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The idea behind the Personal Long Letter campaign is that a single impassioned constituent may sway a lawmakers opinion, whereas a half-dozen banded together only causes him alarm. a half-dozen banded together only causes him alarm only alarm is caused by a half-dozen banded together only alarm has been caused by a half-dozen banded together a half-dozen banded together only cause him alarm a half-dozen have caused him only alarm when banded together 2. Controversial mortgage laws passed last year state that, if at any point during the maturation period of the loan the person in whose name it is taken is not able to meet the payments, that persons spouse will have responsibilities that include paying the balance. will have responsibilities that include will be responsible to pay is responsible to pay will be responsible for paying is responsible for paying 3. By the time the children get home from track practice, their mother will have finished putting new wallpaper in their bedroom. will have finished will be finishing will finish would have finished would be finishing 4. This process resulted in a total of 15 new townships: of which, to date, 7 are still in existence. of which, to date, 7 are still in existence. of which number, 7 of the 15 are still, to date, in existence. of the number 15, 7, to date, are still in existence. to date of these 15, 7 are still in existence. to date, 7 of the 15 are still in existence. 5. As part of a unified scholarly approach, Symeon, an Eastern Orthodox saint often called The New Theologian, collected texts describing existing traditions and relayed them to his readers in a tone of great devotion and authority and borrowing from Asia some aspects of mystical practice. authority and borrowing from Asia some aspects of mystical practice authority, and borrowed from Asia some aspects of mystical practice along with the aspects of mystical practice he borrowed from Asia authority, borrowing from Asia some aspects of mystical practice authority borrowing some aspects of mystical practice from parts of Asia

6.Authority Our understanding was that she would continue to cover the costs of school enrollment and room and board for the children, which she verbally agreed to pay with the rest of the family. which she verbally agreed to pay with the rest of the family. which she agreed verbally with the rest of the family to pay. of which she agreed verbally with the rest of the family to pay. both of which she verbally agreed to pay with the rest of the family. both of which she agreed to pay with the rest of the family verbally. 7. Scientists working on a number of separate projects made contributions to the invention of the radio, such as Nikola Tesla, who was one of the first to receive a patent in the United States for what was then called wireless transmission of data. radio, such as Nikola Tesla radio; including as Nikola Tesla radio, including Nikola Tesla radio; not least among them being Nikola Tesla radio; especially Nikola Tesla 8. The announced relocation of the hospital has been welcome news for the city, where economic growth has been stagnant for the past several years. city, where economic growth has been stagnant city whose economic growth has been stagnant city where economic growth has been stagnated city, whose economic growth as been stagnated city, the site of stagnated economic growth 9. controversial study suggests that the violent behavior displayed by some teenagers who play several hours of video games a day is due to developmental damage to the frontal lobe region of the brain rather than the absorption of any specifically violent content. is due to developmental damage to the frontal lobe region of the brain are due to developmental damage to the frontal lobe region of the brain is due to damage to the developmental frontal lobe region of the brain are due to developmental damages to the brains frontal lobe is due to developmental damages to the brains frontal lobe region 10. he new mayor is certainly more progressive than her predecessor, but she is not nearly as efficient. but she is not nearly as efficient but she, however, is not nearly as efficient but she is nearly not as efficient even though she is not nearly as efficient despite being not as efficient 11. Taking note of the success of local farmers markets, the universitys food service providers have transitioned into a locally-grown, sustainable operation. have transitioned into a locally-grown, sustainable operation have transitioned into sustainable, locally-grown operation

have transitioned into locally-grown, sustainable operations are transitioned into sustainable, locally-grown operations are transitioning into locally-grown, sustainable operation 12. A proposed law would require people to bring photo ID to polling places when they vote to curb potential fraud. places when they vote to curb potential fraud places when they vote, to curb potential fraud places, when they vote to curb potential fraud places, when they vote, to curb potential fraud places, to curb potential fraud by voting 13. According to a recent study linking high social standing to a habitually stern facial expression, models who do not smile adequately in magazine advertisements give an impression of status and exclusivity, even if they are not wealthy or influential themselves. models who do not smile adequately in magazine advertisements give an impression models in magazine advertisements who do not smile give an impression adequately models who do not smile in magazine advertisements adequately give an impression it is the models, in magazine advertisements, who do not smile and adequately give an impression] in magazine advertisements, the models who do not smile adequately give an impression 14. lthough the researchers agreed unanimously on their expectations for the outcome of the experiment, their surprise was evident when the actual data started coming in. their surprise was evident when they were evidently surprised when their surprise was in evidence when they were evidently surprised as they were surprised as 15. I n addition to adhering to the policies and guidelines of the State Department of Education, the successful instructor will be responsible for instruction in the appropriate teaching environment and evaluates student learning. will be responsible for instruction in the appropriate teaching environment and evaluates will be responsible for instruction in the appropriate teaching environment and evaluate is responsible for instruction in the appropriate teaching environment and evaluate is being responsible for instruction in the appropriate teaching environment and for evaluating is responsible for instructions in the appropriate teaching environment and will be evaluating 16. Unfortunately for the commuters who lost their lives when the bridge collapsed, the engineer was not honest at the preliminary public safety commission hearing, when he was questioned about the structures weight-bearing abilities. was not honest

was not was honest had not been honest had not been being honest 17. Ideally, groups focused on environmental justice should be concerned with how new government projects will impact local populations. Specifically whether the projects would pose an unjust burden for lower-income and minority communities. will will will will will impact local populations. Specifically whether the projects would pose an unjust burden impact local populations, specifically whether the projects would pose an unjust burden impact local populations and pose an unjust burden impact local populations and, specifically, pose an unjust burden be impacting local populations and posing an unjust burden

18. Although genetic recombination ensures that only half the genetic material of a parent is represented in the offspring, some genetic lines may eventually die out entirely, even though there are numerous progeny. Although Conclusively When Because If 19. In most industries the rising cost of support services actually passes a greater financial burden to customers; in the legal profession, for example, a current climb in the cost of court reporting has forced many attorneys to raise their hourly rates. has forced many attorneys to raise their hourly rates. has made many attorneys raise their hourly rates. has meant that many attorneys are being forced to raise their hourly rates. is forcing many attorneys to raise their hourly rates. is meaning that many attorneys are raising their hourly rates by force. 20. The constellation that includes the North Star has been known by many names among different cultures, called The Bear in ancient Greece, The Drinking Gourd in parts of Africa, and Star Girl and Her Seven Sky Brothers among the Cheyenne people of North America. among different cultures, called among different cultures; it was called in different cultures, being called in different cultures; including the title in different cultures; it was called

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