 408 476 360 460 curve length(m)
COUNTRY FRANCE 300 350 GERMANY 300 350 SPAIN 300 350 BELGIUM 300 17 4800 150 100 15-21 20000 420

Values of various geometric parameters of curves which affect speed as adopted on SNCF are as under.


Geometric parameters of curves Parameter Radius (m) Recommended Normal Exceptional Max. Cant (mm) Normal Exceptional Cant deficiency (mm) Normal Exceptional Cant excess (mm) Normal Exceptional Variation of Cant deficiency(mm/s) Normal Exceptional Speed (km/h) 300 4545 4000 4000 180 180 85 100 110 110 30 50

270 3846 3226 3125 180 180 100 130 100 100 30 50

350 7143 6250 5556 180 180 65 85 --30 50

Recommended and minimum horizontal curve radius as a function of speed as per Swedish Standard is presented as under. Rec. and minimum horizontal curve radius on Swedish Rail Speed ( km/h) Radius of H. 200 curves Recommended(m) 3200 Minimum (m) 1888 250 5000 2959 280 6300 3700 300 7200 4248 330 8700 5140 350 9800 5782

In reality, it is often difficult to meet these recommendations. On several newly built lines compromises have been made due to economic and other reasons such as locations near important bridges, stations etc. Such locations may require suitable speed restrictions.


As the speed increases, the parameters governing the curve design get changed slightly. Simple way to permit a higher speed is to increase Ca & Cd. The centrifugal forces on an object going round a curve are the functions of square of velocity. Equilibrium Cant (Ca + Cd) is provided as per the relation below to balance outward lateral Centrifugal forces: Equilibrium Cant. = GV2/gR =13.76 V2/R Where G = dynamic gauge: V= equilibrium speed; R = Radius of curve g = acceleration due to gravity This implies that to double the speed, cant has to be increased to 4 times. We cant increase the cant as the same acts as cant excess when the trains are forced to STOP or slow down due to any reason and will result in discomfort to passengers. Hence we have to provide flat curves for HSR. Requirement of Equilibrium Cant for HSR for various values of Radius of curvature are as under. Equilibrium Cant in mm. V in 200 R KMPH 220 2500 M. 183 3000 M. 157 3500 M. 104 5250 M. 250 344 287 246 164 275 416 347 297 196 300 495 413 354 236 325 581 484 415 277 350 674 562 482 321

Limiting Values of Cant. to be provided are based on safety criteria along with reasonable level of Passenger comfort for specified Rolling stock. On IR we are permitting Max Cant of 165 mm on High speed routes. This can be increased to 180 mm for improved vehicles of HSR 4.3.1 CANT DEFICIENCY: Permitting more cant deficiency is advantageous to get higher speeds. But it has the following safety implications: Strained fittings on outer rail Trains overturning about outer rail Excess wear on outer rail Conventionally, comfort criteria govern the decision of cant deficiency. From various trials over world railways, it is found that passengers do not feel much discomfort up to an ULA of 0.96 m/s2. 1 m/s2 is the absolute limit at international level. The huge cant deficiency causes heavy lateral forces on the track & there are more tendencies for gauge widening & buckling. Therefore, the track needs to have more lateral strength. This lateral strength inversely varies with the axle loads as defined by


Prudhomme formula. Track structure should be specially designed to resist this heavy lateral force. Based on the above, Cd works out to about 150 mm for standard gauge (170mm for BG). However over IR and Various world Railways, we permit Cd up to 100mm only. Considering the limiting values of 165 mm and 180 mm for Ca & 100mm for Cd, the radii required for various speeds are: Speed in KMPH 200 250 275 300 325 350 Radius in metres for Ca + Cd=265 2077 3245 3927 4672 5484 6360 Radius in metres for Ca + Cd=280 1965 3071 3716 4423 5191 6020

4.3.2 Tilting Trains and effect on safety: To overcome the limitation of speed on account of tight curves on mixed traffic routes, where it is not possible to cant the track, Vehicles with tilting suspension system having tilting mechanisms can be used. Trains that tilt can go up to 25% to 40% faster around curves than conventional trains without upsetting the passengers and this can significantly increase the speed on existing lines. Depending on the curvature & other parameters, the train tilts on the curve & gives additional super elevation to the passengers & thus they experience less cant deficiency & feel comfortable. With tilting trains, Cd of up to 275mm is permitted on standard gauge. Considering 275mm Cd & 180mm Ca. for IR, Radius will workout to be less than the radius requirements with conventional trains. Tilting technology is used normally for speed exceeding 350 Kmph .Hence it is not recommended for use for HSR on IR.


