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2 theSun | TUESDAY MAY 26 2009

news without borders

Code of conduct for

I’m not ‘mentri besar of industrial harmony
to be legalised
the court’, says Zambry
IPOH: Barisan Nasional’s Mentri “I respect him (Nik Aziz) as a the state’s political conundrum.
Human Resources Ministry
plans to include parts of the
code of conduct for industrial
harmony as provisions in the
Industrial Relations Act begin-
ning next year.
laid down areas of cooperation
and agreed industrial relations
practices, including recruit-
ment, training, retrenchment,
collective bargaining, recogni-
tion of trade unions, negotiat-
ing procedures and collective
Besar Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul person and I hope he can correct “We are guided by what has Lawyer Its minister, Datuk Dr S. agreements.
Kadir said yesterday he was not “the some of his views,” he told report- been decided by the court ... let the sues Subramaniam, said yesterday The study had to be
mentri besar of the court” who did ers after meeting English Channel law take its course and we hope that
not have the support of the Perak swimmers Zahra Masoumah Abdul things will go on as usual.” Bar the proposed amendments to conducted as there were
the law was aimed at making complaints from employers
people as claimed by Kelantan Men- Halim, 18, and brother Salman Ali Yesterday, Prime Minister Datuk Council employers enforce the code and workers’ unions on the
tri Besar Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Shariati, 12, in his office here. Seri Najib Abdul Razak said the for of conduct as well as provide benefits and protections in-
Mat. The High Court in Kuala Lumpur BN was open to the possibility of
Taking a swipe at the PAS spir- had ruled on May 11 that Nizar was convening the session as an option RM160m better protection for them and volved, he said.
also the workers. Subramaniam said based
itual leader’s remark on Saturday the rightful Perak mentri besar but to end the crisis. pg 4 “We will not amend all, but on the code of conduct, the
that mentris besar were holding the this was overturned by a three-man Zambry also announced that the from studies conducted, there employers could not terminate
post due to the people’s votes and bench of the Court of Appeal on Perak government would contribute are some parts (of the code) their workers indiscriminately.
not by way of court decisions, Zam- Friday. RM30,000 to the English Channel which have to be legalised,” “The question is, the code
bry said Nik Aziz should instead The Court of Appeal declared attempt by the two swimmers in he said after witnessing the only serves as a guideline.
reserve the remark for Perak PAS Zambry to be the rightful mentri July. The swimmers’ father, Abdul signing of an agreement The employers can choose to
deputy commissioner Datuk Seri besar. Halim Abdul Manaf, 49, a Universiti between MOX-Linde and the either abide by it or ignore it.
Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin. Zambry said it was unlikely that Teknologi Mara lecturer, predicted Chemical Workers Union of So, the ministry feels there is
Zambry said it was Nizar who the state government would seek that the 38km swim across the Malaysia here. a need to legalise parts of the
initiated the court action to seek a the consent of Perak’s Sultan Azlan chilly channel from Dover, England Subramaniam said the code to make it fair for both
declaration that he was the rightful Shah to convene an emergency ses- to Calais, France, would take about code of conduct for industrial the employers and workers.”
Perak mentri besar. sion of the assembly as a way out of 14 hours. – Bernama harmony, introduced in 1975, – Bernama

