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Split Page or Two Column Notes

Split page notes were originally developed by Dr. Walter Paulk at Cornell University and were known as the Cornell Note-taking System, but now they are commonly referred to as two column or split page notes. They are an organized way to record main ideas and details while providing a tool to study from . A page of lined paper is folded in half and the left side becomes the memory key - the main idea, key word, or question being answered. The right side is the memory bank for details in bulleted fashion. As students take notes they place a key idea in the left column and then list details in the right column. When they are ready to add another key idea they leave white space (skip several lines) between the new and previous information. This strategy enables students to chunk or group ideas about one idea together. The white space (blank lines) allows for two important functions room for future information

to be added and a visual clue that one idea is stopping and another beginning.
After the notes have been taken students draw a line across the bottom and write a summary statement about what they have learned. for the main ideas or the main idea from the details. When taking any notes, students should: title notes use bullets, dashes or other typographical symbols write in a neat and legible fashion use short phrases, NOT complete sentences use abbreviations that are meaningful(govt. = government) underline, highlight or use color to identify most important info leave white space blank space between ideas review notes to be sure they make sense add any missing info or clarify any confusing parts The format of these notes allow students to quiz themselves by folding the paper in half and trying to remember details

review notes OFTEN

Notes on Split Page Notes

Memory Key
Use good note-taking strategies: (We put questions here)

Memory Bank
use bullets, dashes or other symbols write in a neat and legible fashion use short phrases, NOT

complete sentences use abbreviations that are

meaningful underline, color to highlight identify or use most

important info leave white space blank space between ideas

Write a summary statement

draw a line across page review notes include the most essential

details in three to five short sentences

Summary: Split page notes are an organized way to take notes. The
notes chunk information into main ideas and details or questions and answers. They give students a format to quiz themselves.

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