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I. PROFILE Direction: Kindly put check ( ) mark in the space [ ] that corresponds to your answer. 1. Age [ ] 25 years old & below [ ] 26 - 35 2. Sex [ ] Male 3. Civil Status [ ] Single [ ] Married 4. Highest Educational Attainment [ ] College graduate [ ] Master's Degree Units

[ ] 36 45 [ ] 46 above

[ ] Female

[ ] Widow/er [ ] Others, please specify ._______

[ ] Master's Degree Others, please specify _________

5. Please indicate your position in the company. [ ] Accountant [ ] Manager [ ] Program Director Others, please specify _________ [ ] Program Head 6. Number of years in present position [ ] Less than 1 year [ ]1-5 [ ] 6 - 10 II. COMPANY PERSPECTIVE 1. Number of years in business [ ] Less than 5 years [ ] 5-10 [ ] 11-15

[ ] 11 - 15 [ ] 16 - 20 [ ] 21 above

[ ] 16-20 [ ] More than 20 years

2. Type of Organization [ ] Non-Profit Organization [ ] Partnership 3. Major Customer [ ] General Public [ ] Businesses

[ ] Corporation

[ ] Government Others, please specify.________

4. Management of Corporate Social Responsibility Programs [ ] Human Resource Department [ ] A separate organization Foundation Others, please specify. _________ 5. Type of beneficiaries (Check as many) [ ] Children [ ] Out of School Youth [ ] Teachers

[ ] Relocatees Others, please specify.________

6. Focus of Corporate Social Responsibility [ ] Education [ ] Environment [ ] Youth Empowerment [ ] Disaster Relief [ ] Community Development

[ ] Employees Support and Development [ ] Health & Safety Others, please specify._______

III. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY PROGRAMS Legend: 5- Strongly Agree 4-Agree 3- Undecided 2- Disagree 1- Strongly Disagree A. Commitment to Employees 5 1. Employs health and safety management system in workplace. [ ] 2. Introduced health education, training, and counseling or prevention programs to assist employees, their family or community members. [ ] 3. Has a system in place to record all work related accidents. [ ] 4 [ ] 3 [ ] 2 [ ] 1 [ ]

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4. Takes steps to mitigate and/or reduce the incidence of safety risks. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 5. Provides health and safety training to employees. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 6. Performs employee satisfaction surveys. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 7. Has employment initiatives or target that go beyond national regulation to women and/or people with disabilities. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 8. Makes effort to ensure equal opportunities through internal audits and/or internal training. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 9. Has procedures and/or systems in place in relation to complaints by employees. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 10. Has a policy or procedures in place for the prevention of harassment, coercion, threatening behavior, physical abuse, sexual abuse or verbal abuse toward employees. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 11. Has organization wide policy/conduct on ensuring freedom of association. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 12. Others please specify.____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ B. Personnel Education and Development 5 1. Provides human rights training within the organization. [ ] 2. Implementing more ways in which workers can raise areas of concern and working closely with suppliers and partners to ensure standards are met. [ ] 3. Aims to create a more ergonomic work place. [ ] 4. Provides a knowledge management system to share expertise and knowledge amongst employees, and support community activities. [ ] 5. Provides leadership trainings to employees to enhance their skills. [ ] 6. Offers incentives to encourage employees to proactively participate in knowledge sharing within the company. [ ] 7. Provides technical expert training that helps employee to fuel personal growth and increase work satisfaction. [ ] 8. Supplements various programs to support employees suggestions so that ideas can bear fruit. [ ] 4 [ ] 3 [ ] 2 [ ] 1 [ ]

