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Chapter One: Introduction

We, the unwilling, led by the unknowing,

are doing the impossible for the ungrateful.

We have done so much, for so long, with so little,

we are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

-Mother Theresa

1. General Introduction
Life is too short. Yes it is, but how come, though all of us know this saying, still we continually do some things which will shorten our life. Other people do many ways to have a long life. In every birthday, we always tell to the birthday celebrant that may God give him more birthdays to come, in praying, we always ask God to give us strength and give us a healthy body. May he takes us away from harm and give us, our daily bread. Lots of prayers, wishes, hope that God will give us a long life, though life is too short. We are very eager about this, until the time that experts found many ways, scientific procedures in extending ones life. Lots of treatment, operations, researches, etc. that a person undergoes to help him/her regain his/her healthy body. Some of these procedures are quite expensive, some is seriously expensive, and some are just enough. Even though these procedures talk about money, people will take a risk, they will spend huge amount, the operation wont give 100% assurance, but the most important part is that, the person must survive and live. But the question is: Are they moral? Is it safe? Will it save life? Or is there a need to sacrifice one life for the sake of another life?

Most of the time, we dont care about the means but we care more about the finish product.No end believed to be good, such as the use of stem cells for the preparation of other differentiated cells to be used in what look to be promising therapeutic procedures, can justify an intervention of this kind. A good end does not make right an action which in itself is wrong( Catechism on Call the Catholic Stem Cell Position.). Before doing so, we must ask ourselves What sort of person should I become because I believe in Christ?[1] and What sort of action should I perform because I believe in Christ?[2]. If we are Christians, then, just like one of my teachers said, we must think like Jesus, love like Jesus and act like Jesus. We must pray first, then listen to God, We must obey God rather than men ( cf
Acts 5:29).

A.1. Statement of the Problem How moral the stem cell research is? Is there a conflict between the Science and Churchs teaching about protecting life?[3] Traditional moral theology has used the three-font principle for determining the morality of human action. It is based on an understanding of the relationship of the three aspects of moral action-intention, the act-in-life, and the circumstances. [4] In the given definition of Fr. Richard Gula, an intention (finis operantis) is the internal part, it is the end of what we do, it is the reason why we are doing such action. The act-in-life (finis operis) is the means to an end. It is the actions that we do in order for us to attain the end. The circumstances, which will include the consequences of an act that was acted. From these given definitions, I may, therefore say that in the Stem Cell Research, the intention is uprightly good, but the act-in-life is inhumane, that is why, it faces many consequences. An evil action cannot be justified by reference to a good intention (cf. St. Thomas Aquinas, Dec. praec. 6) The end does not justify the means. [5] Because of these reasons, I am motivated to study this kind of research, I believe, through the help of this research, the people will be enlighten and will stand on their own as they fight to promote life. A.2. Type of Problem and Delimitation

The subject matter of this study will fall under the scope of Morality, specifically in Bioethics and Family and Life. Since the study itself will focus more in the point of view of the Church in their stand regarding this issue, because it says that, On the basis of a complete biological analysis, the living human embryo is from the moment of the union of the gametes a human subject with a well defined identity, which from that point begins its own coordinated, continuous and gradual development, such that at no later stage can it be considered as a simple mass of cells.[6] Through this study, it is hope that it will somehow enlighten the misconception/ question of the brethren regarding the procedure and morality of this research. This study will limit and will discuss on: 1) The Research itself-Stem Cell Research; 2) The advantages and disadvantages of such; 3) The Churchs stand, particularly the Pontifical Council for the Family which was instituted by Pope John Paul II[7]; 4) The Morality of This research particularly in the family using the Church Documents Familiaris Consortio [8] . A.3. Methodology The method that will be used in this study is Exploratory Method. Since the study is more on the research itself. The author is aiming to discover more regarding this research. By using references, it is hopeful that the author can give much better understanding regarding this matter. This kind of method will be used since many people have confusion in this procedure. At the end of such study, it is hope that it will answer most of the questions. A.4. Significance of the Study This study is important, since in our time today, many things happen in us especially now, which most of the time, technology have a very big contribution on it. This study will help the people realize how important life is. Ill just repeat, the end does not justify the means. It has a good effect, that is correct, but the question is, is it morally upright? Though not all stem cell research is immoral, still, in this study, it will also discuss each stem cell. In this study, the author will also try to explain the

