Sahab A Graves

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htm It is reported that Gasoline was poured after destroying the grave of Amina Bint Wahb () , the mother of Prophet Mohammad ( ). (Reference book 'Grave Destruction and Desecration' by Shaikh Al-Sayyid Yusuf al-Rifai - translated in English by Shaikh G.F. Haddad). A very recent event occurred on July 9, 2012 in Benghazi, Libya. Salafis (let Allah's wrath and curse be on them) bombed 'Sahaba Mosque' in Derna, Benghazi, Libya at 7 am local time, to destroy the Tomb of Sahabi-eRasool Hadhrat Zuhayr Ibn Qais AlBalawi () .

Hadhrat Zuhayr () was the commander of Arab Army who helped bring Islam to Libya during 63-69 H (683-89 AD).

The Bombing on the mosque destroyed the Tomb and the upper portion of Hadhrat Zuhayr ( ) grave. People were surprised to see the pious body of Hadhrat Zuhayr () remained intact, spotless after 1375 years. The news and these pictures were published in Libya Herald Newspaper on Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Earlier, Salafis took control of Libya after a bloody attack and aerial

bombadrment on Libya with the help of Zionists and NATO in August 2011. Salafis have destroyed many pious graves of Awliya Allah in Libya since their occupation of Libya.
Reuters News Agency, Paris, reported on August 29, 2012 that The United Nations Agency UNESCO has urged Libyan authorities to protect Sufi mosques and shrines under repeated attack by Salafi hardline Islamists' vandalism. UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova said late on Tuesday, the attacks, which have wrecked mosques in at least three cities and desecrated many graves of revered Sufi scholars, "must be halted immediately. Muslim theologian Aref Ali Nayed said Libya had not seen such attacks for centuries. "Even Mussolini's fascists did not treat our spiritual heritage with such contempt," he said, referring to Italy's occupation of Libya from 1911 until World War Two.

Prophet Mohammad ( ) ordered his pious mazaar to be within a secured room with surrounding walls and roofing. After making the mazaar of Prophet Mohammad ( ) Sahabah did not destroy the room. As a matter of fact it was reinforced and ultimately a large tomb was built on Raudhatun Nabi () . (1) It is in Hadith - Narrated Abu Bakr bin 'Aiyash () : Sufyan atTammar ( ) told me that he had seen the Grave of the Prophet ( ) elevated and convex. (Bukhari - Book #23, Hadith #473). All Muslims of the world know that the three pious graves inside Masjid-eNabawi ( ) are elevated, considerably higher from the ground. These remain the same from the earliest times as reported in the above Hadith. (2) It is in Hadith - Narrated Al-Qasim ibn Muhammad ibn AbuBakr( ): I said to Ummul Momineen Aisha ( !) Mother, show me the Grave of the Apostle of Allah ( ) and his two Companions ( ) . She showed me three Graves which were neither high nor low, but were spread with soft red pebbles in an open space (in the secured room). (Abu Dawood Book #20, Hadith #3214).

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