Far100 110

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AC/OCT 2012/FAR100/110




INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES This question paper consists of two (2) parts PART A (11 Questions) PART B (5 Questions)

2. 3.

Answer ALL questions in the Answer Booklet. Start each answer on a new page. Do not bring any material into the examination room unless permission is given by the invigilator. Please check to make sure that this examination pack consists of: i) ii) the Question Paper an Answer Booklet - provided by the Faculty



This examination paper consists of 12 printed pages
Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL


AC/OCT 2012/FAR100/110

This part consists of eleven (11) multiple-choice questions. Choose the most suitable answer. 1. Mr Rizwan is a successful business owner involved in trading of tractors and heavy equipment. The best inventory system that can be used by Mr Rizwan in determining cost of good sold for his business is A. B. C. D. Perpetual inventory system Periodic inventory system Heavy asset inventory system Lower cost inventory system (1 mark) 2. Chin Han read in the newspaper that one of his debtors, Balan was found dead due to suicide. What should Chin Han do regarding the debt due from Balan? A. B. C. D. Give a discount of 50% Provide provision for doubtful debt Write off the total amount Just maintain the figure in the accounting record (1 mark) 3. Which of the following is correct? A. B. C. D. A credit note is a business document issued by credit customer that list the information regarding a sales return or sales allowance. A credit note is a business document issued by supplier to credit customer's account in order to reduce debts amount. Carriage outwards is an expense that is incurred in the purchase of goods for resale. A trade discount is a prompt discount and can be defined as a reduction of the invoice price for payment of the invoice within a specific time period. (1 mark)


Which of the following is NOT revenue expenditure? A. B. C. D. Payment for insurance and fuel of motor van Replacing a broken window screen in factory Replacing a new engine to vehicle that would extend its useful life Purchasing furniture for resale (1 mark)

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AC/OCT 2012/FAR100/110


Which of the accounts below still have a balance after year end closing entries have been completed? A. B. C. D. Unearned fees Utilities expenses Management fees Repair and maintenance expenses (1 mark)


Supposed a wages of RM450 is recorded as RM540 credit, the trial balance of the debit total will be A. B. C. D. RM990 overstated RM990 understated RM90 understated RM90 overstated (1 mark) would


The reversing entry for the earning of rent previously collected in advance increase owner's equity and A. B. C. D. increase liabilities decrease assets increase assets decrease liabilities

(1 mark) 8. Rosa Enterprise makes a credit purchase from Chantek Enterprise for RM14,000. Two weeks later, Rosa Enterprise makes a return to Chantek Enterprise of RM4,000 and takes an initiative to issue a supporting document for this transaction. Which of the following is incorrect? A. B. C. D. Rosa Enterprise is a debtor to Chantek Enterprise. Chantek Enterprise is a creditor to Rosa Enterprise. Rosa Enterprise should issue a credit note. Rosa Enterprise should issue a debit note. (1 mark) 9. Artica Company's ending inventory is understated by RM2,000.The effects of this error on the current year's cost of goods sold and net profit, respectively, are: A. B. C. D. understated, overstated overstated, understated overstated, overstated understated, understated (1 mark)

Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA



AC/OCT 2012/FAR100/110

This is a facility provided by the bank to businessman to withdraw greater amount of money than what he has in its bank account. The facility is called a: A. B. C. D. Credit transfer Bank Overdraft Interbank giro Electronic fund transfer (1 mark)


A purchase invoice showed 7 items of RM150 each, a trade discount of 15% and a cash discount of 10%. If paid within the credit period, the payment for the above invoice would be: A. B. C. D. RM1,050.00 RM892.50 RM803.25 RM787.50 (2 marks) (Total: 12 marks)

Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA



AC/OCT 2012/FAR100/110

PARTB QUESTION 1 A. On 1 July 2011, Mr. Aidil started a business named Adiwarna Trading. The business sells electrical products. Mr. Aidil brought in cash, RM40.000 and second-hand van valued at RM23.000 into the business. Adiwarna Trading uses the periodic inventory system in recording its inventories. The following transactions took place in the month of July 2011. Date July 2 Transactions Opened a bank account with Maybank and transferred cash contributed into the bank leaving RM500 cash in hand. Purchased office equipment from Mittel Bhd by issuing a cheque, RM4.500. Received invoices from Johan Electricals for goods purchased amounted to RM3.200 (after trade discount of 5%). Sold goods on credit to Sirna Jaya RM2.700 and Zamrud Enterprise RM1,800. The credit term is 5/10, net 30. Mr. Aidil took a microwave oven for his wife's birthday amounting to RM750. Sold goods to Mr. Dhillon RM800 and received cash. Issued a debit note to Johan Electricals for goods returned amounting to RM580. Mr. Aidil purchased a new model of electric kettle by cash RM600. Received a cheque from Sirna Jaya for settlement of their account. Received a cheque from Mesti Maju Bhd for investment income of RM1.800. Issued a cheque for settlement of amount owed to Johan Electricals. Paid RM 1,400 of rental expense and RM450 to Tenaga Nasional Berhad for electricity expense by cheque respectively.

