Idol Enlistment, A JaeDara Fanfic

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This is my very first [JAEDY] fanfic that was purely inspired by the movie, Major Movie Star, which

was starred by Jessica Simpson as lead role so, Im saying that its not an original masterpiece. This movie is a MUST watch since it got me into writing (keke); for those who are curious. Of course, it will be your choice to watch it or not. Anyway, since this is my first fanfic, I hope the readers will be gracious enough to leave comment and suggestion so as to improve my writing. Moreover, please be gentle. ^_^ PREVIEW: A/N: Wait, I know there arent any female soldiers in Korea, are there? So, lets just imagine that they my FANFIC that is (keke). Now, without further ado, I bring you...IDOL ENLISTMENT! April 21, 2012 21:00 Dear Diary, This day must be a happy day... Yes, it MUST be a happy day to me! Why? Todays the launching of my very first solo album, Wishing Star! Being one of the most celebrated female idols in South Korea, I, Park Dara, felt greatly honored to have accomplished something for myself after my activities with 2NE1. Oh, I miss the girls... Hey, I havent lost my touch yet! Twas a blessing in disguise since there have been struggles of idols in keeping a career in the entertainment industry. Fans have been seeking new trends every 2 weeks! What do they think of idols magicians? Heavens! It aint easy to produce good music nowadays. Geez, arent these fans demanding... (R~ing!) Taking an urgent phone call from Attorney Yang. OHMAIGAHD! I just heard from my manager that my cousin, Jay Park, robbed $20M of my money and properties... Wait a minute, I HAVE $20M SAVINGS AND PROPERTIES? I was that rich without me knowing it?! Great...just great! Now, Im totally broke. This day was supposed to be happy, right? April 22, 2012 06:30 Good Morning! Wearing this neatly pressed army uniform makes my day. Anyway, I was tasked to open the SK Army Office today. Just a great way to start the day... Now, where did I put those keys? (searching his pockets) Aah, got them right here! Sergeant Kim Jaejoong felt something unusual that morning. That something was right at the very doorstep of the SK Army Office. Surely, it wasnt a sight to behold. It only made him crease his forehead.

Maam, dont you know that you arent allowed to sleep in these premises?, he politely said.

(awakens) Yes, I know... (still groggy) I dont have a home now. But, can I use your bathroom before Ill leave?, the lady grins innocently.

Sergeant Kim looks at the lady in front of him. Seemingly, he is not able to believe that this woman, who is dressed like an angel, claims to be homeless. Whats more odd is that, how sassy this beggar can look wondring around the streets of Seoul. Somehow, like magically, he just had a feeling to look upon the skies. A big surprise awaited him to where his eyes just laid on... It was a billboard of a rising star. Dara was freshening herself up when she saw a promotional video about the enlistment for the SK Army. She was totally struck on the lines: DISCOVER YOURSELF. BE A PART OF THE SK ARMY. She was busy having her thoughts when the officer from this morning went to her.

Thank you for letting me use the bathroom!, she began. I was considering joining the SK Army. (pointing towards the LCD TV) Those women in the video look cool in their uniforms! Maam, are you sure you want to be a part of the SK Army? You know, this is no joke. I think you got it all wrong. Sergeant Kim thought of being pranked (looks at his surroundings whether there are hidden cameras around him). Im serious. I want to enlist myself and join the SK Army. (he felt he had to address her properly; letting her know that he knows who she is)Park Darasshi, SK Army is not like the entertainment industry. So, if I were you, Id be more busy composing, singing, and making songs hit # 1. Officer, all this time, Im being told what to do and how to do things. Not you too. Now, I want to do things my way. He took her words as finality. Park Darasshi, are you ready to serve your country? Yes, Sir! Little did Dara know that her joining the SK Army will be the greatest turning point of her life. Will she be able to survive? Well just have to find out...


