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10  theSun | TUESDAY MAY 26 2009

news without borders

World leaders condemn

again with
North Korea nuclear test
WASHINGTON: World leaders con- huge aid pledges and tough economic Iran, which strongly denies accusa-
demned North Korea for carrying out sanctions to persuade impoverished tions by the West it has a covert nuclear
LONDON: Susan Boyle (pix), the frumpy Scottish nuclear and missile tests and US Presi- North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons programme, took the oppor-
bachelorette whose amazing voice has become dent Barack Obama said Pyongyang’s weapons programme. tunity to state that the Islamic Republic
a global YouTube sensation, stunned audiences actions were a reckless challenge war- Pyongyang, however, is so isolated had no missile or nuclear cooperation
again on Sunday as she was voted through to ranting action from the international there are few punishment options open with North Korea.
the final of Britain’s Got Talent. community. and neither Obama nor Solana made British Prime Minister Gordon
Singing Memory from the musical Cats, the As nations prepared for emergency specific recommendations. France Brown described the nuclear and mis-
48-year-old overcame initial nerves to produce UN Security Council talks yesterday, spoke of strengthening sanctions. sile tests as “erroneous, misguided and
another command performance, her soaring European Union foreign policy chief “North Korea’s behaviour increases a danger to the world”, saying the inter-
rendition winning the telephone vote on the Javier Solana branded the test a “fla- tensions and undermines stability in national community would treat North
talent show. Pressure grant violation” of a Council resolution Northeast Asia. Such provocations will Korea as a partner only if it behaved
“You are one special lady, I have to say, you mounts which required “a firm response”. only serve to deepen North Korea’s responsibly.
really are,” Simon Cowell, one of the panel of China, Russia, France and Britain isolation,” Obama said. France said it would be consulting
on Irish – which with the United States are the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon its Security Council partners “on the
three judges, said after Boyle’s performance
brought the audience to their feet. orders to permanent Council members – ex- said he was “deeply worried” by the consequences to draw from this serious
Wearing a shimmering purple dress, Boyle pay more pressed alarm at the hermit state’s test development and Japan said it would act by North Korea, and in particular on
looked far more primped and preened than she that Moscow said was as powerful as seek a new resolution condemning the strengthening sanctions”.
compen- the US atom bomb dropped on Nagasaki test at the Security Council meeting. The test was greeted with concern
did on first appearance on the show last month,
when her dowdy looks and quirky manner pro- sation in World War Two. North Korea had for weeks threatened in the region.
voked titters from the audience, who assumed pg 13 South Korea called an emergency to conduct the test in response to tighter “On the basis that North Korea has
she couldn’t sing. cabinet meeting. international sanctions for its April conducted a nuclear underground ex-
This time, her hair was coiffed, her eyebrows “By acting in blatant defiance of the launch of a rocket. . plosion, they deserve and get nothing
were plucked and she looked almost every inch United Nations Security Council, North Russia said the violation of the Se- other than our absolute condemnation,
a star in the making. Korea is directly and recklessly chal- curity Council resolution was a serious and that condemnation should be ech-
“What pressure?” she said when asked af- lenging the international community,” blow to efforts to control the spread of oed around our region and the globe,”
terwards if she was nervous. “It was really good Obama said. nuclear weapons and that six-party Australian Foreign Minister Stephen
tonight, I enjoyed it ... I’m very happy to be here “The danger posed by North Korea’s talks on North Korea were the only Smith told parliament.
and thank you all for your support.” threatening activities warrants action solution to the crisis. China, which as a permanent Coun-
Boyle left the judges openmouthed last by the international community.” “North Korea’s underground nuclear cil member could veto any resolution,
month with her rendition of I Dreamed a Dream The uniform condemnation from test ... causes deep regret and the most called on Pyongyang not to make the
from Les Miserables, which almost immediately around the globe underscored the isola- serious concern,” said Russian Presi- situation worse. But political analysts
became an internet sensation, watched more tion of the secretive state. dent Dmitry Medvedev’s spokeswoman, said Beijing was unlikely to back
than 60 million times on YouTube. – Reuters Nations for years have tried a mix of Natalya Timakova. stronger sanctions. – Reuters

British ministers made claim

to fill in tax return
LONDON: Several British Cabinet ministers Darling was among those to defend himself.
claimed public money for accountants to help “Like many MPs, I employed an accountant
them fill in personal tax returns, a newspaper to prepare tax returns for each of the years in
reported yesterday, stepping up its expenses question to ensure that the correct amount of
scandal revelations. tax was paid in respect of my office costs,” he
Finance minister Alistair Darling, Foreign said in a statement.
Secretary David Miliband and Home Secretary Brown is facing calls for an early general
Jacqui Smith were among nine top members of election from David Cameron, leader of the main
Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s government who opposition Conservatives who have a double
claimed over £11,000 (RM63,000) between them, digit lead in most opinion polls.
the Daily Telegraph reported. A Guardian newspaper/ICM opinion poll on
Brown, who is facing growing calls for an Saturday also showed two thirds of Britons call-
early general election, is reportedly considering ing for an election this year rather than next.
a sweeping cabinet reshuffle because of the In an article in yesterday’s Telegraph, Cam-
controversy, which has caused fury among vot- eron said the expenses revelations had “shaken
ers. parliament and our whole political process to the
Seven members of parliament – including core” and urged more ordinary people to get
the House of Commons Speaker Michael Martin into politics to help reform the system.
– have said they will step down amid the row, “When it comes to the people who actually
ahead of the next election due by the middle become members of parliament, this is also an
of next year. opportunity to widen the net, increase the talent
The latest claims are thought to be within par- pool and attract people who have never previ-
liamentary rules and Chancellor of the Exchequer ously thought of serving,” he wrote. – AFP

Dissidents refused entry for

1989 massacre memorial
HONGKONG: Three Chinese dissidents were Wang Dan and Yang Jianli have previously
barred from Hongkong for events marking the been refused entry to the China-ruled former
20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square British colony which unlike mainland China has
massacre, a government-run radio station said freedom of speech guaranteed in its mini-cons-
yesterday. titution.
Former student protesters Wang Dan and No reason had been given by the Chinese
Wang Juntao, now living in the United States, Foreign Ministry or the Hongkong Immigration
have been refused visas to enter Hongkong for Department for the exclusions, the radio station
a conference on the 1989 Beijing massacre, radio said.
station RTHK reported. Tens of thousands of people take part in a
A third dissident, Yang Jianli, was refused candlelight vigil to remember the 1989 mas-
entry when he arrived at Hongkong airport three sacre every June 4 in Hongkong, the only place
weeks ago, the station quoted event organiser on Chinese soil where the killings are publicly
Joseph Cheng of Hongkong’s City University as commemorated.
saying. Hongkong’s Beijing-appointed leader Donald
The conference in Hongkong takes place next Tsang sparked an outcry earlier this month when
week in the days running up to anniversary of the he suggested to legislators most people in the
June 4 killing of hundreds and possibly thousands city of 7 million wanted to forget the Tiananmen
of student protesters in Beijing. Square massacre events. – dpa

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