July 4

July 5

July 7

July 10

July 11

July 22 July 25 July 28

July 30 July 31

Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA



AC/OCT 2012/FAR100/110

Record the above transactions in the following accounts. (Balancing off accounts is not required). a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Cash Account Bank Account Purchase Account Johan Electricals Account Sirna Jaya Account Drawings Account Sales Account Investment Income Account (12 marks) B. Below are transactions for the month of June 2011 of Boutique Cantique Trading, a business selling woman apparel and accessories. The business maintains periodic inventory system. Show the effect upon asset, expense, capital, revenue and liability for the following transactions using the example below: Examples: Paid RM500 for shop rental by cash. Asset Decrease (cash) Expense Increase (rent expense) Capital Revenue Liability


Miss Anita owner of Boutique Cantique Trading brought into the business her own used van worth RM50.000. Purchased stock worth RM5,300 from Adamanis Enterprise on credit. Obtained loan from Bank Komuniti Berhad amounted to RM10,500 in order to expand the business. Miss Anita took a piece of gown worth RM200 from the shop for her cousin's birthday present. Sold six pieces of Baju Kurong total value of RM750 to Datin Miasara for cash. Issued cheque to pay Adamanis Enterprise for settlement of amount owed. Datin Miasara returned defect Baju Kurong cost RM175 and it is the business policy to return the customer's money for any defect product.

2. 3.


5. 6. 7.

Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA



AC/OCT 2012/FAR100/110

8. 9. 10.

Sold goods on credit to Miss Zizie RM700. Paid wages RM1,500 by cash. Received a cheque from Miss Zizie for the payment of credit sales. (10 marks) (Total: 22 marks)

QUESTION 2 The following is the Trial Balance as at 31 December 2011 extracted from the general ledger of Handy Manny Enterprise which involved in the trading of hardware products in Shah Putra. The business is owned by Encik Suhaimi. Debit RM Capital Loan from EON Bank Bank overdraft Land and building Motor vehicles Office equipments Accumulated depreciation: Motor vehicles Office equipments Accounts receivable and Accounts payable Fixed deposit Cash in hand Allowance for doubtful debt Inventory as at 1 January 2011 Purchases and sales Returns Transportation inwards Discounts Interest on fixed deposit Rental received Commission received Salary expenses Motor vehicle expenses Interest on loan Water and electricity Insurance expenses Telephone expenses Bad debts Credit RM 838,550 70,200 6,800

450,000 360,000 170,000 54,000 17,000 9,500

6,700 32,000 4,200 11,600 41,200 1,600 500 800

1,100 87,330 2,100 1,200 3,700 4,800 3,600

4,700 3,400 2,750 850 7,000 1,600 980 1,099,880 1,099,880

Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA



AC/OCT 2012/FAR100/110

The following are the adjustments to be taken into consideration as at 31 December 2011; 1. 2. 3. Closing inventory as at year end was valued at RM14.600. Telephone bills amounting to RM230 was still outstanding as at 31 December 2011. Insurance premium paid was RM700 per month. Included in the total insurance premium paid, there was a payment of insurance in advance for two (2) months. Depreciation is to be provided at 15% per annum on book value for motor vehicles and 10% per annum on cost for office equipments. Part of interest on fixed deposit is yet to be received amounting to RM600. Allowance for doubtful debts is to be decreased by RM300. The owner had rented out part of the building to a tenant on 1 September 2011. On the same day, the tenant paid rental amounting to RM4.800 for six (6) months until 28 February 2012. Encik Suhaimi had withdrawn RM1,800 worth of goods and RM400 cash for personal use and no record has been made in the account. The payment of principal loan from EON Bank and its interest for the month of December 2011 amounting to RM600 and RM250 respectively had been made on 28 December 2011. However the transaction had not being recorded anywhere in the books. Inspection on sales invoice and receipts revealed that out of twelve debtors, only nine debtors managed to settle their accounts. The owner decided to regard the remaining debt of RM430 as uncollectible.


5. 6. 7.




