Thesun 2009-05-25 Page12 Dont Step On Personal Liberties

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12 TELLING IT AS IT IS theSun | MONDAY MAY 25 2009

speak up!
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Private consultations
Don’t step on personal liberties
If the Selangor mentri besar the late evening. During abuse of the powers vested in them.
may prove more fruitful
THE decision by a local author-
ity in Selangor to restrict and/or
ban the sale of liquor, medicated
state government, be channelled
towards tackling pressing social
ills and crime issues and not
had his way, the Carlsberg one of these sojourns, we The argument that the open display wines and beers in certain retail to further regulate something
Malaysian Open Golf cannot had an unexpected visitor and sale of beer leads to teenage al- outlets, in particular, conven- which has not been proven to
be held at the Mines. By his – the Sultan of Perak who coholism holds no water because it is ience stores and traditional be a major source of the social
reasoning, the thousands of was then the president not supported by any scientific studies Chinese medicine shops has problems.
spectators and millions of of the Malaysian Hockey or facts. On the contrary, like look- generated much unease. Worse, tightening or banning
television viewers will get the Federation. We all stood ing for a needle in the haystack, they Notwithstanding the noble the sale of alcoholic beverages
impression that the country is up, greeted him and he conjure reasons to justify their illegal intentions of the proponents will likely encourage a black mar-
a “haven for beer drinkers”. replied: “Enjoy yourselves. actions. In the same breath, it could of the ban which is to curb ket trade in such items, perhaps
The large A-boards on the After all the hard work, you also be said that the sale of condoms social ills arising from alcohol even boosting demand for illegal
tee-boxes and the fairways must unwind.” He had no leads to people leading promiscuous abuse, I suggest that this issue samsu (bootleg) and toddy. This
which would be captured CitizenNades qualms about adults so- lives or for that matter, the sale of soft should be handled in a rational will cause a loss of revenue for
by television cameras, if the cialising over beers at their drinks causes diabetes! Then again, manner. Perhaps, in addition to government, a loss of jobs in the
mentri besar is to be believed, by R. Nadeswaran own time and money. chocolates and ice cream could yet be public consultations, the state retail and manufacturing sectors
it would create the impres- All these events came to another excuse because they can say it government should also engage concerned and would not help
sion that everyone involved with golf mind last week after we were told that causes your teeth to decay! with stakeholders in private Malaysia’s image as a competi-
are either drunkards or alcoholics. some religious zealots aided and abet- Enough is enough. While on one consultations to gauge their true tive investment destination.
If the mentri besar had his way, the ted by political warlords are attempting hand mentris besar – past and present feelings. The views of the various I would suggest that the
Formula One championships will never to ban the sale of beer in retail outlets – are spending taxpayers’ money to religious bodies and relevant Selangor government under-
be allowed to be held at the Sepang Cir- in Selangor. Such a move will impede “lure foreign investment”, on the other professional institutions should take an authoritative study of
cuit. Because there will be large banners on the personal liberties of individu- hand, they keep moving the goalposts. also be sought. the regulatory framework in
and billboards advertising Fosters Beer; als. It is an attempt to deprive adults Time, effort and money on such pro- While open public dialogues other countries where there is
the worldwide television audience which of being able to buy and consume a motions will continue going down the are commendable, these a sizeable Muslim population to
runs into at least a billion, will get the legitimate product manufactured by drain. Instead of trying to help trade sometimes degenerate into learn how this matter is handled.
impression that everyone who follows a licensed company and on which and promote free enterprise, we seem contentious debates that in- These countries could include
motor racing drinks beers by the litres. excise and duty has been paid. to be wasting time on making their flame emotions and entrench our neighbours such as Singa-
If the mentri besar is to be believed, the Various reasons have been given existence difficult. positions without resolving the pore, Indonesia, Thailand and
viewers will come to the conclusion that for such a move – all of which are What will they think of next? Order root issues. the Philippines as well as other
motor racing fans will be drunk long ludicrous, to say the least. Based on Astro to stop telecasting matches and The rules on the sale of liquor Muslim-majority countries in the
before the race itself starts. such illogical and imaginative reason- events just because beer advertise- and alcoholic beverages have Middle East.
If the Selangor mentri besar had ing (read: excuses) Little Napoleons ments can be viewed by all and sundry? been in use since Independence I am perturbed that one of
his way, Malaysia would have never and Big Napoleons in local councils Just because the word “Carlsberg” is in 1957, and indeed, decades the criteria cited for advocating
participated in the Tiger Cup. This, have taken it upon themselves to emblazoned on the jerseys of Liver- before when Malaya was under such restrictions and/or ban
according to him, would create the draw up their own laws on the sale pool players, there will be no more British rule. Hitherto, these is the locality being a “Muslim
impression that all footballers in this of beers, in the process, stamping on matches of the team on television? Or regulations had never been a majority area”. May I suggest
country drink beer and their participa- citizens’ rights to choose what product will there be a blackout of the telecast matter of concern. If there is any that public policy decisions
tion is an endorsement of the product. he or she wants to consume. No one of Wednesday’s European Cup final change proposed, it is essential must be based on what is right
is putting a gun to the heads of people between Barcelona and Manchester that such revision comes about or wrong, good or bad, and not
THESE words appeared in this column and ordering them to drink beer but United because Heineken is the title only after careful study. on a simple majority vs minor-
on Jan 2, 2003, by which time Malaysia by the same token, they seem to be sponsor? Please, stop underestimating Any proposed regulation ity basis. If this were to be the
had already lost the chance to continue putting the same gun on the trade and our ability to think and stop wanting must be in accordance with basis for public policy decision-
hosting the Johnny Walker Classic, ordering them to stop selling beer. Re- citizens to act like zombies at your other federal and state laws or making, the future is bleak for
an international tournament which ligious requirements aside, consuming beck and call. If the state wants to con- they will be challenged. multiculturalism and diversity in
draws almost all the big names in golf anything is one’s choice. If you want tinue with its slogan that “all people Local authorities must be Malaysia as simple demographic
including Ernie Els, Vijay Singh and to decide on other people’s choice, it will be treated equally and fairly”, then mindful that in regulating local trends dictate that virtually all lo-
at least on one occasion, Tiger Woods. becomes an impediment and is akin the best thing it should do is to pull up businesses, they have to act in calities in Malaysia will become
That’s because someone said, “Ma- to interfering in one’s personal and those who imposed the unfair (albeit accordance with the regulations “Muslim-majority” in the years
laysia should not be associated with private life. illegal) condition on trading licences. If in place, and not according to to come.
liquor.” Since then, Carlsberg is no These Napoleons – big and small this is not done, it will be interpreted to their personal views. The strength of democracy
longer the title sponsor which resulted – have chosen to impose conditions mean that it condones the existence of Since the primary concern lies in giving room to both major-
in the Malaysian Golf Association los- on trading licences which they are Napoleons who can do as they like. stems from the alleged con- ity and minority interests. That
ing millions in sponsorship, which in authorised to issue. One such condi- sumption of liquor and beer by is the secret of a successful
turn would have gone a long way to tion is “Tidak dibenar jual bir” (Not Muslim youth, empirical data diverse nation.
development. allowed to sell beer). Who gave them R. Nadeswaran has a confession to make must be obtained to bear out Let us learn from the suc-
In 2002, Malaysia hosted the World the right to tell the businessmen on – he only drinks beer, especially after a this contention. cesses of the United States,
Cup hockey tournament and as what they can or cannot sell? Who long day in the office. He does not want Public policy cannot be made Singapore and Turkey in multi-
usual, we scribes, both local and in- gave them the authority to be judges to be subjected to illegal edicts and rules. on the hunches of a few. Let us culturalism and not follow other
ternational would be in the Heineken of morals? These actions are a blatant He is editor (special and investigative see the evidence. Perhaps the countries such as Yugoslavia
hospitality tent exchanging notes over disregard for the already existing laws reporting) at theSun. He can be reached authorities should disclose the where intolerance and lack of
a few beers after filing our stories in of the land and more importantly, an at: extent of alcohol abuse among respect for minority views and
Muslim youth so we may gauge interests have destroyed the
the extent of the problem. very fabric of nationhood.
I would prefer that the energy
and attention of all stakeholders Richard Y. W. Yeoh
and authorities, including the Petaling Jaya City Councillor

