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Target Retirement Date Change Form

Name: Contact Tel. No: Home Address: Date of Birth:

For the purpose of the automatic investment switching arrangements under the Lifestyle Plan, I require my Target Retirement Date (TRD) to be as follows: -

If you do not enter an exact date above then we will interpret the date as the earliest possible date based on what you enter e.g. 2018 will be interpreted 1st January 2018. For most members, the automatic Lifestyle switching from the Long Term Fund to the Short Term Fund starts once you are 10 years from your TRD. For some members, the switching period is set as 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 years, dependent on how far away from TRD you were at 1 April 2003. If you are not sure of your switching period then please contact the Pensions Department. I understand that if I have previously chosen to override the automatic switching arrangements then this form will cancel that override and my investments will automatically be switched according to my new TRD (shown above) and my switching period. I also understand that if I have more than one Lifestyle account, then this instruction will apply to all my Lifestyle accounts (unless I specify otherwise on this form).



This form should be returned to Guardian Media Group, Pensions Department, Centurion House, 129 Deansgate, Manchester, M3 3WR or by fax 020 3353 3125 or email It will be acknowledged as soon as possible, confirming the valuation day for your transaction. To be 100% sure we have received this form please call us on 0203 353 2000. Transactions are carried out on valuation days. These are usually on Wednesdays as well as on the last working day of a month. If you want to know the exact date of the next valuation day please check our website or contact the Pensions Department. Applications need to be received in the Pensions Department by 3pm two days before the valuation day. The choice of Target Retirement Date is your own. (Remember that if you joined the Plan after 6/4/2006 then from 6/4/2010 the earliest you can take your benefits is age 55). The Pensions Department are not able to give advice although we can of course help with explanatory information if needed. L190
The security of your personal information All the information you provide will be held by the Trustees or by the scheme administrators who act on their behalf to arrange and administer your entitlements (and entitlements in respect of you) from the scheme. The information is kept secure and is only disclosed to third parties to the extent needed to enable the Trustees and their advisors to run the Scheme and comply with any legal or other requirements imposed on the Trustees. It may be necessary from time to time to disclose your personal data to people and organisations outside the European Economic Area and which are not covered by equivalent data protection legislation; in these circumstances the Trustees will take whatever steps they feel are necessary to ensure that your data remains secure.

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