4.4 Transitions: In high speed curves, due to heavy cant deficiencies, rate of change of unbalanced lateral acceleration also play important role. Transition curves should be arranged with linear change of curvature and super elevation ramps should be arranged with linear change of cant. And both should coincide in shape and position. Limits of various parameters governing the transition length are: Ride comfort aspects vide Rate of change of cant and cant gradient. The change of Unbalanced Lateral acceleration is called JERK. The allowed rate of change of cant deficiency and cant are 35 mm/sec (desirable) to 55 mm/sec (Maximum) with a cant gradient of 1 in 720. These values are close to values adopted over SNCF railway as above. Cant gradient of 1 in 720 has to be provided. Cubic clothoid parabolic curve may be used. 4.5 Vertical curves

The practice on some of the high-speed railway networks is as follows French Railways The desirable value of radius of vertical curve has been prescribed as 10,000 m. German Railways Desirable radius of vertical curve in meter is calculated as 0.4V2, where V is maximum speed in km/h. (16000 m for a speed of 200 Kmph). The minimum value of radius of vertical curve is prescribed as 20V+ 550.


Japanese Railways Vertical curve of radius 10,000 m for straight and horizontal curve up to 3,500 m radius and 15,000 m for horizontal curves steeper than 3500 m has been specified as desirable. 5.0 TURNOUT FOR HIGH SPEED

When the speed on straight track is above 250 Kmph, High speed turnouts with speed on curved track from 80 to 100 Kmph are warranted. Factors affecting design of turnout are (i) Kink in the turnout route at the toe of switch rail (ii) Entry from straight to curve without transition (iii) Lead curve without super-elevation (iv) Entry from curve to straight without transition (v) Gap at the V of crossing As the wheel negotiates the toe of switch, there is abrupt change in direction resulting in lateral jerk on bogie and corresponding heavy lateral force on tongue rail. The magnitude of force primarily depends on switch entry angle. By reducing the switch angle, entry gets smoothened and flange force gets reduced. The small switch angle is obtained by providing curved/tangential switches. In tangential type, very small switch angle is possible. Tangential types of switches are used over foreign railways for HSR. As per D72 ORE report and trials over SNCF railway, higher speed can be permitted over T/out by reducing SEA. Absence of super elevation over Turnout causes unbalanced lateral acceleration and affects safety and comfort. In high speed turnouts, Switch Entry Angles are small and the permissible cant deficiency on the TO curves becomes main criteria for evaluating the permissible speed. Up-gradation in turnout technology in the railway system has been guided by the following considerations Higher speeds on straight and curved tracks with reasonable level of passenger comfort. Designs have been evolved for a speed of over 220 Kmph on turn out track. Least life cycle cost with minimum traffic interruption for repairing. Track geometry maintainability comparable with the normal track Safety and comfort Planned maintenance without emergencies


The result of the trial made on the SNCF Railway have given very favorable results by adopting (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) Adoption of tangential layouts for higher speeds and Thick web switches. Flatter Switch entry angle by tangential layouts thereby reducing the angle of attack and reduced lateral forces resulting in increased passenger comfort. Use of spring operated switch setting device to ensure proper flange way clearance. Use of movable nose crossings housed in a specially designed cradle, thereby avoiding gap at crossing. Introduction of transition curves thereby improving the running characteristics of the curved tracks. Use of asymmetrical profile section ZU- 1in 60 forged to standard rail profile (UIC 60) at the end. Continuation of canting of rails through turnout resulting in smoother ride over turnouts. Use of higher UTS steel, further hardened to reduced wear. Effective holding of stock rail. Use of non greasing eco friendly base plates. Use of specially designed synthetic rail pads for reduced vibration of switch assembly. Use of flatter angle of crossing i.e. 1 in 32 or 1in 24 : 1 in 16 and 1 in 20 P&C (curved switches) with SEA of 0 24 27 and 1 IN 16 with SEA of 0 17 11 to permit high speed.. Sophisticated pulling techniques including introduction of hydraulic systems. Surface hardening of load bearing areas.

