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10 theSun | MONDAY MAY 25 2009

news without borders

The cratered wasteland

where thousands died
LONDON: Sri Lanka’s former said the trapped civilians must rebel fighters. “We heard many
war zone is a wasteland, its earth have undergone “most inhu- explosions, even in the last days,
scorched and pocked by craters. mane suffering”. as they exploded their ammuni-
Cars and trucks lie overturned The government declared vic- tion dumps,” said Brigadier
near bunkers beside clusters of tory last Monday in the civil war Udaya Nanayakkara.
battered tents. that began in 1983. In the final But many of the trapped civil-
The government has denied weeks, with the rebels boxed ians, now living behind barbed
firing heavy weapons into what into a tiny coastal strip and tens wire in displacement camps,
had been a battlefield densely of thousands of civilians trapped spoke of unrelenting shelling. the almost 300,000 ethnic Tamil Sri Lanka’s ministry of health The Sri
populated with civilians. But the inside, the government said “We walked for three days to civilians displaced by the fight- said yesterday it was “investigat- Lanka war
helicopter tour the military gave it would no longer fire heavy get here. We were shelled and ing. He also called for aid groups ing” the arrest of three govern- zone that
the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki- weapons. bombed. There was no food. to get unfettered access to the ment doctors by the military as is now a
moon and a group of journalists But government doctors in Both sides were shelling us,” said camps and welcomed President they fled the war zone last week. wasteland.
yesterday revealed widespread the area – as well as human an elderly woman who gave her Mahinda Rajapaksa’s promise to The three, Thurairaja Varathara-
devastation. rights groups and foreign leaders name as Lechchami. Another resettle the bulk of the displaced jah, Thangamuttu Sathyamurthi
The sandy coastal strip where – said intense shelling continued, said her family came under shell- by the end of the year. “We will and V Shanmugarajah, are
the final battles of the 25-year killing hundreds of civilians. ing from the military and one of try to work hard to make sure accused of giving false informa-
civil war were fought was dotted The UN Human Rights Council her children was killed. that promise is realised,” he tion to the media about civilian
with patches of charred earth is planning a special session on At the Manik Farm displace- said. casualties.
and dark craters were visible Sri Lanka on Monday in Geneva, ment camp, some civilians said Mark Cutts, a senior UN hu- The doctors, who provided the
amid the greyish earth. One area amid international calls for a there was little food or water. manitarian officer, said Manik very few sources of information
was thick with endless rows of war crimes investigation into the They complained that they were Farm was erected almost over- about conditions after journalists
tents, many flattened and dam- military’s conduct. According to not allowed to leave and their night and is the world’s largest were banned from the area, said
aged. Abandoned vehicles were private UN documents, at least male relatives had been detained displacement camp. “There are they treated hundreds of badly
overturned, some reduced to 7,000 civilians were killed in the by the military, presumably 200,000 people here. This is a wounded civilians in under-
burnt skeletons. Some huts with final months of fighting. under suspicion of being rebel overcrowded place, a very big staffed, makeshift hospitals in
thatched roofs were destroyed, The military said again yes- fighters. place, and there’s a lot of work the north during the military’s
others had no roofs at all. terday that it had not shelled the Ban appealed to the govern- still to be done. Conditions, you final offensive against the rebels.
After touring the area, Ban area, and blamed the craters on ment to improve conditions for can see, they’re very basic.” – The Independent

Green buildings the new frontier

by Meena L. Ramadas property and construction A green building is designed GBI will be a first for measuring silver, gold and platinum. Points are industry, the Malaysian Insti- to reduce energy consumption sustainability levels of buildings in awarded to each stage with as low as
tute of Architects (PAM) and and operating cost. There are a tropical zone. 50 points for certified to as high as 86
PETALING JAYA: Global en- the Association of Consulting six criteria that the GBI rating “Buildings contribute to 40% of to 100 points for platinum. The
vironmental issues have been Engineers Malaysia (ACEM) is based on which are energy the world’s carbon emission,” said The biggest challenge for the
gaining enough momentum in has devised a green rating tool efficiency, indoor environmen- GBI organising chairman Boon Che construction and property building financial
certain countries to command aptly called the Green Building tal quality, sustainable site Wee at the GBI launch in Kuala industry is to reduce carbon emis- benefits
a change of governmental Index (GBI). planning and management, Lumpur Convention Centre on sions. Currently, buildings contrib- are lower
policies and proactive public Recognising that build- material and resources, water Thursday. ute anywhere between 33% and 38% energy,
action. Malaysia has not been ings consume a significant efficiency and innovation. “The rating system gives oppor- of the world’s carbon emission. waste
one of those countries until amount of resources, the GBI The GBI is one of the myriad tunity for developers to design and Global carbon emissions have in- and water
now. These issues have begun is an effort by the construction green rating systems that has construct green buildings that can creased since the Industrial Revolu- costs,
rearing its green head in our industry to raise awareness already been adopted by the provide energy and water savings, a tion. It is reported that this increase lower
society and is starting to make among developers, architects, UK (BREAAM), US (LEED), healthier indoor environment, better has contributed to global warming environ-
an impact. engineers, planners, design- Singapore (Green Mark), Ja- connectivity to public transport and and Earth is already exhibiting the
In an effort to promote ers, contractors and the public pan (CASBEE), Australia and the adoption of recycling and green- early signs such as rising sea-levels, mental and
an environmentally friendly about environmental issues. New Zealand (Green Star). The ery for their projects,” he added. melting glaciers, heat waves, coral emission
PAM president Lee Chor Wah reef bleaching (already rampant in costs,
said: “This historic moment is a Malaysia), droughts and fires just to lower
testament to the power of volun- name the few. operatio-
teerism, international exposure and Consumers around the world nal and
networking and people-to-people are encouraged to adopt sustainable main-
international cooperation.” options when dealing with daily tenance
The Works Ministry has also choices. With the GBI inception, costs, and
lauded the creation of the GBI Malaysian consumers will have
deeming it as a momentous creation more options that are ultimately increased
for Malaysia. rewarding. producti-
Works Minister Datuk Shaziman Unfortunately, there is a price for vity and
Abu Mansor said the ministry will going green. However, this is due health.”
make suggestions to the government to the fact that industries are yet to – Boon
to consider constructing buildings make the necessary changes that Che Wee
that are GBI-rated. will make the green option more
Currently, there are no incen- market friendly.
tives offered to developers for GBI- “Yes, going green will cost more.
rated buildings but Shaziman said We are looking at a 3% increase
that “it’s not right to think that way. of cost for a standard size building
We should do things because it is while large buildings can score a
better for us and for our nation, not higher 15%. But the long-term ef-
because we will be rewarded.” fects are that green buildings have
The GBI has different require- a higher investment return of 6.6%
ments for residential and non-resi- than standard buildings,” said GBI
dential buildings. The rating has four accreditation panel member Serena
classifications which are certified, Hijjaz.

120 summonses issued against Mat Rempit

KUALA LUMPUR: Traffic po- committed include no road tensity discharge (HID) lamps,”
lice issued 120 summonses tax, expired road tax and mak- he said.
and seized 30 motorcycles ing changes to the engines. Ng said the operation from
in an operation against Mat “Other than police, the 11.30pm Saturday till the early
Rempit early yesterday. Road Transport Department hours yesterday was held at
Enforcement and operation (JPJ) also issued 54 sum- six locations in Jalan Raja Laut,
commanding officer DSP Ng monses to owners of vehicles Jalan Tun Perak and Jalan Pan-
Fook Long said the offences with tinted glass and high in- tai in Bangsar. – Bernama

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