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9. Supports and encourages the employees to balance their work and life. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 10. Conducts self-development programs for the employees. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 11. Others please specify:___________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ C. Community Development 5 1. Contributes to the economic well-being of the community across the value chain through employment, up skilling or linkage into the extended supply chain. [ ] 2. Helps to raise awareness to primary health care and improved knowledge on preventive measures against various diseases. [ ] 3. Contributes to the livelihood of the community. [ ] 4. Relief efforts are instantly implemented by Unilever during calamities such as typhoons, fire and the like. [ ] 5. Supports the company's corporate citizenship activities by encouraging employees' participation in community service activities and promoting a donation culture. [ ] 6. Develops and implements public projects that respond to the social issues of governments and local communities. [ ] 7. Launches programs in which the proceeds are donated to the supported charities. [ ] 8. Sponsorship includes health care, education and training programs, and recreational activities to the communities. [ ] 9. Offers internship opportunities to give students onsite work experience. [ ] 10. Understands community's needs and cooperates with local communities in dealing with community issues. [ ] 11. Coordination with government and non-government organizations in activities related with environmental protection. [ ] 12. Helps young people to improve their self-esteem through educational programmes. [ ] 13. Increase number of residents undertaking small enterprises due to entrepreneurial development skills seminar and micro-financing. [ ] 4 3 2 1

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14. Children are treated to fun-filled events, gift giving and play time activities during special occasions. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 15. Others please specify.____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ D. Commitment to a Cleaner and Greener Environment 5 4 1. Has systems in place to measure all or any of the following: energy consumption, water consumption, waste production. [ ] [ ] 2. Benchmarks, monitors, and sets annual/other targets for improvements in any or all of the following: energy consumption, water consumption, waste production. [ ] [ ] 3. Implements both or any of the following environmental management systems: (ISO 14001, Green Globe). [ ] [ ] 4. Has set a target to reduce its carbon dioxide/ other greenhouse gas emissions. [ ] [ ] 5. Has the company introduced any significant initiatives in the past financial year to reduce all or any of the following: energy consumption, water consumption, and paper consumption. [ ] [ ] 6. Has policy/ objectives on the safe disposal of all waste generated during the production of the foundation products/services. [ ] [ ] 7. Has the company aligned any of its business services to achieving better environmental outcomes? (e.i. provided new products with lower emissions and energy usage, adapting services related to climate change mitigation etc.) [ ] [ ] 8. Helps in restoring water bodies such as Pasig River. [ ] [ ] 9. Establishes recovery and recycling system that enables the efficient use of limited resources by recovering such resources from the waste products. [ ] [ ] 10. Works to minimize pollutant discharge and analyzes the basic pollutants generated by each plant for organic management and improvement. [ ] [ ]

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11. Treats all chemical substances under internal regulations and evaluates the use amount and deposits. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 12. Launches more energy-efficient, eco-friendly products. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 13. Reducing waste impact per consumer use. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 14. Developing innovation in light, stronger and better materials that have a lower environmental impact. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 15. Others please specify.____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ E. Commitment to Health and Safety 5 4 3 2 1 1. Health is one of the priorities of the companys Corporate Social Responsibility. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 2. Institutes internal rules on health and safety for a sound workplace for all employees. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 3. Encourages various health and safety activities such as accident prevention initiatives and knowledge sharing among plants. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 4. Installs safety accident prevention facilities, and prevents musculoskeletal diseases arising from simple, repetitive tasks. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 5. Sets up consulting center for stress management and mental disease prevention. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 6. Operates multi-channels of occupational health and safety education programs including off-the-job courses and online courses. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 7. Provides health and safety education programs for new employees, newly promoted employees and overseas assigned employees. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 8. Provides medical subsides, facilities and other welfare programs to both able and disabled employees. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 9. Provide safe drinking water available and affordable to people through Pureit in-home water purifier. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 10. Uses toothpaste or toothbrush brands and oral health improvement programs to encourage children and their parents to brush day and night. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 11. Others please specify.____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

F. Disaster Response 5 4 3 2 1 1. Mobilization of relief efforts are instantly implemented during calamities such as typhoons, fire and the like. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 2. Donations are properly distributed and divided among the recipients. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 3. Representatives from Unilever Philippines prompts and participate in rescue and retrieval operations during worse situations. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 4. Donations and contributions are given to some non-government organizations and institutions in the community such as hospital and barangay health centers to support their operations. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 5. Others please specify.____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ IV. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY PROGRAMS PROCESSES A. Dissemination 5 4 3 2 1 1. Flyers and pamphlets are distributed to the organizations, partner agencies, media and LGUs containing information about the programs of the foundation. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 2. Community schools are visited to inform students of the projects of the foundation. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 3. Posters promoting projects are visible to immediate beneficiaries of the community. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 4. Residents are updated through streamers during activities. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 5. E-media officials conduct regular meetings with officials/members of LGUs (Municipalities and Barangays) about their current and future programs. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 6. Others, please specify.____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ B. Registration And Selection 5 1. Conduct background checks and interviews on potential and current beneficiaries. [ ] 2. Community surveys about programs are conducted. [ ] 3. There is accessibility to registration booths for beneficiaries during the conduct of services in the communities. [ ] 4 [ ] [ ] 3 [ ] [ ] 2 [ ] [ ] 1 [ ] [ ]