Nickname: Dara Age: 24 years old Birthday: November 12, 1986 Birthplace: Busan, South Korea Height : 162 cm (5'4") Weight: 40 kg Star sign: Scorpio Blood Type: A Profession: actress, singer, dancer and model Talent Agency: YG Entertainment Reason of Enlistment: To discover myself and become the person I want to be without anybody else controlling me. Background: She debuted as a solo singerendorser and launched her first solo album Wishing Star, still under YG Entertainment. Due to her busy entertainment life, she had neglected her siblings Seunghyun and Durami that made them cold towards her. She has been living alone since then with the help of other people; making her dependent on them. Unfortunately, her cousin Jay Park, with whom she trusted all her wealth, robbed her everything. Now, she has nowhere to go and with this had herself enlisted to the South Korea (SK) Army.


Nickname: JJ Age: 26 years old Birthday: January 26, 1984 Birthplace: Gongju, Chungnam, South Korea Height: 180 cm (510) Weight: 63 kg Star sign: Aquarius Blood type: O Profession: Military Sergeant Military Base Assignment: Camp Hovey, Seoul City Reason of Enlistment: To fulfil my dream of becoming a soldier, make my family proud, and be given the chance to serve my country and fellow men. Background: His family is known to be military folks by whom he got inspired to become a soldier himself. He almost did not make it through Basics Training. However, with his will and determination, he passed the final drill the last examination in order to graduate and proceed. It was his ticket to fulfilling his dream.

I finished the plot for chapter 1 so long in last December 2010 But I dont know how Ill be able to weave them together perfectly.. I dont want it too similar with my movie inspiration.. It would appear like I plagiarized the story too much, wont I? So here it is, the chapter all of you have been waiting on! CHAPTER 1 What Happened Earlier... They had to go to lunch together. She has been constantly checking on her watch; like every 30 seconds. Shes that anxious to times every tick. She was afraid that shell be withstood again by her boyfriend. Complaining for the nth time, she wanted to feel very special even just this once. It was the day of her album launch, her first solo album Wishing Star. Her dream has been materialized and she wanted to share it with the person she really loved. Where did he say was he at this moment?! Dara panicked. Relax, Dara. He said hes coming in a short while. Park Shin Hye, her personal assistant, said trying to soothe her. Where is he?! I need to know his exact location! Dara couldnt contain herself and just got frustrated by how her assistant answered her question. It sounded without assurance. Hes here. I told you hes coming. Shin Hye said as she heard a loud bang from the door. She sighed heavily and couldnt stand Daras tantrums that moment. Dara pushed all her anxiety aside and began moving across boyfriend. Before coming fully to the arms of the man she assistant. Ill deal with you later. When their bodies come in her tight and kissed her forehead. He started apologizing for one who arranged for this appointment. He felt deeply guilty. the room to meet up with her loved, she glared at her tired contact, her boyfriend hugged his tardiness since he was the

Sunshine, Im very sorry. I was caught up in traffic and couldnt avoid it. Park Tae Hwan, being an apologetic boyfriend that he is, explained his unfortunate tardiness to his loving girlfriend. Its okay, Sugar-bun! Whats important is that you made it. She beams with a smile. How will I ever make it up to you? He hugs her more tightly. Ooh~ I like that! Stay with me until the album launch party then. She meets up with his gaze; matching his nose with hers. His smile faded a little. Im sorry, Sunshine but I cant. He pulled away and turned his gaze from her to the window. But why, Sugar-bun? Is it business again? She looked at him with concern. Unfortunately, yes... His gaze went from the window to the floor. Oh. I understand. I know how important your business is. She wanted to sound okay but she feels deeply saddened. Are you okay with it, Sunshine? He wants to find reassurance from his girl; grabs her from her shoulders.