DPM to meet Murugiah, Tee Keat brushes off any boycott threat
by Giam Say Khoon Code (for criminal defamation).
Kayveas on PPP crisis Ong, who chaired a five-hour party
central committee meeting earlier, said
GROEGE TOWN: Deputy neglect or leave it alone.” KUALA LUMPUR: MCA president Datuk the committee discussed the Perak
Prime Minister Tan Sri He said this when asked Seri Ong Tee Keat says he is not afraid impasse and wanted all its representa-
Muhyiddin Yassin will meet to comment on the PPP crisis of being boycotted by the media if he tives, including assemblymen and
Datuk T. Murugiah and Datuk which had reached a climax continues to act against reports on him councillors, in the state to continue to
M. Kayveas today to seek when Murugiah, a deputy that are untrue. serve the people because they want
clarification on the internal minister in the Prime Minister’s “Should I be afraid for my political a guaranteed future and a stable
crisis in the People’s Progressive Department who had been ex- career being affected, or my news be- economy.
Party (PPP). pelled as a member of the party’s ing boycotted, and compromise with “MCA ministers and deputy ministers
He said he wanted to know supreme council, was “elected” such bad culture? Please tell me if the will also do their best to help the state
the real story on the problem the party’s new “president” at a answer is yes,” he said to reporters yes- MCA and BN to handle the economic
faced by the party so that im- meeting on Sunday. terday when asked if he was worried scenario in the state,” he said.
mediate action could be taken to Murugiah was “elected” by that his legal action against a Chinese- “Our representatives have to remain
prevent it from becoming more 1,760 delegates at an EGM at language magazine would affect his committed. The plight and the future
serious and affecting the image Putrajaya International Con- relationship with the media. of the Perak people should not be left
of the Barisan Nasional (BN). vention Centre (PICC) said to Ong had lodged a police report against unattended.”
“We have other issues to involve more than two-thirds of Hao Wai (Special Weekly) last week. On whether the party will give full
tackle but sadly, our component the PPP branches. The weekly had received a letter of support to its deputy president Datuk
party has its own problem,” Kayveas, however, has demand dated April 30 from his lawyers Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek, who was appointed
Muhyiddin told reporters after maintained that he is still the over its March 2 cover story, which Ong the BN chief coordinator, Ong said “the
meeting with the Penang Umno legitimate party president and deemed defamatory. cooperation will be given without say-
liaison committee. criticised the move to call the Police have also initiated an investi- ing, but one should be mindful about the
“Usually, we don’t interfere EGM without obtaining the ap- gation under section 8(A) of the Printing jurisdiction under the BN umbrella”.
but if it affects the credibility proval of the supreme council. Presses and Publications Act (for false
and image of the BN, we cannot – Bernama reporting) and section 500 of the Penal » Ong’s two battlefronts – P7

No place for communists

in Malaysia, says Rais
KUALA LUMPUR: The communists have “The communists had abused this country
no place in Malaysia because their sins and we had been shackled through killings
for killing thousands of people in the then and terrible actions committed by them.
Malaya cannot be forgotten, Information, “The thousands who had died at the
Communications and Culture Minister hands of the communists should be sufficient
Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim (pix) for us to be remorseful so that
said yesterday. we do not issue statements that
As such, he urged leaders can make us forget the atrocities
who had expressed positive committed by the regime then,”
sentiments for the former he said.
leader of the Malayan Commu- Asked whether the govern-
nist Party (MCP), Chin Peng, to ment would take action such as
state their stand clearly without those provided under the Internal
hiding behind the cloak of their Security Act (ISA) against those
respective political parties. who tried to give a positive
“My comment is simple, picture of the communists, Rais
Chin Peng and his commandos said he would bring the matter
who had killed many people up at the cabinet meeting later.
in the past certainly do not “The ISA is not under my
deserve any consideration jurisdiction, but I’m discussing
from us,” he told reporters after delivering a with the minister concerned so that he too
lecture on 1Malaysia to senior officers of his would be prepared to look at such a ten-
ministry at Angkasapuri. dency,” he said.
He said this when asked to comment on Penang Gerakan chairman Datuk Dr
Penang Gerakan’s call that Chin Peng be al- Teng Hock Nan had asked the government
lowed to return to Malaysia on humanitarian to allow Chin Peng to return to Malaysia on
grounds. humanitarian grounds as the communist
Rais also called on Malaysians not to be terrorism which was rampant around the
hasty in following and supporting the inno- 1950’s throughout the world including in
vations made by certain groups particularly China and Russia had undergone transfor-
bloggers who tried to idolise communism. mation. – Bernama

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