Aurora-Trinity Newsletter Aug13

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August 2013 Newsletter

Summer 2013 Sunday Worship Schedule at 9:00 a.m.: Sunday, August 4 - Trinity Sunday, August 11 - Aurora (Communion) Sunday, August 18 - Trinity Sunday, August 25 - Aurora August Monday Night Worship Schedule: Monday- 6:30 p.m. at Aurora ****No worship service on Monday, August 19th Food Shelf Sunday
The next food shelf Sunday at Aurora is Sunday, August 11th! Please give to this worthy cause, as we Feed Bodies with the Love of Jesus! Confirmation Retreat SAVE THE DATE! Sept. 6-7 There will be a Confirmation Kick-off Retreat at Good Earth Village from Friday, Sept. 6 to Saturday, Sept. 7. This will be an opportunity for our Confirmation students to develop friendships with one another and to begin the year on Lutheranism by learning about the sacraments of Holy Monday night worship will be on August 26th.

Special Council Meeting:

Aurora Council will meet on Wednesday, Aug. 28 at 6:30pm at Aurora to discuss constitution revisions.

Aurora Diner 2013 Work Schedule

Here is the 2013 Diner Work Schedule, be sure to mark your calendars: Wed., Aug. 7 Pie Making/Meatballs 6:00 p.m. Fri., Aug. 9 Meat Roasting All Day Sat. Aug. 10 Meat Slicing 9:00 a.m. Steele County Free Fair: Aug. 13 Aug. 18 Mon., Aug. 19 Cleaning of the diner 6:00 p.m. The board will be up soon please be sure to sign up.

No Monday Night Service on August 19th There will be no Monday night worship on August 19th due to cleaning of the diner following the fair. The last

Baptism and Holy Communion. More information will be coming soon. Save the date!

Struggling to get out of debt?

Lutheran Social Services wants to help!
Lutheran Social Services (LSS) offers free budget and credit counseling for those who are struggling with debt. This is a safe and reliable resource for anyone seeking help with their financial situation. The LSS counselors will not judge anyones situation and will help them develop a plan to reach/sustain financial stability. If you are interested in this resource, please contact Leah Michaelis at (302)-214-5712 or go to FAITH 5 for August + SHARE Share highs and lows with one another +READ - Luke 12:13-21 +TALK Talk about the Scripture reading and what you liked or didnt like, or how it relates to the highs and lows. +PRAY Dear Jesus, as a hen covers her chicks with her wings to keep them safe, protect us this night under your golden wings; for your mercys sake. Amen +Bless Make sign of the cross and say, God bless you and keep you. Week of August 11th +SHARE Share highs and lows with one another +READ - Luke 12:32-40 +TALK - Talk about the Scripture reading and what you liked or didnt like, or how it relates to the highs and lows. +PRAY Gracious and loving God, draw our hearts to you, guide our minds, fill our imaginations, control our wills, so that we may be wholly yours, utterly dedicated to you; and then use us, we pray as you will, but always to your glory and the welfare of your people, through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. +BLESS - Make sign of the cross and say, Gods love for you is free and forever. Week of August 18th +SHARE Share highs and lows with one another +READ - Luke 12:49-56 +TALK - Talk about the Scripture reading and what you liked or didnt like, or how it relates to the highs and lows. +PRAY Direct us, Lord, God, in all our doings with your
most gracious favor, and extend to us your continual help; that in all our works begun, continued, and ended in you, we may glorify your holy name; and finally, by your mercy, bring us to everlasting life; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

Newsletter Information Deadline

Please have all information for the September newsletter and calendar to Lisa by Thur., Aug. 22nd. Send your info to: or you can call 507-456-0740

September Time Change

Worship times will be changing in September. Starting on Sunday, September 1st, Aurora will have worship at 9:00 a.m. Trinitys worship service will be at 10:45 a.m.

