Thesun 2009-05-26 Page11 Riots in India After Austrian Sikh Killing

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theSun | TUESDAY MAY 26 2009  11

news without borders

Riots in India after

Austrian Sikh killing
CHANDIGARH (India): Two people died Guru Sant Rama Nand, 57, died from
in protests in the Indian state of Punjab yes- bullet wounds after an emergency operation,
terday and demonstrators torched vehicles police said. The second, Guru Sant Niranjan
and shops after a Sikh preacher was killed in Dass, 68, is in a stable condition.
an attack on a temple in the Austrian capital Two attackers were also shot in the fight
Vienna. that ensued when worshippers overpowered
Authorities imposed a curfew on parts of them. They are still in intensive care.
Punjab and troops were deployed to violence- Austrian police said they did not know yet
hit areas after people mainly from the Dalit or about the motives for the attack.
“untouchable” community protested against “We assume that emotions escalated
the Vienna incident. because of the content of the sermon,” said
Two people were killed and eight wound- Werner Auticky, head of the Vienna anti-ter-
ed in two separate incidents, Punjab chief ror department.
secretary Ramesh Inder Singh said. Dass had preached in Vienna before and
One victim was shot by troops when a there had been no incidents then, he said.
crowd attacked a village police station. Pro- Three of the attackers were residents and
testers also blocked state highways. had previously asked for asylum in Austria,
The riots started in reaction to news that while the identity of the other three was not
at least 16 people were hurt in Vienna on yet clear, police said.
Sunday when six armed men attacked two Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh
preachers visiting from India during a temple called upon people in Punjab to maintain
ceremony. peace. – Reuters

Oppostion wins Mongolian

presidential election
ULAN BATOR: Mongolia’s Enkhbayar’s quick admis- rightly belongs to them,” El-
opposition Democratic Party sion of defeat, before official begdorj told his supporters,
(DP) candidate Tsakhiagiin results were in, helped the with a huge statue of Genghis
Elbegdorj won the presiden- young Central Asian democ- Khan, who ruled an empire
tial election, authorities said racy avoid a repeat of the extending as far as Hungary,
yesterday, in an outcome deadly violence that followed serving as his backdrop.
analysts said could compli- allegations of fraud during Elbegdorj won the largely
cate a pivotal mining deal. tightly fought parliamentary ceremonial post on promises
With virtually all polling elections last summer. of rooting out corruption and
stations reporting, Elbegdorj Instead, thousands cel- obtaining a greater share for
took more than 51%, while ebrated on the main square individuals of the country’s
incumbent Nambariin Enkh- in the capital Ulan Bator. mineral wealth.
bayar of the ruling Mongolian “The Mongolian people Analysts say policy-mak-
People’s Revolutionary Party have made a choice for their ing related to foreign involve-
(MPRP) received just over rights and freedoms. Mon- ment in the economy could
47%, the General Election golians have made a choice become more unpredictable.
Committee said. for the material wealth that – Reuters

Man who developed Viagra Maoris on a new “super city” council.

The new council, to be elected in No-
dies at 92 vember next year, will govern about one-
WASHINGTON: Robert Furchgott, the Nobel third of New Zealand’s total population of
prize-winning scientist whose research on a 4.3 million and as Auckland has the largest
gas’s effect as a blood vessel relaxant paved population of Polynesian people, Maoris
the way for revolutionary impotence treat- insist they should be guaranteed a say.
ments such as Viagra, has died at age 92. Prime Minister John Key, whose
The pharmacologist died last Tuesday in the centre-right national government
northwestern city of Seattle, his daughter said came to power in November, has made
in Sunday’s New York Times. reform of the administration of Auckland,
Research led by Furchgott and colleagues which is currently in the hands of eight
Louis Ignarro and Ferid Murad showed that separate councils, a priority.
nitric oxide – known primarily as an air pol- The demonstrators, some holding Maori
lutant from cigarettes and car engines that sovereignty flags, gathered at points around
contributes to smog – plays a vital role in the the city and marched into the central busi-
human cardiovascular system and regulating ness district, stopping at times to perform
blood pressure and circulation. a haka war dance. – dpa
The three researchers earned the Nobel
prize for physiology in 1998, with the Swed-
ish academy stressing it was the first time
No immunity for Aussie
scientists proved the critical effects of a gas accused of sex crime: WHO
on biochemical functions in the human body. MANILA: An Australian doctor working for the
The discovery of the effect of nitric oxide, a World Health Organisation who was detained
colourless and odorless gas, on the relaxation for alleged child molestation in the Philippines
of blood vessels marked a key step in laboratory is not covered by diplomatic immunity, the UN
company Pfizer’s development of the erectile body said yesterday.
dysfunction drug sildenafil, which it markets Marcus Hodge, 47, was arrested by police
under the name Viagra. earlier this month while allegedly molesting a
The little blue pill was approved by the US 12-year-old boy inside a parked car in Manila’s
Food and Drug Administration in 1998 as a Makati financial district.
treatment for erectile dysfunction and became The WHO said in a statement that Hodge
enormously popular, bursting perceived social worked as a “programme development and op-
taboos of treating such a condition, with some 35 erations officer” at its Western Pacific regional
million men worldwide using the drug. – AFP office in Manila.
“In order to clear up any misunderstanding,
Protesters bring Auckland the WHO would like to point out that Dr Marcus
Hodge currently detained in Manila on charges
to a standstill related to sexual offences against children does
WELLINGTON: New Zealand’s biggest city, not have diplomatic immunity,” it said.
Auckland, was brought to a halt at lunch- Although the charges against Hodge do not
time yesterday by up to 7,000 demonstra- directly involve the organisation, the WHO said
tors marching to protest the government’s it was prepared to “fully assist” authorities with
refusal to guarantee seats for indigenous their investigation. – AFP

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