Dont worry, Sugar-bun. Ill be sure to enjoy this day and be thinking of you. She grabs his hands from her shoulders and lowered them. Cmon, Sugar-bun, accompany me to the dressing room. I should always look beautiful when youre around. He chuckled softly and pinched her nose. Sunshine, youre always beautiful in my eyes. -0How do I look? Is it okay? Is my makeup too much? My dress is too short, isnt it? Dara was too nervous. Sunshine...(sigh) Would you relax? I understand that youve been waiting for this day for a long time. You should be happy rather than feel anxious. Relax, okay? Tae Hwan holding his girls hand; while the other caressing her cheek. I know. I just wanted to make things perfect. Anyway, thank you. Dara stilled and just hugged his boyfriend tight. Holding each others hands, they went inside the reception. This is it. Confident and stunning, the couple entranced looking great. The cameras just loved them. Then, Tae Hwan ushered Dara towards the long table by the platform where Daras Manager, President Yang Hyun Suk, and Producer Teddy Park await them. Wow, theyre here! I cant leave you alone on this special day. Congratulations! Teddy said with a big smile, hugged Dara, and whispered. Sajangnim, too, got a little nervous. (Cleared his throat) I cant just stay in the office waiting for updates; might as well go with the flow and see this event myself. President Yang defended himself and in return Dara bowed in respect. Thank you very much, Sajangnim! Dara couldnt contain herself; she blurted her feelings of gratitude and hugged him. The picture taking extended 5 minutes more. Teddy Park, Daras Manager, and President Yang left the platform and went to the side table. Soon as all of them were seated, the host of the album launching started with the introductions. A video presentation was then shown of Daras past activities with 2NE1 and the preparations done in completing her first solo album Wishing Star. Afterwards, the press people were then allowed to ask questions. Questions such as why was the first solo album titled Wishing Star, about the album theme, stories behind the songs, to pursue acting or not, future plans and the like were asked. Something predictable and just sprung out from everyones curiosity. However, there was one particular individual who seem cant find the decency and ask some sensitive and hurtful questions to Dara. Good Evening, Park Dara-sshi. Im a reporter from Gossips Korea and I have a few questions to ask. Yes, please. I noticed nobody had took courage to ask these questions, so here I am wanting to be enlightened. First off, back in 2NE1 you were responsible being the Fresh Vocals of the group. However, some also commented youre just a pretty face without talent. What can you say about this?

Uhm... (A bit hesitant) At that time, even though I had the shortest training period, I strived hard in order to reach 2NE1s level. I never contented myself with average performance. I practice more than other 2NE1 members do. I did and gave all the best that I had. Theres more that I can give to group than just a pretty face. It wouldnt give justice to 2NE1 at all. I dont think I couldve made it to 2NE1 without talent at all, couldnt I? The last statement made the press people laugh. Heres the second question. Can we expect you to show a hotter and sexier image now that youve gone solo; like in those sexy photos you did for a local magazine in the Philippines? Sir, excuse me? The host butted in. (Getting uncomfortable) No, its okay. Dara looked at the host with assurance and continued. I must say, I am in this period of transition wherein I am trying to revive a career. Sometimes, drastic changes are needed to fit in and to stay up with the trend. The sexy photo shoot I had in the Philippines was a mistake and the rest is history. In what image I was introduced to this industry will remain. I want to preserve the dignity thats left of me. One after another, the press people nodded their heads as the answer of Dara sunk in to their minds. Thank you for being honest. For my third question, you had an acting career in the Philippines, right? If you were not the best, you were at least good at acting at that time. A lot of people have been awaiting for your comeback as an actress due to your experience in the Philippines. Will you consider acting after promoting your solo album since, as they say, you do well in this aspect than in singing? (Awkward laugh) Oh. That. I just made a cameo role in Return To Iljimae back in 2009. The MVs and CFs during my 2NE1 activities also helped a lot in my acting. However, Im still a novice when it comes to the Drama Industry. I have nothing to brag. I have still a lot to learn in acting. But to all those people who believe that my skills in acting are quite better, well, thank you. Its such an honor for my acting skill to be recognized. Is my singing really that bad? Again, the last statement made the press people laugh but a little louder this time. Dara, then continued, I dont think I could give up my singing career that lightly. (Sigh) Whatever offer comes up in the near future, Im open. That can be negotiated. Now, for the last question, do you think you deserve to debut solo first than any of the 2NE1 members? And a follow up, dont you think President Yang has favoritism over you since you were the first to debut solo? The questions came overbearing. Sajangnim, help me! It was obvious that the guy was determined to make Dara feel cheap, embarrassed, and incompetent an artist that she is. She could only look at President Yang and back to the press people. She got pressured. She cant even answer these questions herself. The host of the event made excuses to stop the particular individual from ruining Daras album launching event as ordered by President Yang himself. Finally... Excuse me. I see that everyones a little bit restless already. Its already past 6:30pm and the dinner will now be served. Please wrap up all of your questions to Park Dara-sshi. I know everyone doesnt want to get hungry, right? Everyone was silenced when they heard of food. All the questions that have been wanted to ask were erased from their minds.

