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" 91 Years of Relentless Journey Towards Engineering Advancement for Nation Building " Volume - XV Number - 7 July - 2011


From Chairmans Desk Keep ourselves with effective technologies

Inside This Issue
Works shop on Career Guidance Decline of Creativity
Ramakrishna Dasari
Chairman IEI Vijayawada Local Center

-2 -4

Over years, technology has a greater impact on the communication between people. Each technology has allowed the faster sharing of information, increasing the speed at which business can be conducted.

Indoor Natural Lighting - 5 Science Corner Website for IEI -7 -8

Email is used to transfer messages in lightning fast, cheap, simple, efficient, and versatile and environment friendly way

Using smart technologies like mobile computing will result in improved efficiency in terms of saving time and to maintain better relationships.
Now a days mobile phones became a common accessory for everyone which are provided with faster processors, vast storing capacity, advance Operating Systems which can be used for running wider range of applications such as Internet browsing, emails, Calendars, Address Book, social networking, news, sports info, banking, general reference, online retails, Barcode reading, Image recognition, communication, accelerometers, GPS etc. Being busy is never an excuse for not communicating in a timely way. Changing a lifetime of habits is not easy, but we also dont want to put our personal and business relationships at risk because of our communication habits, latest technology can be used for increasing communication efficiency.
Please write to me at

Scientific method refers to a body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge

Chairman Er. D.Rama Krishna, FIE Hon. Secretary Er. T.Satyanandam, FIE Jt. Hon. Secretary Er. D.Ramesh Kumar, MIE

The Institution of Engineers (India)

VIJAYAWADA LOCAL CENTRE, Dr. KL Rao Bhavan, Governorpet, Vijayawada-2. A.P. Tel : 0866 - 2576822, 2574217 Visit us: E-mail :

I E I news
Works shop on Career Guidance
The Institution of Engineers (India) Vijayawada local center, on 19th June 2011 has organized one day workshop on career guidance for students who want to choose engineering as their carrier. Workshop was attended by a gathering of 100 No.s including students,parents. Participants were addressed by, Engineers from various disciplines, industrialists, and academicians. All together created a good platform for understanding the requirements for choosing engineering as carrier. Below given are the topics discussed and the speakers. In detailed explanation of the topics is provided in the brochure attached.

TOPICS DISCUSSED Engineering and its characteristics:

* * * * Role of Engineering Engineering Methodology Characteristics of an Engineer Style of working

* Er. D.Rama krishna, Chairman, IEI Vijayawada local Center * Prof. G.L Datta, Vice Chancellor, KL University

Engineering requirements in different industry sectors:

* * * * What kind of engineering manpower industry requires Sector wise opportunities in India & world wide Growth rate of different sectors Investments into different sectors

* Mr. B.S. Koteswara Rao, CII Vice chairman, Vijayawada Zone Managing Partner, Profit Shoe Company * Mr. K.N. Prasad, Railway Signalling Contracts * Mr. Mohna Reddy, Infrastructures * Mr. Gopal Rao, Vice President (Operations) Castings Kusalava International * Mr. M.V. Murali Krishna, Director, Efftronics Systems Pvt Ltd * Er. D. Ramesh Kumar, Jt.Hon.Secretary , MIE IEI Vijayawada local Center * Mr. M.Venugopal, Managing Director, Sreedhar Engineering & Rubber Products * Prof. V. Vasudeva Rao, Principal, NRI Institute of Technology * Mr. D.Rama krishna, Chairman IEI Vijayawada local Center * Mr. S.R.T. Ramasamy, Executive Manager(R&D), Efftronics Systems Pvt Ltd * Mr. D.Anvesh, Project Manager(R&D) Efftronics Systems Pvt Ltd * Mr. N.Mallikarjun, Project Manager(R&D) Efftronics Systems Pvt Ltd

Characteristics and features of different engineering disciplines:

* * * * * * Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronic Engineering Information Technology Engineering Interdisciplinary braches

Technology Drivers:
* * * * Nano Technology Information Technology Biotechnology Green Technologies


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Telephones: Regd. Office :044-28555171 Sugar Factory, Vuyyuru :08676-232001 Sugar Factory, Lakshmipuram :08671-222046 Branch Office, Vijayawada :0866-2538133 Fax : Regd. Office :044-28546617 Sugar Factory, Vuyyuru :08676-232640 Sugar Factory, Lakshmipuram :08671-222640

July- 2011

During the conclusion,questions were asked by students and parents, which were addressed by Er. D.Ramakrishna , Prof. GL Datta, Er.K.Ravindra Rao., Er. D. Ramesh Kumar Questions asked by parents: 1.We are spending lakhs of money for our children engineering education, but finally there are not getting any proper jobs.Why ? From childhood onwards parents need to observe children's likes/dislikes and accordingly guide him to choose the carrier. Every child cannot become an engineer. Most of our school's and intermediate colleges are only training students to get more marks. Practical way of learning is almost gone. Present education system is killing the creativity of the students. Even parents are not encouraging creative thoughts. All engineering branches are having question banks, which students study just before their examinations and get passed out without any subject/knowledge. Industry requires people with knowledge & skills which most of the students are not having. Hence they are not getting proper jobs. 2.Which course is good for future Every course available is good and has future, if only we study and learn properly. Students need to choose the branches which like by their own and parents need to guide them properly. Engineering should be done with passion, then only one can become a good engineer and have a successful carrier. 3.How to select good college/Institute. Verify the teaching faculty available and their experience with teaching & research, Lab facilities, research activities being performed, (Indications for continuous learning & improvement) and how many students are selected into core jobs.
Mr. M.V. Murali Krishna,
Director, Efftronics Systems Pvt Ltd

