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Eidre’s Tyranid Codex (5th Edition)

Written by Eidre, formatted and layouted by Threeshades

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Design Goals

• Permit use of all current models and configurations (and keep them effective choices).
• Resurrect use of historical (2 Ed) models and options.
• For those options that are currently un-used, remove them, cost them down, or (preferably)
give them new flavor that improves them or gives them a new role.
• For those options that are currently over-used, price them up, tone them down, or give them
limitations to make other options more attractive.
• Balance within each FOC, throughout the army, and with other armies to encourage diversity
within slots (no “automatic” HS choice, for example), diversity of army lists, and encourage
• Make the Nids unique; don’t copy existing rules, structure, and so forth from other armies.
• No unique / special characters.
• Unify Nid-unique special rules with USRs and existing common practice rules when possible.
• When possible, simplify the current rules to make them easier to use and interpret (close
loopholes, remove ambiguity).

This section of the codex details the units of the Biomorphs: Many Tyranid units have individual
Tyranid swarm, their special rules and wargear. wargear detailed in their entry. These items are
Each entry gives a description of the unit and only used by Tyranids and are exclusive to the
details the unit’s rules to use them in your games unit they are listed with. Some of these
of Warhammer 40,000. Each entry is broken up Biomorphs are automatically included in that unit
into several categories: while other items are optional, this is detailed in
the army list in the next section of the codex.
Special Rules: These are rules that apply to the
unit individually and make the unit individual.
These rules always apply to that unit.

Shadow in the Warp

TYRANID SPECIAL RULES Tyranid Hive Fleets are surrounded by a field of
Tyranids are an unusual foe to face and are in a Hive Mind consciousness that blots out and
lot of traits different from every other armies. Warp and makes the use of Psyker powers
They have a number of special rules applying to (especially astrotelepathy and Warp navigation)
all or a number of different units. These rules are nearly impossible. However, this smothering
listed here. The individual unit entries list which influence also blocks out the normal dangers of
of these special rules apply to each unit. the Warp, preventing daemonic intrusion into the
minds of Psykers.
The Hive Mind Psykers have the following changes to their rules
Tyranid Hive Mind powers operate on a different while they are fighting against a Tyranid army
principal from all other Psyker powers in the (whether they are on the table or not):
game, being based not on channeling raw • All Psychic Tests by non-Tyranid models
chaotic energy from the Warp, but by directing are taken at -2 Ld.
the power of the Hive Mind collective • Neither Tyranids nor their opponents
consciousness. suffer Perils of the Warp.
Tyranids with Hive Mind powers are not
considered “Psykers”, and Hive Mind powers are
Death from Above / Death from Below / Death
not considered Psyker Powers (or Psychic
from the Shadows
Shooting attacks), even though they follow the
A shared awareness of the battlefield through the
same rules for how they are used (Psychic tests
planet-wide Synaptic network allows many
against Leadership, number of powers used per
Tyranid subterranean and airborne forces to
turn, and so forth). As such, they are not affected
drive rapidly onto the battlefield and directly into
by rules, effects, attacks, or defenses that
close assault without stopping to find their
specifically refer to Psykers or Psyker powers,
targets. Although Lictors stalk their prey using
including (but not limited to) the Gray Knights
highly advanced senses and chameleon
Aegis, Inquisitor Null Rod, the number of shots
camouflage instead of through the Synaptic
fired by the Cullexus Assassin Animus
sensory network, their ability to assault without
Speculum, Dark Eldar Crucible of Malediction,
warning strikes the same fear in their targets.
Space Marine Librarian Psychic Hood, and so
Tyranids with this special rule can Assault in the
forth. Additionally, Tyranids do not suffer from
same turn they Deepstrike. All broods assaulting
Perils of the Warp.
in this manner have a maximum assault
movement of 6”, subject to normal limitations
Suicide Troops (Difficult Terrain, etc).
Many of the breeds of Tyranid creatures exist
solely to force the enemy to waste ammunition
destroying them, creating opportunities for the
more potent creatures to strike without
Broods with the Suicide Troops rule do not take
up a slot on the FOC and do not grant the
enemy KP when they are destroyed. However,
they also may not hold Objectives, although they
may contest.

Brood Telepathy
HIVE STATUS Some Tyranid broods are intended to operate far
Each Tyranid unit entry has a category called from the protective influence of the Synapse
Hive Status. The hive status represents the way network as advance scouts or infiltrators. Such
the unit is connected to the hive mind and how it creatures share a lesser telepathic link between
behaves in combat. Unlike other armies troops each other, gaining some independence at the
tyranid creatures usually don’t adhere the usual expense of the unwavering devotion
rules for morale. Instead each unit acts characteristic of creatures directly connected to
according to its hive status. There are four the Hive Mind.
different hive statuses. They work as detailed Tyranids with Brood Telepathy follow the normal
below: rules for Morale. If the brood is within Synapse
coverage, it must revert to the modified rules for
Instinctive Behaviour Synapse.
Many of the lesser Tyranid genus, particularly
derivatives of the Gaunt strain, are not advanced Synapse Creature
enough to participate in the Hive Mind directly, Some Tyranid creatures, most notably Hive
requiring an intermediary such as a Hive Tyrant Tyrants and Tyranid Warriors, act as resonators
or a Tyranid Warrior to maintain control over for the Hive Mind imperative, allowing the hordes
them. When separated from the influence of the of instinctive creatures to be controlled. Tyranids
Hive Mind, they revert to animalistic instincts, under coverage of Synapse act in the best
either attacking in frenzy or withdrawing and interests of the Hive Mind, are completely devoid
hiding. of self-preservation instinct, and are immune to
At the beginning of the movement phase, any pain, fear, and confusion. In addition to allowing
brood with the Instinctive Behavior mind status the Hive Minds orders to be distributed, it also
must make a Morale test. provides a shared awareness of the senses of all
If it passes, it gains the Rage USR for the rest of connected creatures.
the Tyranid player turn, but may move, shoot, Synapse Creatures have the Synapse hive mind
and assault as normal (subject to the restrictions power. This means Synapse creatures units
of Rage). within the specified range of a synapse creature
If it fails, it must Lurk; the unit may not move, (referred to as “being in Synapse coverage”) gain
run, or assault, but may shoot as normal; if it is the following special rules:
shot at during the opponent’s turn, it must Go To
• Eternal Warrior USR
Ground, and will gain +1 to its cover saves while
• Fearless USR
it is doing so (in addition to the normal bonus for
Going to Ground). • Automatically pass any Leadership-
Broods that are Lurking cannot hold or contest based tests they are required to make,
Objectives; those that are Raging can contest with the exception of Psychic Tests.
objectives, but not hold them. If a brood that is • Are not subject to the Instinctive
Raging or Lurking ever falls back, it will do so Behavior rules.
towards the nearest Synapse creature, or • May choose to move their full movement
towards the Tyranid board edge if there are no or assault distance through Difficult
Synapse creatures in play. Terrain without having to roll; if a brood
The Fearless USR does not negate Instinctive does this, it must take a Dangerous
Behavior; it does, however, cause the brood to Terrain test (representing the hordes
automatically pass the required Morale test, crushing each other underfoot in their
meaning that a brood that is Fearless and haste to push through the terrain).
Instinctive will always have the Rage USR while • If called to make a Night Fighting
it is outside of Synapse coverage (and will never distance test (either due to actual Night
Lurk). Fighting or a special power such as The
Shrouding or Veil of Tears), the Tyranid
Mindless player can measure the distance to any
Some breeds of Tyranid creatures do not require other Tyranid brood also in Synapse
any significant intelligence to accomplish their coverage instead of the brood attempting
purpose in the hive fleet. They press forward to shoot. The brood shooting must still
with their programmed mission heedless of fulfill all of the other requirements for
enemy forces. shooting (within weapon range, line of
Broods that are Mindless have the Fearless sight, and so forth).
USR. They are immune to Instinctive behavior,
and cannot hold Objectives (although they can
contest them).

