Strategy Political Science Mains - 1

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STRATEGY FOR POLITICAL SCIENCE - MAINS EXAM We feel proud to share our joy with all of you that our Student Nitika Pawar (WITH POLITICAL SCIENCE AS AN OPTIONAL SUUBJECT UNDER OUR GUIDANCE) has secured AIR -18 (IAS 2011) in her very first ATTEMPT. We strive to serve the Student Community with more joy and dedication. Best Wishes to all our members who had come out successful. (Also many students have scored 320+ in POLITICAL SCIENCE in the previous years using our Study Materials & Class). (AIR - 2 in POL.SCI. PAPER 2 in 2007 (190) as per our known records).

(By Raja. Director. AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN Civil Services Chronicle). Political Science a dynamic subject is one of the most popular optional subjects among civil service aspirants. The advantages of picking political science as a favourite optional are diverse. It helps candidates in updating their knowledge of the current events and provides a fresh perspective on the burning domestic and foreign policy issues. More than half of the general studies paper is vitally related to the two papers of political science for the main examination. For example in GS PAPER 2 - Mains 2011 there was a question on contemporary relevance of Balance of Power in International Politics which is purely a Political Science concept. Last year candidates who wrote Mains with political science as an optional have fared better. The rate of success is scaling higher and higher. Good conceptual clarity & fine Answer writing skills are a must to score comfortably in Political Science. Especially in Paper 1 Section A, lack of conceptual clarity mar your chances of scoring high marks. There are certain grey areas in Political Thinkers where students fail to concentrate well. For example Political thought of Hannah Arendt, Aurobindo, Buddhism and Dharmasatsras. It is suicidal to leave topics like this. A student who aims for a single digit rank should be in a position to write at least 200 words on any topic of the syllabus. Moreover in recent times the trend of UPSC Questions reveals that there is nothing that you _____________________________________________________________________
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can skip as students tend to do 6-7 years before. Nowadays there is no weightage for single 60 mark question. Questions are split into sub divisions with different split up of marks like 12 x 5, 30 x 2, and 20x3 and so on. Hence chances of attempting full paper satisfactorily are getting almost difficult. Dont leave any topic. A well prepared student can comfortably score in the range of 360 380. Please ensure that your answers are pregnant with the orientation towards current issues wherever essential. Do not write what is relevant to the question. Write exactly to what the question demands. In mains 2011 there was a very simple and straight forward q uestion Hobbes as an Individualist. Many students (I would call them Superficially Prepared Students) whom I had interacted had explained Hobbes Absolutist nature and did not substantiate the essence of the question. The central idea of the statement is that Hobbes gave absolute powers to the King only to protect the individual interests and Hobbes very much stated that the individual has right to revolt if the king fails to protect his life. Students should address this demand of the question. For example consider the question: Arendt is so critical of the rise of the "social sphere" in modernity. Why?. Students generally tend to answer the above question by explaining what modernity is. This is not the right approach. The correct answer could be like this:In her book On Revolution, Hannah Arendt makes the following claim, every attempt to solve the social question by political means leads to terror. By the social question Arendt meant issues of material destitution and inequality. The claim was itself one of the central planks by which Arendt distinguished the American and French revolutions and the constitutions settlements that followed them. For her the singular calamity of the French Revolution, on account of which it lead to terror and constitutional instability, was that it attempted to address questions of destitution and social inequality within a political framework. In contrast, in the American case, by substantially ignoring the social questions of the day, the constitution was able to limit the ambit of political power, and hence secure the domain of public freedom. Arendt admitted and was well aware that the question of slavery, the material plight of slaves and the treatment of Native Americans were also largely _____________________________________________________________________
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ignored at that founding moment. For her these were judicious choices that the founders made. The fact that mass poverty was substantially absent in late eighteenth century America was just the singular good fortune of the Americans, in contrast with the French, who faced a more dire situation. It is a central feature of Arendts political vision that for power to be chastened and public freedom secured, political institutions must be exempt, and must exempt themselves, from shouldering the burden of redressing material and social inequities. In questions on SECTION-B of Paper 2 which is in fact highly score fetching if a student is balanced in answer writing, Here Balance in Answer writing essentially means that you should interlink various other dimensions which the question actually demand. In mains 2011 there was a question Do you think India should sign a water treaty with China...........?. Many students (I would call them Ultra Smart Students) whom I had interacted had explained the projects that China is constructing on Brahmaputra with facts like so and so watts of power, geography of Brahmaputra etc (especially students with Geography and Political Science as optional subjects). They overdid everything and lost the game. In Civil Services Exam while one segment of students lose their chances of selection by not doing what is needed there is equally good number of students who lose their chances of selection by overdoing. Just do what is needed. Do not overdo and show your academic skills. Especially in subjects like Political Science you should not show your academic skills rather you should show your balanced attitude. Last but not the least Update with current affairs related to Political affairs. As far as Paper 2 is concerned though it is not mentioned in the syllabus it is vital to study the foreign policy doctrine of major powers USA, China, Russia & Japan. 2012 Political Science Paper I SECTION A 1. Comment on the following in approximately 150 words each: (a) Difference between normative and empirical theories of politics (b) Difference between equality of opportunity and equality of outcome (c) Difference between Liberal and Radical forms of Feminism (d) Hannah Arendts conception of the political _____________________________________________________________________
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12X5 60