By above modifications, the forces, accelerations and rolling movements, were less than the normally allowed limits. Further the actual sensation felt by the passenger was very good. Based on the above data turnout for HSR 250 Kmph can be designed. 6.0 Track structure used on High speed routes

The leading railways operating at High speed use conventional track consisting rails fastened on PSC sleepers with elastic fastenings which are supported on ballast. 90% of the HS track in the world is on conventional ballasted structure. French TGV marked a record of 525 KMPH on conventional ballasted track, and conventional track is strong enough to bear the stresses of speed up to 300 KMPH It is not the heavy

structure which is required for HSR, but it is the High standard maintenance which is warranted for HSR. Track structures used over world railway are as under. Component Gauge Rails Rail cant Sleeper Sleeper density Fastenings SNCF 1435 mm UIC 54 and 60 Kg. 1:40 Concrete/wooden 1666 German Railway 1435 mm UIC 60 Kg. Japanese Railway 1435 mm UIC 60 Kg.

1:40 1:40 PSC/Polyurethane PSC/Polyurethane foam /glass fibre foam /glass fibre 1724 1724

TGV Nabla /ICE Leaf spring / wire Leaf springs/ ICE Vossloh spring Vossloh

For high speed routes, 60 kg rails are adopted by the railways world over. Standard length of 25 m in Japan, 54 m / 62 m in Germany and 108 m in France has been utilized. CWR is used to improve the ride quality and to reduce noise and vibrations. Prestressed concrete sleepers have been a better choice as they have long life of 50 to 60 years. Sleeper density of 1660 is being used over Indian Railway and is adequate for high speed route as this is the maximum density to carry out machine maintenance. Double elastic rail fastenings are necessary for the concrete sleeper track. Rubber pads are used as cushioning material between the rail and sleepers fastened by leaf spring/ wire spring/ TGV Nabla/ ICE Vossloh fittings for distribution of vertical load and for dampening the vibrations. SNCF uses two types of rubber pads. Normal rubber pads of 9 mm thickness with a resistance of 90 KN/mm and soft type rubber pads of same thickness with low resistance of 56 KN/mm. Soft type rubber pads are mainly used for noise mitigation. 7.0 Tunnel and Bridges

The cost of construction of tunnels and bridges are much higher as compared to cutting and embankment construction. There has been tendency to avoid tunnels and bridges to reduce the cost of construction. But sometimes it is not practicable to avoid tunnels and bridges due to curvature and gradient constraints especially for high speeds alignments where site conditions are not feasible. In high speed routes, sharp curves

are not desirable and therefore, change in alignments will be further restricted. In such cases it is inescapable to have tunnel and bridge in the alignment. Some times, for high speed routes, artificial tunnels are required in thickly populated areas to avoid noise pollution in surroundings. Geometry of Tunnels and Bridges will be guided under the influence of various features discussed here:7.1 Tunnels

Tunnel cross sections on high speed lines will be guided by the aerodynamic phenomena in the tunnel during passing of trains with other structural and dimensional features. Air compression waves generate while passing the trains through the tunnel at very high speed and therefore the aerodynamic air drag is considerably higher than in the open air. Tunnel air friction will also play a considerable role in pressure variation along the length of tunnel. When train enters into the tunnel with very high speed, a compression wave is formed at the entrance of the tunnel. This compression wave propagates inside the tunnel and when it reaches at the exit, a portion of it radiates outside as a pulsed compression wave. The pressure gradient of the compression wave at the tunnel entrance is related with cubic of the train speed. This causes the generation of micro pressure waves which is proportional to pressure gradient These micro pressure waves cause explosive sound during the entry and exit of train in tunnel with heavy vibrations in train doors. To reduce this effect, tunnel hoods are specially designed with pressure release shafts. The diameter of the hood is kept 1.4 to 1.5 times of the diameter of tunnel. This is also advisable to provide separate tunnels for separate lines to avoid the combined effect of micro pressure waves due to simultaneous passing of trains. At high speeds, airwaves are generated inside the tunnels, which can be detrimental to the health of passengers. To mitigate all these issues, following features become essential requirement during the design of tunnels: Increased cross-sectional area of the tunnel to reduce the sharpness of aerodynamic forces. Excess aerodynamic forces