Tyranicus Praefecto

Hive Tyrant 5 3 5 5 4 5 3 10 3+

Synapse Creature

Optional Retinue, The Hive Mind

Tyranicus Scutatus

Tyrant Guard 5 3 4 5 2 5 2 5 3+

Instinctive Behaviour

Move Through Cover, Retinue

Shield Wall: if the Hive Tyrant being protected

by Tyrant Guards would take an unsaved
wound, that unsaved wound is instead applied to
one of his Tyrant Guards, starting with any that
are already wounded. This has no effect on
effects or rules that explicitly ignore all defenses
(such as Death or Glory) or allows direct
targeting of a single model within a unit (such as
the Vindicare Assassin, or the Eldar Psyker
power Mind War).

Tyranicus Gladius

Warrior 4 2 4 4 2 4 2 10 5+

Synapse Creature

Move Through Cover, The Hive Mind

Biodiversity: Tyranid Warriors are extremely

mutable and can fill nearly any role on the
battlefield. Each brood must fill one of the
following Force Organization Chart slots, and
gains the specified benefits:
o HQ: may choose 1 extra Hive Mind Power
(see Hive Mind Powers, below)
o Elite: no benefits conferred
o Fast Attack: must purchase the Winged
o Heavy Support: every model in the brood
may purchase a bio-weapon that takes 2
bio-weapon slots.

Tyranicus Chameleo

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Chameleon Scales: the Lictor gains +2 to cover

Lictor 5 0 5 4 2 5 3+1 10 5+ saves, receiving a 5+ cover save even when in
the open. All shooting against a Lictor within or
HIVE STATUS touching area terrain requires a Night Fighting
Brood Telepathy test. Finally, a Lictor may use its cover save as
an invulnerable save in close combat (thus, 5+
SPECIAL RULES invulnerable save in the open, up to a 2+
Death from the Shadows, Fleet, Hit and Run, invulnerable save in 4+ or better cover).
Move Through Cover
Pheromone Trail: the Tyranid player may reroll
No Warning: Lictors must start play in Reserve. one Reserve roll per turn per Lictor in the Army,
They enter the game as though they were regardless of whether the Lictor is on the board,
Deepstriking, except their base must be entirely or in Reserve, or destroyed.
within a piece of Area Terrain and they do not
scatter. They do not take Dangerous Terrain Assassin: a Lictor that charges may choose to
tests Deepstriking into Difficult Terrain. The direct all of its attacks against any single model
Lictor must be placed such that its base is more in the assaulted unit instead of following the
than 1” away from any enemy models; if no such normal wound allocation rules. The target model
place exists in the desired piece of Area Terrain, must be in the Lictor’s engagement zone (within
they must roll for a Deepstrike Mishap. 2” of a model in base-to-base with the Lictor),
and if the Lictor kills that model, any additional
Fade Away: Lictors are infamous for assaulting wounds it inflicted are ignored and do not count
isolated units of troops, killing one or two select for combat resolution.
troops (usually leaders or special weapon
troopers), then vanishing back into the safety of
cover without leaving a trace.
At the end of any close combat phase, after
making any Hit and Run movement, a Lictor that
is not Locked in close combat (due to a
Massacre, a successful Hit and Run, or just by
not being involved in close combat to begin with)
and whose base is in contact with Area Terrain
may be immediately removed from the board
and placed back in Reserve. The Lictor must
Deepstrike again in subsequent turns per the No
Warning rule above, although it may Deepstrike
into a different piece of Area Terrain each time it

Loner: although the Lictors are purchased as a

single brood of 1-3, each Lictor is deployed
independently and is treated as a separate unit
during the game. Each Lictor killed will grant the
enemy 1 Kill Point.

Tyranicus Ophidius Subterra

Ravener 5 3 4 4 3 5 3 10 6+

Instinctive Behaviour

Death from Below, Move Through Cover

Tyranicus Ophidius Horribilis

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Monstrous Beast: although a Terror is a

Terror 5 0 5 5 3 5 4+3 10 4+ Monstrous Creature, it has all of the movement
and terrain interaction rules as though it were a
Instinctive Behaviour
Swallow Whole: Terrors are famous for
SPECIAL RULES swallowing their prey whole, to regurgitate them
Death from Below, Move through Cover later into a convenient digestion pool. The Terror
has the Assassin special rule (see the Army List
Monster’s Retinue: the Terror may have a entry for the Lictor, previous).
retinue of 0-5 Raveners. While any of these
Raveners are alive, the Terror may not be picked
out as a separate target for shooting. If the brood
has both a retinue of Raveners and Symbiotic
Rippers, the combined brood of Terror and
Raveners can be shot at separately from the
brood of Symbiotic Rippers. If the Terror has
Symbiotic Rippers, any retinue Raveners must
also purchase that biomorph.

Tyranicus Animus Abhorrens

Zoanthrope 3 3 4 4 2 4 2 10 6+

Synapse Creature

Move Through Cover, The Hive Mind

Loner: although Zoanthropes are purchased as

a single brood of 1-3, each is deployed
independently and is treated as a separate unit
during the game. Each Zoanthrope killed will
grant the enemy 1 Kill Point.

Levitation: Zoanthropes float through the

battlefield on a cushion of psychic force. They
are Jetpack Infantry.

Tyranicus Patris Boletus

Biovore 3 3 4 4 2 1 2 10 5+

Brood Telepathy

Move Through Cover, Slow and Purposeful

Corporaptor Primus

Broodlord 6 0 4 4 2 7 3+1 10 4+

Brood Telepathy

Fleet, Mandatory Retinue, Move Through

Champion of the Cult: An army with a

Broodlord may take Genestealers as Troops as
well as Elites.

Deep Cover: The Broodlord and his retinue may

Infiltrate when permitted by the deployment

Razor Claws: exceptionally hard, sharp claws
empowered with the collective psychic force of
the Hive Mind. They grant the Rending quality
and ignore Armor Saves like a power weapon.

Corporaptor Hominis, Corporaptor Ymgarli

Genestealer 5 0 4 4 1 5 2 10 5+

Brood Telepathy

Fleet, Move Through Cover

Gantius Virago

Gaunt 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5 6+

Instinctive Behaviour

Fleet, Move Through Cover

Suicide Troops: A gaunt brood that is not

equipped with any bio-weapons has the Suicide
Troops special rule.

Gantius Reticulus

Gaunt 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5 6+

Instinctive Behaviour

Fleet, Move Through Cover, Suicide Troops

Specialized Organism: Strangler gaunts are an

extremely specialized strain of the gaunt genus
and are less common than other gaunt
genotypes. There may never be more Strangler
Broods than Gaunt and Hormagaunt Broods in a
single Tyranid swarm.

Gantius Gladius

Hormagaunt 4 0 3 3 1 4 1+1 5 6+

Instinctive Behaviour

Move Through Cover

Gantius Avius

Gargoyle 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 10 6+

Instinctive Behaviour

Death from Above, Fleet, Move Through

Suicide Troops: A gaunt brood that is not

equipped with any bio-weapons has the Suicide
Troops special rule.

Minoris Omniphagea

Rippers 3 1 3 3 3 2 3 10 6+


Move Through Cover, Suicide Troops, Swarm


Spore Pod - - - - - - - - -


Mycetic Assault: in the first stages of a
planetary assault, Tyranid creatures are dropped
from the Hive Ships in low orbit, forcing the
planet’s defenders to spread their forces and
expend fuel and ammunition trying to fight on a
thousand fronts at once.
A Mycetic Spore Pod must be attached to
another Tyranid brood that does not have the
Deepstrike, Scout, or Infiltrate special rules. This
brood must start the game in Reserve. The
Spore Pod (represented by a 5” radius circular
marker) enters the game according to the
Deepstrike rule.
A Spore Pod that successfully Deepstrikes is
placed on the board, becoming a 5” diameter
circle of Area Terrain (granting a 4+ cover save)
that is Difficult and Dangerous to all non-Tyranid
models (representing the slimy wreckage of the
Spore Pod after impact). Then, the attached
brood is placed from the center of the circle in
concentric circles (as is normal for placement of
Deepstriking units). It is permissible for models
to be placed outside of the Spore Pod circle on
the table.
A single Mycetic Spore Pod carries all of the
models from a single brood, even if the models
normally deploy independently (e.g.
Zoanthropes). The following Tyranid creatures
can fit in a single Spore Pod:
* 1 Hive Tyrant with up to 1 Tyrant Guard
* 1 Screamer Killer
* 5 Tyranid Warriors
* 8 Genestealers
* 16 Gaunts or Hormagaunts
* 5 Ripper Swarms
* 3 Zoanthropes
* 3 Biovores
* 1 Carnifex
A brood may take up to the permissible number
of Symbiotic Rippers along with it in a Mycetic
Spore Pod (thus, a brood of 16 Gaunts could
bring along up to 8 Symbiotic Ripper Swarms
and deploy from the Spore Pod with them).