Cradle Roll & Rally Day for Aurora

Our next Cradle Roll & Rally Day is on Sunday, September 8th. Cradle Roll is for all baptized children ages 0 Kindergarten. New Cradle Roll members will be honored during our Rally Day Church Service at 9:00 a.m. All the Cradle Roll Members entering Kindergarten will graduate during the service. All Cradle Roll members are encouraged to attend and stay after for pictures. Rally Day marks the beginning of the 20132014 Sunday School Year. All Sunday School students and parents should attend as the students start out a new year in learning. Starting at 10:00 a.m., all the Sunday School students, teachers, and parents need to attend an informative meeting to start off the year. Southeastern Minnesota Synodical Women's Organization Convention:
The convention will be held on Saturday, Sept. 21, 2013 from 9-4pm at Grace Lutheran Church in Albert Lea, MN. The convention is for ALL Women of the ELCA. Each congregational unit may be represented at the convention by one voting delegate. The theme is "Celebration of Many Gernations: Past, Present and Future". The keynote presentation will be given by Kimber Schletty from Mission 21 in Rochester. Pastor Tammy Dahlvang, serving Crossroads Campus Ministry in Mankato will lead the Bible Study. There will be election for all board positions and for delegates to the 2014 Triennial Convention to be held in Charlotte, North Carolina, as well as some other business conducted. Please plan to attend this important event.

+BLESS - Make sign of the cross and say, Beloved, you are more valuable than you know. Week of August 25th +SHARE Share highs and lows with one another

+READ - Luke 13:10-17 +TALK - Talk about the Scripture reading and what you liked or didnt like, or how it relates to the highs and lows. +PRAY Make us worthy, Lord, to serve our fellow human beings throughout the world who live and die in poverty and hunger. Give them through our hands this day their daily bread, and by our understanding love, give peace and joy. Amen. +BLESS - Make sign of the cross and say,May God watch over you all of your day

ELCA National Churchwide Assembly

So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5:17-18 Every two years, the ELCA gathers together for a National Churchwide Assembly. This year, the assembly is held in Pittsburgh from August 12th August 17th. This will be the 13th National Assembly since the ELCA was established in 1988. This year, the ELCA is celebrating 25 years together! Our theme for the assembly is Always Being Made New (see scripture above). There are many responsibilities of this assembly. A few of them include: reviewing the work of the churchwide officers, reviewing the work of the churchwide ministries (like the Malaria mosquito net campaign!), and establishing churchwide policy. As many of you know, I, along with 26 others from our synod (Southeastern MN) have been elected by our synod to be a voting member at the assembly. Voting members include both clergy and lay members of the ELCA. From across the country, 952 voting members will gather at this assembly to tend to the purposes, functions, and directions of the churchwide ministries. The assembly also addresses issues that affect the life of our whole church. As a result of being elected as a voting member for this assembly, I will not be able to attend or help out at the Aurora Diner during the Steele County Free Fair. I accepted this nomination as a voting member not knowing it would conflict with the Fair. Please accept my sincerest apologies for this. The Aurora Diner is one of our major highlights and ministry opportunities during the year and I would never intentionally miss it. I will leave for Pittsburgh with a heavy heart, knowing all that I will miss. I do ask that you pray for me and all the other voting members from our synod and across the country. This is not just a business trip. This is tending to the work of the church for the sake of the world. I am thinking of ways to stay in contact with all of you while I am gone. I do not know what that will look like, but stay tuned to our website and facebook page for updates. With sincere gratitude for all of you, Pastor Jon

Aurora Lutheran Church Council Meeting July 17, 2013 The regular monthly meeting of the Aurora Lutheran Church Council was held on July 17, 2013. The members present were Jeanne Pichner, Mark Prestegard, Jodi Keck, Brett Paape, Paul Korbel, Michelle Williams, Pastor Jon, and Nathele Beadell. The meeting was called to order by President Jeanne Pichner and Pastor Jon lead us in devotions. We are still waiting for the full insurance policy documentation to be sent to complete the review of our coverage. Secretarys report: The minutes from the June 9, 2013 meeting were approved as read. Treasures report: The reported financials are as follows: June Income: $ 5,591.85 June Expenses: $ 6,673.70 Year To Date Income: $40,868.18 Year To Date Expenses $39,282.82 Pastors report: There will be a retirement gathering for Bishop Usgaard. He has requested that donations are made to a relief fund set up for first time call Pastors to assist in reducing their debt instead of presents. Aurora will donate $240 on the Bishops name. ($20 for every year he served as a Bishop.) Old Business: Work on the speaker system continues. The windows for the parsonage and the playground equipment have been ordered. The installation date has not been set. The review of the constitution continues. There will be a special meeting of the council on August 28th at 6:30 to make suggested changes to the constitution.