Er. D.Rama krishna,

Chairman, IEI Vijayawada local Center

Prof. G.L Datta,

Vice Chancellor, KL University

Mr. B.S. Koteswara Rao,

CII Vice chairman, Vijayawada Zone

Mr. K.N. Prasad,

Railway Signalling Contracts

Mr. Mohna Reddy,


Mr. Gopal Rao,

Vice President (Operations)

Students & Parents at Career Guidance Meeting

I E I news


Decline of Creativity
In 1968, George Land gave 1,600 5-year-olds a creativity test used by NASA to select innovative engineers and scientists. He then retested the same children at ages 10 and 15. The test results were staggering! 98% at age 5 registered genius level creativity, 30% at 10 year and 12% at 15 years of age. The same test given to 280,000 adults placed their genius level creativity at only 2% ! Finally George Land concluded that non-creative behaviour is learned. This indicates that the creative genius in everyone is not gone. But it is suppressed. So if anyone can unlearn, fail and relearn can make their creativity re-emerged. As one grows older gaining more life experience, make more assumptions and finally take less creative risks. Children are more inquisitive and ask more questions. Series questions are expression of their curiosity. Charles 'Chic' Thompson quotes At home, parents utter eighteen negative statements for every positive one--usually to an inquisitive child who wants to know how something works. The natural curiosity, which breeds creativity, is lost as they grow. The parents, schools, colleges and later majority workplaces do not nurture this. As George Land said, they learn the non-creative behaviour. The paradigm shift is need of time in the society where questioning is encouraged. It can always lead to the better ways and change the way we perceive and live.

* Creativity begins with asking questions * No questions, no answer

* Innovation happens when you find answers * More questions, better answer - Albert Einstein

The important thing is never to stop questioning.

In a global information environment, the old pattern of education in answer-finding is one of no avail: one is surrounded by answers, millions of them, moving and mutating at electric speed. Survival and control will depend on the ability to probe and to question in the proper way and place. -- M. McLuhan (probably written 30 or 40 years ago)

July- 2011

Indoor Natural Lighting

Introduction: Natural daylighting is not a new concept, it can be seen in many historical buildings. With the advance of air conditioning rooms, day lighting concept has been ignored and artificial lighting started influencing. As power demand growing day by day and , slowly daylighting technology regaining its significance. What is Day light ? Day light is the combination of direct and indirect sunlight during day time. The outdoor illuminance can vary from 120,000 lux for direct sunlight at noon, to less than 5 lux during a storm clouds with the sun at the horizon. Significance of Daylighting : 1.Saves Energy thus reduces CO2 emissions. 2.Visual comfort 3.Connection to outside 4.Productivity 5.High Luminous Efficiency Types of Day lighting systems : 1.Passive Daylighting systems Passive Daylighting systems : Passive daylighting is a system of both collecting sunlight using static, non-moving, and non-tracking systems such as Windows, Sliding glass doors, skylights, light tubes, and light Louvers; and reflecting the collected daylight deeper inside with elements such as light shelves. 2.Active Daylighting systems

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The Swarna Co-operative Bank Ltd., 1st Floor, Swarnalok Complex, Chairman cutting edge technologies, inculcating applied research, scholarly inquiry, creative endeavour through the knowledge and values based molding of students. Governorpet, Vijayawada - 520 002 Tel: +91 866 2572741

I E I news
Active Day lighting systems : Active daylighting is a system of collecting sunlight using a mechanical device to increase the efficiency of light collection for a given lighting purpose. They are of again two types Open loop systems track the sun without physically following the sun via sensors These systems typically employ electronic logic which controls device motors or actuators to follow the sun based on a mathematical formula. Closed loop systems track the sun by relying on a set of lenses or sensors with a limited field of view, directed at the sun, and are fully illuminated by sunlight at all times. This article will focus on Light pipe Technology which has lot of potential in Day lighting Technologies. Light pipes : Light pipes are primarily used for illuminating deep interior spaces where windows does not have provision for illuminating indoor environment. Light pipe consists of mainly three parts (collector , transmission pipe , diffuser). Collector comprises of a Dome which has function of collecting sunlight from all angles and reflecting as much as sunlight into the tube. Generally Polycarbonate or Acrylic Domes are used. Light which is reflected in to the tube get multiple reflections and transport in to the tube. For every reflection there will be some light loss , so our design should minimise these losses. Generally Anodized Aluminium with Silver coating tubes are used. Silver has a high reflectivity of all materials known. Finally a Diffuser plate is placed at the other end of the tube , whose function is to evenly distribute light inside the room. Both direct and diffuse radiation falling on one end of the pipe can be channeled, after multiple reflections off the inner walls, and used at the exit. The inner surface if mirror light pipes are made with a material having high specular reflectivity for all angle of incidences and all wavelengths of considered spectrum width. Any variation in spectral reflectivity of pipe surface leads to change in spectral distribution of transmitted radiation. Lot of Mathematical models describe how the light get transmitted into pipe. 1.Zastrow and Wittwer model 2.Swift and Smith Method 3.Edmonds model 4.Zhang and Muneer model List of Light pipe Manufacturers : 1.SunDome 2.Sun pipe 3.Trulite 4.Sky shade 5.Solar Tube 6.Tubular Sky light