Boletus Minoris

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Detonation: normally, a Spore Mine cluster will

Spore Mine 0 0 1 3 1 1 0 10 - move into base to base contact with an enemy
model in the Tyranid Movement Phase and then
HIVE STATUS detonate in the Tyranid shooting phase.
Mindless However, the cluster will detonate immediately if
it Deepstrikes on top of enemy models, is
SPECIAL RULES destroyed by enemy (or friendly) shooting, or it
Slow and Purposeful, Suicide Troops comes into base to base contact with enemy
models outside of the Tyranid Player Turn (such
Living Bomb: Spore Mine clusters must enter as by being assaulted). A spore mine within
play via Deepstrike. Spore mine clusters that Synapse coverage can also be detonated by a
Deepstrike on top of or in base to base contact Synapse Creature within 12” of the cluster in
with an enemy model do not roll for Deepstrike place of shooting one bio-weapon, regardless of
mishaps; instead, they explode immediately (see how close the cluster is to enemy models.
Detonation, below). Any casualties are treated In any case, when a Spore Mine cluster
as being taken in the following Tyranid Shooting detonates, immediately place large blast
Phase for the purposes of Morale tests. templates centered on the bases of each spore
mine in the cluster and resolve shooting hits on
any units (friend or enemy) that are touched. If
Drifting: spore mine clusters cannot Run, nor do
the detonation happens during the Tyranid
they have the Move Through Cover special rule.
Player turn, treat any enemy casualties as
While they are in Synapse coverage, they Move
though they happened in the Shooting Phase (for
normally (subject to Slow and Purposeful). If a
the purposes of Morale checks).
cluster is not in Synapse coverage, roll a scatter
die for each cluster in the Movement phase; if an
arrow is rolled, all of the mines moves 1d6” in
Spore Mines: Spore Mines have no close
the direction indicated (maintaining coherence),
combat capability, having WS0 and A0; when
and if a HIT is rolled, the cluster does not move.
they detonate, they have one of the following
A cluster may move into base-to-base contact
profiles (chosen when the cluster is purchased):
with an enemy model in the Movement phase.
S AP Type
Frag 4 5 Large Blast
Toxin 1 4 Large Blast, Venomed (4+)
Bio-Acid 3 3 Large Blast, +1d6 to Armor
Penetration roll

Carnifex Voracio, Carnifex Arbilys

Carnifex 4 2 8 6 4 1 2 10 3+

Instinctive Behaviour


Carnifex Ululare

Screamer 3 2 7 5 4 2 2 10 3+

Instinctive Behaviour


Tyranid creatures do not carry weapons in the of number of shots fired by shooting bio-
same manner as the soldiers in most armies; weapons, for example).
their weapons are complex symbiotic creatures
that are grafted directly into their bodies, drawing
Some Tyranid weapons rely on sticky webs or
sustenance directly from their hosts.
grasping, barbed vines to enmesh and tear apart
There are two categories of Weapon-Symbiotes.
their targets.
Close Combat Weapon-Symbiotes and Ranged
Non-tyranid units that take one or more wounds
from an Entangling weapon must take a Strength
Close combat weapon-symbiotes are listed test. If they fail, they must Go to Ground.
without a ranged weapon profile and therefor Additionally, vehicles that take a Glancing or
can only be used during assault. Further close Penetrating hit from an Entangling weapon will
combat weapon-symbiotes never grant bonus take a “Crew Shaken” effect in addition to
attacks for extra close combat weapons. Instead whatever effect is generated on the Vehicle
some of them grant and extra attack or the Damage table.
option for an extra attack individually. Unlike
Living Ammunition
most other armies, a Tyranid creature may take
Tyranid weapons typically use mindless flesh-
advantage of all of their close combat bio-
eating subcreatures as ammunition. Although not
weapons at the same time, and unless otherwise
instantly lethal, being devoured from the inside is
noted all effects are additive and apply to all of
excruciating, horrific, and extremely
the creature’s close combat attacks.
disconcerting to other members of the unit.
Tyranid ranged weapon symbiotes are listed with Tyranid bio-weapons described as having Living
a ranged weapon profile and work the same way Ammunition reroll failed To Wound rolls. All
as all ranged weapons do. They however have Morale tests taken as a result of shooting by
characteristics that are dependent on the weapons with Living Ammunition are at -1.
Tyranid creature that wields them. The “S” value
in the bio-weapon entries below is equal to the
Although the Venom Cannon is more than
Strength of the wielding creature, with any
capable of chewing holes in the heaviest armor,
biomorph modifiers that directly affect the profile
killing crew, and destroying exterior components,
value of Strength (e.g. Hyper Metabolism), but
the highly energized crystals typically shatter on
not any bio-weapons (e.g. Bonesword) or
impact with heavy components, limited their
temporary effects (e.g. Ferocious Charge).
ability to inflict catastrophic damage to vehicles.
Similarly, the “X” value in the entries below is
Bio-weapons with the Shattering quality are
equal to the unmodified Attacks stat value of the
treated as having AP- when they score a
wielding creature, without counting any
Glancing or Penetrating Hit against a vehicle.
biomorphs, bio-weapons, or rules that might
grant additional attacks in close combat. Venomed
Many Tyranid weapons use a cocktail of
Many Tyranid ranged weapon-symbiotes have
neurotoxins, phage cells, and other bio-agents to
unique special rules:
cripple and kill their targets.
+1 Attack (+1 A) Venomed shots follow the same rules as
Some shooting bio-weapons are useful in close Poisoned close combat weapons. The roll to
quarters fighting in the same way as a pistol wound is listed in the bio-weapon entry. A
would be to a humanoid soldier. creature may attack without using the Venomed
These weapons confer an extra Attack in close quality, using the normal comparison of Strength
combat. They are in all ways normal close to Toughness to determine the roll to wound. In
combat attacks and benefit from any other rules, this case, they forfeit the reroll to wound if their
status, biomorphs, or other bio-weapons that Strength is equal to or greater than the target’s
affect close combat. They do not increase the Toughness
creature’s profile Attacks value (for the purposes

The following entries detail all ranged and close combat weapon-symbiotes common to tyranids and
describe their function in the game.

