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3 STUDENTS ON THE OCASSION OF THEIR GRADUATION CEREMONY TODAY BEING THE 28TH DAY OF JULY, 20134. The honourable Director, The Staff and Management, The Chairman, members of the high table, Our parents and guardians, friends and well wishers, All the students and pupils. With profound joy in our hearts, we welcome you all to this grand occasion. We are so grateful to God His grace and sustenance to us all since all these years. We are also grateful to everyone of you who took it upon yourselves to see to the success and glamour of this program. Our thanks goes to our beloved director, Comrade Sir, Israel A. Nwamkpa, who granted us support and courage throughout our stay in this school. In fact, he is a champion and rare gem, and indeed a man of valour. The memory of your words of admonition will not fade in our hearts. We remember your sayings some of which are, When you fail to plan, you plan to fail, Authority supersedes anointing, If mountain fails to go to mohammed, mohammed will go to mountain. Sir, thank you for instigating the spirit of leadership in us. We will not fail to appreciate the abilities of our teachers whom God have been using to produce prospective and intellectual giants who are above their equals in our generation. Not minding any circumstance, our beloved teacher impacted in our lives positively as a vital mission to fulfill. We thank you for teaching us discipline, principles of respect, success, goal setting and actualization through daily moral counseling and teaching. We are highly indebted to the school management for teaching and encouraging us to be bold to stand to face challenges of the various spheres of life, which I believe is helping us now that we are into the world.

Our dear fellow students, we thank you for your co-operation with us when we were with you. We urge you to adhere to the instructions, disciplines, teachings and the teachers and elders in the school. Dont forget to be studious. Have self control, positive and high self esteem. Be yourself and have goals that are attainable. Conclusively, put into practice thats good that youve learnt from us and the teachers. Dont be afraid of trying because youre afraid of failing. Remember if you dont experience failure, you may not be successful. Our parents, we will not forget your efforts in bringing us up. Please dont relent in helping us to achieve our goals please understand and tolerate us. Summarily, we say to leave the school is missing our friends, teachers and fellow students, to stay back is to disappoint our generation by wasting time. Nevertheless, we have to leave for we know that the world awaits us for good. We therefore assure our parents and teachers that we will not disappoint their efforts. We pray that God will lead you safely back to your various destinations in Jesus Name.


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