Premoral/ ontic evil[9], since the study focuses more on the procedure/ action. This study will give the readers to answer to some of their questions, especially in terms of doing such action. Also, the author wishes and will hope to give the relationship between Science and Religion in this research. The study will try to differentiate the Science from Religion and the contribution of each, since we all know that one cant stand without the other. It is not sufficient to just know the research, but it is also important to know the reason behind this research, the history. With these reasons, the author chose to study this research since it is one of the issues in our time today. Even the author herself felt the need to know this more deeply and consciously. B. Definition of Terms: B.1. Morality Morality is a descriptively to refer to some codes of conduct put forward by a society or, some other group, such as a religion, or accepted by an individual for her own behavior or; normatively to refer to a code of conduct that, given specified conditions, would be put forward by all rational persons.[10] Morality is antecedent to ethics: it denotes those concrete activities of which ethics is the science. It may be defined as human conduct in so far as it is freely subordinated to the ideal of what is right and fitting. [11] For the religious believer, it is not authorized merely by social conventions, or merely by the desire for self-fulfillment, or merely by the requirements of general rules of conduct which reason demands.[12] We cannot separate Morality to our Christian identity; all of our actions are based on Jesus teachings. If we do things based on the Decalogue and on the Gospels, then, therefore, our actions are said to be moral. That

is why, we must pray first before doing something, because with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we believe that all of the things that we will do is morally and genuinely correct. B.2. Stem Cell Stem cells are a special type of cell that can easily divide to create new cells; pluripotent stem cells, which are the subject of most research, can create new cells of various types. Over the last several years, scientists have been optimistic about the possibility of using stem cells to treat a wide range of diseases and other health problems, because stem cells could potentially regenerate damaged tissues and organs. [13] B.3. Faith The Letter to the Hebrews, in its great eulogy of the faith of Israel's ancestors, lays special emphasis on Abraham's faith: "By faith, Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place which he was to receive as an inheritance; and he went out, not knowing where he was to go."By faith, he lived as a stranger and pilgrim in the promised land. By faith, Sarah was given to conceive the son of the promise. And by faith Abraham offered his only son in sacrifice. [14]Faith is first of all a personal adherence of man to God. At the same time, and inseparably, it is a free assent to the whole truth that God has revealed. As personal adherence to God and assent to his truth, Christian faith differs from our faith in any human person. It is right and just to entrust oneself wholly to God and to believe absolutely what he says. It would be futile and false to place such faith in a creature.[15] Faith is our positive response to Gods call. Without faith, everything will be impossible, but with faith, everything is possible. C. Survey of Related Literature Most of the writings regarding Morality, the author used particular book of Richard M. Gula, S.S. which is Reason Informed by Faith [16] since it is sufficient and helpful in

doing such. Together with this main reference in dealing and discovering this issue/ research, the author looked and got also some information and doctrines in Catechism of the Catholic Church because this is one of our primary resources in studying and understanding our faith. Since there is a big possibility that the readers are Filipinos, the author used Catechism for Filipino Catholic too, it is one of our references also in understanding our faith, in our country especially. For some additions, there are some websites, which talk about stem cell research of course and the procedures of such research such as Adistem, Stem Cell Stocks [17]. Books regarding diseases, illnesses were included and were read since disease is the main reason why stem cell research occurred.

[1] From the book Reason Informed By Faith, Foundation of Catholic Morality by Richard M. Gula, S.S. (Paulist Press New York, 1989), p. 9 [2] From the book Reason Informed By Faith, Foundation of Catholic Morality by Richard M. Gula, S.S. (Paulist Press New York, 1989), p. 10 [3] From the article The Catholic Churchs Teaching on Stem Cell Research by Scott P. Richert,, Catholicism [4] From the book Reason Informed By Faith, Foundation of Catholic Morality by Richard M. Gula, S.S. (Paulist Press New York, 1989), p. 265 [5] Catechism of the Catholic Church, p. 488 art. 1759 [6] Catechism on Call The Catholic Stem Cell Position (March 13, 2009) by Conway [7] mily_pro_20051996_en.html [8]

[9] From the book Reason Informed By Faith, Foundation of Catholic Morality by Richard M. Gula, S.S. (Paulist Press New York, 1989), p. 269 [10] Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy [11] Catholic Encyclopedia [12] From the book Reason Informed By Faith, Foundation of Catholic Morality by Richard M. Gula, S.S. (Paulist Press New York, 1989), p. 45 [13]