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(e) Issues of debate in contemporary democratic theory 2. (a) What is meant by relative autonomy of State in Marxist analysis?. (b) Comment on the Marxist and Radical Humanist phases of M.N. Roys thought. (c) Examine the multicultural perspectives on rights. 3. (a) Locke is an individualist out and out Substantiate this statement. (b) Distinguish between the concepts of legitimacy and hegemony. (c) Why is affirmative action important in provision of equal opportunity?. 4. (a) Examine the Gandhian idea of village community as an ideal unit of self-governance. (b) Draw parallels between Arthashastra tradition and the Realist tradition represented by Machiavelli. (c) Write a note on the Buddhist tradition in Indian political thought. SECTION B 5. Comment on the following in approximately 150 Words each: (a) Efficacy of Satyagraha as' moral resistance to colonial rule (b) Judicial activism and social change (c) Role of National Commission for Women in India (d) Demands for the creation of new States in India (e) Doctrine of Basic Structure of the Indian Constitution 6. (a) Discuss the extent to which the Indian Constitution reflects successful reconciliation of alternative perspectives. (b) Examine the relevance of Directive Principles in the era of liberalization and globalization. 7. (a) Examine the impact of coalition-politics on Indian political system. (b) Critically examine Green Revolution as a strategy for sustainable agricultural development. 8. (a) Examine the efficacy of available mechanisms for resolving inter-State disputes in India. (b) Discuss the impact of environmentalist movements on government policies in recent years. 12X5 = 60

2012 Political Science Paper II _____________________________________________________________________

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12X5 = 60

SECTION A 1. Answer the following in about 150 Words each: become the fundamental function of Comparative Politics. Discuss. (b) How did the struggle for representation increase the level and quality of democracy in the industrial societies? (c) Do you agree that liberal international theories are essentially Eurocentric and not necessarily imperialist? (d) Review the increasing role of Multi National Corporations in the policy making process of developing countries. (e) Why is the polarity of power thesis less relevant and meaningful in the present architecture of balance of power? 2. Answer the following in about 250 Words each: 20 X 3 = 60 (a) What are the great debates between classical and modern realists? Is there any thin line of continuity between these two traditions? (b) Does the perspective of Dependency Theory offer a robust critique on the nature of mainstream development process taking place in Africa and Latin America? (c) Is terrorism an essentially contested concept? What are the different manifestations of Terrorism as a concept, and as practice. 3. Answer the following in about 200 words each: these essentially concerns with domestic politics or strategic issues?. (b) What constitutes national security discourses? How far have the IR Feminists questioned how security has been problematised?. (c) Evaluate the nature and distinction of anomic and associational interest groups in the pressure politics of developing countries. (d) Elucidate the trans-disciplinary nature of modern comparative politics and identify the contributions of political sociologists towards this goal. 15 X 4 = 60 (a) What have been the main challenges to Indias foreign policy in the last two decades? Are (a) Examining political phenomena through a process of cross-global investigation has

4. Answer the following in about 250 words each:

20X3 = 60

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(a) How far have the UN reform efforts of 2004-5, transformed the concept of Sovereignty as a fundamental principle of International Law? Do you think that UN reform discourse represents a bio political reprogramming of contemporary sovereignty and global governance?. (b) How would you explain the future of Nuclear Deterrence? Do you think that preventive war is a good Substitute for Nuclear Deterrence?. (c) Examine the significance of ideological and policy aspects in the structural growth of modern political parties. SECTION B 5. Answer the following in about 150 Words each: 12 X 5 = 60

(a) Illustrate the tissue of illegal cross border migration in South Asia and its impact on regional alliances and bilateral relations. (b) Human rights constitute the Third Generation of Rights. Analyze the range and complex dimension of Human Rights in the globalised era. (c) Is there any linkage between a shift in Chinas relations with Japan to a perceived shift in her relations with India? Examine in the light of Chinas so-called anti-encirclement struggle. (d) Comment on the essential elements of Indias foreign policy that are required to secure energy and security in the Indian Ocean region. (e) Is it correct to conclude that the Arab Street revolutions have radically altered the political power scenario of the West Asian countries?. 6. Answer the following in about 250 words each: 20X3 = 60

(a) How would you describe the contemporary Worlds beyond the languages of North/South and Developed / Developing? Is the present transformation driven by domestic compulsions, or external overall crisis of the global economy?. (b) Is power a zero sum or variable game in international relations? Can zero-sum game explain the mixture of conflict and cooperation of the present dynamics of international relations? (c) Assess the scope and importance of setting up the Public Diplomacy Division in the Ministry of External Affairs in strengthening, Indias Foreign Policy. 7. Answer the following in about 200 words each: 15X4 = 60

IAS Express a monthly current affairs booklet 84 questions in Prelims 2012 CSAT -1 Study materials available Political Science, Sociology, General Studies, Essay & CSAT Paper 1& 2