Barbed Strangler Devourer

A simple, fleshy tube that launches bio- A disgusting cone of semi-rotten flesh filled with
engineered seed pods with a peristaltic muscular black devourer worms; when stimulated, they are
contraction. These plants rapidly grow and sprayed out in a putrid cloud, splattering the
spread tendrils over a wide area, trapping target area with hundreds of burrowing, brain-
animals with their barbed thorns to extract their seeking worms. Death is quick, horrific, and
bodily fluids and feed off of their rotting agonizing.
carcasses. Devourers occupy one weapon slot and have the
Barbed Stranglers occupy two weapon slots and following profile:
have the following profile: Range S AP Type Special
Range S AP Type Special 18“ S-1 (5) - Assault 2X Living Ammunition
36“ S-1 (8) 5 Assault 1 Large Blast,
Entangling Fleshborer
Although superficially appearing to be a gun, the
Boneswords fleshborer is actually a brood-home for sharp-
Boneswords are viciously sharp and contain a fanged beetles that are electrically stimulated to
psychic organ in the hilt that directs the power of fly out and bore through their targets.
the Hive Mind through synaptic paths along the Fleshborers occupy one weapon slot and have
blade, surrounding it with a tightly coiled warp the following profile:
distortion. Range S AP Type Special
Each bio-weapon slot with boneswords gives a 12“ S+1 (6) 5 Assault X Living Ammunition
+1 Strength bonus in close combat or +1 Attack
in close combat. This option can be chosen each Lash Whip
close combat phase and for each bonesword the multiple thrashing tendrils of the Lash Whip
equipped. Thus, a Tyranid Warrior with two sets tangle the limbs and weapons of nearby enemies
of boneswords can attack in close combat with as well as strangling and crushing them.
+2 Attacks, +1 Attack and +1 Strength, or +2 Each bio-weapon slot with Lash Whips grants
Strength, chosen each close combat phase. either +1 Attack in close combat or deprives all
enemy models in the creature’s engagement
Crushing Claws zone of 1 Attack, to a minimum of 1 Attack per
seen on only the largest Tyranid creatures, enemy model, cumulative for multiple lash whips
crushing claws are extremely destructive against on a single model and multiple models with Lash
large targets that can be trapped and crushed. Whips. The option may be chosen for each close
Crushing Claws take two bio-weapon slots per combat phase and for each lashwhip equipped.
set. Each set of Crushing Claws gives +1 Attack
in close combat and adds +1 bonus hit per hit Rending Claws
scored in close combat against Vehicles and a set of short, powerful claws with diamond-hard
units of multi-wound models. tips, allowing the creature to shred through the
hardest armor and structural materials with ease.
Deathspitter Each bio-weapon slot with Rending Claws grants
Similar to the fleshborer, the bloated grubs the Rending quality to the creature’s close
incubated inside this fleshy tube are filled with combat attacks or +1 Attack in close combat.
highly corrosive acid nodules which rupture and This option can be chosen each close combat
spray over a wide area when they strike their phase and for each set of rending claws. If two or
target. more bio-weapon slots are chosen to grant
Deathspitters occupy one weapon slot and have Rending instead of extra Attacks, the creature
the following profile: will causing rending hits in close combat on a To
Range S AP Type Special Wound roll of 5-6 instead of just on a 6.
24“ S+1 (7) 5 Assault 1 Blast

Scything Talons Strangleweb
a simple and lethal bio-weapon, the scything This unimpressive, bulbous tube is actually a
talon is a curved, sharpened length of bone and parasitic web-spinning creature vaguely similar to
chitin. the Terran orb-weaver spider. When stimulated
Each bio-weapon slot with Scything Talons gives with a hormonal trigger, it produces a cloud of
+1 Attack in close combat. sticky, resinous fibers.
Stranglewebs occupy one weapon slot and have
Spike Rifle the following profile:
A long, bony tube with a complex web of internal Range S AP Type Special
muscles and tendons to sling-shot a meter-long Template S+1 (5) 5 Assault 1 Entangling
barbed, venomous harpoon to great distances.
Spike Rifles occupy one weapon slot and have Venom Cannon
the following profile: An almost unbelievable biological construct,
Range S AP Type Special incorporating elements from at least eight
24“ S (6) 5 Assault 1 Venomed 4+ different Tyranid sub-creatures, this enormous
bio-weapon produces a rapid-fire stream of
Spinefist magnetically accelerated metal-crystalline venom
Specifically engineered for close-quarters shards that puncture, poison, and electrocute
combat, the spinefist ejects a wide-angle spray their targets.
of neurotoxic spines, slowly paralyzing and Venom Cannons occupy two weapon slots and
asphyxiating its targets. have the following profile:
Spinefists occupy one weapon slot and have the Range S AP Type Special
following profile: 36“ S+2 (10) 4 Assault X Rending, Venomed
Range S AP Type Special 2+, Shattering
12“ S (4) - Assault X Venomed 5+, +1 A
Spore Mine Launcher
Not so much a bio-weapon as a Tyranid creature
using the Biovore as transportation, the Spore
Mine Launcher is a genetic factory for producing
clutches of Spore Mines and ejecting them in
high arcs towards the enemy.
All of the spore mine launchers in a single brood
must fire the same kind of mine in each Shooting
Phase, although they may choose different
mines in different turns. The different mine types
are described in the Spore Mine Cluster entry on
the Army List.
If the large blast template does not hit any
enemy models, place a Spore Mine model in the
center of where the blast template scatters.
From this point on, it is treated as a normal
Spore Mine. A Spore Mine Launcher does not
have to be fired at an enemy unit; the initial blast
template can be placed anywhere on the board,
after which blast scatter is rolled as normal
(which may result in the mine hitting a target
Spore Mine Launchers occupy two weapon slots
and have the following profile:
Range S AP Type Special
48“ Var. Var. Assault 1 Large Blast, Barrage

Tyranid biomorphs are grown directly onto or within their bodies. A single creature can have any
combination of biomorphs except as noted in the biomorph descriptions or Army List entries. Unless
otherwise noted, no biomorph can be taken more than once. The biomorphs that directly affect the
creature’s profile are not considered modifiers; the modified value just replaces the given value on the
creature’s profile.

Acid Maw Hive Node

A creature with Acid Maw gains +1 to vehicle A brood with the Hive Node biomorph is
armor penetration rolls. considered to be in Synapse coverage at double
the normal range from a Synapse creature (i.e.
Adrenal Glands 24” instead of 12”).
A creature with Adrenal Glands gains the
Furious Charge USR. Hyper Metabolism
A creature with Hyper Metabolism gains +1
Bonded Exoskeleton Strength.
A creature with Bonded Exoskeleton gains +1
Toughness. Implant Attack
A creature with Implant Attack inflicts one
Burrower additional unsaved wound to each model that
A creature with the Burrower biomorph gains the takes an unsaved wound from its close combat
ability to Deepstrike. attacks. A creature with Implant Attack twice
Centauroid (both mouth and tail, for example) inflicts 2
additional unsaved wounds. Note that this
A creature with a Centauroid body structure
biomorph has no additional effect on 1-Wound
replaces their secondary arms with legs, giving
models, as the extra Wounds inflicted do not
them more speed and mobility. A creature with
carry over onto other models.
this biomorph gains the Fleet of Claw USR, but
loses ½ of their bio-weapon slots (e.g. a Tyranid Leaping
Warrior loses 1 of their 2 bio-weapon slots, The creature gains all of the special rules as
whereas a Hive Tyrant loses 2 of its 4). though it had the Beast/Cavalry type, although it
Enhanced Senses keeps its actual type; the brood may use
whichever rules are most advantageous to each
Creatures with enhanced senses gain +1
situation. In addition, it may roll an extra die for
Ballistic Skill and the Acute Senses USR.
movement or assault distance through Difficult
Extended Carapace Terrain in the same way as for Move Through
A creature with an extended carapace gains +1 Cover (and cumulative with that rule).
to its Armor saving throw, so a creature with a 5+
Armor save naturally will instead have a 4+
Reflex Boost
A creature with a Reflex Boost gains +1 Weapon
Armor save, and so forth.
Skill and +1 Initiative.
Feeder Tendrils
Feeder tendrils rapidly extract genetic and
biometric information from the bodily fluids of a
wounded target creature; this information is then
spread through the Synaptic network, allowing
the rest of the Tyranid creatures to viciously
target its weak points.
A creature with feeder tendrils and all friendly
Tyranids within 2” of it gain the Preferred Enemy
USR against all enemy units.
Flesh Hooks
A creature with flesh hooks counts as being
equipped with Assault Grenades. In addition, it
may count vertical Impassible Terrain (such as
cliff faces and walls) as Difficult Terrain.