Catholic Church's Teaching on Stem-Cell Research ( Scott P. Richer ) Guide

[14] Hebrew 11:17 [15] Catechism of the Catholic Church, art.150 [16] From the book Reason Informed By Faith, Foundation of Catholic Morality by Richard M. Gula, S.S. (Paulist Press New York, 1989) [17] on Stem Cells Stocks and Cord Blood Stocks) FIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is stem cell research? 2. What are the help/s that stem cell research can give to human? 3. Is the Church opposed/against to all stem cell research? what is Its stand in the research? 4. Is there a conflict between Science and religion in this research? 5. Does the stem cell research moral or immoral? ANSWERS TO THE FIVE QUESTIONS:

1. According to Scott Richet, Stem cells are a special type of cell that can easily divide to create new cells; pluripotent stem cells, which are the subject of most research, can create new cells of various types. Over the last several years,scientists have been optimistic about the possibility of using stem cells to treat a wide range diseases or other health problems, because stem cells could potentially regenerate damaged tissues and organs. Using the cell of human, scientists will create new cell. This cell/s will be used for human who has disease, especially those disease is hard to cure. 2. Stem cells might aid in the growth of heart muscle cells, for the heart attack patients. Patients of Parkinson's disease might also benefit as stem cells are seen to possibly help in making brain cells. They might also be used to grow cells to make insulin for those who have diabetes. Stem cells can be used to grow bone marrow or to make blood cells which are genetically altered to resist diseases like HIV. Furthermore, they can be of use for treatment of other diseases like Alzheimer's, renal problems, liver failure, cancer and multiple sclerosis and also for the spinal cord injury (just like what the late actor Christopher Reeve had experienced ( 1. First Second Third

In his 1995 encyclical The Gospel of Life, Pope John Paul II wrote: "Human embryos obtained in vitro are human beings and are subjects with rights; their dignity and right to life must be respected from the first moment of their existence. It is immoral to produce human embryos destined to be exploited as disposable 'biological material'" (1,5). We, as Catholics, believe that ones a sperm cell and an egg cell met, that is the beginning of life. According to John Weaver, a deacon of Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Columbia, captures the stand of the Catholic Church against stem cell

research very well. He says, "Human embryos are not potential human beings. Human embryos are human beings with potential". That means, in this research, we are not allowing this defenseless human being to see the world and become one of our future leaders someday, it means we prevented this human person to reach his full potential. Though, this research can cure many people, still, the end does not justify the means, we all have the right to live, but through this particular research, we already removed the first right of a human person. 1. The Church says: No end believed to be good, such as the use of stem cells for the preparation of other differentiated cells to be used in what look to be promising therapeutic procedures, can justify an intervention of this kind. A good end does not make right an action which in itself is wrong. Catholics must know that there is no contradiction between faith and reason; as you can see, its Catholics who have the reasoned and thoughtful position on embryonic stem cell research. The other side must believe that embryos are just cells, or at least admit that evil or ignorant ends do justify good ends in their minds. As is the case with abortion, it is those who are pro-life who have the Dont let people tell you that the Catholic Church is against science, it is simply untrue: the Catechism of the Catholic Church states: 2293 Basic scientific research, as well as applied research, is a significant expression of mans dominion over creation. Science and technology are precious resources when placed at the service of man and promote his integral development for the benefit of all. By themselves however they cannot disclose the meaning of existence and of human progress. Science and technology are ordered to man, from whom they take their origin and development; hence they find in the person and in

his moral values both evidence of their purpose and awareness of their limits. (Catechism on Call, The Catholic Stem Cell Position, March 13, 2009 by conway23 ) 1. We dont experiment human life, it is precious, all of us are special. We have no right to kill, but allowing this research means killing an INNOCENT life, that itself is immoral because it is means, we are allowing abortion and nowadays, we all know that abortion is not allowed to our country. We all created by God in His image and likeness, He created us with love, therefore, we must do the same thing as human. Love Your neighbor as God and as yourself.

Thesis Statement:
I intend to do a study on the moral issue of the stem cell research because i believe, this goes against the principle of respect to human life through the use of Exploratory Method.

Theological Subject(s) under which this topic falls into:

Moral Theology -Family and Life

Main Theological Sources which shall be used: Catechism for Filipino Catholics Ontario Consoltants on Religious Tolerance Cathechism of the Catholic Church associated Content( Catholic Church's Stand on Stem Cell Research Reason Informed by faith by Richard Gulla


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