Use Daylight Save Power Save Earth



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July - 2011

LED Lighting Products

Indoor Lamp (14W)

5 Years Warranty
Corridor Lamp (2.5W)
100mt X 1.7meters Corridor Fluorescent Tube Lights (with Copper Choke): 56WX10= 560W Equivalent LED Module: 2.5W X 20 = 50W Energy Saved @ 12hrs: 6 Units

Room Size: 18 X 20feet Fluorescent Tube Lights (with Copper Choke) : 56W X 8 = 448W Equivalent LED Lights: 14W X 9 = 126W Energy Saved @ 12hrs: 4 Units

Street Lamp (17W)

Fluorescent Tube Light (with Copper Choke) : 56W Equivalent LED Light : 17W Energy Saved@12hrs:0.5Units Bed Lamp (0.15W)

Utility Lamps

Rest Room (0.5W)

Living Room (1.6W)


Science Corner :
Nikola Tesla:

Brundavan Colony, Vijayawada-10 :+91(866) 2466675, 2493375, E-mail: Visit:

Nikola Tesla (Serbian: 10 July 1856 7 January 1943) was an inventor, mechanical engineer, and electrical engineer. He was an important contributor to the birth of commercial electricity, and is best known for his many revolutionary developments in the field of electromagnetism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Tesla's patents and theoretical work formed the basis of modern alternating current (AC) electric power systems, including the polyphase system of electrical distribution and the AC motor. This work helped usher in the Second Industrial Revolution. Tesla demonstrated wireless energy transfer to power electronic devices as early as 1893, and aspired to intercontinental wireless transmission of industrial power in his unfinished Wardenclyffe Tower project. The SI unit measuring magnetic field B (also referred to as the magnetic flux density and magnetic induction), the tesla, was named in his honor (at the CGPM, Paris, 1960). Notable awards Edison Medal (1916), Elliott Cresson Medal (1893), John Scott Medal (1934)
Born 10 July 1856(1856-07-10) Died 7 January 1943(1943-01-07)

Tesla coil:
A Tesla coil is a type of resonant transformer circuit invented by Nikola Tesla around 1891.It is used to produce high voltage, low current, high frequency alternating current electricity. Tesla coils produce higher current than the other source of high voltage discharges, electrostatic machines. Tesla experimented with a number of different configurations and they consist of two, or sometimes three, coupled resonant electric circuits. Tesla used these coils to conduct innovative experiments in electrical lighting, phosphorescence, x-ray generation, high frequency alternating current phenomena, electrotherapy, and the transmission of electrical energy without wires. Tesla coil circuits were used commercially in sparkgap radio transmitters for wireless telegraphy until the 1920s,and in pseudomedical equipment such as electrotherapy and violet ray devices. Today their main use is for entertainment and educational displays.

I E I news

Website for IEI, Vijayawada Local Center

The Institution of Engineers(India), Vijayawada Local Center has launched its web site We request all the members to give their valuable suggestions to improve the web site for its effective usage. Please send your comments/suggestions to

Request to all members of Vijayawada Local Center We are planning to update the local center members details into the web site. In this regards we request all its members to send their biodata along with photo's to IEI vijayawada local center or email to


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J.R.D TATA Industrial Estate, Kanuru, VIJAYAWADA-07 Ph: 254 4684(O), 2486562(R) Mobile: 9392102526
Registered with Registrar of News Papers for India Under Regn. No. 52982/94 Postal Regn. No. VJ/033 Year of Renewal '2009-2011' Permitted dates between 15th & 16th of every month. Posted Without Prepayment of Postage Stamps Under Licence No. PMG/VJ/PWPP/8/2009-11

Trucks and Tractor Tailors

KANURU,VIJAYAWADA -520 007. PH: 0866-2545936 & 6576333 Mobile: 9959827799
Edited, Printed & Published by Er.T.Satyanandam, FIE, Hon.Secretary on behalf of The Institution of Engineers (India), Vijayawada Local Center, D.No. 29-33-14, Dr.K.L.Rao Bhavan, Irrigation Offices Compound, Governerpet, VIJAYAWADA-2. Tele Fax: 0866 2576822.
Printed at M/s Metro Printers, Durga Agraharam Vijayawada-2, Ph: 2435733

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The Institution of Engineers (India),

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