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Its vitally important to know how to measure light & Lux levels in the workplace; bad lighting can be hugely detrimental to your business. Not enough light (or low Lux levels) may cause fatigue, muscle strain, and costly mistakes in work, particularly if an employee or colleague is exposed to insufficient lighting over long periods of time. The same is true for excessive light (or Lux) levels. Glare and reflected light can distract an individual and impair his or her vision, which is particularly dangerous when a job requires the workers full attention, such as working with machinery or hazardous chemicals. Appropriate lighting should be ensured at all times through testing and regular maintenance. Under the Health & Safety at Work Act of 1974, an employer has a duty to ensure the health & safety of employees. The Act includes a duty to provide lighting to ensure that work can be done safely, and that employees health or eyesight are not jeopardised. Regulation no.8 of the Workplace Regulations Act 1992 states that employers must ensure that: Every workplace has suitable & sufficient lighting. This should be natural light, so far as is reasonably practicable. Suitable & sufficient emergency lighting shall be provided where needed.

To test, and maintain a required lighting level, its standard industry practise to use a light level meter. These instruments will typically provide a luminance reading based on either Lux or FootCandles. Lux (Lux) is a unit of illumination of one square metre, which is one metre away from a uniform light source. It is also a European standard of measurement. Foot-Candles (FC) is a unit of illumination of one square foot, which is one foot away from a uniform light source. It is a U.S measurement standard. 1 Lux = 0.0929 FC, 1 FC 10.76 Lux The amount of light (or Lux) required to suit your workplace obviously depends on the type of work being done, but the list below gives an indication of the light (or Lux levels) required for different kinds of working environments.

Storage Area / Plant Room (minimal movement of people) Construction Areas & Loading Bays (minimal perception of detail) Factories & Kitchens (higher perception of detail) Inspection, Welding and Machinery (demanding work) Electronics & Textile Production (repetitive work) Technical Offices (accurate detail) Jewellers & Goldsmiths (precision detail)

Required Light Level

150 200 Lux 300 500 Lux 500 750 Lux 750 1000 Lux 1000 1500 Lux 1500 3000 Lux 3000 + Lux

Interior light (Lux) levels are much lower than outdoor natural light (Lux) levels. Some typical light (Lux) levels are:

Very Bright Summer Day Overcast Summer Day Floodlit Football Match Shady Room In Daylight Night Light On A Building Night-Time Urban Street Night-Time Car Park

Light Level
Up to 100,000 Lux 30,000 to 40,000 Lux 700 to 16,000 Lux 250 to 300 Lux 60 Lux 10 Lux 1 Lux

When youre choosing a light meter, its important to understand its associated Lux (or FC) measurement range, resolution, accuracy, and the maintenance required to achieve repeatable measurements. Youll also need to consider the environment in which the light meter is used. Consider the tables above, taking measurements outdoors will require a much higher Lux (or FC) measurement range, and in a professional environment, the accuracy of your reading will ultimately affect the credibility of your future measurements, and organisation as a whole. So, Its also a good idea to have your light meter calibrated before taking a measurement. In todays market, more light meters are used without firstly being checked for traceable accuracy, or suitability of purpose, yet the accuracy and suitability of your light meter to its intended application could be the difference between passing and failing a health & safety audit, wasting a whole industrial process, or being correct the first time. Also, if your company is ISO accredited, then having all instruments used as a controlling element calibrated on a regular basis is a mandatory part of the auditable procedure. Taking a reading is relatively straight forward, simply expose the light meter sensor to your desired environment, and log the reading displayed on the display. If youd like to submit regular readings to management, auditors, or work colleagues, you may like to consider a data logging light meter. These instruments allow continuous Lux (or FC) measurements to be displayed in real-time, or downloaded and stored to PCs or Laptop computers. The recorded measurements can then be attached to emails or reports, and is great for traceability in critical environments. Click here for a visual indication of a typical light meters size, functionality, features, and workplace applications. ATP Instrumentation has a wide range of light meters available designed to suit your individual requirements. If you have a technical query, please call us now on 01530 566800, and well refer you to our instrument technical team.

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