It seems the questions have all been asked. Thank you so much for everyones participation! Please take your respective seats as your dinner will be served in a little while. Bon Appetit! When everyone was busy with finding their seats and waiting for their food to be served, Dara excused herself from the crowd and went to the lobby of the hotel to meet her boyfriend. Sunshine, I have to leave. Cant you stay for dinner? Just eat before you leave. Dara begged her boyfriend with a hug. My clients waiting for me. I cant let him wait any longer, can I? Arasso. Ill see you outside then. She escorted her man towards his car. Take care, Sugar-bun. I love you. Tae Hwan bade his girlfriend goodbye and kissed her cheek. Love you too! Annyeong! And off the car went. Before going back to the reception, Dara took a short trip towards the comfort room to let loose and freshen up. She went inside one cubicle and struggled with putting layers of tissue paper above the toilet seat. She was afraid of contaminating herself of Staphylococcus, E. Coli, Shigella, and even Gonorrhea. Sitting down, she then heard the door open and footsteps inside the comfort room. Hey, Girl, I have something to tell you and its about Dara. Oh! What is it? Did you know that Dara isnt that talented at all?! Everything about her is all made-up, fake. Hah! Some guts of that woman to debut solo first among the members of 2NE1. She doesnt even deserve it! And that face of hers? Its not even beautiful! Shes just covering up those fine lines all over her face. Trash those Miss Tangerine and Aloha Girl commercial she made last year. She really suck! Chincha? Thats awful! You know... You really know these kinds of stuff well. Of course, Im Daras makeup artist. You just have no idea, Girl. Comon lets move out before somebody might hear us here. Inside the cubicle, Daras temper raised to her boiling point. I cant believe that makeup artist! Dara... Patience! This is your day. Dont let some makeup artist ruin your day. Okay, so, I will let this pass but the moment Ill hear her say those words again, I wont have second thoughts to skin her alive. -0I bet everyones digested from tonights dinner and have witnessed a musical session showcasing Park Dara-sshis album. Todays album launching has been concluded. For those interested, well be also having an album signing event at the hotel lounge. Thank you and good evening! The host said at the end of the album launching event.

The album signing just passed by and ended as soon as it started. Not long after, Dara was escorted by her Manager towards the elevator and pressed the 22 nd floor, the topmost floor of Millennium Seoul Hilton Hotel where the after-party will be held. Various YG artists gathered there to celebrate and congratulate Dara including Big Bang, Psy, Gummy, CL, Minzy, Bom, Koo Hye Sun, Yoo In Na and Se7en. The after-party was kept simple yet elegant; not as grandiose since Dara wouldnt have want it that way. All attendees had dinner together and had a few drinks while having their chit chat. It was 9:30pm when Dara decided to retire to her flat. She couldnt explain it but she felt so tired that night. She took a glass of wine from the bar counter and marched down to her study. She placed the flute on the coffee table and jumped off, literally, on the couch. She took time to relax while sipping some wine. She closed her eyes; reminiscing the days events. Thus, it reminded her of her diary on her desk. She dragged herself from the couch towards the leather swivel chair behind her desk. She took her fountain pen and opened her diary to todays date April 21, 2012. Hmm, lets see... Where shall I begin? Suddenly, at the middle of the night, her phone rang breaking the silence. Who might this be? Yoboseyo? Annyong hashimnikka! This is Atty. Kang. Atty. Kang? What are you doing; calling me this late at night? Mianhamnida, Park Dara-sshi but this is urgent. Im driving towards your house right now. I have to tell you something very serious.

