End Time Current Events 7-26-2013

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End Time Current Events: 7-26-13


OBAMACARE DATABASE WORSE THAN NSA SNOOPING Gold And Silver When[?] Precious Metals Bottom Is Irrelevant To Your Financial Health

ICE Ordered to ASK Adult Violent Illegal Alien Inmates If They Are DREAMERS: If Yes, Inmate is Released!

House Leadership Proposes Moving to: "Immigration Amnesty Lite" ACTION: Click here to contact your Representative and urge him or her to vote against the "amnesty lite" proposal for 2,000,000 anti-gun illegals. TSA Expands Searches From Airports to Everywhere

$1,000 Fine for Flashing Headlights to Warn Motorists of Cops - Lawsuit Follows Homeland Securitys Future Home: A Former Mental Hospital

Oath Keepers Founder Targeted in Attempted Set Up | Unknown assailant impersonated Stewart Rhodes in an e-mail with child pornography attachment.

Google plans on implanting chip in your brain

Military Censors Christian Chaplain, Atheists Call for Punishment... SHOCK VIDEO: Students sign petition to legalize abortion AFTER childbirth... Trayvon Martin Fight Club Video Scrubbed From YouTube


George Zimmerman rescues victims trapped in overturned truck... Four people, including two children, pulled unscathed from burning vehicle...

Black Neighborhood Watchman Kills White Teen Boy: The Black George Zimmerman You're Not Allowed To Know About

TIME TO ACT ON TRAYVON Miami to LA: Hundreds turn out for Trayvon rallies... Protesters Denounce FOX NEWS, 'Stand Your Ground' Laws... FANNING THE FLAMES: If teen had been white, 'outcome and aftermath might have been different'... Travon Bash mobs' sweep through Southern California... Twitter Explodes With Racism Directed At Larry Elder Following Piers Morgan Interview Black radio host gets torrent of extreme racist abuse from other black Americans for voicing unpopular opinion on Martin/Zimmerman case Social Engineering & Racial Division: The Trayvon Martin Tragedy ROLLING CRIME WAVE: 'LETS GO MESS UP HOLLYWOOD FOR TRAYVON'...

The College Scam is Like Tulip Bulb Scam!-- http://donboys.cstnews.com/the-collegescam-is-like-tulip-bulb-scam Judge Rules Cop Who Shot and Killed Unarmed 14-year-old Hiding in a Woodshed After a Fistfight May Have Used Excessive Force http://www.alternet.org/civilliberties/texas-cop-shoots-unarmed-teen-hiding-woodshed

Elderly Couple Gets Second Chance At Life

Poll: 34% of Americans Say First Amendment Too Extreme 44% also favor the government forcing journalists to give up their news sources.

NSA Spokesman Accidentally Admits that the Government Is Spying On Virtually All


Move over NSA, here comes the Obamacare Big Brother database

Report: Millions of girls still at risk of female genital mutilation: This is 'BARBARISM' The God of the Bible never tells husbands or fathers to torture and mutilate their wives and daughters

Fatah honors arch-terrorist by proudly listing 61 of his murders http://palwatch.org/main.aspx?fi=157&doc_id=9425 Celebrity Worship: Kanye Wests $120 Plain White T-Shirts Sell Out Instantly

From: Kathryn Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2013 4:31 PM To: Scott Johnson Subject: Re: [Contending for Truth: ] New listener

Hi Scott: I have so much to say to you I don't even know where to begin. I remember being bussed down with a bunch of other kids, to the United Nation's year of the woman. I came home with a condom and pro-choice literature that told me "choice" was freeing, hard fought for, empowering, and lastly, COOL. I was all of 15-16... Taught in "sex ed" how to recognize signs of venereal diseases, and that abortion was a natural part of the abortion option package. I try to tell my story: http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-927027 Even went to the Supreme Court steps: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3N2RyD6WG4 Me in front of Planned Parenthood--trying to tell them my story as the Unitarian Universalist deathcorts completely block my speech. I did this once a week for 2 years. As a post-abortive mom, it hurt so much to watch this, while the "loving" liberals took these mostly black and hispanic women in. Wiccan, pagan and Obama bumper stickers could be seen in the Planned Parenthood parking lot. The men there are all King James Bible Christians. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRhS3IZKaoQ

I even testified for Ohio's heartbeat bill: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYdydTuOKw8 To my left was NARAL, Planned Parenthood, etc. etc. etc. all trying to drown me out, by calling each other on their cell phones at high volume, but I just spoke louder. I am a born-again, Bible-believing Christian. I know real evil exists. My sister belongs to the same church the deathcorts belong to, Westshore Unitarian in Rocky River, Ohio. I pray about her every day. In August, they are passing the plate (in their sanctuary) for Planned Parenthood. On their website, they are all about "social justice." They want "marriage equality." I want to scream, Scott, but as a newer Christian, I'm told not to have hate. I know this is a long email, but I have a lot to say. God bless, Kathryn Scott Johnson's Main Website at: http://contendingfortruth.com/ Alternate Website Subscribe to the Free Online Newsletter at: http://eepurl.com/d2RhL Free Gifts: Salvation & the TRUE Gospel/Good News! 'Contending for Truth' USB Drive: Additional Info Correspondence/Donation/Mailing Address: Scott Johnson 2359 Hwy 70 SE #321 Hickory, NC 28602

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