New Business: The lease for the farm land rent needs to be amended. We will be looking into a water softener system for the church to address the iron in the water. It has been requested that we have donation envelopes at the funeral home.

The meeting was adjourned. The next council meeting will be held on September 18 th, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Nathele Beadell

TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH MONTHLY MEETING Sunday June 30, 2013 Meeting was brought to order by Pres. Rich Paulson. Pastor Jon led us in prayer. Sec. report presented by Shari, approved as read. Copies handed out. Treas. report presented by Lorna, approved as read. Copies handed out. Total revenue brought in so far for second quarter of 2013 was $3186.00. This does not included offering from Sunday, June 30th. Total expenses so far were $4958.56. There are some outstanding bills for this quarter that are pending, including the payment for joint expenses, and conference dues. Balances include: $12,948.64 in Checking, $12,652.23 in Memorial fund, and $1,684.02 in Mainstay.


Cement pad at church entrance: Gary received a quote from Mr. Melby of $1280.00. We will be responsible for preparing the ground. Mr. Melby will set the forms, do the cement work, and do repair on the face of the church wall. This will be a 19 X 10 slab across the entire front of the church, 4 in. thick. This will be paid for out of the memorial fund. Motion was made by Shari, and seconded by Lorna to go ahead with this project. Synod Assembly: Rich attended from Trinity. It went much better than in the past. More laid back with excellent speakers, and a well organized election. The new Bishop is Pastor Steve Delzer from Faribault. Pastor Jon will be attending the National Assembly in August. Council/Member meetings: At the last meeting on Sunday, May 5th, it was voted on to have monthly meetings instead of quarterly. These would be held on the second Sunday of the month, including all church members. Due to the change in the summer schedule, we also had to change these meetings for the summer. The next meeting will be held on August 4 th following the church service. Regular monthly meetings will begin the second Sunday of September 2013. Food shelf: This will be coordinated with the monthly meeting on the second Sunday of the month. It was decided to give our donations to the Ellendale food shelf, while Aurora gives to the Owatonna food shelf. Ellendale takes items on Thursday mornings. Roger and Shari have agreed to deliver the items collected, along with anyone else who would be available at the time. Bible study: Pastor Jon is looking into having a few bible studies after church service later in July or August. Some topics brought up include Ghosts in Christianity, and near death experiences. Mission Statement Group: There is a good group of members from both Trinity and Aurora that meet once a month at HyVee in Owatonna.


Bibles in the church pews: ELCA Book of Faith is giving out grants to put bibles in the pews at church. This is in hopes of getting more people to use bibles. The bibles would be provided, and anyone would be able to take one. The church would then be responsible for replacing any that are taken. We would have to make shelving on the bottom of the pews to accommodate the bibles. Pastor Jon will look into this further. Banners: Aurora has new banners that are very appealing. Trinity members are asked to look at websites and come up with ideas for banners in our church. Think about season and color. Websites are: Christian book, and Member phone #s: Everyone is asked to update their home phone, cell phone, and e-mail. A master list will be put together and distributed to all members. Same sex marriage: Now that the law has been passed for same sex marriage, the synod is asking each church to have an informal discussion to get informed and educated on what this means for their individual congregation. There will be NO voting, this is just discussion. Joint congregation events: Judy Thimsen would like to see more events put together to bring Trinity and Aurora closer. She suggested pizza, or brunch. Any ideas are welcomed.

Aurora playground equipment: Pastor Jon thinks that enough funds have been raised, but manpower may be needed to install the equipment. Trinity will help where they can. Items of discussion at meetings: Pastor Jon would like a heads up, either to him or to Rich, on items that any member might want to discuss at an upcoming meeting. This would give him time to get information, so that a better discussion can take place. With this being said, new items are always welcome, but may have to be tabled until more information can be obtained. They will try to have an agenda at the upcoming meetings to help stay on track of items. With no further business to discuss, motion to adjourn was made by Gary, and seconded by Abbey. Respectfully submitted, Shari Manges, Trinity secretary

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