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MUHAS FORMAT FOR PROGRESS REPORT WRITING Introduction: The vision of the Directorate of Research and Publications is to be a leading

center for coordinating quality health and related research that responds to National, Regional and Global challenges. For efficient tracking of progress this document aims to have uniformity and harmonization of research reports for MUHAS funded projects which are in the implementation phase to keep track of research performance. Externally funded project reports may be submitted in templates in accordance with sponsors template s and due dates. Progress Reports should be submitted six monthly after approval by the DRP. These reports should provide a narrative of progress made at each stage of the research. The submitted report will be used to assess performance and achievement of milestones and scientific objectives when considering extension requests, reviewing final reports and evaluating future proposals.

Notes: What to Include: The format on the following pages should be used. Reports that do not follow this format will be returned for revision. Length of a Report: Reports should be 2-5 pages in length (excluding attachments) depending on the scope of the project and progress made during the reporting period. Where to Send: Report should be e-mailed to , with the subject; Project Progress Report Inquiries: In case of questions about report content or scheduling; contact


Project Number: Title: Date of award and expected date of completion Amount of funding Report number and period Report submission date Name of the PI *Although there may be only one PI of the report, all PIs and co-PIs of the project, as identified in the approved proposal, are responsible for the content of the Progress report in terms of completeness and accuracy. Principal Investigator(s), Co-Principal Investigators: Include name(s) and email and other contact information (e.g., June 1, 2007 October 31, 2010)

(total amount of funding across the life of the project) (eg. First report, July 1 to December 31, 2000)

(State the actual date you submit the report not the due date)

2. PROJECT OVERVIEW a. Briefly describe both the research purpose and the underlying need for this research: Include sufficient detail for readers to get acquainted with the project without having to refer to the proposal. This Project Overview section should remain the same throughout the project. The objectives and timelines reported in this section should match the approved work plan of the proposal. If there are discrepancies between the objectives or timeline presented in the approved work plan of the proposal and those listed in this progress report, an explanation and justification for those discrepancies are required. As stated in the letter of approval any amendment to the Scope of Work or project objectives requires prior approval by the DRP.

b. List the objective(s) of the research project, exactly as described in the approved Work: List objectives, rather than include them within a paragraph. c. Provide a timeline and milestones for the entire project. . 3. PROGRESS SUMMARY a. Describe report period progress: Provide a narrative of activities and accomplishments during this reporting period only, being as clear and concise as possible. Organize this section by the objectives listed above, using separate paragraphs for each objective. Include samples collected, data analysis completed, any significant equipment purchased, etc. If no progress was achieved on a particular objective during this reporting period, state why and, if applicable, describe how the objective is planned to be address in the future.

b. Describe preliminary results: Describe any preliminary results for this project, including tables and figures where appropriate. If no preliminary results are available, state why (e.g., The first period of data collection has only recently been completed and data analysis has not yet begun.).

c. Describe any concerns that may exist about the projects progress: Indicate if any problems have arisen and hindered, or may hinder, progress towards accomplishing the objectives. Summarize the problem, elaborating how it is being addressed, and describe the impact of the problem on the scientific integrity and timeline of the project. If no problems were encountered during this reporting period, provide a clear statement to that effect. Accurate descriptions of project concerns, or lack thereof, will be taken into account when considering project extension requests. d. Publications, Poster and oral presentations at scientific conferences or seminars: List any significant scientific publications and presentations related to this project.

e. Education and outreach: Provide a brief description of any education and/or outreach activities related to this project. DRP does not consider scientific posters or oral scientific presentations at scientific conferences as education and outreach activities. If there are any digital photos or other electronic media (e.g., video) of the research activities, note it in the report and then submit files separately to

4. PROGRESS STATUS Given the progress made during the current reporting period described above in the Progress Summary, provide a brief assessment of how the overall project is progressing in terms of accomplishing the objectives and adhering to overall timeline. Also describe what is expected to be done during the next six months to move the project towards successful completion.

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