Thesun 2009-05-25 Page09 Church Leader Seeks End To British Expenses Leaks

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theSun | MONDAY MAY 25 2009 9

news without borders

Firebrand aims to bring down

European parliament
THE HAGUE: Dutch far-right leader Geert Wilders, entering Britain to stop him spreading “hatred
who has gained international notoriety with his and violent messages”, particulary in his movie
attacks on Islam, is now aiming to bring down Fitna in which he said Islam was fascist.
the European parliament – from the inside. But he is at the height of its popularity at
The 45-year-old, with his platinum dyed hair home and the PVV hopes to take up to four
and 24-hour protection after multiple death of the 25 Dutch seats in the 736-member EU
threats, has made sure his Party for Freedom assembly, despite advocating its demise.
(PVV) has been at the centre of the Dutch He declared in a recent newspaper interview
campaign for the June 4-7 election to the EU that he wants “to bring it down from inside”.
parliament. “Wilders holds up Europe, Islam and immigra-
“Every voter who wants to signal that the tion as evils,” political analyst Alfred Pijpers said,
European Union is good for nothing in its cur- recalling how Dutch voters rejected a proposed
rent form can do so by voting for Geert Wilders,” European constitution in a 2005 referendum.
he said. Some polls suggest the country is now
Wilders occupies the 10th and last place more sceptical than ever about continental
on the PVV’s list for the election. But he has cooperation, boosting the PVV’s campaign for
insisted he will not take a seat if elected – having “More Netherlands, less Europe”.
put forward the unknown Barry Madlener to The populist politician wants the June 4 vote
head the party’s first EU vote campaign. in the Netherlands to serve as a test of attitudes
Wilders faces a trial at home for his anti- toward Europe and has urged Dutch voters to
Islam utterings and was recently barred from turn out en masse. – AFP

Church leader seeks end

to British expenses leaks
LONDON: The head of the Anglican church ing,” it said, dismissing as naive the idea the
urged a halt on Saturday to “systematic humili- row had reengaged the public with politics.
ation” of British members of parliament in an “The public is engaged with the pillorying
expenses scandal, warning it could undermine of MPs. A public flogging will always attract an
faith in democracy. audience,” it said.
Media revelations of extravagant expense The speaker of the House of Commons
claims have infuriated recession-hit Britons and has resigned, a minister has stepped down,
fuelled pressure for an early parliamentary elec- two MPs have been suspended by the ruling
tion, with growing numbers of voters appearing Labour party and now six have declared they
set to reject mainstream political parties. will not run in the next election.
Claims made by more than 200 of parlia- MP Andrew MacKay, a former senior aide to
ment’s 646 MPs have now been exposed in a opposition Conservative leader David Cameron,
series of reports by the Daily Telegraph newspa- said on Saturday he would stand down to avoid
per based on information passed on by a former becoming a distraction during the campaign.
British army officer from an unnamed source. MacKay, 59, had already quit as Cameron’s
“Many will now be wondering whether senior political adviser after confirming he and
the point has not been adequately made,” said his wife Julie Kirkbride, also a Conservative
Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury MP, had claimed “second home” expense al-
and spiritual head of the Anglican Church. lowances on both their residences.
“The continuing systematic humiliation Former Labour government minister Ian
of politicians itself threatens to carry a heavy McCartney, 58, said he would be standing
price in terms of our ability to salvage some down from parliament for health problems.
confidence in our democracy,” he wrote in The A party spokeswoman said the decision
Times newspaper. had nothing to do with the expenses row and
Hours after his comments were published, McCartney had not been forced to go. But the
two further members of parliament (MPs) said MP’s move came days after he announced he
they would be standing down at the next elec- had voluntarily repaid £15,000 (RM83,000) of
tion, which must be held by June next year. expense claims last year for refurbishing his
The Independent newspaper joined the criti- second home after the rules were tightened.
cism of the continuing exposures, saying they European and local elections to be held
risked eroding Britain’s democracy if all MPs on June 4 are expected to reflect the level
were tarred with the same brush. of popular disgust, with lower voter turnout
“What began as a justified critique of MPs’ and a move towards fringe parties predicted.
behaviour has degenerated into crude bully- – Reuters

cal transformation linked to gene reprogramming.

The same changes have also been detected in the
Week Ending May 22
blood and tissue samples of lung cancer patients.
Baccarelli hopes a therapy can be designed to
return damaged genes to normal and reduce the
health risks of exposure to air pollution.
Orangutan home under threat
AN Indonesian lowland forest habitat that is Sea level paradox
home to about 100 Sumatran orangutans re- ONE area of Alaska is bucking the global trend
cently reintroduced to the wild could be destroyed of rising sea level due to climate change with
within months if a massive logging plan proceeds, a land actually emerging from the water. Residents
coalition of five conservation groups warns. A joint around Juneau have noticed that coastline for-
venture of Asia Pacific Pulp & Paper and Sinar Mas merly submerged, or swamped by high tides, is
Group had received a licence to clear the largest now high and dry. The New York Times reports that
portion of natural forest remaining outside the receding glaciers in the mountains just east of the
Bukit Tigapuluh National Park in Jambi province capital are resulting in less weight pushing down
of Sumatra. The unprotected forest is also home on the land. The ground has begun to bounce
to about 100 of the last 400 critically endangered back like a cushion, lifting much faster than rising
Sumatran tigers remaining in the wild. sea level can keep up with it.

Pollution damages DNA Kangaroo cull halted

BEING exposed to polluted air for only a few days A PROGRAMME to reduce the burgeoning
appears to cause enough damage to human DNA number of kangaroos in a military training area
to reduce a person’s ability to fight off cancer. near Canberra was suddenly suspended after
University of Milan researcher Andrea Baccarelli complaints by an animal-rights group. About
and colleagues compared blood samples from 63 4,000 of the up to 9,000 targeted marsupials had
healthy workers who were exposed to high levels already been killed when Animal Liberation New
of air pollution for only three days at a foundry near South Wales complained the project was started
Milan. The researchers found changes in the work- without a proper scientific evaluation of the area’s
ers’ genes that may have been caused by a chemi- environment. – Universal Press Syndicate

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