Ques 23

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The algebraic sum of current owing towards a junction in an electric circuit is (a) equal to one (b) equal to current owing away from a junction (c) equal to voltage in a junction (d) equal to zero 2. In a series circuit, which of the statement is correct (a) total power = sum of powers of each resistor in series (b) total power = innity (c) total power = zero (d) total power = V I cos 3. In the gure 3 shown below nd the current in the resistor R1

Figure 3 (a) 15V (b) 16.6V (c) 16.6A (d) 15A 4. Four cells, each of emf 1.5v and internal resistance 0.5 are connected in parallel across an external resistance of 2.5. What is the current supplied by each cell? (a) 0.1427 (b) 0.515 (c) 2 (d) 0.634 5. In a pure Inductance, the Average power consumed by the inductor in a complete cycle is (a) /2 (b) 2 (c) zero (d) units 6. Average value of sine wave over one complete cycle is (a) zero (b) innity (c) unity (d) 10 7. The equation of 50 Hz ac sinusoidal current having an rms value of 10A is (a) 14.14 [2 50 (t )] (b) 10[2 50 (t + )] (c) 14.4 sin (2 50t) (d) 10 sin (2 50t) 8. In an RLC circuit, if XL < XC , the behavior of the circuit is (a) capacitive (b) resonance. (c) inductance (d) resistance 9. What is the condition for resonance? (a) phase angle is 900 load (b) phase angle is 900 lag (c) phase angle is 1800 (d) phase angle is zero 10. In a star connected alternator, the emf generated in each phase is 3810 volts. Calculate line voltage (a) 600 V (b) 6600 V (c) 660 V (d) 6.6 V 11. A DC series generator has a generated emf and terminal voltages of 220V and 210V respectively. If the resistance of the series eld is 0.2|Omega what is the resistance of the Armature winding? (a) 0.75 (b) 0.5 (c) 0.8 (d) 0.2 12. What type of generator is used for electric welding? (a) cumulative compound wound dc generator (b) shunt wound dc generator (c) series wound dc generator (d) dierential compound wound dc generator 13. Field winding of a DC series motor is usually provided with thick wire. (a) As it carries large load current (b) To reduce the use of insulating materials (c) T o provided large ux (d) In order to reduce eddy current. 14. While controlling the speed of a dc shunt motor, what should be done to achieve a constant torque drive? (a) applied power should be kept constant (b) applied voltage should be maintained constant (c) applied torque is zero (d) applied current should be kept constant 15. A 1000/200V transformer takes 0.3 A at p.f of 0.2 on open circuit. Find the magnetizing, and iron loss component of no-load primary current (a) 0.294A, 0.06A (b) 0.3A, 0.6A (c) 0.4A, 0.8A (d) 0.294A, 0.6A 16. Emf equation of an alternator. (a) 4.44Kc .Kd fT (b) zero (c) 4.44fz (d) 4.44fz 17. What is the dierence between a 3-phase Induction motor and 1- induction motor? (a) both stator and rotor are same (b) stator is provided with a single phase between 2poles (c) rotor is provided with a single phase between 2poles (d) constriction for 1- and 3- is same. 18. The inductance of a moving iron instrument is given by L = (10 + 5 - 2 )H, where is the deection in radian from zero position. The spring constant is 12106 Nm/rad Estimate the deection for a current of 5A (a) 900 (b) 96.80 (c) 98.50 (d) 00 19. Voltmeter is used to measure the (a) Power loss (b) Energy (c) Potential dierence (d) Current 20. Power in AC circuits is given by (a) VI sin (b) VI cos (c) VI (d) VI tan between two points of a circuit.

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