CHAPTER 2, PART 1 How It All Began... Dara suddenly got anxious and kept pacing by the door. Five minutes later, she heard Atty. Kangs car by the entrance. She held her breath; not knowing what to expect from her lawyer. She welcomed Atty. Kang and let him take his seat opposite hers. She, then, offered him some drinks but he refused. Before I tell you everything, I would like to ask you to calm down. I know youd be surprised but rest assured Im doing everything to resolve this matter. Atty. Kang started. What is it? Im cool. She replied innocently. Your cousin, Jay Park... Oh! What about Jay? Did something bad happen to him? Her forehead creased in confusion. Nothing happened to him. He just did something real bad. The lawyer waved his hands. Your point is? She raised a brow. He ran away. His palms now against each other. Ran away? Whats so bad about it? She, then, relaxed. He ran away taking with him $20 M worth of cash and properties you own. He just robbed you, Park Dara-sshi. Im so sorry but youre all broke. The lawyer said as a matter of fact. She wasn't able to reply immediately, too shocked by the news her lawyer just said. When it dawned to her, she reacted, What?! I own $20 M worth of cash and properties?! I was that rich without knowing it? She clenched her fists in anger. He was that good to keep it from you. He was your cousin, I know, and you trust him but he was slowly transferring your accounts to his name. Atty. Kang crossed his arms across his chest. Well, then, Ill just stay in this house until you catch him. Dara replied nonchalantly. The lawyer raised both his eyebrows. This house, Park Dara-sshi, is now under Jays name. Oh...(raised her right hand with only her index finger pointing upward) Ill stay at my rest house in Jeju Island instead. Uhm... Your rest house was also included. He sighed. She scratched the back of her head. Wait, then, whats left with what I own? Atty. Kang got his leather attach case and took a folder containing documents. I believe that will be the dress that youre wearing, that purse and everything inside it, and the car that you loaned two weeks ago. Thats whats left with you now. Im really sorry. However, the authorities are tracking down your cousin, Jay. Ill inform you as soon as we have news

about him. Your agency also has received information about this matter and will keep everything confidential. Though disappointed, Dara dismissed the conversation. Thank you so much, Atty. Kang! Ill just head off to Tae Hwans tonight. Be careful, Park Dara-sshi and pray that everythings going to be fine. The lawyer felt concerned and sees Dara as his own daughter. I will, Atty. Kang. You may go now. Have a safe trip back home. Dara, in turn, replied. Before actually leaving her now-formerly-owned house, her mind was battling between calling her family or not. She just wanted to know if theyre okay. Though she would like them to know of her present crisis, she doesnt want her family to worry about her that much. Theyve been having problems of their own, I dont want to add up. However, she found herself dialling her familys phone number and held the phone opposite her ears. Its ringing... Yoboseyo? (Loud music) Excuse me... (Covering the mouth piece) Sanghyun, could you please lower the volume of your player?!(Breaking glass) Umma, I told you not to go to the kitchen! (Back to the phone) Sorry, whos this? Uhm...(Hesitant) Its me, Dara. Why did you call? (Her eyebrows met) Are you going to whine about the showbiz life again, Dara? Durami, its not that. (Sigh) I just want to check on you guys. Are you all doing okay? Dara, you know that Im a busy person. I dont have time for this. Oh... (Sigh) Okay... Just want to tell you guys that Im doing fine... and I miss you, guys. Bye. Once the phone call ended, Dara left the house with a heavy heart and not knowing what to do. PART 2 Dara started the cars engine mindlessly. Her thoughts were floating away to somewhere. She, then, realized all the fruits of her effort were now gone. Goodbye home. She drove her way to Tae Hwans flat, needing some comfort and a temporary shelter. Upon arriving, she immediately noticed that the lights were on. Hes home! Without any hesitation, she went to the door and knocked. Tae Hwah-ah! Tae Hwah-ah! She called him out twice. Sensing he heard nothing, she called out again. Jagiya, its me Dara. Please, open up. Else, I will. She can no longer keep up with her patience. After about 5 minutes, she turned the knob and was surprised to find it unlocked. The atmosphere was romantic. The floor was full of scattered rose petals which lead towards the stairs going to Tae Hwans room. She could hear love songs playing along the background.

