Enb Uml

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Why UML? 1. It is useful for professionals to remember all details. 2. It focus attention which is important for a project.

Why UML has different models or notations? 1. The main idea is when we explain some complicated concepts one picture is very expressable. 2. Each diagram possesses different functionalities i.e., the way it express 3. We use usecases, activity, sequences and class diagram to express key elements Usecase diagram: Key elements are staring point or precondition and ending point or post condition. Precondition is how the user and system read the starting stage where the computer starts the process. Post condition is how the user and system read the final stage where the program and user end up with the interaction of one another Purpose is to express all scenarios from starting point to end point There are three major scenarios Success scenario Alternate success scenario and Error scenario Success scenario and alternate success scenario take the system and user to end state Error scenario takes system and user to recover from the errors Activity diagram: Express high level flow of the program from the starting point to ending point Activity diagram is mainly graphical representation like flow charts Activity diagram has process elements, decision points and loops Tends to focus on major activities that take place

Sequence diagram: Mainly it is not a flow chart Shows how objects inside interact with one another to complete a scenario All interactions are shown by arrows i.e, messages sent from one object to another object There is no need of representing each and every interaction only mainly scenarios are needed Swimlanes: very popular Two or more vertical lines that represent different actors in the system Understands the flow between actors. Class diagram: Used to express various information and how they are related to one another Majorly there are three major kinds Entity: represents objects of information Boundary: which transforms information form one another i.e, between program and servers as well as databases. Controller: class which controls all attributes flags among different classes Key aspects of class diagram are attributes We focus on core elements and as well as core functions Relationships among class are classified as following: Association: has a relationship Composition: owns a relationship Difference between aggregation and composition is both are between database but association example is suppose engine 101 belongs car 102 whereas composition is engine 101 belongs to any car.

--Last Saved--Aug 1, 2013 00:45:05 --Last Saved--Aug 1, 2013 00:55:08 --Last Saved--Aug 3, 2013 09:03:12 --Last Saved--Aug 3, 2013 09:30:15 --Last Saved--Aug 5, 2013 11:45:22

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