Remind students charity begins at home

I REFER to “Patch Adams wannabe slips dream, the grudge will certainly remain and pay for his studies in stages as he
through PSD net” (Letters, May 20), and and this doctor will carry it with him for earns.
agree with the statement made by the the rest of his life. I wonder how this will Although arduous, this would be a
writer’s son, who is quoted to have said, affect his ability to be understanding and much better path than expecting your
“I want to serve the country but the compassionate, the two primary quali- parents, who are not so young anymore,
country does not need my service.” ties of a good doctor. to pay for you even at the risk of going
I worked for a boss once who Another thing that baffles me is why through their life savings and having to
preached very much the same thing. He this wannabe doctor, like so many other mortgage or sell their properties.
used to remind his staff that “everyone scholarship hopefuls, needs a degree Additionally, opting for an apprentice-
was useful and nobody was indispen- before he can start serving society and ship would immediately decrease the
sable.” the less fortunate whom he seems to workload and increase the rewards of
Being young and wilful, I regarded have so much at heart. housemen who often grumble about the
him as cruel and without understanding, In my experience, it is impossible long hours they have to put in.
but later in life I realised that he was right to truly love others before one loves But alas, the parents don’t mind!
because one can hardly expect others himself first. They think that providing free education
to need him. The truly successful are those who is their duty, even when the child is much
It is we, as individuals, who must learn love themselves first and who know that stronger and in better health than they
to make ourselves useful to those around to get what they want the environment are and could well work and pay for his
us and to our country by our every action around them must be in proper order. own education.
and deed. Had I understood this simple And the environment around you Well, hopefully this fully sponsored
fact sooner, I would have saved myself cannot possibly be in order when you generation will have enough pity left in
much sorrow and reached my objectives impose on others and make their life their heart, and enough income, to pay
earlier. difficult because of your ambitions. for an old folks home for their parents
It is evident from the tone of the letter If the son of the writer truly has such who will spend the reminder of their life
that both the writer and her son think the a generous nature why does he not start either wishing they had sent their chil-
Public Services Department has done first with helping his parents who have dren to work at an earlier age, or simply
them an injustice by denying the boy a nurtured and loved him thus far? staring at the emptiness in front of them
scholarship to study medicine overseas Seeing that the parents are unable while waiting for the end.
and that they bear a grudge. to finance his education of choice, the
Although the mother vows to find compassionate youth could work as Marisa Demori
another way to help her son achieve his an apprentice at a clinic or a hospital Ipoh

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