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(a) The effort in restricting illegal migration from Mexico to U.S.A. and Canada has been one major gain for the United States through NAFTA. Comment. (b) Bring out linkages between environmental degradation and neo corporatism in the globalised era. (c) Nations and States have become virtually synonymous. Elucidate. (d) Despite the potentialities, Indias Look East Policy requires a major course correction, Discuss. 8. Answer the following in about 250 words each: 20 X 3 = 60 (a) Do you think that Irans victory in the NAM on the nuclear issue has brought in a new debate on the relevance of the Non-Aligned Movement? (b) What are the political and environmental contexts of the Siachen Glacier conflict? Comment on the possibility of environmental peacekeeping and collaborative arrangements being worked out with Pakistan on this aspect. (c) Examine the idea of a balance between security and liberty in modern international politics. Do you think that the liberal international order is Amore security-friendly?. For any further assistance please Call: us: 9884554654. Best wishes.

IAS Express a monthly current affairs booklet 84 questions in Prelims 2012 CSAT -1 Study materials available Political Science, Sociology, General Studies, Essay & CSAT Paper 1& 2




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IAS Express a monthly current affairs booklet 84 questions in Prelims 2012 CSAT -1 Study materials available Political Science, Sociology, General Studies, Essay & CSAT Paper 1& 2




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MAINS MEMBERSHIP PLAN* (Test questions will be sent by email and to get the test papers evaluated along with feedback and model answers for selective questions and Practice Work Booklet. You need to join separately the test series. For more information in this regard you can. Call: us: 9884 554654 or email to Subjects Covered Code Fees (including Number Taxes and Postage charges) General Studies Mains Paper M121 ` 5, 900/- only. 1 General Studies Mains Paper M122 ` 5, 900/- only. 2 General Studies Mains Paper M123 ` 5, 900/- only. 3 General Studies Mains Paper M124 ` 5, 900/- only. 4 Political science M125 ` 5, 900/- only. Sociology M126 ` 5, 900/- only. General Studies (any one paper) M13 ` 9, 900/- only. and any one optional paper (Political Science or Sociology) General Studies any two papers M15 ` 15,900/- only. + Political Science or Sociology Mains Practice Work Book for M16 ` 890/- only. each Paper Essay Enrichment Programme E1 ` 2500/- only. (EEP) PRELIMS & MAINS MEMBERSHIP PLAN* Subjects Covered Code Fees (including Taxes Number and Postage charges) Entire essential Notes (For T24 ` 23,900/- only. Prelims) & Mains. * (likely to vary sometimes) Students are hereby advised to check the cost at our office (Call: 9884 554 654).

GENERAL STUDIES The recent trend of questions in PRELIMS/MAINS Exam suggests that GS is something which in its own terms highly unique. It needs a SPECIALIST TRETAMENT. GS should not stress you, rather it should be a relaxing experience. It should be joyful. In GS one may feel that anything and everything under the sun is asked. The student gets confused about what to study and what not to study. To be honest, as GS is an ocean there cannot be a totally comprehensive list of preparation material. However, if there is a focussed approach to the preparation, one can easily manage the stress of GS. There is not

IAS Express a monthly current affairs booklet 84 questions in Prelims 2012 CSAT -1 Study materials available Political Science, Sociology, General Studies, Essay & CSAT Paper 1& 2




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strict demarcation between Conventional Topics and Current section. You should update your notes with new information as and when you come across them in the news. Approach for PRELIMS (More than 80 questions in GS CSAT PAPER 1 PRELIMS based on our Guidance) As far as Preliminary exam is concerned FLASH MEMORY RETENTION (FMR)is very much vital. This FLASH MEMORY RETENTION is possible only with the approach of the concerned faculties. Thats what exactly is the strength you gain @ CrackingIAS. Rest you will come to know when you join us. Approach for MAINS (500+ marks in GS MAINS 2011 based on our Guidance) As far as Mains exam is concerned INTERLINKING OF CONCEPTS (IOC) is very much vital. This INTERLINKING OF CONCEPTS is possible only with the approach of the concerned faculties. Thats what exactly is the strength you gain @ CrackingIAS. Rest you will come to know when you join us. What not to do for GS? Do not prepare for PRELIMS GS and MAINS GS separately. GS preparation is holistic and composite which demands a MINDFUL STRATEGY to be blended with exam orientation. What More?. ASK OUR OLD STUDENTS. THEY WILL TESTIMONY US. We feel proud to share our joy with all of you that our Student Nitika Pawar has secured AIR -18 (IAS 2011) in her very first ATTEMPT. We strive to serve the Student Community with more joy and dedication. Best Wishes to all our members who had come out successful. (Also many students have scored 320+ in POLITICAL SCIENCE in the previous years using our Study Materials & Class). (AIR - 2 in POL.SCI. PAPER 2 in 2007 (190) as per our known records).

More than 300 selections since 2005.

IAS Express a monthly current affairs booklet 84 questions in Prelims 2012 CSAT -1 Study materials available Political Science, Sociology, General Studies, Essay & CSAT Paper 1& 2

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