Required: a) Statement of Comprehensive Income (Income Statement) for the year ended 31 December 2011. (15 marks) Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December 2011. (13 marks) (Total: 28 marks) Note: i) Calculate to the nearest RM ii) Vertical Presentation is required


Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA



AC/OCT 2012/FAR100/110

QUESTION 3 The following information is taken from the cashbook (bank column) of Syarikat Endah for the month of June 2012. Cashbooki bank co Cheque RM June No. 2012 1,982 1 232 123456 17 181818 251 19 654321 200 20 100 678910 21 27 30 2,765 umn) Cheque No. 345678 345679 345680 345681 345682 345683 RM 181 211 150 120 180 170 1,753 2,765

June 2012 1 2 21 22 29

Balance b/d Mimmy Murni Muthu Mera

Rent Insurance Lilly Lela Laila Lola Balance c/d

On 10 July 2012, Syarikat Endah received his monthly bank statement for the month of June 2012. The statement showed the following: ABC Bank Berhad Bank Statement at 30 June 2012 Debits Particulars RM Balance b/d 181 Cheque no. 345678 Cheque clearance -123456 34 Standing order Dividend Credit transfer Standing order 40 Cheque clearance -181818 Cheque no. 345681 120 Bank charges 10

Date June 2012 1 4 5 7 9 12 15 24 25 30 Required: a)

Credits RM

232 43 171 251

Balance RM 1,982 1,801 2,033 1,999 2,042 2,213 2,173 2,424 2,304 2,294

List the cheque numbers of the unpresented cheque and uncredited cheque (if any). (3 marks) Explain the reason for the transaction in (a) above. (2 marks)



The owner of Syarikat Endah did not understand why the ending balances in their cashbook and the bank statement were not the same. List and explain any other two (2) causes that can be found contributing to the difference when reconciling the statement. (4 marks) (Total: 9 marks) CONFIDENTIAL

Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA



AC/OCT 2012/FAR100/110

The following is the Statement of Financial Position of Bagus Enterprise as at 31 January 2012: Cost (RM) Non-current assets Fixtures and fittings Office equipment Current assets Trade payables Stock Prepayments Cash 25,000 40,000 Accumulated depreciation (RM) 5,000 8,000 Net book value (RM) 20,000 32,000 52,000

38,000 12,110 230 1.000

51.340 103,340

Financed bv: owner's eauitv Opening capital + net profit Closing capital Current liabilities Trade receivables Bank overdraft Accruals

34,430 11.110 45,540

43,100 12,300 2,400

57.800 103,340

Additional information: 1. Below are the relevant data for the year ended 31 January 2012: a) b) c) 2. Sales of RM300.000 before return inward of 10%. Total expenses were RM 15,600. Other revenues were RM7.700.

The following accounting ratios are related to the year ended 31 January 2011: a) b) c) d) e) Current ratio-1:1 Quick ratio-0.75:1 Debtors collection period - 44 days Gross profit margin -10.1 % Net profit margin - 7.5%

Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA




AC/OCT 2012/FAR100/110

Compute the following accounting ratios for the year ended 31 January 2012: i) ii) iii) iv) v) Current ratio Quick ratio Debtors collection period Gross profit margin Net profit margin (10 marks)


Compare and comment on the efficiency of the business in the collection of payment from its customers for the year ended 31 January 2011 and 2012. (2 marks) (Total: 12 marks)

QUESTION 5 Gagah Berhad closes its books on 30 April annually. Below is the Statement of Financial Position (extract) as at 30 April 2011: Cost (RM) Non-current assets Land and builiding Machinery Office equipment Additional information: 1. Gagah Berhad carried out several minor repairs on building that cost RM10,000 on 1 January 2012. The business also purchased office equipments that cost RM25.000 on 22 June 2011. This amount includes cost of carriage inwards of the assets of RM5,000. In addition, the business purchased a machinery that cost RM50,000 on 11 July 2011. This amount excludes the cost of installation of RM10,000. Transactions (1-3) above were on credit basis. The depreciation policy is as follows: Building - 2% on cost, yearly basis. Machinery- 10% on reducing balance method, yearly basis. Office equipment - 10% on cost, monthly basis. 1,000,000 800,000 450,000 Accumulated depreciation (RM) 40,000 152,000 78,750 Net book value (RM) 960,000 648,000 371,250



4. 5.

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AC/OCT 2012/FAR100/110

Prepare the following for the year ended 30 April 2012: i. All the non-current asset accounts. (4 marks) ii. The respective accumulated depreciation accounts. (6 marks) iii. Statement of Comprehensive Income (extract) (Income Statement) for the year ended 30 April 2012. (2 marks) Statement of Financial Position (extract) as at 30 April 2012. (3 marks)



Some small items such as stationeries may be used for more than one accounting period. However, they are not treated as non-current assets and thus, there is no depreciation charged upon them. Briefly explain the reason(s) for such accounting treatment. (2 marksf (Total: 17 marks) Please show all workings and round up any calculation to the nearest RM.


Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA


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