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4. Registration booths are accessible in every Barangay. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 5. Others, please specify.____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ C. Implementation 5 4 3 2 1 1. Representative of the foundation goes to the vicinity of the beneficiaries to inform them that they are chosen to be involved in the companys program. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 2. Officials of the company see to it that the rules set by the organization are followed by the beneficiaries. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 3. Coordinates with Project Partners (DSWD, LGUs, Corporate Donors, Volunteers, Media, etc.) [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 4. The companys officials and employees participate in the implementation of the companys program. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 5. Others please specify.____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ D. Monitoring 5 1. Conducts meeting with the beneficiary residents of the company to continuously monitor them. [ 2. Attendance is kept during meeting. [ 3. The companys employee conducts houseto-house visits to the residents. [ 4. Conducts community upgrading courses to improve the chances of employability of local residents. [ 5. Coordination with Barangay/Zonal office in monitoring development in the community. [ 6. Different programs of the company have its own monitoring procedures for various activities undertaken. [ 7. Establishes a system for defining performance indicators, gathering data about all processes and generating performance reports. [ 8. Compares the actual performance of the programs with the expected performance. [ 4 ] ] ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 3 [ ] [ ] [ ] 2 [ ] [ ] [ ] 1 [ ] [ ] [ ]

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9. Conducts economic, operation, and future performance reviews to evaluate the effectiveness of the companys corporate social responsibility programs. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 10. Others please specify.____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ V. FINANCIAL ASPECT OF UNILEVER 5 4 3 2 1 1. Commits a certain percentage of the budget to the purpose of social responsibility works. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 2. Records the total amount of its Corporate Social Responsibility investments in terms of a percentage pre or post-tax profits. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 3. Prepares separate financial statements intended to report on Corporate Social Responsibility investment. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 4. Corporate Social Responsibility investments of the company are treated as tax deductible expense for the period. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 5. Practices the responsibility reporting to evaluate every program, project or activity on how their actual results compare to specific measures or performance. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 6. Requires each event head to prepare variance analysis reports that evaluates the differences on actual costs incurred and the allotted budgets. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 7. Requires each event head handling a program, project or activity whose period exceeds one month to prepare variance analysis reports at least once a month. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 8. Sought independent third party (i.e assurance/ audit team) to review its Corporate Social Responsibility financial reports. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 9. Prepares complete set of financial statements. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 10. The reports are being submitted to SEC and other government regulatory Bodies. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 11. Reports are being prepared annually. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 12. Has separate personnel responsible for the preparation of the necessary reports. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 13. Proper monitoring and authorizations of disbursements are employed. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 14. Others please specify.____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

VI. PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED AND PROPOSED SOLUTIONS A. Problems Encountered 5 4 3 2 1 1. High standards of quality are hardly achieved without increasing price. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 2. Non-compliance with any law (environmental, legislation, labor code, business malpractice). [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 3. Lack of transparency among the company and employees. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 4. Lack of leadership in some programs of the company. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 5. Responsibility among different segment is not clearly defined. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 6. Inability to create core competencies and value chains. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 7. Competitors have similar strategies. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 8. There is much price competition. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 9. Others please specify.____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ B. Possible Solutions 5 4 3 2 1 1. Proposing discounts to customers and offering different versions of the companys product at different price levels. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 2. Comply with the applicable Laws and Regulations diligently. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 3. Proper communication and disclosures between the company and its employees. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 4. Hire effective and skilled trainers/facilitators. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 5. Evaluate managers/officers performance against the corporate goals through responsibility accounting. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 6. Business processes must be evaluated for effectiveness, efficiency and their innovative quality. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 7. Generate a competitive advantage, increase the loyalty of customers and overcome competitors.[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 8. Achieve customer satisfaction by improving product quality. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 9. Others please specify.____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________


Questionnaire for UNILEVER PHILIPPINES Beneficiaries Direction: Answer the following by putting a check on the box provided that corresponds to your answer. Sagutin ang mga sumusunod sa pamamagitan ng paglalagay ng tsek sa mga angkop na kahon.

