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Send the cream

We live and learn
feast if you like. From the bloated
claims, some MPs have second
and even third homes. Some no
longer felt restrained by their code
of ethics and claimed for all sorts of the crop
Scene: Dome, KLCC vote by habit. They have voted for
of expenditure including what
their dogs ate. One even built a
duck island in a duck pond in his
to local
MOHAN: Do you realise we are
getting a lot of education these
a particular party for a long time
and don’t want to change.
Chong: I think they are chang-
As a result of the public outcry
the speaker of the House of Com-
days about the powers of the rul- ing. mons has resigned, a minister THE debate and controversy on the award-
ers, the power of the legislature, Mohan: I think they are already has resigned and some MPs even ing of scholarships to top scorers in the Sijil
the power of its speaker and what changing their views about their declared that they are not seek- Persekolahan Malaysia (SPM) examination
the assembly members or MPs elected representatives following ing re-election in the next general continues.
can and cannot do. what happened in the Perak state election that is due in June next The latest move is the plan by Deputy
Chong: Not to forget about how assembly on May 7. They have year. Some have even returned Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin to
to remove the chief executive of seen how these so-called first the money they “stole”. limit the number of SPM subjects to be taken
the state, the mentri besar. And WhatTheySay among equals behaved disgrace- Mohan: Which begs the ques- by a student. According to Muhyiddin impos-
also, not to forget, about how to by Zainon Ahmad fully. tion: is our Parliament a true child ing this limit will lead to a fairer Public Services
remove the speaker. How to re- Zain: That they have fallen? That of the mother? Department (PSD) scholarship selection.
main a speaker he must continue Chong: I agree. they are no longer gods after all? Zain: The mother is about 700 However, limiting the number of subjects
to occupy his seat and cling on to Azman: But it’s their right, isn’t That it does not necessarily mean years old while the child is only is not the main grouse but the manner in
it no matter what. And how to re- it? It’s democratic. While some go that because we refer to them as 51. So if some of the claims of our which these scholarships are awarded.
move him, he must be physically by right to know, some prefer the yang berhormat or honourable MPs are nothing compared to Collecting as many As as possible is not
dragged away from his seat. right not to know. Fair, isn’t it? they behave honourably. those of their British counterparts wrong but to base the awarding of scholar-
Azman: We live and we learn. Zain: So is the vote of those who Mohan: Yes, Cikgu. it is understandable. Our MPs get ships merely on the number of As is not the
Zain: Unfortunately, some of us are informed the same as the vote Azman: I think it’s happening about RM7,000 in allowances a right way. The number of As in core subjects
only want to live. We don’t want of those who don’t care if they are elsewhere too. Take what’s hap- month but sometimes some of may be important but it is equally important
to learn. Notice at a gathering, informed or not, or who don’t pening in the British parliament their claims can even exceed to consider the student as a whole, his ex-
whether a wedding or a birthday want to be informed? for instance. that amount. The claims are for tracurricular activities, financial affordability,
party, some people ask questions Azman: But that’s democracy. Zain: Westminster? The mother such things as mileage, hotel, day aptitude and his continual performance in
about this and that when the Who really cares whether you of our Parliament? allowances and meeting allow- school. This last criterion is best assessed
answers are plain to them if they are an informed person or a Azman: The MPs’ expenses ances. by the student’s teachers and headmasters
read the newspapers. person who can’t be bothered scandal. Chong: I think it’s reasonable. during his eleven years in school and it is
Azman: Cikgu, maybe these about knowing things as long as Zain: Oh, yes. If I am not mis- Zain: If you think claiming important to identify those who will serve
people take the attitude that ig- you vote. Sorry Cikgu, but with taken it was the Daily Telegraph mileage for travelling to KL and the nation and the people.
norance is bliss. And also maybe all due respect I think that’s how that exposed the cheating ways of going back to their home in the In the past, a lot of emphasis was placed
they don’t trust the newspapers, things are. the British honourable members. far corner of the country when on testimonials from teachers with regards
TVs and radios anymore. Zain: Indeed. And that’s how we The MPs have been making all they actually travel by AirAsia or to character, attitude, aptitude, behaviour
Zain: But surely they would want elect all kinds of people to be our kinds of claims and the newspa- Firefly is reasonable, it is I sup- and achievements of students. Students with
to know what happens. It’s fine wakil rakyat – MPs and assembly- per reports of them have sickened pose. There may be other things. excellent testimonials were given greater
if they don’t want to read the men and assemblywomen. We the British taxpayers that they are However, one suggestion made priority for scholarships and other awards.
newspapers. But there are other deserve them, of course. Because clamouring for an early general at the British parliament is for all Students then strived very hard to excel in
sources of news and information. many of us elect them without election so that they can throw claims by MPs to be published all areas, not just academic, so as to get a
They can look these up. They thinking. They are more swayed them out. online. good testimonial on leaving school, knowing
surfeit our need for information. by promises of all kinds of things Chong: Yes, I too am following Chong: A good suggestion. very well that only academic excellence with
Unless, of course, these people instead of truly scrutinising the the development there. It seems Maybe our legislatures should good testimonials from their teachers will
can’t be bothered. candidates for their potential. And, like the MPs were on a feeding institute this ahead of the mother take them far in their career and lives.
Mohan: Mostly that’s the case. of course, there are those who frenzy of the taxpayers’ money. A of parliaments. Unfortunately today, testimonials are
rarely sought and they have limited value
particularly for top scorers. All that matters
is a string of As and nothing else. Students
spend so much time and money to obtain As
often at the expense of all other equally use-
ful activities that are essential to make one
an all-rounder, being well-equipped to handle
the many problems they may encounter with

Confused over scholarship criteria maturity and wisdom.