By the lobby, the center table had a bottle champagne inside a bucket of ice. Is this for me but why is the ice melted? She called for him again, still there was no answer. She went to check all the rooms in the ground floor, nobody was in site. Maybe, upstairs... Jagiya, Im coming up! She shouted as if asking for permission. The second floor was dark and silent. The only light illuminating the entire floor was coming from the half-closed door of Tae Hwans room. She slowly walked towards his room, wanting to surprise him. Jagiya, SURPRISE! She pushed the door open. She gasped. What she saw surprised her more. Is this the Tae Hwan she knew? How could he do this to me? Her boyfriend, on his bed, was sitting on his knees with just boxer shorts on while holding a woman whos half as naked as he is. Ack! What, on earth, are you two doing?! Just then theyve realized they werent alone. Tae Hwan scampered to his feet, dropping off the woman in the process. It is as if she can burn him alive. The woman landed on the floor with a loud thud. Dara, its not what you think! Really! He tried to defend himself. You! She pointed at the woman. I trusted you and you just backstabbed me! It was her personal assistant, Park Shin Hye. How could you?! She threw a deadly glare at Tae Hwan. She seduced me into this trap! I dont love her, Dara... I love you! He explained. When Shin Hye heard this, she turned Tae Hwans face to her direction and slapped him hard. I thought you said you love me than her because she could never give you what you wanted! You tricked me! Pabo! I never said that, you bitch! Tae Hwan held his sore cheek and rubbed it. Dara! Dara couldnt take it anymore. She ran off, deaf of all the excuses her now-former-boyfriend has to say. Tae Hwan tried to run after her but he was stopped by Shin Hye. She even closed the door to prevent him from leaving the room. Daras tears were blurring her sight. With too much depression, she took the champagne from the bucket and slammed the door shut behind her. She wanted to wash away everything she knew about this day. It was supposed to be a happy day to her but it turned out otherwise as soon as the day was close to its end. She opened the bottle of champagne and drank its contents to empty. Still, her sadness didnt sober down. She kept on crying while driving. She kept on following the road even though she wasnt sure where shell be going. Suddenly, her cellphone beeped and saw Tae Hwan calling her. Unknown to her, theres a tree a few meters ahead. Curse you, Tae

Hwan! Na noh meewo! I want you out of my life! She cried out loud and switched her cellphone off. When she returned her sight back to the road, she almost bumped onto a tree. She successfully dodged it off. However, it turns out she was heading towards a steep slope and crashed over a big rock. It was fast enough that all she could do was blink. The airbag inflated just in time to protect her from smashing her head on the headboard. Park Dara-sshi! Park Dara- sshi! She heard someone calling or her heads just feeling dizzy from the impact. Park Dara- sshi, are you okay? There goes the voice again. She was turning her head from left to right, trying to find the voice calling her. Where are you? She finally gave up. Yoohoo! Im here at your GPS (Global Positioning System) device. I saw a signal that your car got into an accident. The voice said. Oh... Who or What are you anyway? She asked. Im Mr. Start, at your service, working through a satellite system. Im here to help you out.