and generation of air compression waves have adverse effect on safety of trains besides requiring extra tractive efforts. Avoiding double line tunnels. During simultaneous passing of trains on double lines in tunnel, aerodynamic air drag will be considerably higher. Operating only air sealed coaches to prevent interface of airwaves of tunnel with the coach inside. Compressed airwaves generated during passing of trains through tunnels are detrimental to passenger health. Provision of pressure release shafts along the tunnels and specially designed tunnel hoods as required. Special shape of the tunnel entrance is designed to smoothen the application of aerodynamic forces during entry of train into the tunnel. Trains bow is also designed streamline to reduce the aerodynamic drag. A combination of above things is adopted depending upon the requirements. Existing clearances are to be checked for new high speed tracks. 7.2 Bridges: -

Bridges as well as bridge approaches are the vulnerable points, where a thorough analysis for structural adequacy is required in view of running of high speed trains from safety and comfort criteria. For high-speed trains, special locomotives may be required for high tractive efforts. The tractive efforts of these locomotives are higher than the existing loading system. Presently most of the bridges on Indian railways are designed as per BGML/RBG/ MBG Loading Standards. They are to be checked for new loadings. As high speed trains are passenger trains, axle load will not be a much problem. But bridges are to be checked for extra tractive and braking forces. New loading combination may cause over stressing in the substructure & foundations of many bridges. 40 % of bridges are over 100 years old. These bridges will need close and sustained inspection. Many of these will need rebuilding / re-girdering /strengthening to carry high speed traffic. The major issue before engineers is to strengthen the existing bridge network with minimum disruption to traffic and cost effectiveness.

Each bridge will need to be tackled individually on case by case basis. This area is still a challenge. It is advisable to provide protection for bridge columns adjacent to high-speed lines due to safeguard against the likely destruction during derailments. On bridge approaches, there is a sudden change of track modulus. Vertical stiffness at bridge deck and approaches embankment is different. It causes sudden impact on approaches while passing the trains and leads to frequent settlement of the approach bank. This causes passenger discomfort as well as track deterioration. This impact may further accelerate at high speed. This makes it essential do design the bridge approach to smoothen the entry and exit of train on bridge. Therefore, proper design of approach bank is necessary. Possible solutions envisaged for this include provision of an approach slab and providing tapering stone fill to simulate gradual change in approach stiffness. Existing ROB/RUBs are to be rehabilitated/reconstructed for increased clearances. Schedule of dimension is to be modified for high speed corridors. 7.3 Level crossing / grade separation

Normally level crossing is not suitable for high speed train operation and therefore, for road transport, either road over bridges or road under bridges needs to be planned. However, in unavoidable circumstances, level crossings may be required. Then it must be interlocked with the signals. Sophisticated arrangement of interlocking the signals of train with that of road transport with help of video camera is used on JNR. Similar type of arrangements may be made here also. 7.4 Fencing

On high-speed lines, trespassing is very risky and thus not at all permitted. Therefore, the entire high-speed track is to be provided with fencing. It is noticed from the experience of high speed corridors, world around that at very high speeds, track ballast stones sometimes fly off and hits the surroundings. To avoid such incidences, track fencing is required to be provided.