Regeneration Spore Cysts
At the beginning of the Tyranid Movement During the shooting phase, a creature with spore
Phase, this creature will regain one lost Wound cysts that is not in base to base contact with any
on a roll of 4+ on 1d6. If the creature loses its enemy models may produce a spore mine of any
last wound (but no more), it goes into desired type. A spore mine may be produced in
regenerative hibernation, indicated by laying the addition to the creature’s normal shooting, and
model down on the table. It may not move, even if the creature Runs. When the spore mine
shoot, run, assault, flee, use any Hive Mind is created, the Tyranid player must nominate a
powers (even ones that are continuously active), direction, usually by laying down a range ruler or
or do anything other than lay there, and is pencil; the spore mine travels 1d6+2” in this
considered to have WS0. It may be shot or direction, measured from the spore cyst
assaulted as normal. If the hibernating creature creature’s base. From this point on, the spore
suffers one or more unsaved Wounds, it is mine acts normally (see the Army List entry for
destroyed and removed normally. At the end of Fast Attack Spore Mines), and may explode if it
each Assault Phase, enemy units in base to is ejected close enough to an enemy unit.
base contact with a hibernating Tyranid may
either consolidate away from close combat or Symbiote Rippers
remain locked (in which case they will be able to A Tyranid creature or brood with Symbiote
attack the creature in close combat again during Rippers can take Ripper Swarms as additional
the next Player Turn). At the end of each models in the brood. A brood can take a
subsequent Tyranid movement phase, roll 1d6; maximum of one Ripper Swarm per two wounds
on a 4+, the creature returns to play (stand it of models in the brood (rounded up). The
back up) with one Wound, and counts as having Rippers are purchased as an independent brood
already moved. with their own biomorphs and bio-weapons, but
they are permanently attached to their parent
Reinforced Chitin brood and do not take up a slot on the Force
Tyranids with reinforced chitin gain +1 Wound. Organization Chart. If the brood or creature the
Symbiote rippers are attached to has any of the
Scuttlers Burrower, Leaping, Scuttlers or Winged
Tyranids with the Scuttlers biomorph gain the biomorphs the symbiote Ripper swarm must also
Scouts USR. purchase these biomorph enhancements. If the
Spade Tail Brood the Ripper Swarms are attached to
consists of Beasts or Monstrous Beasts the
All shooting from a model with a Spade Tail may
Ripper Swarms must purchase the Leaping
reroll failed To Hit rolls (which obviously has no
biomorph. The cost of Symbiotic Rippers
effect if the weapon is already twin-linked or
includes the cost for the biomorph taken by the
otherwise has a reroll). However, a brood with
parent brood, as well as any mandatory and
Spade Tailed models also gains the Slow and
optional biomorphs and special rules. All rules
Purposeful USR, and loses the Fleet USR (if it
concerning mixed T, I, and Movement apply to
possessed it already).
the mixed brood as normal, which will usually
Spine Banks mean that the mixed brood cannot use the Fleet
A model with spine banks counts as being USR until all of the Symbiotic Ripper Swarms are
equipped with Assault Grenades. In addition, it removed as casualties.
can release a spray of spines in the shooting
phase with the same effect as a Spinefist,
Tail Weapon
The creature gains one or two additional Attacks
although the Spine Banks do not grant a bonus
in close combat if there are three or more enemy
close combat attack. Spine banks may be fired
models in base to base contact with the creature
in addition to the creature’s normal shooting, and
after all assault, charge reaction, and pile in
even if the creature Runs.
moves are complete. There are two types of tail
weapons available:
Scythe or Blade Tail: +2 Attacks at ½
Strength (rounded up)
Mace or Pincer Tail: +1 Attack at full
These are normal close combat Attacks in all
ways, and benefit from all of the creature’s other
bio-weapons, biomorphs, and special rules.

Thorax Weapon Winged
The creature has a bio-weapon recessed inside Winged creatures Deepstrike, move, run,
its body cavity which can shoot out of its mouth. conduct assault movement, withdraw, and
This weapon does not take up a bio-weapon interact with terrain as though they were Jump
slot, but does count against the number of Infantry; for all other purposes they retain their
shooting weapons that the creature can fire in normal type. A Winged creature may not have
the Shooting Phase. The following can be found the Centauroid, Extended Carapace, or Leaping
as Thorax Weapons (although not all options are biomorphs.
available on all creatures):
Flamespurt Without Number
Range S AP Type Special Any brood Without Number that is removed from
- - - - +1 Attack play may be brought back into play at the
beginning of the next Tyranid turn. It moves onto
Bio-Plasma the board as though it were arriving from
Range S AP Type Special Reserve (using any special rules like Outflank or
Template S+1 (10) 4 Assault 1 +1 Attack Deepstrike) and has exactly the same profile and
armaments as its predecessors. Kill Points are
Spinefist scored for the original brood and its
Range S AP Type Special replacements as if they were entirely separate
12“ S (4) - Assault X Venomed 5+, +1 A broods.
Range S AP Type Special
12“ S+1 (7) 5 Assault X Living Ammunitíon
Range S AP Type Special
18“ S+1 (5) - Assault 2X Living Ammunitíon
Range S AP Type Special
24“ S+1 (7) 5 Assault 1 Blast
A creature with the Thornback biomorph
determines the results of an assault (winning or
losing) as though they inflicted 1d3 more
unsaved Wounds than they actually inflicted.
This modifier will also affect the subsequent
Morale test or number of No Retreat wounds
Toxic Miasma
The creature is treated as being equipped with
Defensive Grenades.
Toxin Sacs
The creature’s close combat attacks have the
Poison quality, with the fixed roll to wound given
in the brood’s entry in the Army List. A creature
may attack without using the Toxin Sacs, using
the normal comparison of Strength to Toughness
to determine the roll to wound. In this case, they
forfeit the reroll to wound if their Strength is
equal to or greater than the target’s Toughness.
Tusked Tyranids gain +2 Attacks when charging
instead of +1.

Hive Mind powers function in the same way as Psyker powers, except as noted under the Hive Mind
description, previous. No Tyranid creature may have a single Hive Mind power more than once (no
getting two Warp blasts or two Psychic Screams on a single Zoanthrope, for example).

Warp blast Catalyst

The Tyranid creature projects a wave of A power similar to Synapse, but narrower in
psycho-spatial distortions that tear apart scope and more powerful; the Hive Node
physical objects. creature can focus the will of the Hive Mind on
This power grants the Tyranid creature a a single creature or brood, taking direct control
shooting attack with two modes; choose one of their body systems to remove even
each time it is fired: autonomic physical reactions, giving them
partial immunity to physical damage for a short
Spread (no psychic test required)
Range S AP Type Special
A brood under the influence of Catalyst gains
24“ 5 3 Assault 1 Blast the Feel No Pain USR until the following
Focused (requires a psychic test) Tyranid Shooting Phase. This power is used in
Range S AP Type Special place of firing one bio-weapon in the Shooting
18“ 10 1 Assault 1 - Phase, may be targeted at any single Tyranid
brood within 24" (including the brood with this
If a Tyranid creature has both Warp Blast and power), and requires a psychic test to activate.
the Enhanced Senses biomorph, the Focused
shot gains the Gets Hot! quality, representing The Horror
the surge of psychic power overloading the The most common effect of the Hive Mind on
creature’s advanced sensory apparatus and the non-Tyranid psyche is to overwhelm it with
causing damage to its neurological structure. horrific despair and a sense of the inevitability
of the Hive Fleet’s victory.
Warp field Enemy units within 6" of a Tyranid creature
A controlled psycho-spatial distortion with this power count only 1/2 the unsaved
surrounds the Tyranid, scattering and wounds they inflict in close combat (rounded
deflecting incoming attacks. down) for the purposes of determining combat
The creature gains a 2+ Armor Save and a 5+ resolution (e.g. Morale test modifiers and No
Invulnerable Save. This Hive Mind power acts Retreat! Wounds inflicted). This power is active
continuously and does not require a psychic continuously and does not require a psychic
test. test.
Synapse Psychic Scream
The signature power of the Tyranid species, The overwhelming presence of the Hive Mind
this psychic control network spreads through collective is perceptible even to the most
specific creatures (typically of the Tyrant, psychically inert soldier, invading their thoughts
Warrior, and Zoanthrope genus) to direct the and perceptions in the form of a ceaseless
actions of the lesser instinctive creatures. keening wail.
All Tyranid broods within 12" of the creature All non-Tyranid units within 18" of the creature
with the Synapse power (including the with Psychic Scream are at -1 Leadership for
Synapse creature itself) follow the rules all purposes, cumulative to a maximum of a -5
defined previously for the Synapse Creature penalty applied to any single unit. The effects
Hive Status. of Psychic Scream are not cumulative with the
effects of Shadow in the Warp (defined above);
apply whichever modifier is worse.

