FO B1 Commission Meeting 5-21-03 FDR - Table of Contents and Tab 1 - Entire Contents - 5-16-03 Memo From Kean-Hamilton Re Meeting Agenda 5-21-03 615

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1) Agenda for May 21,2003 Meeting

2) Minutes from May 1,2003 Meeting

3) Team 9 Workplan
Emergency Response and Consequence
Management: New York City and the Pentagon

4) Team 3 Workplan
International Counterterrorism Policy

5) Team 4 Workplan
Terrorist Financing

6) Team 5 Workplan
Border Security and Foreign Visitors

7) Major Civil Actions Surrounding the

Attacks of September 11,2001

8) May 22 - 23 Hearing Agenda

9) Current Commission Staff

May 16, 2003



Lee H. Hamilton To: Commissioners


Richard Ben-Veniste
From: Tom Kean and Lee Hamilton

Max Cleland Subj: Our Upcoming Meeting and Hearings, May 21-23
Frederick E Fielding

Jamie S. Gorelick We plan to meet at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 21, at our K Street office.
We have a substantial agenda to discuss over a working dinner.
Slade Gorton

John F. Lehman I. Approval of the Minutes

Timothy J. Roemer
These are attached at Tab 2.
James R. Thompson
II. Work with the Family Groups
Philip D. Zelikow
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Tom will report on his Thursday (May 15) meeting with the family groups.
Our new family liaison staff will describe their efforts as well.

III. Review of Workplan for Team 9

Immediate Response in New York City and the Pentagon (Tab 3)

IV. Review of Workplan for Team 3

International Counterterrorism Policy (Tab 4)

V. Review of Workplan for Team 4

Terrorist Financing (Tab 5)

VI. Review of Workplan for Team 5

Border Security and Foreign Visitors (Tab 6)

Selected readings on these four topics are provided in the accompanying


VII. Upcoming Hearings

We will first explain our approach to commissioner recusals, since this issue
arises in the context of our panels on aviation safety issues. Enclosed you will

301 7'h Street SW, Room 5125

Washington, DC 20407
T 202.331.4060 F 202.296.5545
also find a memorandum on the pending lawsuits that touch upon our work (Tab 7). The
current hearing agenda (and lead questioning designations for each panel) can be found at
Tab 8. You will receive a separate binder containing briefing materials for the hearing.

VIII. Update on Information Access and Document Requests

This process has been going well so far. The first new document requests have been
made and agencies have been complying. Staff will review where we stand.

IX. Interview Guidelines

At a meeting last week, Adam Ciongoli raised questions about our interview plans,
relating to recordings and agency representatives. Philip and Dan will brief the
Commission. We can then discuss how, if at all, we should adjust the positions the
Commission adopted at our last meeting.

X. Briefings for Commissioners

Philip will discuss plans for upcoming background briefings with the Commission by the
relevant teams of CIA and FBI analysts who have been reconstructing the 9-11 plot.
Staff is scheduled to receive initial versions of these briefings on May 20 and 21.

Other commissioners have requested further intelligence briefings on other topics. We

will discuss our procedures for acting on such requests.

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.

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