Environmental Issues

One aspect which has not engaged our attention up till now is that of noise level generated by high speed trains. With increase in public awareness on environmental issues the issue of noise pollution is to be dealt seriously. The aspect of the environment, mostly affected by the increase in speed is the subject of noise. In fact, the nature and source of the noise changes with the speed. At a speed of 120 kmph, noise of train is predominant. But at a speed of 160 kmph, noise of track will also play a role and further at a speed of 250/300 kmph, the noise of pantograph and aerodynamic noise will also come into picture. For high speed trains, Pantograph noise will be a big issue from noise pollution aspect. Pantograph noise has three compositionsAerodynamic noise from pantograph itself Spark noise caused by contact loss Sliding noise generated between the contact strips and the overhead contact lines To overcome the problem of Pantograph noise, ShinkansenJapanese Railways has developed a new type of pantographs like PS207, PS9037, PS9038, single arm type pantograph and <-shape pantographs. These pantographs have been provided with multi segment contact body structure with enhanced insulation system. Central part of contact strips are set on a leaf spring made of titanium and it is moveable. Contact strips are set on glass fibre reinforced silicon rubber to provide dampening like effect to sound generation. Noise problem will increase with the increase of speed. Therefore, efforts are to be made to reduce the noise pollution. Following measures may be adopted for this: Layout away from inhabited areas Noise protection walls Noise protection embankments Covered sections


Artificial tunnels for noise protection. High and modified maintenance practices Modification in rolling stock Modified Pantographs Some road traffic has to be suppressed and some traffic have to be put on rail
9.0 9.1 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Any Transport System to Have


9.2 It is seen that high-speed rail system is a safer mode of transport in comparison to Air and Road transport. Being better in track geometry and well designed parameters, availability of tracks for operation would be more i.e. the requirement of traffic blocks and Engineering restrictions would be less. This mode of transport is much comfortable and environment friendly. 9.3 Financial Viability of High speed rail corridor in India

RITES REPORT on High Speed Corridor between Mumbai and Ahmedabad 9.3.1 Traffic Projections:-

The traffic survey for various modes of transport such that Air, Road and rail was carried out by RITES during Sept. to Nov.04. They had projected 5% Annual growth of traffic. Seems to be quite low. There were 20 flights between Mumbai and Ahmedabad (10 each side) , now there are 28 flights (14 each side). With the announcement of development of Mumbai Delhi Industrial corridor along the dedicated freight corridor, annual traffic growth may be of the order of 15 to 20%. 9.3.2 Capital Cost:28

The capital cost for construction of the high-speed rail link from Mumbai-Ahmedabad (492 km) including initial year rolling stock procurement works out to Rs 20351.75 crores. The same has been worked out in detail on account of civil works, S&T and Electrical in the relevant chapters. A summary of the project cost estimates in given in as under:S.N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Items of Cost DPR & Tender Documents Land Civil S&T Electrical Taxes Contingencies Initial years Rolling Stock Procurement Total (Rs. cr) Cost 218.30 7532.38 6485.50 2722.89 1990.34 109.15 592.72 700.47 20351.75

It can be seen from above that the land cost comes to about Rs.7500 crores which comes to about 35% of over all project cost. As in other Railway systems, cost of land is borne by the Government. In Taiwan also where 345 Km high-speed corridors has been recently commissioned on BOT concept, land has been provided by the Government. 9.3.3 Revenue Earnings:The Traffic projections along with the passenger kms and revenues @ of Rs.3 per km are given below bringing out the year- wise generation of revenues to Railways. Table 8.10 Revenues from High Speed Passengers Year 2011-12 2021-22 2030-31 Annual Pass. Kms (' 000) 1554559 2532213 3928294 Revenue (Rs Crores) 466.36 759.62 1178.41