To make a choice, look in the relevant section The presence of the Hive Fleet in orbit around
of the army list and decide what unit you want the planet and the progressive infestation of
to have in your army, how many models there the planet’s biosphere alters the battlefield
will be in it, and which upgrades you want (if conditions in favor of the Tyranids. This is
any). Remember that you cannot field models represented by the options listed below. These
that are equipped with Bio-weapons or are not connected to any model or unit in the
Biomorphs not shown on the model. Once this army, nor do they use a slot on the FOC.
is done subtract the points value of the unit
Spore Cloud
from your total points, and then go back and
After an invasion has established a successful
make another choice. Continue doing this until
foothold on the ground, spore chimneys grow
you have spent all your points. Then you're
and seed the atmosphere with clouds of
ready to do battle! blinding, choking spores. This is usually a sign
Army List Entries that the planet is doomed, as these spores are
Each entry consists of the following: lethal to animal life and vastly accelerate plant
growth, increasing the rate at which the
Unit Name: The type of unit, which may also Tyranids can extract biomass.
show a limitation on the maximum number of A Spore Cloud costs points equal to 5% of the
choices you can make of that unit type and the point limit of the army, rounded up. Thus, a
point cost per unit or per model. 1000 point Tyranid army could have a Spore
Profile: The baseline values for all Cloud for 50 points, whereas for an 1850 point
characteristics, before any modifiers for army it would cost 93 points.
biomorphs. The point value given is always for If the Tyranid army purchases the Spore Cloud
a single model. option, the Night Fighting rule is in effect for
both armies and for the entire game.
Availability: How many of this brood can be
taken in one army. Biomass Infestation
Brood: The minimum and maximum number By the final stages of a Tyraid invasion, nearly
of models for the brood. all of the indigenous animals are dead and the
vegetation has extracted most of the nutrients
Type: The type of unit the brood is (usually available in the soil, overgrowing the planet
Infantry, Monstrous Creature, Beast, or Jump into a diseased jungle of digestion pools and
Infantry). ferocious Rippers.
Hive Status: The psychology rules for this Any Tyranid army that has at least one brood
brood (usually Instinctive Behavior, Brood of Rippers can purchase the Biomass
Telepathy, or Synapse creature). Infestation option for a point cost equal to 5%
of the Army Limit for the battle, rounded up (as
Special Rules: Any special rules that apply to above).
this brood. If this rule is in effect, all Area Terrain on the
board becomes Dangerous Terrain for non-
Biomorphs: The mandatory biomorphs, and
Tyranid units, representing the infested plants,
any optional biomorphs available to this brood.
acidic fungus, dangerous harvester creatures,
The creature’s profile will already reflect any
and acidic pools dotting the landscape.
bonuses for mandatory biomorphs.
In addition, Ripper Swarms bought as Troops
Hive Mind Powers: Any mandatory Hive Mind lose the Suicide Troops rule and gain the
powers, and the list of optional Hive Mind ability to hold Objectives, despite their
powers available to these creatures. Mindless status. Symbiotic Rippers, by
contrast, remain Suicide Troops.
Bio-weapons: This entry will list the number of
weapon slots and the bio-weapons that can or
must be chosen. Weapons with two costs
listed use the first cost without for creatures
without Hyper Metabolism, and the second for
creatures with Hyper Metabolism. The
creature’s profile will reflect any bonus Attacks
for mandatory bio-weapons by a ‘+’.

HIVE TYRANT 60 points

Hive Tyrant 5 3 5 5 4 5 3 10 3+

Brood: 1 + optional Retinue (Tyrant Guard) May take one of the following back biomorphs:
Unit Type: Monstrous Creature Spine Banks ....................................... 10 points
Hive Status: Synapse creature Thornback ............................................ 8 points
Special Rules: Optional Retinue, The Hive Mind Winged ............................................... 40 points
(An army can have only one Winged Hive
Biomorphs: Tyrant. Winged Hive Tyrants may not have a
May take one of the following mouth biomorphs: retinue of Tyrant Guard)
Acid Maw .............................................6 points
Implant Attack.....................................12 points Bio-weapons:
Thorax Bio-Plasma........................12/15 points Must fill 4 bio-weapon slots with any combination
of the following:
May take any of the following body biomorphs: Scything Talon ..................................... 8 points
Adrenal Glands...................................12 points Lash Whip .......................................... 10 points
Bonded Exoskeleton ..........................15 points Bonesword ......................................... 18 points
Centauroid .................................................. free Spinefist ............................................. 12 points
Enhances Senses ..............................10 points Devourer ........................................... 6/9 points
Extended Carapace............................25 points Deathspitter ..................................... 9/13 points
Hyper Metabolism ..............................12 points Barbed Strangler ........................... 15/20 points
Flesh Hooks .........................................4 points Venom Cannon ............................. 30/40 points
Reflex Boost .......................................17 points
Regeneration ......................................25 points Hive Mind Powers: Synapse and The Horror
Symbiote Rippers ...............................10 points
Toxic Miasma .......................................6 points May have one of the following Hive mind Powers:
Toxin Sacs (3+) ..................................10 points Catalyst .............................................. 15 points
Psychic Scream ................................. 10 points
May take one of the following tail biomorphs: Warp Blast.......................................... 20 points
Implant Attack.....................................12 points Warp Field .......................................... 35 points
Spade Tail ..........................................15 points
Tail Weapon – Blade ............................8 points
Tail Weapon – Pincer ...........................8 points


Tyrant Guard 5 3 4 5 2 5 2 5 3+

Brood: 0-3 The whole brood may take any of the following
Unit Type: Infantry body biomorphs:
Hive Status: Instinctive Behaviour Bonded Exoskeleton ............... 10 points/model
Special Rules: Move through Cover, Retinue, Centauroid.................................................. free
Shield Wall Extended Carapace ................ 12 points/model
Hyper Metabolism ..................... 5 points/model
Biomorphs: Flesh Hooks ................................ 1 point/model
The whole brood may take one of the following Symbiote Rippers.................... 10 points/model
mouth biomorphs: Toxic Miasma ............................ 3 points/model
Acid Maw .................................. 3 points/model Toxin Sacs (4+) ......................... 2 points/model
Implant Attack............................ 3 points/model
The whole brood may take one of the following The whole brood must fill 2 bio-weapon slots with
back biomorphs: any combination of the following:
Spine Banks ...........................4/6 points/model Scything Talon .......................... 2 points/model
Rending Claws .......................... 4 points/model
Lash Whip ................................. 3 points/model
0-1 BROODLORD 55 points

Broodlord 6 0 4 4 2 7 3+1 10 4+

Brood: 1 + Retinue (5-11 Genestealers) May take any of the following body biomorphs:
Unit Type: Infantry, Independent Character Adrenal Glands .................................... 7 points
Hive Status: Brood Telepathy Bonded Exoskeleton .......................... 12 points
Special Rules: Champion of the Cult, Deep Extended Carapace ........................... 10 points
Cover, Fleet, Mandatory Retinue, Move through Hyper Metabolism ................................ 8 points
Cover Flesh Hooks ......................................... 3 points
Reflex Boost......................................... 6 points
Biomorphs: Reinforced Chitin.................................. 5 points
May take one of the following mouth biomorphs: Toxin Sacs (3+) .................................. 12 points
Acid Maw .............................................5 points
Feeder Tendrils ....................................3 points Bio-weapons: Scything Talons and Razor Claws
Implant Attack.....................................12 points


Warrior 4 2 4 4 2 4 2 10 5+

Brood: 3-9 Bio-weapons:

Unit Type: Infantry Each Tyranid Warrior must fill two bio-weapon
Hive Status: Synapse creature slots with any combination of the following
Special Rules: Biodiversity, Move through weapon-symbiotes. Only one Warrior per brood
Cover, The Hive Mind may take a Venom Cannon or Barbed Strangler:
Scything Talon ..................................... 2 points
Biomorphs: Rending Claws ..................................... 4 points
The whole brood may take one of the following Lash Whips .......................................... 3 points
mouth biomorphs: Boneswords ......................................... 5 points
Acid Maw ....................................1 point/model Spinefist ............................................ 3/4 points
Implant Attack............................ 3 points/model Spike Rifle ......................................... 3/5 points
Thorax Flame Spurt................... 3 points/model Devourer ........................................... 5/8 points
Deathspitter ..................................... 8/10 points
The whole brood may take any of the following Barbed Strangler ........................... 10/15 points
body biomorphs: Venom Cannon ............................. 15/20 points
Adrenal Glands......................... 3 points /model
Bonded Exoskeleton ................. 5 points/model Hive Mind Powers: Synapse.
Centauroid .................................................. free
Enhanced Senses .......................1 point/model If the brood is taken as an HQ choice per the
Extended Carapace................... 2 points/model Biodiversity rule above, it may take one
Hyper Metabolism ..................... 2 points/model additional Hive Mind Power from the following
Flesh Hooks ................................1 point/model list:
Leaping...................................... 6 points/model Catalyst .............................................. 15 points
Reflex Boost .............................. 4 points/model Psychic Scream ................................. 10 points
Symbiote Rippers ........................1 point/model The Horror .......................................... 10 points
Toxic Miasma ............................ 1 points/model Hive Mind powers are held collectively by the
Toxin Sacs (4+) ......................... 2 points/model entire brood, and their ranges may be measured
from any model.
The whole brood may take one of the following
tail biomorphs:
Implant Attack............................ 3 points/model
Spade Tail ................................. 5 points/model

The whole brood may take one of the following

back biomorphs:
Winged ....................................10 points/model

0-1 LICTOR BROOD 65 points/model

Lictor 5 0 5 4 2 5 3+1 10 5+

Brood: 1-3
Unit Type: Infantry Each Lictor may take any of the following body
Hive Status: Brood Telepathy biomorphs:
Special Rules: Assassin, Chameleon Scales, Bonded Exoskeleton ............................ 5 points
Death from the Shadows, Fade Away, Fleet, Hit Hyper Metabolism ................................ 5 points
and Run, Loner, Move through Cover, No Reinforced Chitin................................ 10 points
Warning, Pheromone Trail Reflex Boost......................................... 8 points
Toxin Sacs (4+) .................................... 3 points
Biomorphs: Feeder Tendrils, Flesh Hooks
Bio-weapons: Rending Claws and Scything
Each Lictor may take one of the following tail Talons. Only the bonus attack for the Scything
biomorphs: Talons is annotated in the profile above.
Implant Attack.....................................10 points

GENESTEALER BROOD 13 points/model

Genestealer 5 0 4 4 1 5 2 10 5+

Brood: 6-12 The whole brood may take one of the following
Unit Type: Infantry mouth biomorphs:
Hive Status: Brood Telepathy Acid Maw .................................... 1 point/model
Special Rules: Fleet, Move through Cover Feeder Tendrils ......................... 2 points/model
Implant Attack ........................... 2 points/model
The whole brood may take any of the following Bio-weapons: Rending Claws.
body biomorphs:
Adrenal Glands.......................... 2 points/model The whole brood may fill 1 bio-weapon slot with
Extended Carapace................... 3 points/model one of the following:
Flesh Hooks ................................1 point/model Scything Talons......................... 2 points/model
Reflex Boost .............................. 3 points/model Rending Claws .......................... 4 points/model
Scuttlers..................................... 3 points/model
Toxin Sacs (4+) ......................... 2 points/model


Screamer 3 2 7 5 4 2 2 10 3+

Brood: 1 May take one of the following mouth biomorphs:

Unit Type: Monstrous Creature Acid Maw ............................................. 3 points
Hive Status: Instinctive Behaviour Implant Attack ...................................... 8 points
Special Rules: Fearless Thorax Bio-Plasma............................. 12 points
Tusked.................................................. 6 points
May take any of the following body biomorphs: Bio-weapons:
Adrenal Glands...................................12 points Must fill 4 bio-weapon slots with any combination
Enhances Senses ................................8 points of the following:
Flesh Hooks .........................................4 points Scything Talon ..................................... 8 points
Hive Node.............................................5 points Lash Whip .......................................... 10 points
Reflex Boost .......................................10 points Crushing Claws .................................. 18 points
Symbiote Rippers .................................5 points Devourer .............................................. 7 points
Toxic Miasma .......................................6 points Deathspitter ........................................ 13 points
Toxin Sacs (3+) ....................................5 points

GAUNT BROOD 4 points/model

Gaunt 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5 6+

Brood: 8-32 The whole brood may take one of the following
Unit Type: Infantry mouth biomorphs:
Hive Status: Instinctive Behaviour Acid Maw .................................... 1 point/model
Special Rules: Fleet, Move through Cover Thorax Flame Spurt .................... 1 point/model

Biomorphs: Bio-weapons:
The whole brood may take any of the following The whole brood may fill 1 bio-weapon slot with
body biomorphs: one of the following:
Adrenal Glands............................1 point/model Scything Talons........................... 1 point/model
Enhanced Senses .......................1 point/model Fleshborer ................................... 1 point/model
Extended Carapace.....................1 point/model Devourer ..................................... 1 point/model
Flesh Hooks ................................1 point/model Spinefist .................................... 2 points/model
Hive Node....................................1 point/model Spike Rifle ................................. 2 points/model
Reflex Boost .............................. 2 points/model
Scuttlers..................................... 2 points/model
Symbiote Rippers ....................................... free
Toxin Sacs (5+) ...........................1 point/model
Without Number ........................ 3 points/model

HORMAGAUNT BROOD 7 points/model

Hormagaunt 4 0 3 3 1 4 1+1 5 6+

Brood: 8-32 The whole brood may take any of the following
Unit Type: Infantry and Beast body biomorphs:
Hive Status: Instinctive Behaviour Adrenal Glands ........................... 1 point/model
Special Rules: Leaping, Move through Cover Extended Carapace .................... 1 point/model
Flesh Hooks ................................ 1 point/model
Biomorphs: Hive node .................................... 1 point/model
The whole brood may take one of the following Reflex Boost................................ 1 point/model
mouth biomorphs: Scuttlers .................................... 3 points/model
Acid Maw ....................................1 point/model Symbiote Rippers....................................... free
Thorax Flame Spurt.....................1 point/model Toxin Sacs (5+) ........................... 1 point/model
Without Number ........................ 3 points/model

Bio-weapons: Scything Talons

STRANGLER BROOD 12 points/model

Gaunt 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5 6+

Brood: 2-4 The whole brood may take any of the following
Unit Type: Infantry body biomorphs:
Hive Status: Instinctive Behaviour Adrenal Glands ........................... 1 point/model
Special Rules: Fleet, Move through Cover, Extended Carapace .................... 1 point/model
Specialized Organism, Suicide Troops Flesh Hooks ................................ 1 point/model
Reflex Boost.............................. 2 points/model
Biomorphs: Scuttlers, Hive Node Toxin Sacs (5+) ........................... 1 point/model

The whole brood may take one of the following Bio-weapons: Strangleweb
mouth biomorphs:
Acid Maw ....................................1 point/model
Thorax Flame Spurt.....................1 point/model

RIPPER SWARM 10 points/model

Ripper Swarm 3 1 3 3 3 2 3 10 6+

Brood: 3-10 (or special for Symbiote Rippers) The whole brood may take one of the following
Unit Type: Infantry back biomorphs:
Hive Status: Mindless Winged ..................................... 8 points/model
Special Rules: Move through Cover, Swarm,
Suicide Troops If the Ripper Swarm is attached to another unit
that has one of the following special rules as
Biomorphs: Symbiote Rippers Biomorph the whole Ripper
The whole brood may take any of the following Swarm must purchase all of the same special
body biomorphs: rules (ripper swarms that are not part of a unit
Adrenal Glands............................1 point/model with any of these special rules may not take any
Burrower .................................... 2 points/model of them):
Enhanced Senses .......................1 point/model Death from Above .................... 2 points/model
Extended Carapace.....................1 point/model Death from Below...................... 2 points/model
Flesh Hooks ................................1 point/model
Leaping...................................... 4 points/model Bio-weapons:
Reflex Boost ................................1 point/model The whole brood may fill 1 bio-weapon slot with
Scuttlers..................................... 2 points/model one of the following:
Toxin Sacs (5+) ...........................1 point/model Rending Claws .......................... 5 points/model
Without Number ........................ 5 points/model Spinefist .................................... 3 points/model