CHAPTER 3, PART 1 The Sudden Enlistment... She gently massaged her temples. Mr. Start? How can you even a help a hopeless person like me? She sniffed. Then, the voice echoed out; Park Dara-sshi, dont say that! Dont you know that Im a fan of yours? I bought your album as soon as it was released. Worry no more, Im willing to help you in any way I can. Lets begin it with calming down. I know youre still in shock as of the moment. So start doing deep breaths. Breathe in, breathe out... She took deep breaths for brief seconds. And the voice continued, Now, can you tell me your exact location? Im not sure. Goodness! Im here at the middle of nowhere and all I see are trees! Panic struck her. Please calm down, Dara-sshi! Just cooperate well and youll be fine. The voice said with assurance. Seriously, how do you expect me to calm down in this state? What if there will be werewolves or vampires around this woods?! Her voice rising. Thats why Im here. Ill make sure reinforcements will arrive and get you out there. Daras mind was occupied with other thoughts that the voice, calling himself Mr. Start, was now neglected like a drone. She was spacing out badly. I have to get out of here fast! Out of impulse, Dara, grabbing her purse, hopped off her SUV. The bottle of champagne from her lap fell and broke into pieces. Park Dara-sshi, Park Dara-sshi? Are you still there? The voice, full of concern, inquired. In spite of her devastation, her drunk and confused self tried to find its way out of the woods. -0The night was young. He had a day to spend before returning back to camp and work. His college friends, popularly known as DBSK, obliged to treat him out since itll be a rare opportunity for them to be complete. Kim Jaejoong, in his early college days, was used to club hopping, drinking, and smoking but today was different. Maybe because of his training, it required him to control his diet and stop vices of drinking and smoking. Jaejoong-ah! Come here and drink some. Dont be such a killjoy. Changmin raised a beer glass and shove it to Jaejoongs chest. Jaejoong just accepted the beer glass but returned it to the table. Sorry, Bro. Im no longer drinking. Are you sure, Bro? Do you even hear yourself? Before, you were the ones wholl drag us down here and waste ourselves as if tomorrow will never come. Yunho retorted back with a raised brow.

I think Im a changed man now, Ive grown mature. He met up with Yunhos stare. Boo! I still like the partyanimal Jaejoong I knew! Yunho not merely convinced of his reply. Yoochun grabbed on his arm and he strongly placed his other free arm on his shoulder. Yah! Where are you going? Dont tell me you have curfew now! Its still 10pm for Petes sake. He just scratched his head and replied, I need to be early tomorrow. I was tasked the Recruitment Office. Better leave a good impression on the first day. Do you really have to leave? I hate you, Bro! Youve been gone so long and now you leave us like this! Junsu pouted so cutely and crossed his arms across his chest. When Jaejoong didnt budge, he changed his mind and hugged his former colleague. Still, I salute you, Bro! Protect our country with all your might and be safe. No matter what, be back complete and alive. Jaejoong chuckled and warmly hugged Junsu back. Dont worry, Bro. Ill come home complete and alive with a wife and a child. This garnered loud laughs from his college friends. After exchanging goodbyes to everyone, he once flashed his signature boyish grin and waved before leaving the doors of the club which earned cheers and yells from the DBSK members whom he left behind. Part 2 Drunk and tired from walking in zigzags, Dara pulled herself to a halt. Hik! Where am I? Her eyes were getting heavy and she was having a hard time keeping them open. She knows very well shes lost and wanted to know where she really is. Funny, that in her state of mind, it had left a space for her to think. Standing on that same place, she tried to beg some passersby. Somehow, by chance, she will find a Good Samaritan to help her in such wasted and helpless condition. The people coming to her direction seem to evade her like she has some contagious disease. She tried to approach them but to no avail. Didnt they notice who I am? Instead, she wandered around the area finding a decent spot to stay for the night. She found a little office nearby and tried to call out for help. The office was dark from the inside; obviously no one would be around at that hour. Losing the little hope she has, Dara slumped down by the front door. Odd that she found the rag, saying welcome, cozy. Sensing no one will arrive to her help, she dozed off and her subconscious travelled to dreamland. -0It was 4 am on the clock, when Jaejoong heard his alarm clock ring. He slowly stood up and washed his face to make himself fully awake. He went straight to his minigym just inside his apartment, turned on the radio, and started to do some warm up. When he was fully conditioned, he did his usual work out in the camp. When he felt thirsty, hed take a break and drink some water. Suddenly the radio went,