I. PROFILE 1. Age [ ] Below 25 years old [ ] 25 34 [ ] 35 44

[ ] 45-54 [ ] 55 and above

2. Sex [ ] Male 3. Civil Status [ ] Single [ ] Married 4. Highest Educational Attainment [ ] Elementary [ ] High school Undergraduate [ ] High school Graduate 5. Number of Economic Dependents [ ]0 [ ] 1-3 [ ] 4-6 6. Occupational Status [ ] Employed [ ] Female

[ ] Widow/Widower [ ] Others, please specify. ______

[ ] Vocational [ ] College Undergraduate [ ] College Graduate

[ ] 7-9 [ ] 10 above

[ ] Self-employed

7. Average Monthly Family Income [ ] P5,001-10,000 [ ] P 10,001- 15,000 [ ] P15,001-20,000

[ ] P20,000 and up [ ] Others, please specify. __________________

II. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY PROGRAMS Direction: Put a check mark on the box provided that corresponds to your answer. Legend: 5-Strongly Agree (SA) 4-Agree (A) 3- Undecided (U) 2-Disagree (D) 1-Strongly Disagree (SD)

A. Enabling Growth through Entrepreneurship 5 1. Livelihood programs in the community are offered. 2. Comfortable living in the community is developed. [ ] 4 [ ] 3 [ ] 2 [ ] 1 [ ]

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3. Seminars/trainings to alleviate unemployment are conducted. [ ] 4. Residents are encouraged to undertake small enterprises due to entrepreneurial development and skills seminar. [ ] 5. Contributed to the livelihood of the community through livelihood programmes. [ ] 6. Seminars and trainings aiming to elevate employment are conducted.

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B. Enriching Environment, Enriching the Nation 5 1. Solid Waste Management is initiated to remind the people of their environmental responsibility. [ ] 4 [ ] 3 [ ] 2 [ ] 1 [ ]

2. Information in the environment programs of the company. 3. The company launched a program to serve as catalyst in addressing the concern over the worsening state of the Philippine environment. 4. Compliance of standards and laws pertaining to environmental concerns.

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C. Community Development 5 1. Improved health of the families in the community due to health programs, medical, and dental missions launched by Unilever. 2. Decreased cases of malnutrition due to supplemental feeding program of Unilever. 3. Monitors the nutritional improvements of children in the community. 4. Conducts preventicve measures for present, seasonal and upcoming diseases. 4 3 2 1

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5. Awareness of primary health care and improved knowledge on preventive measures against various diseases because of health awareness programs conducted by Unilever. [ ]

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III. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY PROCESSES A. Dissemination 1. Flyers and pamphlets are distributed to beneficiaries containing information about the programs of the company. 2. Posters promoting projects are visible to the immediate beneficiaries of the community. 5 4 3 2 1

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3. Unilever officials conduct meetings with the residents of the community to discuss about their current and future programs

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4. Representatives of Unilever conducts in-house visits to invite the residents to participate in their programs [ ] B. Registration and Selection 5 1. Unilever conducts background check on potential and current beneficiaries. 2. There is accessibility to registration booths for beneficiaries during the conduct of services in the communities. 3. Registration booths are accessible in every barangay. 4. Unilevers employees visit the households for registration and selection. 5. Community Surveys about the programs are conducted. C. Implementation 5 1. Unilevers officials and employees participate in the implementation of its programs and activities. [ ] 2. Representatives of Unilever personally inform their chosen beneficiaries. 3. Unilever has sufficient number of volunteers who help in conducting its corporate social responsibility affairs in the community. [ ]

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D. Monitoring 5 1. Conduct meetings with beneficiary residents to 2. continuously monitor them. [ ] 4 [ ] 3 [ ] 2 [ ] 1 [ ]

3. Establishes monitoring procedures for various activities undertaken. 4. Compliance by the beneficiaries to the requirements, rules, and regulations set by Unilever related to their programs and projects is effectively monitored.

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