The whole brood may take one of the following

mouth biomorphs:
Acid Maw ....................................1 point/model
Thorax Flame Spurt.....................1 point/model

RAVENER BROOD 25 points/model

Ravener 5 3 4 4 2 5 3 10 6+

Brood: 2-6 The whole brood may take any of the following
Unit Type: Beast body biomorphs:
Hive Status: Instinctive Behaviour Adrenal Glands ........................ 3 points /model
Special Rules: Death from Below, Move Flesh Hooks .............................. 2 points/model
through Cover Reflex Boost.............................. 4 points/model
Symbiote Rippers....................................... free
Biomorphs: Hive Node, Burrower Toxin Sacs (4+) ......................... 2 points/model

The whole brood may take one of the following The whole brood may take one of the following
mouth biomorphs: tail biomorphs:
Acid Maw .................................. 2 points/model Implant Attack ........................... 4 points/model
Implant Attack............................ 4 points/model Tail Weapon – Blade................. 2 points/model
Thorax Spinefist ........................ 8 points/model Tail Weapon – Pincer................ 2 points/model
Thorax Devourer .....................10 points/model
Thorax Fleshborer ..................... 8 points/model Bio-weapons:
Thorax Deathspitter................... 6 points/model The whole brood must fill 2 bio-weapon slots with
any combination of the following:
Scything Talon .......................... 2 points/model
Rending Claws .......................... 4 points/model
Lash Whip ................................. 3 points/model

0-1 CHROMATIC TERROR 90 points/model

Terror 5 0 5 5 3 5 4+3 10 4+

Brood: 1 + optional retinue (0-5 Raveners) May take any of the following body biomorphs:
Unit Type: Monstrous Creature Adrenal Glands .................................. 12 points
Hive Status: Instinctive Behaviour Extended Carapace ........................... 10 points
Special Rules: Death from Below, Monster’s Flesh Hooks ......................................... 4 points
Retinue, Monstrous Beast, Move through Cover, Reflex Boost....................................... 15 points
Swallow Whole Symbiote Rippers................................. 5 points
Toxic Miasma ...................................... 6 points
Biomorphs: Burrower, Hive Node Toxin Sacs (3+) .................................. 10 points

May take one of the following mouth biomorphs: May take one of the following tail biomorphs:
Acid Maw .............................................6 points Implant Attack .................................... 12 points
Implant Attack.....................................12 points Tail Weapon – Blade............................ 6 points
Tail Weapon – Pincer........................... 6 points

Bio-weapons: 3 sets of Scything Talons

GARGOYLE BROOD 9 points/model

Gargoyle 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 10 6+

Brood: 8-32 The whole brood may take any of the following
Unit Type: Jump Infantry body biomorphs:
Hive Status: Instinctive Behaviour Adrenal Glands ........................... 1 point/model
Special Rules: Death from Above, Fleet, Move Enhanced Senses ....................... 1 point/model
through Cover Flesh Hooks ................................ 1 point/model
Reflex Boost................................ 1 point/model
Biomorphs: Winged, Hive Node Symbiote Rippers....................................... free
Toxin Sacs (5+) ........................... 1 point/model
Biomorphs: Without Number ........................ 3 points/model
The whole brood may take one of the following
mouth biomorphs: Bio-weapons:
Thorax Flame Spurt.....................1 point/model The whole brood may fill 1 bio-weapon slot with
one of the following:
Scything Talons........................... 1 point/model
Fleshborer ................................... 1 point/model
Devourer ..................................... 1 point/model
Spinefist .................................... 2 points/model

MYCETIC SPORE POD 25 points/model

Spore Pod - - - - - - - - -

Brood: 1-3
Unit Type: n/a
Hive Status: n/a
Special Rules: Mycetic Assault


Frag Spore Mines 15 points/model
Toxin Spore Mines 20 points/model
Bio-Acid Spore Mines 25 points/model

Spore Mine 0 0 1 3 1 1 0 10 -

Brood: 1-3 Biomorphs: Without Number (Spore Mines that

Unit Type: Infantry are produced by Spore Cysts biomorph or the
Hive Status: Mindless Spore Mine Launcher bio-weapon do NOT have
Special Rules: Slow and Purposeful, Suicide this biomorph).
Troops, Living Bomb, Drifting, Detonation
Bio-weapons: Themselves

0-1 ZOANTHROPE BROOD 45 points/model

Zoanthrope 3 3 4 4 2 4 2 10 6+

Brood: 1-3 (see Loner below) Bio-weapons:

Unit Type: Jetpack Infantry Each Zoanthrope may fill 1 bio-weapon slot with
Hive Status: Synapse creature one of the following:
Special Rules: Loner, Levitation, Move through Scything Talon ..................................... 2 points
Cover, The Hive Mind Rending Claws ..................................... 4 points
Lash Whip ............................................ 3 points
Biomorphs: Bonswords ........................................... 5 points
Each Zoanthrope may take any of the following
body biomorphs: Hive Mind Powers: Synapse and Warp Field
Enhanced Senses ..............................10 points
Reflex Boost .........................................4 points Additionally, each Zoanthrope must choose
Toxic Miasma .........................................1 point between 1 and 2 from the following:
Toxin Sacs (4+) ....................................2 points Catalyst .............................................. 15 points
Psychic Scream ................................. 10 points
The Horror .......................................... 10 points
Warp Blast.......................................... 20 points

BIOVORE BROOD 35 points/model

Biovore 3 3 4 4 2 1 2 10 5+

Brood: 1-3 Bio-weapons: Spore Mine Launcher.

Unit Type: Infantry
Hive Status: Brood Telepathy The whole brood may fill 1 bio-weapon slot with
Special Rules: Slow and Purposeful one of the following:
Scything Talons......................... 2 points/model
Biomorphs: Rending Claws .......................... 4 points/model
The whole brood may take any of the following
body biomorphs:
Bonded Exoskeleton ................. 5 points/model
Enhanced Senses .......................3 point/model
Extended Carapace................... 2 points/model
Hyper Metabolism ..................... 2 points/model
Symbiote Rippers ........................1 point/model
Toxic Miasma ............................ 1 points/model
Toxin Sacs (4+) ......................... 2 points/model

CARNIFEX 80 points/model

Gaunt 4 2 8 6 4 1 2 10 3+

Brood: 1 May take one of the following tail biomorphs:

Unit Type: Monstrous Creature Implant Attack .................................... 10 points
Hive Status: Instinctive Behaviour Spade Tail .......................................... 15 points
Special Rules: Fearless Tail Weapon – Mace .......................... 10 points
Tail Weapon – Scythe ........................ 10 points
May take one of the following mouth biomorphs: May take one of the following back biomorphs:
Acid Maw .............................................3 points Spine Banks ........................................ 8 points
Implant Attack.....................................10 points Spore Cysts........................................ 10 points
Thorax Bio-Plasma........................10/15 points Thornback .......................................... 10 points
Tusked................................................10 points
May take any of the following body biomorphs: Must fill 4 bio-weapon slots with any combination
Adrenal Glands.....................................8 points of the following:
Bonded Exoskeleton ..........................20 points Scything Talon ..................................... 8 points
Enhanced Senses ................................8 points Lash Whip .......................................... 10 points
Extended Carapace............................25 points Crushing Claws .................................. 18 points
Flesh Hooks .........................................1 points Devourer ........................................... 6/9 points
Hive Node.............................................8 points Deathspitter ..................................... 9/13 points
Hyper Metabolism ................................5 points Barbed Strangler ........................... 15/20 points
Reflex Boost .......................................10 points Venom Cannon ............................. 30/40 points
Regeneration ......................................30 points
Reinforced Chitin................................15 points
Symbiote Rippers .................................5 points
Toxic Miasma .......................................5 points
Toxin Sacs (2+) ....................................6 points


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