~~All alone; Im all alone, Im all alone . . . Im always alone . . . Theres no such thing as warmth. Next to my side, theres not even anyone to embrace me~ ~ All the while, his right hand was on his waist and the other holding a glass with water hanging in midair, close to his mouth. He was caught offguard by the melancholic atmosphere the song brought and realized. Next to my side, theres not even anyone to embrace me, he chuckled. Isnt this supposed to be a rock song? Breaking off from his trance, he went back to his work out session. He kept on singing the bridge part of the song on his head. I can wake up to that voice every morning. He ended his work out when the clock struck 5:30 am. -0Sergeant Kim took a short drive towards the military compound where the Military Recruitment Office can be found. He parked his vehicle not too far away and got his things before leaving. While walking, he was searching for the office keys. When he found it, his gaze went straight to the front door where he saw something, rather someone, he doesnt usually see everyday. It only made his forehead crease and raise an eyebrow. Who the heck, in her right mind, would sleep here? He crouched down and shook the ladys shoulder; waking her up. Excuse me? he politely asked. His voice and his gesture startled the lady who then scrambled to her feet. In effect, she kept on bowing many times to show her apologies. He, then, followed another question, Maam, dont you know that you arent allowed to sleep in these premises? Just only then when the lady raised her head to respond, Jaejoong got stunned by her features. For him, she looked like an angel with smudged mascara on her doe-like yet puffy eyes. Her face glowing and flawless; without a trace of pores is seen. Her cheek blushed pink with embarrassment but nevertheless her beauty outshined her pitiful state. Though groggy, she began speaking, Yes, I know but I dont have a home now. Although embarrassing, hmm, can I use the bathroom before I leave? and grinned innocently. The sergeant swore that he just swallowed his tongue. Even his eyes lingered on the ladys lips. Ehem Office, can I use the bathroom? Promise, Ill leave at once Im done. She asked him again. He just nodded and pointed the sign that says Comfort Room. Thanks! She blurted and, out-of-nowhere, grabbed his arm with so much happiness. Then, she disappeared behind the wall. Jaejoong still cant believe that the lady, whom he just found sleeping by their doorstep, looked like an angel. She even claims to be homeless. He looked up the sky, contemplating deep. How unfortunate for such fine lady to be out in the streets! What couldve happened?

Something caught his attention. A big surprise awaited him to where his eyes laid upon. It was a billboard of the nations darling, Dara Park. -0Dara was freshening herself up. Today marks a new beginning. She doesnt have a home. Now, how will she be able to survive? Then, something crossed her mind. What if, Ill try my luck with Mr.Officer Then, she got distracted with the promotional video about the SK Army Enlistment while she was planning her speech to the officer. Yet, she was totally awestruck with the video. DISCOVER YOURSELF. BE A PART OF THE SK ARMY. The uniform, the attitude, the courage, the moves, and the dignity of the women found in the video were something admirable. Something they can call their own. She was busy having her own thoughts when the officer from this morning went to her. Thank you for letting me use the bathroom!, she began. Youre welcome, Maam., the sergeants reply went and his gaze shifted to some paperwork. I should control myself from staring. I was considering joining the SK Army. Those women in the video look cool in their uniforms! Dara said cheerfully and confidently that it sounded like a joke to the officer. He stopped and was dumbfounded. A famous star, the nations darling, wants to become a soldier? Who is she kidding? Maam, are you sure you want to be a part of the SK Army? You know, this is no joke. I think you got it all wrong. She met his gaze. Im serious. I want to enlist myself and join the SK Army. I have reasons but this is the best way I can redeem myself. Park Darasshi, mianhamnida! I dont think SK Army will suit you. Its the total opposite of the entertainment industry; no fame, glamour, and indulgence. It would be best if youd be busy composing, singing, and making songs hit # 1. The sergeant sincerely said presenting reality. Dara was deaf of whatever reason. She just came to the point where she has to face it alone and decide on her own. She carefully laid her palms on the desk and pushed herself to stand. Staring at Sergeant Kims eyes without breaking their gaze, Officer, all this time, Im always being told of the what-to-do and the how to dos of things. Dont tell me, you too? Now, I dont want to depend on others, rather, I want to do things my way. He took her words as finality as he sensed her determination and stubbornness all at the same time. He doesnt need to ask her how sure she is but one thing should be clear, Park Darasshi, are you ready to serve your country? Yes, Sir!, she shouted on top of her lungs as she raised her right hand to salute.

Congratulations, you are now part of the SK Army! Kim Jaejoong, a Military Sergeant, has never in his entire life encountered such a free spirit that of Dara Park. It took his interest. He knew this woman is something. The nations darling becomes a darling soldier, who knows right? The last thought made him smile mischievously.


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