Can our schools today be depended to
provide the all important testimonials for our
I WAS devastated on May 8 when tions would probably be rejected. My mother is a school teacher school, I received a challenge trophy students? Many of our class teachers today
I checked my application status at I was elated when I received my and my father is a factory manager. from the chairman of my school’s don’t even know their students well enough
the PSD scholarship website. I saw SPM results on March 13. I got 13 With three teenage children and board of governors. He told me to to provide such a testimonial. Unfortunately,
“Tidak berjaya”. My ambition to get A1s and was one of the top three rising cost of living, how can they af- keep up the good work and bring we do not have many conscientious teachers
an overseas medical degree was students in Perak. ford to pay for an overseas medical honour to Ave Maria Convent. around anymore to provide a fair, balanced
crushed. The only avenue available PSD stated that 75% goes to programme? I understand that there are and unbiased assessment of their students.
was to appeal. academic performance. Are not my Five per cent was allocated for limited PSD scholarships and there The competition for scholarships espe-
I had applied for scholarships 13A1s are not good enough to get my performance during the inter- are bound to be disappointed ap- cially for education overseas has become so
from Bank Negara, Yayasan Tenaga the 75%? I got 93 marks for co-cur- view. I answered all the questions plicants. However, I am confused as intense that our children have to compromise
Nasional, Sime Darby, UEM, Yayasan riculum activities. Doesn’t it qualify and took an active part in the group I have worked really hard to achieve on many useful and healthy activities like
TM, Petronas, PSD and Program Pela- me to get the 10% allocated for discussions. the best in both my academic and sports, debate and other extra-curricular
jar Cemerlang KPLSPM and the IPTA co-curriculum? I am disillusioned. My mother co-curriculum. Is this not sufficient events that are essential for their whole-
programmes. All applications had Another 10% goes to family back- always told me that to get a govern- to qualify me for a scholarship? If it some development. After so many years of
been rejected except for Yayasan ground. My parents had dutifully and ment scholarship I had to obtain is not, then what should my younger independence it is difficult to understand why
TM and Program Pelajar Cemerlang truthfully declared their income. They excellent results. I have been con- sisters and juniors do so that they will we have to send our top students overseas
KPLSPM which are still pending. had been working for more than 23 sistent in my studies: obtained 7As in be able to secure a scholarship? for pre-university and basic degrees. Aren’t
Had family income been consid- years; their combined income is UPSR, 8As in PMR and received the our local universities good enough to provide
ered as the main criteria, it is most more than RM1,500 a month but is PMR 2006 excellence award. Teng Jo Ann the basic undergraduate training for top scor-
likely that my remaining two applica- this a criteria to punish me? For being top student in my Ipoh ers?
It is time to seriously think of sending the
cream of our students to local universities. By

Give priority to national interest doing so we will be saving millions of ringgit

and helping to boost the standards in our
universities which are on the decline accord-
I AM glad that the rakyat had re- The New Economic Policy (NEP) the benefit of posterity we must de- age our children who are young and ing to international ratings. The money saved
sponded warmly to the 1Malaysia has ensured the well-being of under- cide for uniformity on these issues. impressionable to learn, understand can be used to sponsor many more eligible
concept. My understanding of this privileged groups, ensuring a harmo- It is incumbent on us to look to and converse in the national language students. Isn’t it time to have our own Oxford,
concept is that it is an endeavour nious environment for all the races. our history and take cognisance of and mix freely with all the races to Harvard, and Cambridge universities that will
to attain a united, successful and Since there are claims of pitfalls, our harmonious and glorious past. We develop the spirit of respect, caring be the pride of every Malaysian? How can we
peaceful nation. It envisages to cre- then we have to positively revisit the became what we are today because and understanding. What better way achieve this when we continue to send our
ate a feeling of oneness among the policy and rectify any weaknesses in of the happenings of yore. To ignore to achieve this than to introduce the best to foreign universities?
people. In a nutshell, it entails that its implementation. But the NEP with this will be at our own peril. single education system. This is the It is time for our new education minister
all Malaysians feel, think and act as its good economic and social virtues Every citizen should be reminded answer to our present predicament. to seriously consider a fairer and more com-
one. should stay. of all the sacrifices made in the This should have been the launching prehensive method of awarding scholarships
Every Malaysian should therefore Since we are still grappling with past. Views of Tun V. T. Sambanthan pad of 1Malaysia. to our deserving students. These awards
look at the big picture and give prior- racial integration issues even though (speech in the Dewan Rakyat on June In this time and age, a harmonious should be granted to all who are eligible
ity to national interest, instead of we have attained nationhood for 1, 1965) and that of Tun Tan Siew Sin and peaceful civil society will only based on overall merit without discrimination
harping on issues which are counter almost 52 years, concerted effort (statement in a daily dated April 30, come into being if there is respect whatsoever. Unless we give every deserving
productive to racial integration and should be undertaken to arrest the 1969) are significant and should be and trust between the people and Malaysian child the opportunity to pursue his
disregard provisions in our constitu- situation. discussed diligently by all for their an equitable distribution of wealth ambitions and ideals, our nation will not be
tion. We have no alternative but to truth, resourcefulness and wisdom. among the various races. That should able to move forward in this highly competi-
Let us for once be honest with consolidate our efforts. Instead of By understanding our history, we be the simple meaning of 1Malaysia tive global world.
ourselves and admit that the country clamouring on our differences we will be able to appreciate the reasons to all of us.
has developed by leaps and bounds should agree on some common for our existence and avoid actions Dr Chris Anthony
since independence because of the grounds especially in crucial areas that might result in further racial de- Zamri Mahmud Butterworth
policies put in place. such as language and education. For generation. We should also encour- Kuala Lumpur

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