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FIRESTARTER Written by IrascibleIdiot

EXT. ROAD - CLEVELAND NATIONAL FOREST - DAY With paint chipped off its sides, a white civic scuttles up a road that leads to the top of a Cleveland National Park mountain. Beyond and above the mountain there is a dark smoke that slowly seeps into the orange dusk. INT. WHITE CIVIC - DAY The engine roars as Chip downshifts, trying to climb the mountaneous road. Sitting aside Chip is his son, LOUIS(15). Louis has a clean crew cut and wears a baseball jersey and jeans. Chip is a young Father with a five oclock shadow. be mistaken as Louiss older brother. Chip fits the car. Louis watches as him and his Father near the fire. LOUIS Dad, lets go back. the game. I wanna see He could

CHIP Nope, youre not getting off that easily. A fire trucks lights can see flickering, wasting its potential in the sheerness of day. A group of firefighters break their huddle to greet Chip and his son. They wave there arms with swift motions; STOP! EXT. ROAD - CLEVELAND NATIONAL FOREST - DAY Chip rolls his window down. FIREFIGHT HEY! SLOW DOWN! Chip does not slow down. CHIP (Poor British accent) Its OK. Im a reporta!


Firefighters dive to the sides of the road. The civic whisks by. The CHIEF of this rig lights his cigar and shakes his head at the controversy. CHIEF Damn Europeans. INT. WHITE CIVIC - CONTINUOUS LOUIS (Nearly jumping out of his seat) DAD! CHIP You wanna know what its like being a firefighter? Huh? Louis sits back into his seat and pouts. CHIP (CONTD) Is he that much more (Flailing his body around, talking with dooper tone) Cooler than me? Eh!? LOUIS Yeah, Dad, hes a cooler Dad than you. A beat. The engines bickering envelopes their silence. EXT. GRAVEL PARKING LOT - DAY The graveled parking is a man made vestibule for one of Clevelands great nature hikes. The parking lot is desolate. Smoke rises from the trees in dense and fast moving clouds. The white civic comes to a stop. INT. WHITE CIVIC - DAY Chip and Louis are coughing their lungs.


The smoke takes advantage of Chips forgetfulness, rolling in through his side window. Louis covers his mouth with his Jersey. Chip coughs, rubbing his eyes. His hand gropes along the panel looking for - FOUND IT. Chip rolls the window up. Smoke lingers behind, Chip opens his side door and pumps it in and out. His attempt to fan out the smoke was meekly. LOUIS I cant breathe. CHIP Well... Chip coughs. CHIP (CONTD) This is what its like to be a firefighter. You still wanna follow your step Dads footsteps? LOUIS No its not. Firefighters use oxygen masks. The sound of the fire loudens. Chip tries looking through his smothered wind shield. Louiss door swings open. A man wearing an OXYGEN MASK grabs his and vanishes into the smoke. CHIP Louis! Chip coughs. CHIP (CONTD) Help! THE END


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