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The Silat Olahraga

Silat is a term used to describe the martial arts forms practiced throughout the Malay Archipelago. Silat is a collective word for natives martial arts that originates from Indonesia. It is traditionally practiced in Southern Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Brunei, Philippines and also Malaysia. Silat is a combative art of Malay fighting arts. Silat can be divided into two categories which are Silat Seni and Silat Olahraga. Since the beginning of the 18th century till today, many silat practitioners still involve themselves in the kickboxing or Muay Thai competition because the movements and principles are quite similar to silat. On the 23rd to 24th of September 1979, when the 14th SEA Games were held, Indonesian Pencak Silat Federation (IPSI) introduced Olahraga Pencak Silat (commonly known as Silat Olahraga). The rules of this competition have already been organized in the year 1973. In order to strengthen and enrich it, more pencak silat techniques are added based on karate, kempo and jujitsu moves for perfection. . By 1980, silat has taken part in the first Olahraga Pencak Silat competition which was held in Singapore. In 1982, the Pencak Silat competition introduced two new competitions which are Silat Seni and Silat Olahraga. Later, the Pencak Silat competition organizer changed the terms for the categories into Tunggal, Ganda, Regu and Tanding (Olahraga Pencak Silat/ Silat Olahraga). In order to standardize for the athletes and simplify the ways of evaluation, the Tunggal (solo), Ganda (double) and Regu (triple) categories were standardized. The methods and markings of Tanding went back to the pencak silat technique.

The uniqueness of Silat Olahraga is the rule. In the rule, there are exist of basic commands, time for each match, target area to attack the opponent, and the scoring point for each of the area that attacked. For the basic commands, the wasit which is referee will issue the command 'Sedia', meaning 'ready'. Then, he will shout 'Mulai', meaning 'begin'. Immediately the 'gong' will be struck. When the wasit wants to stop the fight, he will shout 'Berhenti', meaning 'stop'. Every time the fighters step out of the ring, the wasit will stop the fight and bring the fighters back to the center. If a fighter repeatedly steps outside the ring, especially if he's stepping backwards, the wasit may issue him a penalty point. If he continues to do that he may be given 2 penalty points. If after that he still continues to step out of the ring, the wasit may even decide to end the fight and proclaim his opponent the winner. There are three rounds of fighting; 2 minutes for every round, with 1 minute rest between each round.

Scoring System
In silat fighting the fighters are allowed to attack any parts of the body except for the groin and the neck above. However, one only score points if one hits the body padding or the opponent's back. A kick will score 2 points, while a punch will score 1 point, much like TKD scoring system. A takedown will earn 3 points. No elbowing or knee strikes are allowed. According to silat ruling, a takedown is when the opponent kicks or punches, the exponent grabs any parts of the limbs (usually the kicking leg), and cause the opponent to fall. If the opponent falls without the exponent losing his balance and falling on top of him, he will get 3 points. If the opponent pulls him down during the technique, the exponent may roll forward, thus avoiding falling on top of his opponent.He will still get the 3 points. So to surmise, the fighters can obtain points by: punching, receiving 1 point, kicking, receiving 2 points, and takedowns, receiving 3 points. If an opponent attacks and the exponent can block or deflect the attack, and counterattacks, say with a kick, he will get 1+2=3 points. The same goes with punches (1+1=2) and takedowns (1+3=4).

If a fighter can apply punches, kicks, and takedowns in one round, the jurors will add another 1+2+3=6 bonus points to his score for that round. This rule is to encourage the fighters to have more variety in techniques.

Silat Olahraga is a unique sport that we can learn. The uniqueness of Silat Olahraga as I have described are the rule, dressing up, and it can form self defense. So, if you interesting with Silat Olahraga, it is not too late to join it. I will sure you all will never regret to join the silat.

How to Win A Silat Olahrga Match

It is not easy to be a silat champion. You need to train harder and sacrifice many things to achieve the champion status. Many peoples thought that this sport requires a fighter with 'born to be a fighter' quality in order to win a silat match. In one point it is true. However, it is not always right. This is because silat olahraga is a point-based system sport that not only requires you to be good a fighter, but also requires you master the fighting tactics during the match.

Many so-called 'born to be a fighter' exponents fail in early silat competition due to the stupidity to read a game. They tend to use all the self defense moves and skills to show how good they are in silat. But, the true is, silat olahraga is a very simple sport. You only need to master three simple techniques to win a game. There are; punching, kicking and topple down. Here are the explanations of each of the technique in silat olahraga; 1. The punching technique. The most dangerous technique in silat is straight-punch. The jury will reward you one point for every successful hit to your opponent. In addition, you need to be good at other skill such as blocking technique in order to gain more points in silat match. However, if you block the opponent strike and followed with a successful punch, the jury will reward you 'one plus one point' or two points. Based on these issues, it is important for you to train the blocking technique in order to gain more points using the punching technique. Scientific research shows that the number of successful hit using the punching technique is more than the kicking technique. Thus, by combining both techniques, you will have advantage to win a silat olahraga match. 2. The kicking technique. Even thought, the scientific research shows that the percentage of successful punching technique is higher than kicking technique, the point scores for every successful kick is two points. Thus, the combination of successful blocking and kicking technique will reward you 'one plus two point' or three points. This is critical if you only rely on kicking technique. You need to combine both of the defensive and attacking techniques to win a silat game. 3. Topple down technique. The jury loves this technique. When a silat fight between two silat exponents is even, topple down technique can influence the result of the fight. The secret is to train this technique at least 100 times a day with your partner. You also need to record and improve this technique until it is perfect. Article Source:

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