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21. NATIONAL INSTITUTEOF FASHION TECHNOLOGY NEW DELHI , (1997) 22. A C e ntrally locate d s ite of 2.

87 acre s(1 1 ,642 s q. m ts .) in H au z-Kh as wass e le cte d . Th e ins titu te was vis u alize d as aninte rnational fas h ion ce nte r.Th e N IF T s ite is s u rrou nd e d b y h ou s ing &ins titu tional u s e s .F as h ion D e s ign d e m and s continu ou sinnovation, for th is ch anging e nvironm e nth igh ly vis ib le d is p lay and s h ow are as aree s s e ntial.D os h is conce p t of s u rrou nd ing th e inne rcou rt with e ach of th e m ain b locks ofcom p le x b / 3 & 4 s torie s h igh give s th e wfe e ling of trad itional ch owk (cou rtyard ). 23. SITE PLAN 24. GROUND F. PLAN 25. BASEMENT PLAN 26. A s e rie s of h igh and low p latform s , a varie ty of galle rie s and are as for form al and cas u al activitie s and d ire ct & ind ire ct d is p lay of th e d e s igns im p lie s a s e rie s of inte rnal cou rtyard s and te rrace s at variou s h e igh ts .A glaze d walkway of re fle ctive glas s looks d own into inne r cou rtyard .An Au d itoriu m in b as e m e nt occu p ie s th e s p aced ire ctly b e ne ath th e Am p h ith e atre on grou nd floor.Th e re s t of b as e m e nt is u s e d for car p arking s p ace sand m e ch anical facilitie s . 27. Angle d glaze d s u rface s of th ead m inis tration b lock.F ligh t of b rick s te p s le ad to th e cou rtyardfrom th e m ain gate .Th e ad m inis trative b lock locate d in th efore grou nd of th e com p le x with lib rary ande xh ib ition are a.F irs t cou rtyard - M od ifie d ku nd or s au ce r-s h ap e d rainwate r s tore .S e cond cou rtyard - Inform alAm p h ith e atre .Both cou rtyard s form th e ce ntral s p ace ofins titu te & h ave glaze d corrid ors arou ndth e m th at allow a cle ar vie w of th egalle rie s , th e clas s room clu s te r, th e ad m . 28. C e ntral wate r ch anne l le ad ing from ou ts id e in to h e art of com p le x. E ntrance at th e top of th e inne r cou rt. Th e ce ntre of th e com p le x cre ate a d ram atic d e s ce nt to a p ool with re fle ctive angle d glas s m u ltip lying th e e ffe ct. Th e re is an u nd u lating p ainte d s te e l p e rgola ab ove th e inte rnal cou rt as a s ym b olic gate way.

PROJECT DETAILS National Institute of Fashion TechnologyNIFTCampusNr. Gulmohar ParkHauz Khas ,New Delhi 110 016Client - National Institute of Fashion TechnologyPrincipal Architect - Balkrishna Doshi , M/s SteinDoshi & BhallaProject Associate - Laxman Patel, S.L.ShahStructural Consultant Himanshu Parikh,AhmedabadElectrical Consultant - Sheth Consultants,AhmedabadSite Area - 11650 m 2 Total Built-up Area - 13570 m 2 Project Cost - Rs. 8.5 million (1994)

Fashion implies creativity with and time. In architectural terms a spatial modulation of continues movement in time and space much as theambiance of an Ind ian bazaar where the drama of daytoday life unfolds. The National Institute of Fashion TechnologyatNew Delhi, recreates an inwardly bazaar,livened up by desig ned displays and movements of students as well as visitors through entire \ space. Consisting of academic, administrative and residentialactivities, the campus reinterprets the traditionaltown square through its inward looking building;interactive corridors, bridges and terraces; kund likesteps; and communicative facades.

The front court, surrounded by the terracedacademic block and glazed administrative wingbecomes culturally appropriate and climaticallycomfortable outdoor space. Animated by a series of high and low platforms,soft and hard landscaping, a water channel and amirror like wall back drop, the space multiplies asentrance court, central green, display platform,informal theatre and a visual focus. Open as well as glass screened bridges separatingkund like court from amphitheatre court, notonly remain as movement path, but also double upas the cat walk for the fashion shows which canbe viewed over from the class rooms, corridors,library as well as the administrative block. Fragmentation of the built mass and facadearticulation illustrate a tenuous yetexperientially rich interrelationship betweenvarious parts of the ensemble. Formlessness and fragmentation of buildingsat NIFT renders it flexible to adapt andexpress different form and elements of different edges, in effective response to theirspecific functions and cont ext.

While, the common set of elements namely-court, steps and corridors integrate theseparts into unified whole.

N.I.F.T , NEW DELHI (1994) In the National Institute of Fashion Design (N.I.F.T.), Delhi, Doshi and the VastuShilpa Foundation are less successful. While there is nothing wrong in using the form of a step-well (baoli) from Ahmedabad as conceptual and formal inspiration, what is lacking in the building is the unity of its parts and overall coherence. It is almost as if the building design has been given out to several sub-teams within the office. Each of them has done a competent job, but an overall rhythm is lacking. Slide 14: It is entirely possible that Doshis office, in its eagerness to keep up with developments in architectural theory neglects in this building its core expertise that of designing simple, good architecture that works for its users and helps preserve local building traditions. Consisting of academic, administrative and residential activities, the campus reinterprets the traditional to wn square through its inward looking building; interactive corridors, bridges and terraces; k u n d like steps; and communicative facades. The front court, surrounded by the terraced academic block and glazed administrative wing becomes cul turally appropriate and climatically comfortable outdoor space. Slide 15: . In architectural terms a spatial modulation of continuos movement in time and space much as the ambiance of an Indian ba zzar where the drama of day today life unfolds. The National Institute of Fashion Technology at New Delhi, recreates an inwardly bazar, livened up by designed displays and movements of students as well as visitors through entire space. . Animated by a series of high and low platforms, soft and hard landscaping, a water channel and a mirror like wall b ack drop, the space multiplies as entrance court, central green, display platform, informal theatre and a visual focus. Open as well as glass screened bridges separating kund like court from amphitheatre court, not only re main as movement path, but also double up as the cat walk for the fashion shows which can be viewed over from the cla ss rooms, corridors, library as well as the administrative block.

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