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BREAKTHROUGHS IN TEACHING IHMC In-Service Training June 11, 2009 Some Questions To Reflect: Does teaching always do learning?

? What is teaching? How can teaching be effective in producing learning? What is teaching? Interaction between teacher and students that bring about changes to students behaviour. Competencies of Teachers: (are important and very much needed) Understanding the nature of learners Communication Skills Planning Instructions Implementing Teaching Assessing Learning Updated in the Knowledge of Discipline ( 7 Kingdoms of Classification not anymore 5) Use of Appropriate Media and Other Materials Information Update How Could We Assure Learning? By analyzing learners

Stating specific learning objectives Approaches---Evaluation---Measurement

OLD MEDIA VS. NEW MEDIA (relies on the digital information technology) Books , TV Journals /Magazines Internet Blogs, email, podcasts Websites Ex. Web 2.0 (Perceived as the second generation of Web- based services such as social networking sites, wikis, communication tools) *emphasize online collaboration and sharing of ideas. Which are we to utilize for our own fields ? Example Science Web 2.0 BLOGS Websites a contraction of Web log Websites where entries are made in journal style and displayed in reverse chronological order. Often provide commentaries or news on a particular subject such as food, politics or local news.

Can be used as lecture platform discussing the lesson in a digested manner that can be easily understood. Can contain recent scientific breakthroughs which could supplement todays lesson. Example: Breaking of land in Antarctica

Have you opened my blog? Let the students check their blog. Can be a source of learning not only by the students but the whole world Blogging Sites : Uttp:11 WIKI a web application that allows users to add context but also allows anyone to have the power of sharing information with others. 2 Kinds of WIKI: 1. Wiki Pilipinas only about Phillipines 2. Wiki Pedia about the World A very good platform to know / learn something new for you and the students. PODCASTS pod and broadcast

Series of digital media files, usually digital audio or video Your broadcasting thoughts which can be used by students even at home or anywhere they are. Can be downloaded MP3 or i-pod for the students to hear or listen. This is good for students to review your lecture before quiz or exam. VIRAL means mabilis kumalat Ex. Winning Of Obama ; Hayden Khos Sex Scandal

SOCIAL NETWORKING A category of internet application to help connect friends, business features or other individuals together using a variety of tools. But is this effective? - This provides high level of penetration into student population which cannot be ignored PARADOX The internet was created for and by scientists yet they have been slow to embrace its more useful features. Embracing a Web 2.0 approach in the teaching learning process which can be helpful and useful in

Learning objects / concepts. We can allow teachers to support learners on a much more individual basis through new communication channels. You can give your students a copy for them to listen at home especially those students who dont listen in class, passive but good in computers. Skepticism is very high but this trend could be of great help to students especially those who dont listen in class and are computer focused students ICT Internet Connectivity in Teaching *A supplement in instruction but not as a main source in the teaching-learning process.

BOTTOMLINE: We should be open-minded instead of being Skeptical or Negativistic. KUNG GUSTO KAYA GAWIN

Rote Learning is out of the 21st Century *H.S. stage students are capable of highly abstract thinking (Jean Piaget) * Students perform better than teachers * H.S. students may outperform adults. Example: Carl Friedrich Gauss age 13 Prime Number Theorem Jean Piaget age 11 Published the 1st scientific paper

James Clark Maxwell age 14 Scientific paper was presented at Royal Academy. Albert Einstein age 16 Nature of Light leading to the Theory of Relativity and was completed at the age of 25. Joan of Arc age 11 led the French Army to defeat the English. *She could not read but leaders listen to her. David - the young shepherd defeated the giant Goliath.

REFLECTION - - Spot students talents, skills or potentials. Nurture the curiosity of children / students Dont kill their natural curiosity.

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