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End Time Current Events Newsletter: 8-3-13

STATE DEPT ISSUES WORLDWIDE TRAVEL ALERT... U.S. EMBASSIES ACROSS MIDDLE EAST TO SHUT DOWN SUNDAY... Officials: Chatter among al Qaeda operatives in Yemen led to warnings... Rep: Threat 'very specific'... INTERPOL Issues Warning Over Prison Breaks...

Idaho Picker False Flag Alert Sunday - US Embassies Closing Across The World Due To Terrorist Threat

US hosts Israel, Palestinians for peace talks... 'There isn't much to talk about,' Kerry jokes... Palestinian Leader's 'Final Resolution': Not 'a Single Israeli on Our Lands'... Yes We Can: Obama Funding Syrian Rebels Beheading Christians, Using Child Soldiers Obama Signs Executive Order, Sends $500 Million To Terrorists

Busted! Trayvon Martin's Father is "Illuminati Grand Master Mason" of the Boule Society! Street Mob Of 10 Black Teens Brutally Attacks Man Walking Home From Work In Baltimore...

"Berlin Type WALL" Being Built in Los Angeles: Preparations for Riots, Civil Unrest & Martial Law FEMA CAMP, UN TRAINS IN OHIO? YouTube More Proof Russian Troops In America! Russian Book...

Gun Confiscation Has Begun Mainstream Media Finally Admits Televisions Can Spy On You Innocent Googling Brings Cops To The Doorstep- NSA Spying In Action (Video)

How To Make A Secret Log Storage Box How To Bug-In & Survive: What You Need to Consider & What You Should Be Storing Preparing for the Grid to go Down

Illinois Police Kill 95-Year-Old Nursing Home Resident With Taser Shocks and Bean Bag Rounds


Foster Care System Traps Children into Vicious Cycle of Sex Abuse

Child Sacrifice and Trafficking in Holland, and Abroad: An Eyewitness Comes Forward and Names her Torturers

The Name Of Jesus Has Become A Dirty Word In Politically Correct America

Howard Dean Admits Obamacare Includes Death Panels, Wants Them Repealed

Senator Lee Puts Wheels in Motion to Stop Anti-gun, Anti-freedom ObamaCare-[ObamaCare] should be a serious concern to gun owners. -- GOA Executive Director Larry Pratt,, March 21, 2013--Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Thursday on behalf of 11 other Republican colleagues, stating that they will not support a continuing resolution that funds the implementation of the anti-gun ObamaCare law. ACTION: Click here to contact your Senators and urge them to cosign Senator Lees letter, expressing opposition to funding the anti-gun

ObamaCare law.

Stealing. Sleeping. This is the TSA? Misconduct may be 'tip of the iceberg' A government audit of the Transportation Security Administration finds more than 1,900 cases of misconduct were deemed significant enough to be possible security threats. FULL STORY

MSNBC host says newborn infants don't count as 'alive' () North Carolina Pro-Life Bill That Could Close Abortion Clinics Becomes Law 42nd Abortion Clinic Closed This Year Due to Filthy, Unsafe Conditions The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services announced Wednesday that it has suspended the license of Femcare, an abortion clinic in Asheville, for two dozen serious health and safety violations discovered during a routine inspection on July 18 and 19th. Preachers of L.A.: New Reality Show Sparks Major Controversy Among Christians

Pope Francis on Homosexual Priests: 'Who Am I to Judge?' Anton LaVey, Church of Satan Founder & Author of the Satanic Bible, Admitted He Ate Humans

REVEALED: DIRTY HOLLYWOOD'S DARK NAZI PAST From: SM Subject: Hollywood Mainstream Blasphemy Hi Scott. See: Probably the most

blasphemous and irreverent mainstream film ive ever been made aware of.

From: B Subject: great video on Joel's army Hi Scott, here's a great video on the Joel's army movement. It exposes TD Jakes, Bob Jones, Rick Joyner, Mike Bickle, Todd Bentley followers, the Vineyard movement, many founders of the Pentecostal denomination etc.

Scott Johnson's Main Website at: Alternate Website Subscribe to the Free Online Newsletter at: Free Gifts: Salvation & the TRUE Gospel/Good News! 'Contending for Truth' USB Drive: Additional Info Correspondence/Donation/Mailing Address: Scott Johnson 2359 Hwy 70 SE #321 Hickory, NC 28602

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