In the above projection for revenue earnings a fare of Rs.3 per Km has been taken. However, average fare for various Air lines between Mumbai & Ahmedabad is Rs.3000/- (including taxes) which come to Rs.6 per Km. This may go up to Rs.8 per Km by the year 2011 2012 and therefore the projection for revenue earnings can be taken assuming fare as Rs.6 per Km as high speed rail corridor will be preferred over Air lines if the fare of both modes of transport is same, it is seen that for the intercity transport in European countries Air Travel is cheaper than the travel by high speed trains. 9.3.4 Financial Internal Rate of Return:RITES have done the calculation for FIIR where under the columns A & B, FIRR is calculated assuming fare @ Rs.3 per PKM, and under the columns C & D, FIRR is calculated assuming fare @ Rs.5 per PKM. In the columns A & C (Option I) revenue earning by running only high speed trains on the new corridors have been taken in to account, however in the columns B & D (Option II) revenue earnings by diverting some passenger trains to the new high speed corridors and the earning from the Goods traffic from the additional capacity thus created has also been taken into account. Change in FIRR (%) Fare @ Rs 3 Per PKM Option I Option II A B Increase in Passenger Traffic No increase in 1.9 3.2 traffic 10% increase 2.3 3.6 20% increase 2.6 3.8 30% increase 3.0 4.2 40% increase 3.3 4.4 50% increase 3.6 4.7 Without land cost 3.1 5.0 9.3.5 Conclusion as per RITES report:As the returns are low and the market rate of interest for long term loans may vary from 9% to 10% p.a., the project is not found viable for implementation. However, if budgetary support from Government of Fare @ Rs 5 Per PKM Option I Option II C D 4.3 4.9 5.3 5.9 6.2 6.7 6.7 5.4 5.9 6.3 6.8 7.2 7.6 8.2


India and grants from respective State governments in incurring majority of expenditure on infrastructure cost is provided, the project could be implemented. Such projects do need government subsidy in initial stage. 9.3.6 Short comings in the RITES report:1) Traffic survey and future traffic projections have not been carried out by an expert agency in this field. Growth due to development of industrial corridor has not been taken in to account. 2) Environmental impact has not been assessed. As high speed corridor is much more environment friendly in comparison Air and road traffic, financial assessment of environmental impact in terms of CARBON CREDIT EARNING may have to be assessed 9.4 The high speed project is a very high techno economic project requiring huge financial resources. Therefore, Indian Railway has to go for a balanced approach. However, going for high speed is a demand of the time specially when India is going through an era of high economic growth. Hence, Indian Railway cannot lag much behind the other advanced world railways. Such a project would also give excellent exposure to Railway engineers of higher technology. It would also benefit in upgrading the maintenance standards of the existing conventional track. Therefore, it would require a very close interaction amongst civil engineers in particular and with other departments of the railways and the rail users in general. 9.5 Major challenges for civil engineers would be in laying, maintaining and monitoring the high speed track. Construction of embankment would require special attention. Planning and designing the high-speed corridor would require very detailed and in-depth study. However, it is hoped that with desired will, determination and cooperation of all concerned, Railway engineers would rise to the occasion to deliver the required results. 9.6 Recommendations:-

I) It is recommended that a time bound strategy be evolved for carrying out detailed field survey along with traffic projections by calling global consultancy tenders and construction of various high speed corridors be taken as mission areas in order of priority decided after detailed study. The construction of these corridors may be done on the lines of Taiwan high speed rail corridor i.e. land be made available to the

private operators free of cost by the Government and the private operator may be allowed to build operate and transfer the assets to the Government after pre decided period of concession. II) Detailed design parameters to be finalized for each corridor separately looking into the local side conditions including availability of construction material to get the most economic solution. 10.0 Bibliography /References:1. Extracts from study draft feasibility report of RITES Ltd on introduction of High Speed Railway services between Ahmedabad and Mumbai. 2. High Speed Railway Construction Projects by Guy Van Hecke and et al IMIA Conference, 2003. 3. High Speed in Japan ( 2nd edition) by Peter Semmens. 4. Technical Review:JR East, September, 2006. 5. Track compendium By Bernhard Lichtberger, Eurail Press 2005. 6. Track Geo technology And Substructure Management by Ernest T-Selig and John M Waters, 1994. 7. Design of new lines for speeds of 300 350 km/h State of the Art, October 2001, High Speed Department, International Union of Railways 8. Experience with the introduction and operation of high and very high speed lines, Proceedings of the ORE Colloquium, Office of the Research and Experiments of the International Union of Railways 9.Engineering studies in support of the Development of HighSpeed Track Geometry Specification, by Magdy El-Sibaie etl, IEEE/ASME Joint Railroad Conference, March 18-20, 1997, Boston, Massachusetts. 10.Track geometry for high speed railways, by Martin Lindahl, Railway Technology, Department of Vehicle Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.



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